Speaking Sample 39 - IELTS General Training (2024)

IELTS GT Test – Speaking Mock Test # 39

[The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]


Topic: Art

Q. Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer: I did enjoy learning art lessons when I was a child primarily because I felt like I could actually “create” something on my own with the help of my colouring pencils and drawing papers only. Another reason, why I enjoyed drawing, was that I was actually very good at it as a child.

Q. Do you ever draw or paint pictures now? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer: I very seldom draw or paint any pictures now because of living with the “realities” of a grown-up person which are certainly much more different from that of a child. In fact, these days, the scope and time for exercising “creativity” is just too limited when you are a bit too busy with the other priorities of life.

Q. When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? [Why?]
Answer: Just because I don’t draw or paint pictures now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t visit an art gallery or exhibition from time to time in order to enjoy the contemporary “creative” artworks or paintings. In fact, I went to an art exhibition just a month ago as I needed to choose some painting works in order to match the beautiful new paintings of my home interiors.

Q. What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? [Why?]
Answer: I have had pretty much all kinds of pictures and paintings at my home. I mostly bought famous artworks by Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh and pictures of my favourite sportsmen and musicians when I was in my early teens. However, the kind of pictures, which I really like to hang on the walls of my room now, are of those which portray the beautiful natural sceneries, such as trees, rivers and sky, in a very lively manner. But if you ask me to explain it even further, I would say that I like the pastel paintings the most as it offers a very pure and deep rendering on the pictures.


Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at their workplace.

You should say:

  • whom you visited
  • where this person worked
  • why you visited this person’s workplace

and explain how you felt about visiting this person’s workplace.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Cue Card Answer:

I don’t normally like to visit a bank during the regular working hours as they remain very busy. Moreover, I can do banking online and can withdraw money from an ATM booth and this is why I do not need to visit a bank very often. But our personal “preference” is one thing while “necessity” is another. So, I did visit a bank about a year ago because I needed to see one of my friends, who worked there as a Senior Executive, apparently for an important reason.

In fact, I needed to collect a bank statement of an old savings account, which my father had opened a long time ago, as my family needed it in order to apply for a home loan scheme. Well, we were planning to buy a new second home outside of the city. So, anyway, after arriving at the bank, I said that I wanted to see my friend as per a previous appointment, but I was told to wait for “a while” as the Senior Executive was in the middle of something “urgent”. But, where I lived, if a bank said that I would need to wait for “a while”, it could mean that the waiting period could be anywhere between 2 minutes to 2 hours!

However, I was very lucky and surprised to find that my friend arrived to see me only after 30 minutes or so! I was even more surprised when my good friend provided me with the bank statement intact within only half an hour of requesting it!

Anyway, I was so glad that I finally got my bank statement, and that too within a very short period of time, when the bank actually could make me wait for hours, if not days. But, thanks to the prompt actions of my executive friend, which made things really easier for me. The bank authority even invited me to visit them another time, when I was not busy, in order to help me compare the advantages/disadvantages of their loans with other loan schemes and make an informed decision. Finally, I felt really grateful to the bank authority as they were “kind” enough to offer me a cup of “freshly-brewed” Columbian coffee, which certainly made my day.


Discussion topics: Different kinds of workplaces

Q. What things make an office comfortable to work in?
Answer: The idea of a “comfortable office” depends largely on what kind of job one has, and whether one is enjoying his/her job or not. But ideally, an office should have all the facilities and amenities such as a large workspace or workstation with a perfect size desk and a chair, comfortable enough to offer me a “relaxed and pain-free” experience as long as I am sitting on it and working. But, when I am in a “mood” to take a little break from my work, my office should arrange for a little sitting area on its balcony (yes, my ideal office should have at least one veranda or balcony) where I would be able to enjoy a cup of fresh coffee while enjoying the view of the sky and nature. Well, I have just described one of the most important aspects, in my opinion, of a comfortable office, but the most important aspect is the people whom I will work with. Since I will be working with others, good colleagues and the friendly attitude of my superiors would also affect the work environment.

Now, the other aspects of a comfortable office should include enough natural lighting that enters the office through its windows. Of course, if there are not enough natural lights, we could always use artificial lights, such as desk lamps, in order to avoid strain on the eyes. We could also have a “personal space” in my office where I should be able to put some nice paintings, posters or family photos in order to offer me a “homely” atmosphere at my work. Finally, my ideal office should ensure a perfect “cleanliness” and “hygienic” environment in order to make me feel “fresh” and “healthy” since I would spend a good part of my day at the office.

Q. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?
Answer: Some people prefer to work outdoors mainly because they don’t like to stay in the same kind of working environment. Besides, there are some people who are simply “outgoing” and prefer to meet new people and experience new things without getting bored with the same kind of things.

