Stablecoins: What They Mean For The Future Of Money (2024)

Most people are aware of cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, which is the most well-known. Some have become millionaires due to its unabated growth and accompanying roller-coaster volatility, while many investors have frequently suffered significant losses, particularly in recent months. In a white paper published in 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto, who is thought to be a person or

Most people are aware of cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, which is the most well-known. Some have become millionaires due to its unabated growth and accompanying roller-coaster volatility, while many investors have frequently suffered significant losses, particularly in recent months.

In a white paper published in 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto, who is thought to be a person or group of persons using a pseudonym, first proposed the concept of bitcoin. It characterized bitcoin as “a completely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow internet payments to be transmitted directly from one party to another without passing through a banking institution.”

Up to a point, the initial concept behind bitcoin is sound. Because it is unstable, it fails to function well as a medium of exchange or reserve money. In actuality, it is rather volatile. Volatility in the financial realm refers to how an asset’s price fluctuates around its average. In contrast to US investment grade bonds, which have a volatility of 5%, equities, as measured by the S&P 500, have a volatility of 21%. Currently, the volatility of bitcoin is 85.15%.

Stablecoins: What are they?

Stablecoins aimed to address the issue of volatility. Their goal is to resemble conventional currencies while using the advantages of blockchain technology.

In essence, blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that offers advantages like transparency, security, immutability, digital wallets, quick transactions, low fees, programmability, and privacy without sacrificing the trust and stability that use the traditional currency.

Stablecoins are distinct since private persons rather than banks can hold them. Instead of being held in a bank account, digital cash is kept in your digital wallet. Of course, reserves have served as a type of digital money within the banking system for many years.

Stablecoins and digital currencies are distinct from bitcoin, which many people mistake for digital gold. The value of a stablecoin is derived from its peg to a fiat currency, such as the dollar. Bitcoin’s value is derived partly from the expenses associated with producing or “mine” new coins and from market demand. This value is comparable to that of gold, where it exceeds the cost of mining, recycling, and storage.

A strict regulatory system would also raise entrance barriers, which lowers risk.

This is logical. We believe that to monitor reserve requirements, regulators should use distributed ledger technology’s transparency, allowing for real-time observation. Regulation will determine the stability (water-tight reserves) element of design.

The environment of stablecoins will be drastically altered by regulation and central bank digital currencies.

Currently, private enterprises produce the majority of stablecoins, but this will change as central banks introduce their own, referred to as CBDCs (central bank digital currencies). In March 2022, President Biden signed an executive order establishing the foundation for a Federal Reserve (Fed) CBDC. Later this year, the results are anticipated.

Although it is still in the experimental phase, the eurozone is slightly ahead. According to the European Central Bank, a digital euro would probably include smart contracts.

Since 2020, the Bank of England and HM Treasury have investigated a sterling CBDC. A consultation procedure that will assess the key concerns is currently in progress. The earliest that a sterling CBDC will be seen is expected to be in the middle of this decade.

Many nations are now engaged in research. Interoperability between different CBDCs is something we would like to see in a perfect world. On a common platform, the Bank of International Settlements is currently testing this with four central banks. The advantages of a publicly issued digital dollar vs. one issued for business purposes have been hotly contested.

Giving individuals and businesses a direct banking line to the Fed would, on the one hand, undercut the commercial banking system by lowering the volume of bank deposits and the banks’ ability to lend. On the other side, a currency produced by the Fed reduces the systemic risk posed by private providers.

It is important to note that, similar to how the Eurodollar banking system functions, an offshore commercially-issued USD stablecoin can exist regardless of what US regulators decide. Eurodollar deposits are made in dollars and are not governed by US laws.

Stablecoins: what they mean for the future of money. Written by Ryan Ebner, Analyst. Access the insight here: #financialadvisers @Schroders_UK

— Adviser Home (@adviserhome) July 20, 2022

Both a CBDC and a business stablecoin can promote innovation. Both sides, in our opinion, are missing the mark. The choice is not black or white, and design is the key consideration from an innovation standpoint. The most crucial query is designed once the reserving is regulated, which is, in our opinion, a crucial prerequisite for acceptance.

