Stock Market Today: Live Updates, Top Gainers, and Market Insights (2024)

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Mar-20 2:00 PM

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let html = ` ` let rowCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let thePriceData = data[i].pricedata if(marketTimeframe =="premarket"){ thePriceData = data[i].premarket } if(marketTimeframe =="afterhours"){ thePriceData = data[i].afterhours } //




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case "XLU": return "Utilites"; case "XRT": return "Retail"; case "XLV": return "Health Care"; case "IYR": return "Real Estate"; case "XLE": return "Energy"; case "SMH": return "Semicondctrs"; case "XOP": return "Oil & Gas"; case "GDX": return "Gold Miners"; } return theSymbol } function checkForChgPct(data, symb){ if(data.results.quote.length > 0){ const thisOne = data.results.quote.filter(item => item.symbolstring === symb); if (thisOne.length > 0) { //console.log(thisOne[0]) if(marketTimeframe == "premarket"){ if (typeof thisOne[0].pricedata.premarket.changepercent === "number") { return thisOne[0].pricedata.premarket.changepercent; } } else if(marketTimeframe == "afterhours"){ if (typeof thisOne[0].pricedata.afterhours.changepercent === "number") { return thisOne[0].pricedata.afterhours.changepercent; } } else { if (typeof thisOne[0].pricedata.changepercent === "number") { return thisOne[0].pricedata.changepercent; } } } } return 0; } function pctToGoodBadClass(thePCT) { let className = '' if (thePCT > 2) { className = 'good3' } else if (thePCT > 1) { className = 'good2' } else if (thePCT > 0) { className = 'good1' } else if (thePCT > -1) { className = 'bad1' } else if (thePCT > -2) { className = 'bad2' } else { className = 'bad3' } return className; 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Dow Jones ${checkForChgPct(data, "DIA", marketTimeframe).toFixed(2)}% Nasdaq ${checkForChgPct(data, "QQQ", marketTimeframe).toFixed(2)}%


${checkForChgPct(data, "IWM", marketTimeframe).toFixed(2)}%

Gold ${checkForChgPct(data, "GLD", marketTimeframe).toFixed(2)}%


${checkForChgPct(data, "TLT", marketTimeframe).toFixed(2)}%

` let html = "" const quoteData = data.results.quote // console.log(quoteData) let dataBy_ChangePct_DESC = [...quoteData].sort((a, b) => b.pricedata.changepercent - a.pricedata.changepercent).slice(0, 88); if(marketTimeframe == "premarket"){ dataBy_ChangePct_DESC = [...quoteData].sort((a, b) => b.pricedata.premarket.changepercent - a.pricedata.premarket.changepercent).slice(0, 88); } for (let i = 0; i < dataBy_ChangePct_DESC.length; i++) { const thisQuote = dataBy_ChangePct_DESC[i]; // XLC XLF XBI XLP KRE XLI XLK XLB XLY XLU XRT XLV IYR XLE SMH XOP GDX if (thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLC" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLF" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XBI" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLP" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLI" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLK" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLB" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLY" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLU" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XRT" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLV" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "IYR" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XLE" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "XOP" || thisQuote.symbolstring == "GDX" ) { let thisQuoteData = thisQuote.pricedata; if(marketTimeframe == "premarket"){ thisQuoteData = thisQuote.pricedata.premarket } let changePct = 0; if(typeof thisQuoteData.changepercent === "number"){ changePct = thisQuoteData.changepercent } let className = pctToGoodBadClass(changePct) html += `

${changePct.toFixed(1)}% ${nameTheSector(thisQuote.symbolstring)}

` } } html += "" document.getElementById("MarketSectorsToday").innerHTML = html; } function getQueryParameterValue(url, parameterName) { const regex = new RegExp(`[?&]${parameterName}(=([^]*)|&|#|$)`, 'i'); const results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) { return null; } if (!results[2]) { return ''; } return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));} let qmToken=""; const originalXHR = window.XMLHttpRequest; window.XMLHttpRequest = function () { const xhr = new originalXHR(); xhr.addEventListener('load', function () { if(this.responseURL.indexOf("") != -1 && qmToken == "" && getQueryParameterValue(this.responseURL,"token") !== null){ qmToken = getQueryParameterValue(this.responseURL,"token"); //console.log(qmToken) //setToken="",marketSession = "PRE",stat="pg",statTop=25 // xhrMovers(qmToken,"POST","va",20); } if(this.responseURL.indexOf("getSnapQuotes.js") != -1){ showWL(JSON.parse(this.responseText, marketTimeframe)); } if(this.responseURL.indexOf("&stat=pg") != -1){ const data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); document.getElementById("divMoversUp").innerHTML = htmlItUp("Gainers", "fa fa-arrow-circle-up", data.results.quote, 10); } if(this.responseURL.indexOf("&stat=pl") != -1){ const data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); document.getElementById("divMoversDown").innerHTML = htmlItUp("Losers", "fa fa-arrow-circle-down", data.results.quote, 10); } if(this.responseURL.indexOf("&stat=va") != -1){ const data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); document.getElementById("divMoversActive").innerHTML = htmlItUp("Actives", "fa fa-bar-chart", data.results.quote, 10); document.getElementById("qmarea").innerHTML = ""; } }); return xhr; };

