Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (2024)

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (1)

If you don't have lactose intolerance, consider adding these fermented dairy foods to your meal plan.

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Long before probiotics took the wellness industry by storm, people have been fermenting milk products on their own. This process, also known as culturing, kept the dairy safe before refrigeration because of its high acidity, according to a December 2017 article in the Journal of Dairy Science.


It turns out, however, that there are also health benefits to eating and drinking fermented milk products. And you can chalk these perks up to the beneficial microorganisms that call these dairy foods home.

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Case in point: Cultured dairy products like yogurt are tied to improved GI health, per a November 2018 review in Nutrition Reviews. Research suggests yogurt may even bolster immune and anti-inflammatory responses in the body.


Reap the potential benefits by adding these fermented milk foods to your grocery list — so long as you're not lactose intolerant!

1. Buttermilk

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (2)

Buttermilk is a popular ingredient in baked goods.

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Although the term "buttermilk" can be used to describe the liquid that remains after milk or cream is turned into butter, it usually refers to thick, sour-tasting milk that's made with active cultures.


These cultures form lactic acid, which not only creates the sour taste but also benefits a number of baked goods. When the lactic acid reacts with a leavening agent, such as baking soda, the combination starts fizzing up, according to Dairy Good. This lends baked goods a light, airy texture.

Drinking buttermilk could have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, according to a small January 2014 study published in the journal Nutrition. Researchers note that buttermilk contains milk fat globule membranes that possess unique bioactive proteins, and participants who drank buttermilk were observed to have reduced systolic blood pressure and arterial blood pressure.


2. Yogurt

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (3)

Yogurt provides both calcium and protein for healthy bones.

Image Credit: Barbara DudziÅska/iStock/Getty Images

Yogurt may be the best-known fermented dairy product, thanks to its creamy, rich taste and snackable convenience.



Yogurt is made by culturing milk with the lactic acid-forming bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, per California Dairy Research, and sometimes additional bacterial strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are added for extra health benefits. These strains of bacteria help to maintain a healthy digestive system, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

For the most part, all yogurts contain live cultures and therefore act as probiotics. However, if the yogurt has been heat-treated after fermentation, the live cultures are killed off and can't impart any health benefits, per California Dairy Research. So when you're shopping for yogurt, make sure the one you choose notes that it contains "live and active cultures."



Although all yogurt contains sugar in the form of lactose, which is naturally occurring in milk products, you can avoid added sugar by opting for plain yogurt instead of flavored.

3. Kefir

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (4)

Think of kefir as drinkable yogurt.

Image Credit: DejanKolar/iStock/GettyImages

Originating in Eastern Europe, kefir is much like yogurt but is typically drank instead of eaten with a spoon. It's also a fermented dairy product that has live, active cultures that can help with digestion, according to the Mayo Clinic. Like yogurt, it also contains protein, calcium and B vitamins.


A review of studies published in May 2016 in Frontiers in Microbiology looked at a number of purported health benefits of kefir: Researchers noted that kefir has cholesterol-lowering properties, though many of the studies reviewed were done on animals. The review also determined that kefir can alter the gut microbiota in a positive way and has a number of antibacterial and antifungal properties.

What's more, researchers note that kefir has significant antitumor activities against multiple types of cancer cells. However, more studies should be done on the health benefits of kefir to really solidify these benefits.



4. Sour Cream

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (5)

Pair low-fat sour cream with veggies for a satisfying snack.

Image Credit: istetiana/Moment/GettyImages

Often considered a bit of an indulgence, sour cream is made by "souring" pasteurized cream with lactic acid-producing bacteria. Fun fact: Sour cream must contain at least 18 percent milkfat to be technically considered sour cream, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The high fat content is why people frequently nix it from their grocery lists when they're trying to cut calories and lose weight.

Because sour cream has the same lactic acid-producing bacteria as other fermented dairy products, it can boast some of the same health benefits. However, it's high in fat and calories; just one tablespoon contains nearly 24 calories and more than 2 grams of fat, according to the USDA, so you might want to enjoy it sparingly.

5. Cheese

Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (6)

Cottage cheese is a low-cal source of protein.

Image Credit: CarlaMc/iStock/GettyImages

Because not all types of cheese are fermented, look for live active cultures on the label to determine whether they contain probiotics. Both soft-fresh cheese and aged cheeses can be fermented; for example, fresh cheeses such as cottage cheese, cream cheese and ricotta are made by coagulating milk with lactic acid, according to Think USA Dairy.

Full-fat cheese is higher in saturated fat, but eating small amounts of minimally processed cheese can definitely be part of a healthy diet. And if you're concerned about the saturated fat content, know that you can choose a low-fat cheese to reap the benefits.



