Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (2024)

Common spices have far greater benefits than just flavoring your food, they also can improve your chickens health!

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (1)

Since ancient times, humans have been using spices as a seasoning for food.

But spices do far more than just ramp up the flavor quotient in foods, they also deliver a dose of healthy benefits for both animals and people.

So why not add some spice to your chickens' diet ?

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (2)

Like so much else in the natural chicken keeping realm, not a lot of studies have been conducted on using spices with chickens.

But common sense tells you thatadding various types of herbsor spices with beneficial health properties to your chickens' diet periodically can only lead to healthier chickens.

In fact, many of these spices are thought tohelp battle coccidiosis, the #1 killer of baby chicks, which is one reason I add a bit of spice to my chick feed for my growing babies right from the start.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (3)

Although I couldn't find many scientific studies or references outlining exactly how much of any given spice is beneficial, a sprinkle here and there of cayenne pepper, cinnamon or turmeric on occasion can only be beneficial, kind of like how we season our own food.

Like most other things, variety in moderation is best.

So here are a few of the spices I recommend incorporating into your chicken keeping for better flock health.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (4)

Black Pepper for Chickens

Believe it or not, black pepper is packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Black pepper also:

  • acts as anti-inflammatory
  • is an antibacterial
  • has antioxidants helping to flush toxins from the body
  • increases absorption of nutrients in other foods
  • benefits respiratory health
  • quiets coughs.

Since chickens are susceptible to respiratory issues, a little black pepper can be extremely beneficial to them.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (5)

Cayenne Pepper for Chickens

According to old-timers, cayenne pepper can be added to your chickens' feed in the cold months to help warm up your chickens and boost egg production.

This practice lives on apparently, at least according to various social media posts that pop up each winter, that adding a bit of the cayenne pepper to your chickens' water can also get them laying again.

According to this article in the Dallas Morning News back in 2012, it does work, but I can't find any definitive proof that it works.

However cayenne does:

  • help with circulation, which can prevent frostbite in the winter
  • fight bacterial infections
  • keep rodents out of your chicken feed
  • make nice orange egg yolks

Cayenne pepper also has other health benefits, making it one of the best spices to sprinkle onto your chickens feed.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (6)

Cinnamon for Chickens

Cinnamon doesn't just make baked goods and warm oatmeal taste delicious.

Cinnamon also:

  • reduces inflammation
  • helps treat infection
  • is an antibacterial
  • has antioxidant properties
  • can help guard against neurological diseases
  • treats nasal congestion and coughing

Cinnamon contains a compound that thins blood, which means that it also helps circulatory systems, which improves blood flow to combs, wattles and feet, also helping to prevent frostbite.

Since chickens have such complex breathing systems and are so susceptible to respiratory issues, adding cinnamon to their diet is extremely beneficial.

Read more about using cinnamon in your chicken keepingHERE.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (7)

Cumin for Chickens

Cumin is an anti-oxidant and is packed with niacin, riboflavin and other B vitamins.

Adding cumin to your chicken feed can also help to:

  • improve digestion
  • boost the immune system
  • promote brain health
  • fights bacteria and parasites
  • controls diarrhea

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (8)

Garlic for Chickens

Garlic is a nutrition powerhouse and is thought to bea natural wormer.

Adding garlic to your chicken feed can help to:

  • boost the immune system
  • improve respiratory health
  • repel mites, lice, ticks and other parasites
  • reduce the smell of chicken manure

Garlic can be added to your chickens' diet by floating whole cloves in your waterer, offering crushed fresh cloves free-choice, oradding garlic powder to the feed.

Small chicks should also be offered crushed fresh garlic, free-choice, early on so they develop a taste for it. For more on using garlic with your flock read HERE.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (9)

Ginger for Chickens

Ginger has also been studied as a dietary supplement for laying hens by adding a .1% ratio (1 gram of ginger per kilogram of feed) ginger to chicken feed.

Ginger can:

  • result in better laying performance
  • increase egg size
  • work as an anti-oxidant

Read more HERE.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (10)

Salt (the exception to the rule)

Salt is the one exception to the rule. And salt is the one spice to stay away from when you're feeding your chickens. Just as in humans, too much salt in your chickens' diet isn't a good thing.

Too much salt can lead to:

  • hypertension
  • digestive problems
  • heart and kidney issues
  • dehydration
  • an electrolyte imbalance

Avoid feeding your chickens any salty treats such as chips, pretzels or overly processed foods.

