Starbucks: Get Back to Being Unique (2024)

An article in the Columbus Dispatch touted that Starbucks was taking cues from its cheaper rivals. That they were seeking part of the 'value' pie.

What a ghastly mistake. The first rule of positioning, in fact acommandment, is that a product, service, a company, even an individual can only stand for one thing in the mind of the prospect. Positioning is about brand differentiation. In Starbucks' case, its uniqueness is its position.

Starbucks, the world's largest coffee retailer, made its brand unique by de-commoditizing the mature coffee space. It fashioned a unique brew and a unique image that appealed to luxury-craving aficionados who relished the prestige, the ritual, and the uniqueness of coffee savoring.

The brand is a religion, not a beverage. It can't have it both ways. You can't be both a unique brand and an everyday man's product. And you can't be all things to all people. The more the brand adds, the more it will lose. The brand must stay unique to its wanna-be unique audience.

What are they? Is it high price? Low price? "Value" coffee? Expensive coffee?

Is it a hot chocolate, tea, biscuits, breakfast place? I don't know. Do you?

With self-inflicted wounds like the value cup and yikes, "instant coffee," they do not need competitors.

Those of us who buy Starbucks don't buy it because it tastes better. (No matter what we say.)

Reality is, people taste images not ingredients. People who buy their coffee buy it for the sheer, inexorable, ineluctable, emotional uniqueness, or Starbuckiness, of the brand. Its ritual, history, logo, aromas, color, design, and our own memories of it and its unique brand identity.

Irrational logic is the way our brains encode things of value. And, a brand that engages the irrational (or emotional) centers of our brain, will win every time — think Apple and "Think different."

So they're forfeiting all of its emotional collateral and its unique brand in favor of an unemotional, cool-handed, and functional proposition. "Buy us for less."

To the loyalist, this is nothing less than betrayal. To the price-buyer, the new customer the company seeks, it is seen for what it is. Nothing more than a transparent marketing ploy.

Worse, it educates the consumer that they aren't a brand, but merely the name the company can use for its own purposes.

What should they do? Dump the value cup. Get back to the coffee ritual and add life to it. Close stores and become unique again (ubiquity is the enemy of uniqueness). In other words, get back to what it was that first got you there.

Lorraine Kessler is Innis Maggiore's Principal Client Services & Positioning Strategist.

Starbucks: Get Back to Being Unique (2024)


How to crack a Starbucks interview? ›

Hint: In a good answer you should talk about strengths that are relevant for the job at STARBUCKS, and about weaknesses that are not central to the job. One can even talk about a weakness that may be considered strength by some employers and HR managers, for example being over-friendly to customers.

How to answer why do you want to work for Starbucks? ›

I want to work at because it is a leading coffee company and I have a passion for coffee. I believe that this company can provide me with the opportunity to learn and grow as a professional. Additionally, I would be able to contribute to the team and help create a positive work environment.

Does Starbucks tell you if you didn t get the job after interview? ›

If you have talked directly with a recruiter or store manager, that individual will let you know about the status of your application. Please note that while we would love to connect with all our candidates, we are unable to provide feedback on submitted applications.

Does Starbucks send rejection emails after an interview? ›

All applicants who are unsuccessful will be contacted by email or telephone. If I am unsuccessful, can I reapply for another position within Starbucks? If you are unsuccessful for a position here at Starbucks you are more than welcome to reapply for another role.

How to ace a barista interview? ›

To prepare for a barista interview, research the café you're interviewing for to understand their menu and values. Practice making a range of coffee drinks to showcase your skills. Ensure you're well-versed in discussing your customer service experiences, and show enthusiasm for coffee and the café culture.

Is Starbucks interview hard? ›

The difficulty level of this interview varies from person to person, depending on their experience and confidence. However, most candidates find the Starbucks interview to be relatively easy, as it is more focused on customer service skills and personality traits than technical knowledge.

What is a good answer for what is your weakness? ›

Be honest and choose a real weakness. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue. Demonstrate self-awareness and an ability to look to others to provide you with the resources necessary for growth. Don't be arrogant and don't underestimate yourself.

What is the best answer for why do you want to work at? ›

Express your personal passion for the employer's product/service/mission. Employers want to know you're passionate about what they do, whether it takes the shape of a product, a service, a mission, or a brand. You can also connect your passion to the company's core values, which can often be found on their website.

What are Starbucks core values? ›

Starbucks Values

Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect. Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results. We are performance driven, through the lens of humanity.

How long does it take to get hired after an interview at Starbucks? ›

Starbucks Interviews FAQs

How long does it take to get hired at Starbucks? The hiring process at Starbucks takes an average of 13.3 days when considering 7,723 user submitted interviews across all job titles.

Why am I not getting job offers after interviews? ›

Lack of or Mismatch of Skills or Experience

A discrepancy between the job description and your skills or experience is a common reason for not moving forward in the hiring process. It's vital to align your qualifications with the job requirements in your application and interviews.

Should you bring resume to Starbucks interview? ›

No, most applications are online anyways so by the time you get an interview they have already seen your work history. You do not have to bring a paper resume unless you want to. No, you do not have to bring it.

How to ace a Starbucks interview? ›

They also recommended looking up the company values and referencing that when asked about why you want to work at Starbucks, “Look up the job description for the position you applied for and try to cater your description of your work ethic and skills to that,” they added.

Why do recruiters ignore you after interview? ›

Extended waiting after an interview for a response can occur for several reasons, including: The interviewer is still interviewing candidates. The employer is still collecting feedback from the interviewer. The employer is busy with work matters outside the hiring process.

Is it OK to reach out hiring manager after rejection? ›

Replying to a rejection email is a great way to continue the connection with the hiring manager and another opportunity to show your professionalism. Finding out that you didn't get a job can be difficult.

How do you rock a Starbucks interview? ›

To prepare for a Starbucks interview, you need to:
  1. Research the company culture.
  2. Become familiar with behavioral style interview questions.
  3. Observe a Starbucks store in action.
  4. Engage with Starbucks through their social media.
Jan 23, 2023

What is the Starbucks interview process like? ›

Prepare well for the interview to increase your chances of getting hired. Starbucks interview questions include questions of generic nature, situational questions, and strength-based questions. Personal Starbucks interview questions are asked to know about the candidate, their motivation, and their style of work.

How many rounds of interview are there at Starbucks? ›

Generally, candidates can expect to go through at least two interview rounds before being offered a job at Starbucks [1, 2, 3].

What should I wear to an interview with Starbucks? ›

You should wear professional business attire to an interview at Starbucks. The most important thing to consider when dressing for a job interview is that your look should be polished and professional regardless of what type of position you are seeking.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.