Stock Up on These 5 Fermented Dairy Foods for Good Gut Health | (2024)


What are the best fermented dairy products? ›

Cultured buttermilk, sour cream, and yogurt are among the most common fermented dairy products in the Western world. Other, lesser-known products include kefir, koumiss, acidophilus milk, and new yogurts containing Bifidobacteria. Cultured dairy foods provide numerous potential health benefits to the human diet.

Which fermented foods have the most probiotics? ›

Here are seven foods high in probiotics:
  • Yogurt. Yogurt is made by culturing milk with bacteria that produce lactic acid, such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, although more strains can also be added. ...
  • Buttermilk. ...
  • Cottage Cheese. ...
  • Tempeh. ...
  • Sauerkraut. ...
  • Miso Soup.
Dec 9, 2022

Which cheese is fermented? ›

Cheddar-type Cheeses

Since cheese is a fermented dairy product, a key feature of its manufacture is the metabolism of milk sugar (lactose) to lactate by selected cultures of lactic acid bacteria.

Is cottage cheese a fermented dairy product? ›

Cottage cheese is fermented. Like all dairy products, cottage cheese begins as milk. Adding enzymes or live, active cultures (probiotics) converts milk sugars (lactose) into lactic acid. The lactic acid separates the curds (the milk solids, fats, and proteins) from the whey (the liquid).

What are 3 examples of fermented foods you can eat? ›

There are thousands of different types of fermented foods, including:
  • cultured milk and yoghurt.
  • wine.
  • beer.
  • cider.
  • tempeh.
  • miso.
  • kimchi.
  • sauerkraut.
Aug 20, 2018

Does apple cider vinegar count as a fermented food? ›

Apple cider vinegar is indeed a fermented food, but it does not have probiotics, as yogurt does. Instead, beneficial gut bacteria form. Apple cider vinegar goes through the fermentation process twice – first, to change the apples to a cider with alcohol, and then into vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has tons of benefits!

Which brand of pickles are fermented? ›

Bubbies Pickles are probably the most well-known brand of fermented pickles. They have been around for 30 years. Bubbies Pickles are a family-owned business, and they make their pickles in small batches to ensure the best quality.

Are pickles a fermented food? ›

Are Pickles Fermented? Quick pickles are not fermented, but lacto-fermented pickles are fermented. Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine.

What American foods are fermented? ›

​However, vinegar, kombucha, tempeh, molded cheeses, and other fermented foods do require oxygen​.” Examples of fermented foods:​ Kombucha (fermented tea), sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), natto (fermented soybeans), yogurt, cheese (fermented milk), beer, wine, sourdough bread, miso, soy sauce, and kefir.

What fruit has the most probiotics? ›

What fruits are high in probiotics?
  1. Bananas. Bananas are a popular yellow fruit that is easily available in the market. ...
  2. Custard Apples. Custard apples are rich in antioxidants and are extremely beneficial for heart and brain health. ...
  3. Watermelon. ...
  4. Grapefruit. ...
  5. Almonds.
Oct 7, 2022

What is the #1 probiotic? ›

The probiotic strain in Culturelle® - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®) – is the #1 most clinically studied strain of probiotic. Considered the premier probiotic in the world, over 1,000 scientific studies and over 30 years of research have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®).

What cheese is best for gut? ›

Gorgonzola, parmesan, cheddar, and gouda are just some of the aged cheeses that can be beneficial to your gut health.

What cheese has the most probiotics? ›

A short list of probiotic-rich cheeses includes aged, traditional cheddars, Gouda, and Alpine cheeses like Gruyère. For soft cheeses, try raw milk washed rinds like Rollright from King Stone Farm or Slyboro from Consider Bardwell Farm.

Is mozzarella cheese a fermented food? ›

Traditional mozzarella is fermented with cultures, to turn the milk's lactose into lactic acid, a process that develops flavor. In contrast, much of the mozzarella made in the United States is treated with vinegar or citric acid to raise its acidity, making it easier to stretch.

What is the healthiest fermented milk? ›

Kefir, a staple food in many cultures around the globe, has become incredibly popular in the natural health community. High in nutrients and probiotics, it is very beneficial for digestion and gut health. In fact, many people consider it to be more nutritious than yogurt.

Is sour cream a fermented dairy product? ›

Sour cream, also known as cultured cream, is produced by the fermentation of high-pasteurized cream that contains 18–20% fat content. It is then hom*ogenized at a low temperature, to promote formation of hom*ogenization clusters. The starter cultures typically used for making sour cream are aromatic starters (i.e., Lc.

Is feta cheese a fermented food? ›

Fermented foods like feta cheese contain probiotics. These strains of good bacteria promote a healthy gut and support immune system function.

