Stair Rods: With or Without? (2024)

Guides | 2 September 2023

Stair Rods: With or Without? (1)

A question we are often asked by our customers is if they need stair rods to go with their stair runner. Historically used to keep a runner in place, stair rods are now purely decorative rather than a necessity.

However, stair rods are still an extremely popular choice, with many people selecting them to add a final finishing touch to their stairs. Available in an array of finishes and designs, our stair rods make an elegant addition alongside our flatweave. One simple way to integrate them into a scheme is to coordinate stair rods with existing features and details of the home. From traditional iron hardware on a front door to antique brass metal work, matching these elements with your stair rods can create a subtle linking of materials throughout the home.

Stair Rods: With or Without? (2)

An alternative and popular option is a runner without stair rods, which can offer a minimal, contemporary and effortless look. Alternatively, those with multiple flights of stairs often decide to install stair rods solely on the first flight. This creates a grand impact on entrance, whilst at the same time making for two different looks when transitioning from one level to another.

Stair Rods: With or Without? (3)

When it comes to the fitting of our flatweave to any staircase, we always recommend that our runners are installed by an expert trained in fitting flatweave, who will use a gripper to keep it firmly in place with or without stair rods. This means not only will your Roger Oates runner be fitted correctly and tailored perfectly to your stairs, but the longevity of the flatweave will also be prolonged.

Stair Rods: With or Without? (4)

Discover more about our stair rods over on our website where you can choose from Light Antique Bronze, Satin Steel, Polished Brass and Dark Antique Bronze. Or opt for our contemporary designs made with Plain Iron and Stainless Steel, forged by a skilled blacksmith nearby our Herefordshire workshop.

Stair Rods: With or Without? (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.