Why does this matter? In essence, the discussion revolves around privacy. Should the properties of a dollar coin apply to digital dollars as well? Should a government be allowed to keep an eye on how much money is spent on each transaction? What about transactions that are just above a specific amount? Should a government have the authority to take the platform away from someone or something financially? In non-democracies, how does this operate?

Digital wallets are the way of the future of money.

Knowing your customer (KYC), money laundering, and other illegal acts were all extensively covered by the March 2022 White House Executive Order.

The leadership in financial innovation centered on improving the payment system and cross-border remittance, however, was more intriguing:

Appropriately developing payment technologies and digital assets is one way to strengthen the United States’ leadership in the global financial system and technological and economic competitiveness.

Recently, the UK has also realized the value of creating digital asset technologies. When speaking in April 2022, Rishi Sunak said:

“It’s my goal to establish the UK as a leader in crypto-asset technology, and the steps we’ve taken today will make it possible for businesses to expand, create, and invest here.”

Stablecoins will be regulated, opening the door for their acceptance as a recognized form of payment in the UK.

Exchange of digital assets

Tether served as the first stablecoin use case in the cryptocurrency industry in 2014. Trading back and forth between the “fiat” (conventional currency) and the crypto world was exceedingly challenging and expensive. To purchase cryptocurrency, one must transfer funds from their bank to exchange. The market was inefficient because of compliance regulations and transaction times, especially as digital assets trade continuously. This was solved with stablecoins. Crypto trading is still the most significant use case regarding market cap and daily changes. We believe that this will alter when adoption spreads in the real world.

Monetary infrastructure

Since these new currencies would be kept in mobile digital wallets, anyone with a smartphone and internet can open an interest-bearing USD current account without using the banking system. Users will be able to instantly and virtually for free transmit their currency throughout the world in addition to making payments. This affects networks, platforms, and banks that issue credit and debit cards.

Since an increasing number of remittance payments are already made through this manner, the use case has already been put to the test. When a stablecoin transaction costs less than 0.1 percent, cross-border payment processors will no longer be allowed to charge 3 to 6 percent for cross-border retail payments.

Large portions of the correspondence banking system are also in danger, so retail payments are not the only industry that could see disruption. For instance, it may take a week to settle a payment from an Indian SME to an Indonesian SME and may include up to six banks and a total charge of 3%.

Alternately, users can trade a dollar stablecoin with immediate settlement for a far lower price. For regional fintech that specializes in payments, we see this as advantageous.

There is a chance that stablecoins will interfere with the SWIFT network. Due to the US government’s removal of significant Russian banks from the network, the SWIFT messaging system has recently received attention about Russian sanctions. Since SWIFT is a messaging system for cross-border interbank transactions, parties who are blocked from the network find it difficult to conduct business globally.

Because everyone with a wallet can transfer to another wallet anywhere, stablecoins do not require SWIFT. As a result, we observe some form of control built into most CBDCs and stablecoins used in mature markets, such as identities connected to wallets.

It is also possible that domestic payment networks will operate more effectively. Currently projected to be around 2.2 percent of a transaction, credit card fees—typically paid by the merchant—have grown at a compound annual rate of 8% over the preceding ten years.

Stablecoin issuers are beginning to collaborate with credit card firms. A project with Mastercard was piloted by stablecoin issuer PAXO. Using the stablecoin payment system, Visa has also completed transactions. Many conventional businesses, whether they’re offering conventional financial services to stablecoin businesses or allowing on-ramp payments to and from the digital realm, are crucial players in the ecosystem in our eyes.


Significant change is now occurring in the video game industry. Characters and in-game items are typically the property of the developer. By using distributed ledger technology, ownership can be transferred to the player of an item, such as a legendary sword or a virtual tennis racket. Using a stablecoin instead of fiat money to accomplish these transactions is more affordable, simpler, and quicker.