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Stock Market Today: A Comprehensive Market Update

In the rapidly evolving world of finance, staying updated about the stock market is paramount for both seasoned investors and novices alike. If you're keen on getting a snapshot of today's market, you've come to the right place. Here's your concise market update, highlighting key movers and shakers, top stocks, and a glance at the best performing sectors.

Market Today: A Snapshot

The stock market today showcases a myriad of activities with stocks surging, plummeting, or trading flat. From blue-chip companies to emerging start-ups, there's always a story unfolding in today's market. Whether you're looking to capitalize on a bullish trend or safeguard your portfolio against potential losses, being aware of the current market scenario can be your game changer.

Today's Market Movers

Every day, certain stocks outperform others, either riding the wave of favorable news or being weighed down by unforeseen events. By understanding the market movers, investors can better gauge where the momentum is and which stocks might be worth a second look. It's not just about who's up or down, but understanding why they're moving that truly matters.

Top Stocks of the Day

Handpicked based on performance, volume, and news catalysts, the top stocks of the day offer investors a peek into the companies making headlines. These stocks, often the talk of the financial town, can provide insights into potential investment opportunities or threats on the horizon.

Dive into the Market Indexes

In the stock market, indexes often serve as the compass. From the S&P 500 to the Dow Jones, these indexes provide a holistic view of market health and direction. A spike in the index could signal overall bullish sentiment, while a dip might hint at prevailing market uncertainties. By keeping an eye on these indicators, one can tune into the broader market pulse.

Best Performing Market Sectors

Not all sectors are created equal, especially in the stock market. On any given day, one sector might outshine the rest, driven by factors such as policy changes, global events, or technological advancements. Tracking the best performing market sectors can offer investors an edge, helping them channel their resources to where the action truly is.

In Conclusion

The stock market today is a dynamic, ever-shifting landscape, and keeping abreast with its movements is crucial for informed decision-making. From market today updates to deeper dives into specific stocks, the importance of staying updated cannot be stressed enough. Whether you're an active trader or someone simply keeping tabs on their retirement portfolio, a timely market update can be the difference between capitalizing on an opportunity and missing out.

The stock market is a complex animal. To make the most of the stock market today, you have tohave the latest market news and information. All of the major U.S. Stock Markets: NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX havea lot of market information each day. For active stock traders, a power stock market tool is a must. As activetraders ourselves we are continuously adding new content and power market tools for your free usage.

The ups and downs of the stock market is keeping all of us stock traders on our toes. Be sure to check back toour stock market updates throughout the trading week. Best of luck to your current and future stock trades!

Bookmark this page for your daily dose of market insights, and arm yourself with the knowledge to navigate the intricate world of stocks. Because in the world of finance, knowledge isn't just power—it's profit.

Stock Market Today: Live Updates, Top Gainers, and Market Insights (2024)


What is the stock market doing today live? ›

US Markets
S&P 5005,303.27+6.17
4 more rows

What are the market movers today? ›

VLOValero Energy Corp4.77%
MPCMarathon Petroleum Corp2.804%
GLGlobe Life Inc2.538%
BBWIBath & Body Works Inc2.472%
DVADaVita Inc2.447%
7 more rows

What are the top gainers today? ›

200 Companies under Top Gainers
KK Shah Hospitals53.58+8.90%
Next Mediaworks7.82+8.46%
Digispice Technolog29.01+6.30%
Freshtrop Fruits134.75+5.85%
156 more rows

What stock is soaring right now? ›

Day Gainers
SymbolNamePrice (Intraday)
LKNCYLuckin Coffee Inc.21.69
NVAXNovavax, Inc.14.40
BABAFAlibaba Group Holding Limited10.85
GDRXGoodRx Holdings, Inc.8.06
21 more rows

How can I see stocks in real time? ›

Use the symbol finder to find stocks, funds, and other assets. Get real-time NASDAQ Last Sale Intraday Trade History Report, commonly referred to as "Time & Sales," shows the last-five real-time time and sales data for all of your favorite U.S. stocks (listed on NASDAQ and NYSE).

