Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (2024)

Sponsorship Letters: 12 Free Templates for Writing a Sponsorship Proposal

Use our effective sponsorship letter examples.

Secure the best sponsorships for your cause.

Sponsorship Letter Templates

Types of Sponsorship Letters

Sponsorship Letter Templates
1. For Events
2. For Corporate Requests
3. For Churches
4. For Schools
5. For Sports Clubs
6. For Food
7. For Auction Items
8. For Requesting Monetary Donations
9. For In-Kind Donations
10. For Requesting Volunteers
11. For Explaining Sponsorship Levels
12. For Acknowledgement
  • Sponsorship Letter Templates

  • For Events
  • For Corporate Requests
  • For Schools, PTAs, and Students
  • For Detailing Sponsorship Levels
  • View All

  • What are sponsorship letters?

    A sponsorship letter is a fundraising request sent to prospects that offers the recipient an incentive in exchange for a cash or in-kind donation.

  • Why are sponsorship letters important?

    Sponsorship proposals are important because the donations they secure increase fundraising at events like walks, runs, rides, galas, and more, all while strengthening the organization’s community ties.

  • How should you send sponsorship letters?

    Investing in a dedicated direct mail platform will provide the easiest, most effective channel to send out your sponsorship letters to as many supporters as possible. With a direct mail platform, you can send out your letters quickly, saving you time and money.

    And of course, after you secure a donation or sponsorship you should strongly consider sending a thank-you letter. One of the best and most impactful ways to show immediate gratitude would be with an eCard platform your organization could use across its fundraising and thank-yous.

  • How can I write better sponsorship proposals?

    To write better sponsorship proposals, you can use templates and examples (like the ones provided below) to help structure your request and bring your organization’s fundraising narrative to life.

BONUS: Download these fundraising letters + 16 bonus templates for free! Feel free to modify them however you'd like for your fundraising appeals!

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1. Event SponsorshipLetter

Example of an Event Sponsorship Letter

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (3)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

Our annual/biannual/monthly event, [name of event] will take place on [date] at [location]. Our theme this year is [insert theme], and we’re looking to raise [insert fundraising goal].

We can’t meet our goal without the help of people/companies like you/yours.

That’s why I’m writing to you. Would you consider making a donation of [amount] to help sponsor our event? By giving to [name of event], you’ll be able to help us [accomplish goal, assist members of our community, save lives, etc. Be as specific as possible here].

In appreciation of your anticipated donation, we would like to offer you [incentive. Again, be as specific as possible here].

We hope that we can count on your help to make this year’s event one of our best yet!

Please include your donation in the self-addressed and stamped envelope included in this letter or come by our offices at [address] to make a contribution.

Thank you in advance for your sponsorship! We hope to see you at [name of event]!


[Signature of organizational leader]

[Typed name of organizational leader]

P.S. [End with an update about an upcoming event, volunteer opportunity, or other information]

Best Practices for Writing Event Sponsorship Letters

Highlight the Event
When asking for event sponsorship, your event needs to be the focal point.Start by detailing the kind of event it is, the theme, the date, and the location. Then, dive into what you’re looking to raise and why. Once you have your reader hooked, bring up how their event sponsorship fits in and what their gift could mean for your cause.

Provide Ample Sponsorship Options
You’ll include a separate document with your cover letter that details your sponsorship levels. With each increase in gift level, the incentives should equally increase. If your event needs a range of sponsorship types from monetary to gifts-in-kind, make sure you are expressing the variety of opportunities to show support.

Get to the Point
Event sponsorship proposals should be succinct. The initial cover letter should be no longer than a page and simply provide a high-level overview of what you’re looking for. Be specific and direct. Once you have someone’s interest, you can always provide supplementary information as a next step.

Start with Your Existing Supporters
Make sure you reach out to past sponsors and tweak your letter template to acknowledge their prior support. If this event is new for your organization, reach out to sponsors of your other events or look to your closest supporters to see who has ties to a business that might be a good fit for sponsorship (i.e. a top donor who owns a local restaurant).

2. Corporate SponsorshipLetter

Example of a Corporate Sponsorship Letter

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (4)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Full Name],

As a leader at your company/small business owner/CSR manager, you understand the need for [solutions to a problem that your nonprofit is trying to solve].