Automatable currency

Smart contracts integrated into a CBDC allow stablecoins to be “programmable” as well. This will make it possible for focused fiscal and monetary policies.

  1. Targeted fiscal spending – For instance, a government could target farmers with a stablecoin that could only be used to purchase farming equipment under the supervision of the embedded smart contract.
  1. Interest rates based on holdings – Savings from the lowest income bands have suffered due to the past ten years of low-interest rates since they have limited access to financial products. A programable CBCD has the advantage of a tiered interest rate structure, in which assets below a certain threshold—say, $10,000—have a greater rate than those above.
  1. Direct payments to households: Covid has shown that broad government transfer payments, also known as “helicopter money,” are necessary. The World Bank estimates that cash payments were made to 17% of the global population. There are currently a lot of middlemen who make this possible, which causes leakage. This could be more productive with a CBCD.

Dollarization in EM economies

Stablecoin adoption on a big scale would significantly affect deposit-taking banks and financial penetration since stablecoins in a wallet would operate as a current account in practice. Converting local currency deposits into a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, for instance, might advance the dollarization of emerging economies. The fear of this possible conclusion contributes to the strict stance against bitcoin by nations like China and Turkey.

Successful stablecoins must handle this problem and others, but they may still result in significant bank disintermediation.

A CBDC has a geopolitical component because it has its payment system. One concern would be that the lack of a digital euro will diminish the European Union’s strategic independence. Since markets may be easily created between non-traditional currency pairs, this will also impact FX trading. There won’t be any requirement to trade through a significant institution. Once more, this helps developing markets.

Financial inclusion made possible

Financial products will be able to become open-sourced and programmable thanks to digital wallets. According to the most recent official data from the World Bank (2017), 1.7 billion adults worldwide (or just under one-third) are still “unbanked” or not part of the established financial system. Anyone with a smartphone and internet access can keep, send, and spend fiat currency thanks to stablecoins and digital wallets.

In line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 9, we see this becoming ingrained on a global scale. We think the “underbanked,” a demographic with restricted access to financial products, represents the true opportunity. According to a 2019 Fed research, 22% of adult Americans lack adequate banking services. In emerging markets, this number is substantially greater.

Also, read – All About Algorithmic Stablecoins And There 3 Use Cases


The first practical use for digital assets has been made possible by stablecoins, which provide a quicker and less expensive alternative to payment processing and overseas transfers.

As stablecoin payment infrastructure spreads across continents and many governments are already working toward some kind of regulation, we see this as an 18-month story in innovation. The economic benefits alone make it worthwhile to take the time and effort necessary to properly regulate them. The less fortunate are the group that stands to gain the most from this.

We anticipate that the impact of digital wallets will grow over time as they increase access to financial services for underbanked people. As this progresses, we’ll be paying close attention.

Stablecoins: What They Mean For The Future Of Money (2024)


Stablecoins: What They Mean For The Future Of Money? ›

Stablecoins - which aim to mimic traditional currencies but which are backed by blockchain technology - could offer cheaper transactions, greater security, wider financial inclusion and many more benefits. But regulation is needed first.

Are stablecoins the future of money? ›

The future of stablecoins and CBDCs holds immense potential for transforming the financial landscape. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative use cases for stablecoins and CBDCs. However, realizing this potential requires striking the right balance between innovation and regulation.

What is the greatest benefit of stablecoins? ›

The most obvious and important benefit of stablecoins is stability. Stablecoins provide a stable and predictable value for transactions and investments, reducing the risk of price fluctuations and volatility that affect other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Why do people put money in stablecoins? ›

Stablecoins are a form of digital asset that can be used to make payments. They tend to be less volatile than cryptoassets. That is because their value is tied to other, stable, assets.

How do stablecoins stay at $1? ›

The majority of stablecoins are pegged to the value of a specific fiat currency, such as the US dollar, or a specific commodity, such as gold. Being pegged implies a fixed price, so one stablecoin monitoring the U.S. dollar should be worth $1.