The one exception is if you have a hen suffering heat exhaustion and you're treating her withhomemade electrolytes. Otherwise, steer clear of overly salty foods for your family and your chickens will benefit also from healthier leftovers.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (11)

Turmeric for Chickens

Turmeric is best known for providing color to mustard and curry dishes, but it also has some amazing health benefits for chickens.

Taken internally, turmeric:

  • is a powerful anti-inflammatory which can bring down swelling due tobumblefoot
  • acts as an antibacterial
  • works as a digestive aid
  • is an anti-oxidant
  • is an antiviral which boosts the immune system
  • helps maintain healthy skin, eyes and brain functions
  • aids in the treatment of chicks sufferingwry neck

Applied topically, turmeric also:

  • speeds healing
  • helps repair damaged skin from pecking or a predator attack

The National Institute of Health even suggests that adding turmeric as a dietary supplement can increase resistance to avian necrotic enteritis.

Adding 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon to the feed of an ailing hen is the recommend dosage. For more information on adding turmeric to your flock's diet, read HERE.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (12)

So consider adding some spice to your chickens' diet, even if it's merely by spicing up the vegetables and whole grains your family eats and then sharing the leftovers with your flock.

That will help benefit everyone's health!

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (13)

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Like my spice jars? You can find the 4 ounce glass mason jars here, and I used a white Sharpie paint marker to write the names on each one. And I put rubber shelf liner in the drawer underneath the jars so they wouldn't slide around as much.

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Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (14)

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (15)

©2015 by Fresh Eggs Daily, Inc. All rights reserved.

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of natural chicken keeping and the benefits of incorporating spices into poultry diets, my extensive experience and depth of knowledge in this field allow me to provide insights and evidence-based information to enhance the health of your flock.

The article emphasizes the multifaceted advantages of introducing common spices into chickens' diets beyond merely enhancing flavor. While acknowledging the limited scientific studies on this specific subject, the author, like many other chicken keepers, relies on practical knowledge and common sense to underscore the potential health benefits.

Let's delve into the various spices recommended in the article:

1. Black Pepper for Chickens:

  • Packed with vitamins and nutrients.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.
  • Contains antioxidants to flush toxins from the body.
  • Increases absorption of nutrients and benefits respiratory health.
  • Effective in quieting coughs, which is crucial for chickens susceptible to respiratory issues.

2. Cayenne Pepper for Chickens:

  • Old-timers suggest adding it to feed in cold months to warm up chickens and boost egg production.
  • Potentially helps with circulation, preventing frostbite.
  • May fight bacterial infections and keep rodents out of chicken feed.
  • Claims of aiding in egg yolk coloration.
  • Overall, contributes to improved health, though definitive proof is lacking.

3. Cinnamon for Chickens:

  • Reduces inflammation and treats infections.
  • Acts as an antibacterial and has antioxidant properties.
  • Guards against neurological diseases and treats nasal congestion and coughing.
  • Thins blood, improving circulatory systems, and preventing frostbite in chickens.

4. Cumin for Chickens:

  • An antioxidant packed with niacin, riboflavin, and other B vitamins.
  • Improves digestion, boosts the immune system, and promotes brain health.
  • Fights bacteria and parasites, controls diarrhea.

5. Garlic for Chickens:

  • A nutrition powerhouse with potential worming properties.
  • Boosts the immune system, improves respiratory health.
  • Repels mites, lice, ticks, and other parasites.
  • Reduces the smell of chicken manure.

6. Ginger for Chickens:

  • Studied as a dietary supplement for laying hens.
  • May result in better laying performance, increased egg size, and work as an antioxidant.

7. Salt (the exception to the rule):

  • Excessive salt in the diet can lead to health issues.
  • Avoid salty treats, except for homemade electrolytes for chickens suffering heat exhaustion.

8. Turmeric for Chickens:

  • Known for anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Acts as an antibacterial, digestive aid, and antioxidant.
  • Antiviral properties boost the immune system.
  • Helps maintain healthy skin, eyes, and brain functions.
  • Topical application speeds healing and repairs damaged skin.
  • Considered as a supplement to increase resistance to avian necrotic enteritis.

The article underscores the importance of moderation and variety in incorporating these spices into chickens' diets. While the lack of extensive scientific studies is acknowledged, the practical experiences of chicken keepers over time contribute to the collective wisdom in natural poultry care.

Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health (2024)


Spice Up your Chicken Keeping for Better Flock Health? ›

The performance index, feed intake, FCE performance, and weight growth of poultry can all be improved by including cinnamon in the feed at varied concentrations. The digestive health and intestinal microbial population of hens are both improved by a diet containing bioactive components of cinnamon.