Our organization, [insert name of nonprofit], is actively trying to create solutions and solve the problems that our community is facing.

But our efforts to [solve the problem] won’t reach their maximum effectiveness unless we have the backing of the entire community.

That’s why I’m writing you!

We’re looking to [host an event, reach a fundraising goal, etc.], and we would appreciate it if you could donate [amount or in-kind donation].

I’d love to sit down with you to discuss this further. You can reach me directly at [phone number] or [email address].

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!


[Signature of an organizational leader]

[Typed name of an organizational leader]

P.S. [End with an update about an upcoming event, volunteer opportunity, or other information]

Best Practices for Writing Corporate Sponsorship Letters

Know Your Audience
When reaching out to a corporate sponsor, you need to know and demonstrate that you know exactly who you’re contacting, their role at their company, and how they fit into your sponsorship needs. Make sure to acknowledge past gifts and drill down on exactly what your organization needs from the sponsor.

Mention Common Goals
As you ask for corporate sponsorship, be sure to highlight how support of your efforts intersects with the business’ larger philanthropic goals. Show that you both want to help your community and that everyone wins with their sponsorship of your organization, the community included.

Include Contact Information
Your corporate sponsorship letter is your opening. Most businesses will want to discuss the sponsorship over the phone, in person, or both before agreeing. Provide a range of ways to get in touch so that potential sponsors can reach you easily.

Attach a Sponsorship Level Document
Interested corporate prospects will want to know exactly what their sponsorship options are. An attached sponsorship level document shows professionalism and makes the process easier for busy corporate sponsors.

3. Church SponsorshipLetter

Example of a Church Sponsorship Letter

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (5)

[Your Church’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Church’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

[Start with a brief personal appeal. Share a narrative that will resonate with your donors and act as a hook. Keep it short]

As you might know, we are hosting our annual/biannual/monthly event, [name of event] on [date] at [location]. And we have a lofty goal of raising [insert goal $ amount] in order to [insert goal].

Without your assistance and sponsorship, we won’t be able to reach that goal. In order to continue serving our congregation, we need your help.

Would you consider donating [$ amount / type of in-kind gift] to sponsor [name of the event]? Your donation will bring us one step closer to [insert goal].

To show our gratitude for your support, [insert church name] would like to formally offer you [insert specific incentive] in recognition of your gift.

We hope you’re able to contribute, and we appreciate your continued support and involvement in our community.

To make a contribution, simply include your gift in the self-addressed and stamped envelope included with this letter or hand-deliver your donation to [church address].

Many thanks in advance for your sponsorship! We look forward to seeing you at [name of event]!


[Signature of Pastor]

[Typed Name of Pastor]

P.S. [Conclude with an update about an upcoming activity the donor can get involved in.]

Best Practices for Writing Church Sponsorship Letters

Connect on a Personal Level
Sponsoring financial needs of a church is a very personal decision for supporters. Your sponsorship proposal should reflect that in both its language and discussion of sponsorship incentives.

Be Specific
Make it clear in your letter that you’re asking for a sponsorship to fulfill a specific need and not to increase general funding. Provide the date or deadline, names of who is involved, location (if relevant), and the desired outcome.

Tell Your Story
Since donating to a church is such a personal decision, it is important that you highlight your church’s story within the letter. It can be brief, but you want to use your narrative to connect with sponsor prospects on an emotional level.

Thank Them for Considering
Show your gratitude to your potential sponsors for taking time out of their day to read your letter. You want both those who choose to sponsor and those who do not to feel acknowledged and respected by your church.

Send Personalized Digital Letters and eCards

4. SponsorshipLetter for Schools, PTAs, and Students

Example of a Sponsorship Letter for Schools, PTAs, and Students

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (6)

[Your School’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your School’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

[Start with a brief personal appeal that provides some background on your school and the students that the school serves.]

We have exciting news! On [date] at [location], [insert school name] is hosting the annual/biannual/monthly fundraising event. We set the bar high last time, so now we are looking to raise [$ amount] in order to [insert goal]. Accomplishing [insert goal] will help us better serve students like [insert student case study that offers a deeper connection to the cause and a narrative for readers to latch onto].

