Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (2024)

Are you planning to visit Sri Lanka? Check if you need a power plug adapter or voltage converter for the power sockets (outlets) used in Sri Lanka.

The following information is for travelers living in the United Kingdom. I live in another country.

  • You need a power plug adapter in Sri Lanka, when living in the United Kingdom.

Below you find pictures of the applied power sockets and corresponding plugs. And we provide more information about the voltage and frequency.

Electricity in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka the power plug sockets are of type D, M and G. The standard voltage is 230V and the frequency is 50Hz.

Power plug adapter needed in Sri Lanka?

In Sri Lanka the power plug sockets are of type D, M and G. Check out the following pictures. When living in the United Kingdom you need a power plug adapter for sockets type D and M.

  • Your appliances with plugGSri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (1) don't fit socket D or M.

Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (2)

Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (3)

Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (4)

Buy a power plug (travel) adapter

We don't sell power plug adapters. We refer you to Amazon, where you will find a great selection of travel adapters.

You can also check the map to see the use of different plugs and sockets in the world.

Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (5)

Voltage converter needed in Sri Lanka?

In Sri Lanka the standard voltage is 230V and the frequency is 50Hz. You can use your electric appliances in Sri Lanka, because the standard voltage (230V) is the same as in the United Kingdom. So you don't need a voltage converter in Sri Lanka, when living in the United Kingdom.

To be sure, check the label on the appliance. Some appliances never need a converter. If the label states 'INPUT: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz' the appliance can be used in all countries in the world. This is common for chargers of tablets/laptops, photo cameras, cell phones, toothbrushes, etc.

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Sri Lanka - Power Plugs & Sockets: Travel Adapter Needed? (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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