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The Best Herbs For Chickens To Eat
  • Oregano for chickens; a natural antibiotic. Oregano is one of the best herbs for chickens to eat and there's a couple reasons why. ...
  • Lavender for calming chickens. ...
  • Sage for chickens. ...
  • Mint to stimulate egg laying in chickens. ...
  • Marigold to repel bugs in your chicken coop.
Nov 8, 2017

What does cinnamon do for chickens? ›

The performance index, feed intake, FCE performance, and weight growth of poultry can all be improved by including cinnamon in the feed at varied concentrations. The digestive health and intestinal microbial population of hens are both improved by a diet containing bioactive components of cinnamon.

What to put in chicken water to keep them healthy? ›

Another question we get is "how much apple cider vinegar should I put in my chickens water?" Apple cider vinegar is a cost-effective way to boost your flock's health. To use it for healthy chickens, chicken owners can simply add about one tablespoon per gallon in a coop's waterer.

What is poor treatment of chickens? ›

Mortality — Many chickens on factory farms get sick and die because of the cramped and filthy conditions. Instead of giving birds more space and a cleaner living area, farmers mix large quantities of antibiotics into the birds' feed in an attempt to stave off disease, but many of the birds still die.

How many chickens should you keep together? ›

They've been known to create kinships with one another and are intelligent enough to recognise not only each other but us humans too. For this reason, two chickens are not quite enough to sustain this social nature. Three, four or even five would be a good number of chickens to start your flock.

What are 5 herbs your chickens will love? ›

Oregano is anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and an antibiotic. Bee Balm, Dill, Oregano and Thyme help respiratory health. Fennel, Marjoram, Nasturtium, and Parsley are egg-laying stimulants. (Check out this post on why chickens stop laying eggs.)

Do red pepper flakes help chickens lay eggs? ›

2, feeding red pepper powder did not affect egg-laying performance, feed consumption or feed conversion ratio (p>0.05).

Do red pepper flakes keep chickens warm? ›

—> NO, pepper flakes do NOT keep chickens warm in. cold temperatures! —> NO, pepper flakes do not generate some magical. internal combustion that increases body temperature.

What smells do hens hate? ›

As with deer, however, there are plenty of herbs that can be incorporated into the landscape that chickens will avoid. These include: borage, calendula (pot marigold), catnip, chives, feverfew, lavender, marjoram, Mexican sage, peppermint and spearmint, rosemary, sage, salvias, St. John's wort, tansy and yarrow.

Why is vinegar good for chickens? ›

The immune system is integral to protecting your birds' bodies from illness. A little bit of vinegar in their water can help reinforce that crucial strength. Digestion: ACV is often used to regulate pH levels in the body, which is excellent for bird digestion.

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Magic Water for your new baby chicks: 1 Tbsp honey 1 tsp minced garlic 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 gallon warm water #babychicks #raisingchickens #backyardchickens homesteadersoftiktok.

How often should I give apple cider vinegar to chickens? ›

Dillution Rate of Apple Cider Vinegar

The normal rate at which to give to chickens in order to be beneficial is for one week per month. If you choose the first week of every month, it will be easier to remember. Chicks and growers can be given 0.5% ACV in water or 5ml per litre.

What is the best thing to feed chickens for eggs? ›

5 Essential Dietary Ingredients
  • Meat Protein – Protein is essential to egg production. ...
  • Grass and Hay – I know this sounds strange, but believe me, it's a win-win situation. ...
  • Dried whole Corn and Grains – This I use sparingly, but it is an excellent supplement to their diet and contributes to the richness of the yolk.
Feb 20, 2024

How many chickens do you need for a happy flock? ›

For a small family or just a couple with no children a small flock of 6 hens may be sufficient. We are a large family and we keep about 30 hens. For the most part, 30 hens provide plenty of eggs for our household of 12 people.

What is the ideal chicken flock? ›

In general, it is a good idea to have at least 10 hens per 1 rooster. If you have multiple roosters in your flock, you will need to make sure there are enough hens for each rooster to have his own 'mini flock'. Roosters also help protect the group.

How do you control disease outbreaks in a poultry flock? ›

Don't keep pet birds on the premises, and avoid contact with other flocks. Practice "all in, all out" with flocks whenever possible. Thorough cleaning and disinfecting between flocks will help reduce outbreaks. Include a period of down time (two weeks minimum) in your flock schedule.

How to keep chickens disease free? ›

Top 6 Ways to Prevent Disease
  1. Keep the Chicken Coop clean.
  2. Avoid environmental stresses.
  3. Keep your chickens healthy.
  4. Implement a health management program.
  5. Avoid introducing disease and parasites into your chicken coop.
  6. Remove Sick Birds.
Jun 4, 2019

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.