Would you consider sponsoring our event and donating [$ amount] to provide [insert student case study name] and [his/her] peers with [insert goal outcome]?

We’re so grateful for all you’ve already done to support the school and know that we wouldn’t be where we are today without support like yours.

In appreciation of your sponsorship, [insert school name] would like to offer you [insert specific incentive] in recognition of your gift.

We hope you’re able to contribute, and we appreciate your continued support and involvement in enriching the education of our students.

To make a contribution, simply include your gift in the self-addressed and stamped envelope included with this letter or hand-deliver your donation to [school address].

Many thanks in advance for your sponsorship! We look forward to seeing you at [name of event]!

[Your Signature]
[Typed Version of Your Name]

P.S. [Conclude with an update about an upcoming activity the donor can get involved in.]

Best Practices for Writing School Sponsorship Letters

Focus on the Students
For any school-related fundraiser, the students are going to be the driving force behind a sponsor’s reason to donate. Your letter needs to recognize that fact by demonstrating how sponsorship will benefit the students.

Know What You’re Asking For
Don’t just send a generic sponsorship letter. Customize the letter to highlight exactly what you’re asking of your sponsor. Do you need them to supply the drinks for a school-wide field day? What about a big-ticket item for the auction? Include exactly what you need in your school sponsorship letter.

Tweak your Template Based on Audience
For school fundraising, you’re going to have four main categories of potential sponsors: parents, alumni, faculty, and community members. Segment your outreach by category so that you can tweak your languageto appeal directly to each of those groups.

Cast a Wide Net
There are few causes as universally supported as education. Use that to your advantage and send sponsorship letters to a large selection of prospects. Look to local business, larger corporations, and even chain businesses within your town.

5. SponsorshipLetter for Sports Clubs

Example of a Sponsorship Letter for Sports Clubs

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (7)

[Your Sports Club’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Sports Club’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

[Brief background on the club and its history in the community}

We have exciting news! We’re looking for sponsors to help fund [insert area in need of funding]. And in return for sponsorship, we’re offering multiple advertising opportunities throughout the [insert year] season.

Would you consider sponsoring our club and donating [$ amount] to help us [insert goal outcome]?

We’re so grateful for what our sponsors just like you have helped us accomplish over the years. From funding [insert one community benefit of the club] to [insert benefit the club has for the athletes] and so much more, we’re immensely thankful to our past, present, and future sponsors.

In demonstration of our gratitude, [insert sports club name] would like to offer you [insert specific advertising/promotional incentive] in recognition of your gift.

We hope you’re able to contribute and thank you for the consideration.

To make a contribution, simply include your gift in the self-addressed and stamped envelope included with this letter or hand-deliver your donation to [sports club address].

Many thanks in advance for your sponsorship! Go [insert team name]!

[Your Signature]

[Typed Version of Your Name]

P.S. [Invite sponsor to attend the next game at your club.]

Best Practices for Sports Club Sponsorship Letters

Brag About the Team
You only have one page to explain why sponsorship of your sports club is worthwhile, so take the opportunity to share your accomplishments. Highlight your wins, but make sure you also cover your big-picture benefit to the community, such as giving teenagers a healthy way to spend time after school.

Feature an Athlete
Pick an athlete from your organization whose experience exemplifies the core values of your club and tell their story. This shouldn’t be a lengthy section, but it will give your potential sponsors an anchor that connects them to your club.

Explain Exactly Where the Funds Will Go
When considering sponsoring your team, local businesses will want to know what their funds will accomplish. Is the money covering travel for one athlete for the season? Will the donations go to new uniforms? Be as specific as possible.

Use Advertising as an Incentive
Sports clubs are perfectly positioned to offer advertising as a sponsorship incentive. You can place the sponsor’s sign on your scoreboard or even brand your uniforms. Then, each game, your sponsor gets promotional benefits.

6. SponsorshipLetter for Food

Example of a Sponsorship Letter for Food

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (8)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

Our annual/biannual/monthly event is coming up on [date] at [location]. Last time, we raised [amount] thanks to the kindness and generosity of our sponsors and attendees who donated funds and in-kind gifts.

For this upcoming event, we’re hoping to raise [amount] to [solve issue, start project etc.]. In order to keep costs low, for [insert event name] we rely on donated food and beverages. That way, more money can go toward [project or cause].