In fact, some studies show that we need more than a just cool office or unlimited vacation time to be satisfied and productive at work. Rather, we need changes in air, temperature, or scenery. We need to have meaningful stimulation that interrupts the often-stagnant office environment, and therefore it always helps if we can have the access and the ability to interact with the outside world.

Q. Do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues they work with?
Answer: I think that the colleagues, with whom we have to interact on a daily basis for a good part of the day, are a more “important” element of any company or organization than the “building” we work in, as they are actually the ones who make “things” possible by constantly guiding me or consulting with me in order to make my life either “easier” or more “difficult”, depending on what kinds of “colleagues” I am working with.

Of course, it always helps to have a nice building structure in place to ensure a better or more complete working environment. But then, again, without the presence of some “real human colleagues” in it, a building structure would be left just barren and empty no matter how beautiful it looks.

Discussion topics: The importance of work

Q. What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?
Answer: The answer to this question depends largely on how much money I have in my bank account. On a light note, of course, if I didn’t have to work, I would just travel all around the world without a second thought (please consider it as my “dream”) as the world is full of just too many beautiful things to see and enjoy. But, the problem is, I would need a lot of money to realize my “dream” of a “world tour”. In fact, in today’s world, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to suggest that one would need money even if he/she would want to “dream”! So, yes, we will have to work in order to earn money whether we like it or not.

However, on a more practical level, life would be really boring and meaningless if we didn’t have to work whether we are working for money to make our lives “comfortable” or working purely for “charity” without any hope of monetary gains. Besides, they say that the “idle” brain is the “devil’s” workshop. Therefore, it is very possible that without work, we are getting involved in different anti-social activities. So, yes, we do need to work whether we are working for ourselves or for others.

Q. Are all jobs of equal importance?
Answer: No, not all jobs are of equal importance only in the sense that the immediate “effects” of all the jobs or works are not “visible” in the same ways as one particular job can be more challenging and demanding than the others. And, that’s exactly why the reality is one gets paid more for his work than the others simply because we happen to attach more “importance” to that particular job.

Having said that, however, it is absolutely imperative that we all discharge the responsibilities of our jobs with utmost importance from our respective own positions because everything we do in this world affects our fellow human beings one way or another in the long run even though we may not realize it.

Q. Why do some people become workaholics?
Answer: Some people become workaholics mainly because they don’t have any life outside of their work either due to the fact that they have a rather limited set of “social skills” to enjoy the company of their family members or friends or they just don’t fully understand and appreciate the notion of a perfect “work-life” balance.

However, some people can become workaholics also because they simply “love” their jobs too much due to the sense of the “success” or “satisfaction” they enjoy after doing “perfect jobs”, not because their jobs pay them good money, but because they just “enjoy” doing the jobs.

Speaking Sample 39 - IELTS General Training (2024)


Is it OK to ask the examiner to repeat the question in IELTS Speaking? ›

You can ask the examiner to repeat the question in IELTS speaking part 1 (Could you repeat that, please?) but that's all. You can't ask other questions. The examiner is limited to asking questions only in speaking part 1 and can't help you or explain.

How hard is it to get 8 in IELTS Speaking? ›

To get to an 8 you need to be virtually fluent in English. If you are not fluent, there are no tips that will suddenly make you fluent. Learning a language takes time. You would have to work on just generally improving your level of English.

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS Speaking? ›

IELTS preparation tips that helped Bahar get Band 8.5 (Speaking)
  1. Shape up your accent. That and also your pronunciation count a lot. ...
  2. Maintain eye contact. ...
  3. Study different topics that are likely to come up in the interview. ...
  4. Preparation is the key. ...
  5. Talk to the mirror. ...
  6. Be at ease. ...
  7. Eat something sweet before the interview.

What the examiner is looking for IELTS Speaking? ›

Examiners assess your performance against 4 criteria. Fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9.

Does the examiner give marks in IELTS Speaking? ›

Your score will be decided by the examiner who conducts the test and the score will be given at the end of the test. By the end of speaking part 3, the examiner will have decided your score.

Does IELTS Examiner Mark Speaking? ›

In your speaking test, the examiner will be marking you on four things– fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. In each of those areas, you'll get a Band Score from 1– the lowest– to 9– the highest.

Do people fail in IELTS speaking? ›

It might surprise you to know that many highly educated people, even people who speak English as a first language, fail to achieve the score they need on IELTS.

Is it easy to pass IELTS speaking test? ›

Your knowledge is not being tested

One of the most difficult things about the IELTS Speaking test is that you won't know the topics ahead of time. While it's true you can prepare for common topics, you won't know the exact questions until you hear them directly from your examiner's mouth.

Does speaking fast reduce IELTS score? ›

Speaking too fast won't improve your fluency score, and could result in you making more mistakes. Instead, remain calm, speak clearly and maintain your natural speed. And don't worry about your accent; all accents are welcome in the IELTS test.