What are fermented foods at the grocery store? ›

What foods are considered fermented?
  • kefir.
  • tempeh.
  • natto.
  • kombucha.
  • miso.
  • kimchi.
  • sauerkraut.
  • probiotic yogurt.

What is the easiest fermented food to eat? ›

Easiest Fermented Foods to Start With
  • Kombucha. Tea, sugar and a good old' SCOBY, these are the ingredients for having your own Kombucha on tap. ...
  • Sourdough Bread. You should see the look on people's faces when we tell them that sourdough bread is alive. ...
  • Vegetables. You can ferment just about any vegetable. ...
  • Yogurt.
Dec 7, 2016

What drinks are fermented? ›

What are fermented drinks? Kombucha, ginger beer, kvass and kefir are fermented drinks. Kombucha is produced from a mixture of steeped tea and sugar, combined with a culture of yeast strains and bacteria. Some kombucha products also have fruit juice or other flavours added during production.

Who should not drink apple cider vinegar? ›

If you have low potassium levels (hypokalemia), too much ACV could make the condition worse. That's because large amounts of ACV can decrease potassium levels. Avoid overuse of ACV if you have kidney disease, since your kidneys might not be able to handle high levels of acid.

Is balsamic vinegar a fermented food? ›

Vinegar is a well-known fermented food all over the world. In European countries, vinegar is mainly produced using liquid-state fermentation, such as balsamic vinegar, sherry vinegar, and apple cider vinegar.

What happens if you drink apple cider vinegar everyday? ›

ACV is generally safe when consumed in moderation — no more than 1 to 2 tablespoons (tbsp) daily. But drinking excessive amounts of ACV can decrease potassium to hazardous levels. ACV may interact with some medications (including diuretics, laxatives, and certain medications for diabetes and heart disease).

What dairy is good for gut health? ›

Fermented dairy products are a great way to include probiotics, which contain good bacteria. Yoghurt, kefir and cheese may also prevent the growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria.

What is better than yogurt for probiotics? ›

The biggest nutritional difference between the two is that kefir contains more probiotics than yogurt. While yogurt also contains some probiotics, kefir is more potent. If you are looking to improve digestion or gut health, kefir is the better choice.

Are Claussen refrigerator pickles fermented? ›

What makes Claussen PIckles different from canned pickles? Claussen pickles, whether homemade or store bought, are a half sour pickle recipe. That means they're fermented instead of heat processed. That's what gives them such great texture.

What are the best pickles to eat for gut health? ›

Fermented + Probiotic Pickles

The trending “healthy pickles” (and healthy pickle juice) you keep hearing about are lactic-acid fermented pickles, or simply fermented pickles. These are the gut healthy, microbiome-boosting superfood pickles that you should be consuming everyday, three times a day.

What are the healthiest pickles to eat? ›

Pickles made through fermentation have added health benefits compared with non-fermented pickles. “If they're fermented, they're a good source of probiotics,” notes Peart. “Probiotics have really solid health benefits, such as being good for your brain, and good for gut health.”

Can oatmeal be fermented? ›

Fermenting oats is an easy way to to make them more nutritious, deliciously creamy and shorten the cooking time. The process of fermenting grains breaks down the proteins, fats and carbohydrates; making the nutrients more bioavailable, and creating a healthy, rich, flavorful breakfast porridge.

Are olives a fermented food? ›

It's easy to forget that olives are a fermented food, but that also means they're rich in Lactobacillus, a kind of gut-friendly bacteria.

Is cucumber a fermented food? ›

Vegetables, especially cucumbers, that have been submerged in hot vinegary brine and heat processed for sterility and long shelf life, are sour from the vinegar and flavored with added pickling spices such as dill. They are not fermented and are a little less nutritious than when they were raw.

What is the oldest fermented food? ›

Based on chemical analyses of pottery shards dating to the seventh millennium BCE, scientists have long believed that fermentation (as a means of preserving food) originated in China, where rice, honey and fruit were fermented into an alcoholic beverage - the oldest of its kind on record.

Which country eats the most fermented food? ›

If there were a country whose cuisine excels in the realm of fermented foods, it's Japan. Referred to under the catch-all term hakkо̄ (fermentation), these foods form the very basis of gastronomy in the island nation.

What is the number one prebiotic food? ›

Oats and barley contain the highest amount of the prebiotic, beta-glucan. Science suggests that whole grains containing beta-glucan may help lower LDL-cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels, and encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (7).