Would you consider catering our event? We are specifically looking for [list out the needed food], and we estimate that we’ll have [# of people attending] in attendance.

We’re huge fans of [insert restaurant name] and know your menu would be the perfect complement to our night of philanthropy.

If you are able to sponsor the catering for [insert event name], please let us know by filling out the attached form and returning the self-addressed and stamped envelope to our headquarters or call us at [insert organization phone number].

In appreciation of your sponsorship, we’re happy to offer you [insert incentive].

Thank you for your consideration, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

[Your Signature]

[Typed Version of Your Name]

P.S. [Invite the sponsor to the next event at your organization.]

Best Practices for Writing Sponsorship Letters Requesting Food

Reach Out Strategically
Remember that you won’t need one restaurant or business to donate all the food for your event. You can increase your odds of success by dividing and conquering. You can go to one organization for the food and another for the beverages — just be sure to specify what you need in your request.

Be Complimentary
When reaching out for donated catering, it’s important to note that flattery is crucial. Be sure to include a few compliments about the food you’re requesting within your sponsorship letter. The more personalized you can make the proposal, the better.

Space out Requests
Unlike monetary donations, your event can only have so many food sponsors and vendors. You want to avoid a situation where you’re turning away the donations because too many restaurants want to provide catering. When you’re planning out your sponsorship requests, reach out to your first choice early enough that if it doesn’t pan out, you have time to continue the search.

Include an Estimated Head Count
Potential food sponsors will want to know the head count for two reasons. First, they need to assess if they have the capacity to cater for the number of people you’re expecting. And second, each meal they serve is an opportunity to potentially earn a new customer, which is highly valuable.

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7. SponsorshipLetter for Auction Items

Example of a Sponsorship Letter for Auction Items

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (9)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

Our annual auction [formal name of event] is coming up on [date] at [location]. Last year we raise [amount] thanks to the generosity of our bidders and people like you who donated items to our auction.

This year, we’re hoping to raise [amount] to solve issue, start project, etc.]. For our annual auction, we rely on donated items to help us keep our costs low. That way, more money can go toward [project or cause].

Would you consider donating an item to our auction? We are specifically looking for [items that your organization wants to feature]. Here are our guidelines for auction items:

  • Market value must be greater than [amount]
  • Items must be new or gently used
  • Items must be in keeping with the auction theme [when applicable]
  • [Insert other guidelines your organization has]

If you have merchandise or an item that fits these guidelines, please fill out the attached information slip and send it back to us in the self-addressed and stamped envelope we included. Someone will be in touch with you within [number of days] to discuss your contribution!

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


[Signature of an organizational leader]

[Typed name of an organization leader]

P.S. [End with an update about an upcoming event, volunteer opportunity, or other information]

Name: _________________

Item(s): _________________

Phone # / Email:______________

Best Practices for Sponsorship Letters for Auction Items

Talk About Your Last Auction
Tell donors about the success of your last auction and what you raised. If this is your first auction, talk about your fundraising goal. In either case, talk about what the money will go toward.

Include a Form
Within your mailing, you should include a separate form that donors can attach to their sent-in item. The form should include a space for their name, type of item, and contact info. Ask them to mail the item directly if its small or to call in if the item needs to be picked up.

Be Specific with Your Request
You auction theme needs to be included within the letter, as well as any items you’re hoping for and items you will not be accepting. Highlight examples where necessary, too. Being upfront will save everyone from a headache down the line.

Include an Event Invitation
Be inclusive and polite and extend an invitation to everyone you’re asking for a gift-in-kind from. Include details about the time and date of the auction and how the potential sponsor can get involved besides donating an auction item.

8. SponsorshipLetter Requesting Monetary Donations

Example of a Sponsorship Letter Requesting Monetary Donations

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (10)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [CEO/CSR Manager/Business Owner/etc.]

[Open with a description of your organization. Give some brief background including your mission, vision, and how you serve your community.]

We are hosting our [event name] on [date] at [location]. Last year’s event was such a huge success that we decided to host the event again! In the past, this event has raised [amount] and has [list out specific accomplishments using statistics and figures].

This year we’re hoping to raise even more! Our goal is [amount], and we were hoping that you could help us reach that goal.