How much is 35 out of 40 in IELTS? ›

Band score 8 = 35 out of a raw score of 40.

How hard is it to get 9.0 in IELTS? ›

Yes, getting an IELTS band score of 9 in the actual exam is very much possible. This is possible if you have met the expectations of the IELTS examiner and showcased the qualities of a competent user of the English language.

What happens if you speak less than 2 minutes in IELTS Speaking? ›

Remember that the examiner will interrupt you at the 2-minute mark. Don't worry if this happens, as you have already shown the examiner that you can speak at length, appropriately extending your description.

What should be avoided in IELTS Speaking test? ›

  • Trying to memorise answers. ...
  • Not speaking aloud and with confidence. ...
  • Going off-topic. ...
  • Giving yes or no answers without good elaboration. ...
  • Repeating the same words or phrases. ...
  • Overusing transition words. ...
  • Parroting the question and poor pronunciation.

Who checks your IELTS paper? ›

IELTS Speaking test is evaluated by certified IELTS examiners in a face-to-face interview using a set of assessment criteria to award band scores for each of the four criteria, fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation.

How IELTS Speaking is marked? ›

Each contributes 25% of your total IELTS speaking score. You will be awarded bands 0-9 in full and halves. E.g. 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5… This is calculated as an average of your scores in all four assessment criteria, to the nearest score.

What if I failed in Speaking IELTS? ›

Fortunately, the exam can be retaken as many times as you need to obtain a passing score. However, you do have to pay each time you take the exam. Rather than blindly attempt to retake the exam multiple times until you get a passing score, it's better to determine what went wrong and why you failed the first time.

What is the lowest score in IELTS Speaking? ›

They are designed to be simple and easy to understand. They are reported as band scores on a scale from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest). All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system.

Which part is easiest in IELTS? ›

Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test is often referred to as the 'easiest' part. The reason for this, is the fact that the topics in part 1 are very familiar to you. You are asked questions about yourself, what you do and where you come from.

How can I predict my IELTS Speaking score? ›

The IELTS Speaking band is calculated based on four different levels - Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Pronunciation, and Grammatical range and accuracy. The arithmetic mean of all these four criteria makes the band score for the speaking section of IELTS.

What is most difficult in IELTS? ›

As per the surveys on IELTS modules, the writing section is considered the most challenging module of this exam.

Does confidence matter in IELTS Speaking? ›

#1: Make a good first impression

If you are able to establish a good rapport with the interviewer, it will be easy for you to sail through the interview, and speak clearly and confidently. Exude confidence and poise, and you will automatically be in a better frame of mind to perform optimally.

Why is IELTS speaking difficult? ›

You may be surprised at how easy the questions are! IELTS speaking is not an academic test. Sometimes people can go wrong because they treat it like an intelligence test and forget to use good English. 7- Get a recording of the news/radio/anything produced by native English speakers.

How hard is it to get 7 in IELTS speaking? ›

In the IELTS reading exam, there are 40 questions. In order to get a band 7, you need to answer 30-32 questions correctly. That means making no more than 10 incorrectly! The best way to ensure this is to work on your reading skills prior to the exam.

Why is IELTS so difficult? ›

The type of questions included and the methodology used to correct the test and the length and format of every part of the exam are standardized. If one comes without preparation then any exam is difficult. Preparing for the IELTS exam includes focusing on different areas of the English language.

Is it better to speak fast or slow? ›

Overall, the study found, the ideal manner of speech is not too fast but not too slow, not overly animated, and punctuated with frequent, short pauses. A speed of about 3.5 words per second was considered ideal. Slower or faster speakers weren't as effective at getting people to listen to their pitch.

Can I still use my 1st attempt result if I take the IELTS twice? ›

Yes. The IELTS score from any test you take will be valid for 2 years from the date of the exam. You will, of course, choose to use your best overall score.

What is 39 out of 40 in IELTS listening? ›

IELTS Listening marking schemes
Band Score98.5
Score / 4039-4037-38

What score is 37 out of 40 in IELTS? ›

3. IELTS Reading Scores (GT)
Correct AnswersBand Scores
37 – 388
10 more rows

Is Academic IELTS easier than general? ›

IELTS academic is harder than IELTS general training. The IELTS fee for academic and general training is INR 14,000. And the duration of the Ielts exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes. You can choose between paper based or computer delivered IELTS exam.

How many people fail IELTS? ›

by jims varkey | Medium. Why 70% of people fail to clear IELTS writing and how to succeed in it.

Which country has the highest IELTS score? ›


How many people get 9 in IELTS? ›

Band 9 – IELTS describes people who get Band 9 as 'expert users'. This means that you have complete command of the language and you use it with complete accuracy and fluency. Very few people ever get to this level and, in fact, most learners do not need to get to this level.