Is it time to invest in stock market now? ›

Based on the stock market's historic performance, there's never necessarily a bad time to buy -- as long as you keep a long-term outlook. The market can be volatile in the short term (even in strong economic times), but it has a perfect track record of seeing positive returns over many years.

Which stock will skyrocket tomorrow? ›

stocks to buy tomorrow intraday NSE. Stocks going UP tomorrow
CompanyToday's MovementTomorrow's Movement
Allsec TechnologiesBullishTomorrow buy
Gail IndiaBullishTomorrow buy
Next MediaworksBullishTomorrow buy
Pudumjee PaperBullishTomorrow buy
2 more rows

What stock dropped the most today? ›

Day Losers
SymbolName% Change
GMEGameStop Corp.-30.04%
JHIUFJames Hardie Industries plc-13.24%
NICENICE Ltd.-12.93%
DFHDream Finders Homes, Inc.-12.66%
21 more rows

What are the biggest stock losers today? ›

Day Losers
SymbolName% Change
GMEGameStop Corp.-24.38%
DXCDXC Technology Company-17.63%
JHIUFJames Hardie Industries plc-13.24%
IQiQIYI, Inc.-8.97%
21 more rows

Which stock will boom in 2024? ›

List of Top 10 Fundamentally Strong Penny Stocks of 2024
NameMkt Cap (Rs. Cr.)Stock PE
Rajnandini Metal Ltd33718.4
Sunshine Capital Ltd365N/A
Indian Infotech & Software Ltd23341.3
Genpharmasec Ltd187163
6 more rows
May 3, 2024

What stock has gained the most in history? ›

Amazon (AMZN)

The Amazon share price had an initial spike after two years but tailed off in 2002. The boom followed, and Amazon became the world's largest retailer. That's an average stock market return of over 287,000%.

Which stock is growing fast? ›

S.No.NameCMP Rs.
1.Life Insurance974.00
2.Coal India470.55
3.Dr Reddy's Labs5817.50
4.Bajaj Holdings8245.00
23 more rows

What stocks are beating inflation? ›

Best Inflation Protection Stocks of May 2024
Company (TICKER)Yearly EPS Growth Estimate (5-Year Average)
Merck & Company, Inc. (MRK)67.6%
AstraZeneca PLC (AZN)13.2%
Cencora, Inc. (COR)10.0%
Church & Dwight Company, Inc. (CHD)9.1%
6 more rows
May 2, 2024

What penny stocks to buy today? ›

Penny Stocks To Buy Today
Company NameLTP% Change
Kanani Industries3.74.23
Dynamic Cables Ltd572.152.55
Hilton Metal Forging122.651.24
1 more row

Is NVDA a buy? ›

Nvidia stock comes in as a Strong Buy based on the ratings of 42 analysts in the past three months. There are currently 40 Buys, two Holds, and zero Sell ratings. The average NVDA stock price target is $1,027.95, with a high forecast of $1,400 and a low forecast of $620.

What is the stock price forecast for Verizon? ›

Verizon Stock Forecast

The 15 analysts with 12-month price forecasts for Verizon stock have an average target of 43.8, with a low estimate of 36 and a high estimate of 52. The average target predicts an increase of 9.01% from the current stock price of 40.18.

What stocks are down right now? ›

Day Losers
SymbolName% Change
GMEGameStop Corp.-19.73%
DXCDXC Technology Company-16.90%
JHIUFJames Hardie Industries plc-13.24%
SRTOYSartorius Stedim Biotech S.A.-13.04%
21 more rows

Which stocks to buy today live? ›

  • BUY Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd at ₹1,698 with a stoploss of ₹1,665 and a target of ₹1,740.
  • BUY ITC Ltd at ₹436 with a stoploss of ₹428 and a target of ₹448.
  • BUY Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)at ₹2,870 with a stoploss of ₹2,840 and a target of ₹2,920.
20 hours ago

What does today's value mean in the stock market? ›

Market value is the price an asset would fetch in the market, based on the price that buyers are willing to pay and sellers are willing to accept. It may also refer to the market capitalization of a publicly traded company, calculated by multiplying the number of outstanding shares by the current share price.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

Last Updated:

Views: 6140

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.