By becoming one of our corporate sponsors, you’ll be able to [list out projects that corporate donations could help accomplish].

We’ve also listed out some of the incentives and perks that your company can enjoy should you decide to become one of our corporate sponsors (see attached Sponsorship Levels Document). Regardless of the amount you choose to give, your company name will be included in our event program and you’ll be included in the press release that we’ll publish on our website.

We’re accepting cash donations as well as in-kind donations of goods or services. Feel free to make a contribution that you’re comfortable with.

See the attached Sponsorship Levels Document to find the giving level that’s right for your company. If you’re ready to make a donation, please tear off the perforated section of the following document and send it back to us in the self-addressed envelope we’ve enclosed.

I’d like to thank you in advance for your generosity. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [phone number] or [email] if you have any questions.

Sincerely/All the best/etc.,
[Your printed name]
[Your signature]

Best Practices for Writing Monetary Sponsorship Letters

Address the Right Person
Large companies might have designated corporate social responsibility (CSR) departments and managers that handle all donation requests. Smaller companies might rely on the CEO or other leader to make charitable decisions. Before you write your cover letter, make sure you know who you’re talking to.

Reference Your Past Successes
Think of your cover letter as a chance to brag on your nonprofit. If you’re raising money for an annual event, use the facts and figures from last year’s event to show how effective your fundraising efforts were. If this is your first event, talk about other successful fundraising campaigns that you’ve launched.

Highlight Mutual Benefits
While many companies are philanthropic, it’s important to remember that they arebusinesses, and as such, they will want to know what kind of return they can expect by donating to your nonprofit. While you can outline the details of the different incentive levels in your Sponsorship Levels Document, you can broadly highlight the mutual benefits that come with a donation.

OfferWays to Get in Touch
Make sure that your potential corporate sponsor has a way to get in touch with you should they have any questions. Include all of your contact info (email address, direct phone number, mailing address) in your sponsorship proposal cover letter. Of course, with that, you have to be available! Return calls and emails promptly and answer questions as thoroughly as possible.

9. SponsorshipLetter Requesting In-Kind Donations

Example of a Sponsorship Letter Requesting In-Kind Donations

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (11)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [Donor’s Name],

My name is [your name], and I’m part of the team at [nonprofit’s name]. We’re hosting our annual [name of the event]. This event not only helps raise funds for [describe your cause], but it will also raise awareness of our cause.

We’re proud to announce that this year’s event will be held on [date] at [location].

Since the event’s inception, we’ve raised over [amount], and this year, we plan on raising even more! So far we are expecting approximately [number of attendees] participants.

Every year, this event wouldn’t be possible without the support of local companies who provide valuable products and services so that we can support participants during the event.

Would you be willing to sponsor [a table/a booth/set-up materials/etc.] to help make this year’s event possible?

If you wish to support us, I would be happy to provide you with more information.

Thank you for your consideration! With your help, we’re one step closer to [your goal]!


[Your printed name]
[Your title]

[Your signature]

Best Practices for Writing In-Kind Sponsorship Letters

Elaborate on Your Fundraiser
It should be clear what event or campaign you’d like recipients to sponsor. Include the date and time of the event, as well as what cause the event will support. Companies you ask will see why obtaining sponsors is critical to furthering your cause.

Highlight Last Year’s Success
Illustrate your previoussuccess so corporations cansee the potential benefits of sponsoring your event. You can mention the average number of attendees, which will translate into more promotion for companies.

Be Specific
In your letter, you should be exact about what you expect. For instance, if you want businesses to sponsor a table at your galaor the supplies for a new facility, you should address that information directly.

Thank Sponsors in Advance
Whether the company decides to sponsor your fundraiser or not, it’s good practice to thank all of your recipients in advance. It shows that you respect their time. Who knows? The same companies that decline might change their minds next year.

Send Personalized Digital Letters and eCards

10. SponsorshipLetter Requesting Volunteers

Example of a Sponsorship Letter Requesting Volunteers

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (12)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
City, State ZIP

Dear [CEO/CSR Manager/Business Owner/etc.],

Once again, we’re hosting our annual [name of event] on [date and location]. Last year, our event raised [amount] from our passionate donors, and we can’t wait to raise even more this year!