What is the best fruit for gut health? ›

Incorporating these fruits into your diet is a tasty and healthy way to keep your gut flora happy and thriving!
  1. Pears. As you may know, fibre plays a huge role in supporting gut health. ...
  2. Bananas. ...
  3. Apples. ...
  4. Blueberries. ...
  5. Kiwis. ...
  6. Peaches. ...
  7. Grapefruit. ...
  8. Pomegranate.
Jul 22, 2022

What nuts are good probiotics? ›

Almonds. Several recent studies have revealed that almonds may possess powerful probiotic properties. The nuts have been shown to increase levels of good bacteria in the gut, thanks to their high fibre content, and may even decrease levels of microbes that cause food poisoning.

What is the best probiotic for senior woman? ›

Best Probiotics for Older Women
  • Garden of Life Dr. ...
  • Renew Life Women's Probiotics.
  • Culturelle Probiotics for Women.
  • Nature's Way Probiotic Pearls Women's.
  • Innate Response Formulas Flora 20-14™ Ultra Strength.
  • Women's Care Probiotics with WiseBiotics® from Nature Wise.
  • OLLY Probiotic Gummy.
  • Physician's Choice Women's Probiotic.
Jul 5, 2022

What is the best probiotic to reduce inflammation? ›

In terms of probiotics, they said research indicated that Lactobacillus​ spp, bifidobacteria​, and Akkermansia muciniphil ​helped produce the inflammation-reducing SCFA butyrate.

What is the #1 women's probiotic? ›

Ultimate Flora Women's Care Probiotic is the number one selling women's probiotic. The improved formula supports urinary and digestive health, and helps maintain healthy vagin*l pH and yeast levels.

What is the best probiotic to flatten stomach? ›

Several strains of probiotics in both the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family have been shown to reduce weight and belly fat. Lactobacillus gasseri appears to be one of the most effective.

What dairy product has the most probiotics? ›

Yogurt. Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics, the friendly bacteria that can improve your health. Yogurt is made from milk that has been fermented by probiotics, mainly lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria (6).

Is Greek yogurt considered fermented? ›

Both Greek and regular yogurt are fermented, but the manufacturing differs slightly. The process starts out the same. Bacteria called Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are added to warm milk, and the mixture sits at approximately 110°F (about 43°C) for a few hours.

What are the healthiest forms of dairy products? ›

Yogurt: Of all the dairy foods, yogurt is the most concentrated in both potassium and calcium. The combination of these two minerals helps prevent bone loss. Also, making yogurt a part of a regular diet has shown benefits for immune function, digestion and oral health.

Is fermented dairy better for you? ›

Fermented dairy foods have received special attention because of their association in epidemiological studies with obesity prevention, and with the reduction on the risk of different diseases, including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and immune-related diseases or cognitive decline, among others (Guo et al., 2017; ...

Which cheese is most probiotic? ›

A short list of probiotic-rich cheeses includes aged, traditional cheddars, Gouda, and Alpine cheeses like Gruyère. For soft cheeses, try raw milk washed rinds like Rollright from King Stone Farm or Slyboro from Consider Bardwell Farm.

Which yogurt has the highest probiotics? ›

Kefir contains more probiotics than any yogurt. With up to 61 different strains of microbes, it can be an excellent source of probiotics. People use specific clusters of microbes called kefir grains to ferment the milk.

Is Chobani yogurt fermented? ›

We took the sugar out of the milk using natural fermentation, where live and active yogurt cultures and probiotics eat the sugars found in milk.

What dairy should I eat everyday? ›

Current guidelines recommend that Americans get three cups of low-fat or fat-free dairy daily, which can include milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. If the Stotlers consumed more dairy from other sources, they could have gone over the allowance.

What is the unhealthiest dairy product? ›

Unpasteurized Milk

Raw milk, which is unpasteurized, and products made with raw milk can be contaminated with dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli and listeria, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Are eggs considered dairy? ›

The confusion could also come from the use of similar terminology - dairy product and animal by-product. But, contrary to these common misconceptions, eggs are NOT a dairy product. While eggs are indeed produced by animals and therefore by definition an animal by-product, they are not a derivative of dairy products.

Does fermented dairy cause inflammation? ›

For instance, fermented products like yogurt and kefir are anti-inflammatory whereas products high in saturated fat, such as cheeses and ice cream, may promote inflammation.

Is fermented dairy inflammatory? ›

According to a review of 52 studies, fermented foods like yogurt and kefir showed the highest anti-inflammatory activity of any dairy product. This is likely because of their high content of probiotics like lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacterial, which help create a flourishing gut microbiome.

What is the healthiest fermented drink? ›

Fermented drinks such as beet kvass, kombucha, water kefir, and real ginger ale are not just fun to drink, they're also loaded with probiotics that keep your gut healthy and your immune system working right.

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