What happens if I repeat words in IELTS speaking? ›

You should not repeat vocabulary words in IELTS Speaking or Writing. Even if you have some high-level and impressive words and phrases in your vocabulary, but keep saying them again and again, your score cannot go beyond band 6 in the IELTS Speaking section.

What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking? ›

In the IELTS speaking test, there are some very common mistakes that students make with their approach to answering the questions.
Answering appropriately
  • Responding to a questions with Silence. ...
  • Flat, monotone pronunciation. ...
  • Simple vocabulary. ...
  • Short answers. ...
  • Opening to part 2 – repeating the question.

Can you say yeah in IELTS speaking? ›

yes . as long as ielts speaking is not formal you can say those words!

Can I curse in IELTS speaking? ›

What words should you not say on IELTS? Curse words should be avoided, as they can offend the Examiner.

Can someone else give my IELTS exam? ›

The most likely answer is “no.” IELTS test centres have strict security rules that make cheating almost impossible.

Is IELTS listening checked by computer? ›

Is the test marked by a computer or by a person? The IELTS Reading and Listening sections are marked automatically by the computer, while the Writing and Speaking sections continue to be graded by trained Examiners.

What are grace marks in IELTS? ›

If the evaluator feels like he should provide you will grace marks if you are failing by just few marks, he may provide it otherwise no. The grace marks are provided in the range of 1 to 10 where 10 is given very rarely. Almost most of them are provided 2 or 3 marks just to make them pass.

How do you ask an examiner to repeat the question? ›

Ask the examiner to repeat the question. Ask the examiner to explain the meaning of one word if you don't know it.
Asking the Examiner to Repeat the Question
  1. I'm sorry I didn't quite (catch/get) that, can you say that again please?
  2. Can you repeat the question please?
  3. Sorry, could you repeat the question please?
Jul 7, 2015

What happens if I repeat words in IELTS Speaking? ›

You should not repeat vocabulary words in IELTS Speaking or Writing. Even if you have some high-level and impressive words and phrases in your vocabulary, but keep saying them again and again, your score cannot go beyond band 6 in the IELTS Speaking section.

Does IELTS Speaking cue cards repeat? ›

A. IELTS Cue Card topics can repeat. However, you should be ready to answer any type of cue card topic that you might get in your exam, and not rely on preparing for a few important topics with the expectation that they will repeat.

What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking? ›

They are designed to be simple and easy to understand. They are reported as band scores on a scale from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest). All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system.

What questions should I ask my examiner? ›

Interview Questions for Examiners:
  • Where would you grade assignments? ...
  • How would you assess good arguments that were poorly presented? ...
  • How would you keep track of your thoughts while marking long assignments? ...
  • When would you deviate from the marking instructions? ...
  • What kind of feedback do students benefit from the most?

What should you do if you don't understand the question the examiner asks you in the IELTS exam? ›

The best way to deal with a question you don't understand is to simply ask for the examiner to repeat it without saying that you don't understand. For example: Could you repeat that, please? Saying this simple line is clear and direct.

What happens if I don't speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

It is better to give a strong, fluent talk for 1.5 minutes than a weak, hesitant talk for 2 mins. You can still get a high score if you only speak for 1.5 minutes but only if the quality of your talk is very good.

Is it OK to go off topic in IELTS speaking? ›

Yes, you can. It is recommended that you add information to expend your talk. You will not get a lower score if you go off the topic by adding extra information that is not on your card.

Is it okay to fumble in IELTS speaking? ›

Do present yourself as a 'Spontaneous Speaker' with no fumbling before the examiner. In spite of being a fluent speaker, due to lack of 'mock test practice, often candidates are seen to fumble during the test. But, fumbling during the Test is counted as a highly negative point for a candidate.

Why do people fail in IELTS speaking? ›

Why do Professionals Fail IELTS? Sometimes this is just because of a lack of planning and preparation. It can also happen when people underestimate the length, complexity and difficulty of the test.

How can I beat IELTS speaking? ›

IELTS Speaking test: 10 tips from Experts
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers.
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words.
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures.
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent.
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think.
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers.
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers.
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.
May 5, 2022

Does revaluation increase marks in IELTS Speaking? ›

The Advantages of Re-Taking IELTS

There are a few reasons, but essentially it is more likely that you will get a higher score. As I said before, the maximum increase you would get from having your test re-marked is 0.5, but if you sat that test again, you might do a lot better.

How can I avoid repeating words in IELTS? ›

Sometimes the simplest way to replace a repeated word or phrase is to use a pronoun. In this case, using they, them, or those individuals. Using pronoun reference improves your Coherence score as well, in both Speaking and Writing.

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