We were able to [describe a specific solution or service you were able to provide. For example, if last year’s donations went to fund a school in a developing country, then tell the story of one student and how she is now able to receive an education because of your donors’ contributions]/

This year we hope to raise even more, and we need your help to reach our goals! To help our event run smoothly, we need volunteers to help us set up, assist guests during the event, and pack up after the big day.

Would your company (and its employees) be willing to sponsor our event by donating your time? If [number of volunteers needed] employees volunteered for [number of hours] we’d have enough support to make it through the entire day!

If you’re interested in sponsoring [event name], please contact me at [insert email address and phone number].

We wish to thank you in advance for your support!

[Your printed name]
[Your title]

[Your signature]

Best Practices for Writing Volunteer Sponsorship Letters

Tie the Recipient to Your Cause
It’s important to connect the reader right away. Speak to your recipients’ emotions with a story that explainshow the funds will be used. When readers are connected to your cause, they’ll be more invested in what you have to say.

Explain Why You NeedVolunteers
You should not only let companies know that you need volunteers but also explain how their support will impact the outcome of the event.Let your recipients know what tasks the volunteers will complete so that companies understand what to expect.

Make Your “Ask” Concrete
Just asking for volunteers is unclear, and the goal, as with any solicitation, should be to ask for exactly what you need. By providing the reader with the specifics (amount of volunteers and number of hours needed), recipients won’t have to guess.

Include Your Email and Phone Number
Leave your contact information in the letter so that interested sponsors can contact you to hash out the details.

11. Sponsorship Levels Document

Example of a Sponsorship Levels Document

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (13)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]

{Tailor this to fit your organization’s needs and the benefits you can offer sponsors}

Bronze Sponsorship Level [insert donation amount or in-kind donation equivalent]

  • Company name, logo, and sponsorship level included in all event programming and/or promotional materials [promotional materials might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise].
  • Company included on “Partner’s Page” on nonprofit’s website for 1 year
  • Social media shout out a week after the event has ended
  • Four tickets to the event
  • [List out any other perks or benefits that your nonprofit can offer]

Silver Sponsorship Level [insert donation amount or in-kind donation equivalent]

  • Company name, logo, and sponsorship level included in all event programming and/or promotional materials [promotional materials might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise]
  • Company included on “Partner’s Page” on nonprofit’s website for 2 years
  • 5 social media shout outs a week after the event has ended
  • Six tickets to the event
  • Booth/table space at the event
  • [Number] of advertisem*nts in [media type] for [amount of time] (estimated value = [amount])
  • [List out any other perks or benefits that your nonprofit can offer]

Gold Sponsorship Level [insert donation amount or in-kind donation equivalent]

  • Company name, logo, and sponsorship level included in all event programming and/or promotional materials [promotional materials might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise].
  • Company included on “Partner’s Page” on nonprofit’s website for 3 years
  • Ongoing social media shout outs for 1 month after the event has ended
  • Ten tickets to the event
  • VIP booth/table space at the event
  • [Number] of advertisem*nts in [media type] for [amount of time] (estimated value = [amount])
  • A live shout out/acknowledgement during the event
  • [List out any other perks or benefits that your nonprofit can offer]

Please indicate your preferred sponsorship level, fill out the rest of this form, and mail it back in the self-addressed envelope we’ve included.
Name and Position: _______________________

Company Name: _____________________

Email Address: _______________________

Phone Number: ___________________________

Select a Sponsorship Level (circle one): Gold Silver Bronze

Best Practices for Writing a Sponsorship Levels Document

Be as Specific as Possible
It’s sometimes okay to be more general in your sponsorship proposal cover letter, but you can’t beat around the bush when it comes to your sponsorship levels document. List out a few different donation amounts ranging from a couple hundred to, potentially, tens of thousands of dollars. Then, list out the benefits that come with each donation amount.

List out Incentives for In-Kind Donations
Many nonprofits forget about in-kind donations when it comes to their sponsorship level documents. They only list incentives for cash donations. However, many corporate donations come in the form of goods and services. While you can’t list out every possible in-kind contribution you could receive, you can delineate examples and include the incentives that come along with donations of that type.

