Sleeve Hem Button Options for Jackets and Suits - Proper Cloth Help (2024)

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Proper Cloth offers a variety of sleeve hem button options for jackets and suits. Here we explain each option, its features, and why you might choose one over another.

Note: You can change the sleeve hem button style by clicking the ‘Customize’ button on any jacket or suit product page on the Proper Cloth site.

Sleeve Hem Button Options for Jackets and Suits - Proper Cloth Help (1)

Four-Button Functional Kissing

This is our standard and default option, featuring four size 24L buttons. The buttons are kissing, and there is a 7/16″ space between the buttonholes. This is a classic option in which the buttons overlap slightly (often referred to as ‘kissing’), highlighting the custom and high-quality nature of the jacket. It is customary to wear this option with the last (bottom) button undone to demonstrate that the buttons are functional.

Unfinished Sleeve Hem

This option has no sleeve buttons or cut buttonholes. When you choose this option, you will also receive eight extra size 24L buttons with the standardly included spare buttons, which you can give to your tailor to customize your sleeve hem should you so choose. Note that the hem will arrive tacked in an “X” shape and that the tack should be removed before wearing the jacket. This option is good for those who wish to customize buttonhole size, placement, or button type with their own tailor.

One-Button Functional

This option features one size 32L (large) button. This is our most minimal option, and is good for more formal garments.

Two-Button Functional

This option features two size 24L buttons. The space between the buttonholes measures 1 1/8″ (which is equal to the button width). This is a classic Ivy League style detail.

Three-Button Functional Non-Kissing

This option features three size 24L buttons. The buttons are not kissing, and there is a 9/16″ space between the buttonholes. This is a more streamlined option than our standard four-button option.

Four-Button Functional Non-Kissing

This option features four size 24L buttons. The buttons are not kissing, and there is a 9/16″ space between the buttonholes. This is a classic option for those who do not want overlapping buttons.

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Sleeve Hem Button Options for Jackets and Suits - Proper Cloth Help (2024)
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