What will the future of money look like? ›

Q: What is the future of money? The future of money is expected to be heavily influenced by technology. Predictions include the rise of cashless societies, the growth of cryptocurrencies, the continued adoption of digital currencies, and the potential offering of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by governments.

Do stablecoins make money? ›

Stablecoin issuers generate profits by utilizing the deposits collateralized by customers. For example, USDT, which is based on fiat currency, holds collateral such as government bonds, corporate notes, and crypto assets, generating investment returns from these holdings.

What is the primary purpose of stablecoins? ›

Stablecoins play a vital role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They aim to provide the speed and security of a blockchain while eliminating the volatility that most cryptocurrencies endure.

What problems do stablecoins solve? ›

Stablecoins solve the volatility problem by pegging to a national currency, typically the US dollar, and are used as vehicles for exchanging national currencies into non-stable cryptocurrencies, with some stablecoins having a ratio of trading volume to outstanding supply exceeding one daily.

What are the most trusted stablecoins? ›

Snapshot of Top 10 Stable Coins
Coin nameMarket Cap
USDD (USDD)$726 million
Frax (FRAX)$647 million
True USD (TUSD)$494 million
Paypal USD (PYUSD)$190 million
6 more rows
Apr 5, 2024

What are the disadvantages of stablecoin? ›

However, it's also important to consider the potential downsides.
  • Unstable value and algorithm manipulation. ...
  • No established stablecoins in currencies other than the US dollar. ...
  • Centralization. ...
  • Limited acceptance. ...
  • Limited investment opportunities. ...
  • Counterparty risk.
Nov 20, 2023

Are stablecoins a good investment? ›

It's a common misconception that stablecoins are safe and can be counted on to maintain the intended value. Although that's the goal, they can lose their pegs, so they're not risk-free. Stablecoins serve a key role in the crypto market, but before you buy any, it's important to understand how they work.

What is the difference between stablecoins and crypto? ›

What's the difference between stablecoin and cryptocurrency? Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency. Unlike other cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, stablecoins are designed to maintain their value by pegging their price to a stable asset like a fiat currency (eg US dollar) or a commodity (eg gold).

How do I cash out my stablecoin? ›

Convert Stablecoins to Fiat Currency: On the fiat gateway platform, sell your stablecoins for fiat currency (e.g., USD) using the available trading pairs (e.g., USDT/USD). Follow the platform's instructions to complete the transaction and withdraw the resulting fiat balance to your linked bank account.

What are key risks with stablecoins? ›

Stablecoins are not immune to fluctuations in price, market capitalization and liquidity. A range of factors can cause them to depeg below or above their targeted value. Depegging can trigger individual investment and trading losses, while also pose systemic market risks related to solvency and liquidity.

What is a stablecoin for dummies? ›

Stablecoins are a class of cryptocurrencies that attempt to offer investors price stability either by being backed by specific assets or using algorithms to adjust their supply based on demand.

Is it worth investing in stablecoins? ›

Stablecoins are vital for the cryptocurrency ecosystem because they offer stability and value that other cryptocurrencies lack. Stablecoins maintain a steady value by using different methods such as algorithms, collateralization and decentralised governance.

Can stablecoins gain value? ›

In the case of stablecoins backed by a U.S. dollar, it'll keep its value as long as the stablecoin is redeemable for the U.S. dollar. However, if its value moves sharply in either direction, traders looking to profit off of price differences between markets will step in to close the gap.

Has a stablecoin ever failed? ›

Terra's stablecoin collapse highlights risks associated with unregulated stablecoins. The collapse of UST — Terra's algorithmic stablecoin — in May 2022 had far-reaching implications, causing a $20 billion value wipeout overnight and sending shockwaves through the broader cryptocurrency sector.

How risky is stablecoin? ›

Stablecoins are not immune to fluctuations in price, market capitalization and liquidity. A range of factors can cause them to depeg below or above their targeted value. Depegging can trigger individual investment and trading losses, while also pose systemic market risks related to solvency and liquidity.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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