Create a Hierarchy
To make it easier for your donors and your organization, it might be worthwhile to create a hierarchy of giving levels. The most common are Gold, Silver, and Bronze, but feel free to get creative with your giving hierarchy! You can make it tailoredto your nonprofit as a whole or keep it ontheme with your specific fundraising event.

Include a Place for Donors to Indicate Their GivingLevel
Once you’ve listed out all of your giving levels, make sure that you give your donors a way to indicate how much they’d like to give. The bottom of your sponsorship levels document should include a tear-off section that collects your donor’s name, contact information, and preferred giving level.

12. Sponsorship Acknowledgement Letter

Example of a Sponsorship Acknowledgement Letter

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (14)

[Your Nonprofit’s Letterhead]


Your Name
Your Organization’s Name
Street City, State ZIP

Dear [CEO/CSR Manager/Business Owner/etc.],

We did it! During [event name] (and thanks to your generous donation!) we were able to raise [amount] for [cause, project, etc.].

I can’t tell you how much all of us at [nonprofit name] appreciate your contribution to our event. Thanks to your donation of [amount], we’ll be able to [list out specific goals, objectives, etc.].

I also wanted to let you know that we’ll be [hosting volunteer event, opening up our nonprofit’s doors for tours, having a board member spot open up soon, etc.]. We’d love to extend an invitation to you [and/or your employees] to participate in this opportunity! Our current corporate sponsors have all enjoyed developing a stronger partnership with our organization, and I’m hoping you’ll do the same.

If you or anyone at your company is interested in supporting our nonprofit’s cause further, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at [phone number] or email me at [email address].

Thank you again!

[Your printed name]
[Your title]

[Your signature]

Best Practices for Writing a Sponsorship Acknowledgement Letter

Your sponsorship acknowledgement letter should come from the heart. Your corporate donors can make a huge impact in your fundraising efforts, and they deserve to know just how much your nonprofit appreciates them! Show your gratitude bywriting a unique letter for each corporate donor.

Tell Them What the Donation Went Toward
If you want to demonstrate the impact that your corporate donors had on your event (and you should!), let them know exactly what their donation went toward! While you many not be able to list out everything you were able to accomplish down to the last penny, you can give your donors a solid idea of how they contributed to your cause and mission.

Offer Other Engagement Opportunities
While an acknowledgement letter isneverthe place to ask for another donation, youcanuse your sponsorship acknowledgement letter to offer your donors other ways to get involved. Maybe you have an open seat on your board. Or perhaps there’s an upcoming volunteer event you think they’d be interested in. Whatever the case, let them know about the other ways they can get involved!

Send the Letter Promptly
Don’t let too much time pass before you send out your sponsorship acknowledgement letter! You can send a quick note after you receive their response from your sponsorship levels document, but you should follow up with a detailed and well-written acknowledgementno later than a week afteryour event has concluded.

Send Personalized Digital Letters and eCards

Additional Resources

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (15)

Donation Request Letters

Are you looking to raise money for a cause, project, life event, or charity?

Donation request letters can be a traditional (yet effective!) way to ask companies and individuals for cash and in-kind donations as well as sponsorships. You can also use them as invitations to your fundraising event.

Click below to take a look at (and download!) our amazing donation request letter templates that will help you raise money from individuals and local businesses.

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (16)

Fundraising Letters

A fundraising letter isa great avenue for nonprofits who need to ask for donations in a more formal and direct way.

Your organization, club, or school can use fundraising letters to ask local businesses and individuals for cash and in-kind donations. You can even ask for sponsorships with fundraising letters.

Take a look at our favorite fundraising letters and download your very own templates. Start raising more money with these fundraising letters!

Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (17)

How to Ask for Donations

If you want to write a successful sponsorship letter, you need to understand the the art of asking for donations.

This guide will take you through the best practices that will make you an expert onsoliciting donations. You can even use these techniques in your other fundraising letters.

Click below to learn how you can ask for donations. Plus, get tips on how you can write better fundraising letters.

Launch a Digital Fundraiser Today!

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    Sponsorship Letters: Write Great Proposals with 12 Templates (2024)
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    Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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    Views: 6458

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    Author information

    Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1992-10-31

    Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

    Phone: +6111989609516

    Job: Chief Farming Manager

    Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.