Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (2024)

Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (1)

Style Code Mission Is To

  • Get out of your style rut and find your style

  • Love yourself more and feel confident

  • Fall in love with shopping again

  • Create your own classic style and capsule wardrobe

  • Minimise clutter, stress, spending and waste

  • Bring you the best brands that provide quality not quantity

  • Fade out fashion and help our environment

Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (2)

Style Cities

Discover the Style City that represents and embodies the ‘vibe’ of your personal style.

Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (4)

Curve Codes

Learning what your true shape is will help you choose the right clothes and gainreal body confidence

Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (5)

Help you discover your personal Style Code...

Your personal style code is the style blueprint to your identity, personality, lifestyle and of course the beautiful colours and body shape you were born with. Your Style code consists of your Style City, Colour code, Body Code and learning how to dress it to express and reflect the best version of you.

Knowing all 3 elements of your Style Code allows you to truly discover who you are, accept yourself for your natural beauty and focuses only on the positive’s about you. Seeing ourselves everyday and being our own biggest critics can make it difficult to analyse ourselves compared to a trained outside without any attachment of a lifetime of personal judgements, hang ups or insecurities you may have placed on yourself (or from others).

With the knowledge of your Style code it not only gives you confidence in who you are but the ability to make better decisions, reduce stress, time and money when curating your wardrobe.

Bring you style not fashion…

I believe being stylish trumps fashionable any day. It doesn’t have to cost the earth, you don’t have to wear what is the latest fashion and it doesn’t always need an expensive designer logo. True style is finding what suits your personal Style Code and what you feel most confident in.

Love yourself more…

All of the above links back to this and one word, confidence! When you look and feel your best you carry yourself in a whole new way.

Clothes can transform how you feel, your body language and how you carry yourself. When you wear clothes that accentuate your figure, make your skin and eyes glow, you receive so many compliments and feel so much more comfortable in your own skin.

Understanding your Style Code and embracing it is the first step to finding your own true style. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way, once you discover this you will radiate confidence in yourself and how you dress.

Create your own classic…

When you build a wardrobe and style that all works together because it suits your lifestyle, personality, body shape and all of your best colours it will never go out of Fashion.

You didn’t buy it because it was on trend, you bought it because it was an investment that will always work for you. This means you create your own classic style because it will always look good on you.

I want to help you find those classic pieces and styles that you can cherish forever.

Fade out fast fashion…

Today the fast fashion Industry is one of the biggest in the world that is not only potentially damaging our home planet in the long term but also exposes low cost workers overseas due to the high demand on fast production at a low cost. Thanks to companies such as ZARA, BOOHOO AND MISS GUIDED we are buying more clothes than we ever have and throwing them away just as fast.

Cat walk trends hit the stores weekly creating a demand to stay on trends constantly changing.

I believe if we invest more and less often in the right items we can all do our bit to minimise this. Having a wardrobe of 30 pieces that will last years, work together and looks best on you is far better than a wardrobe of 300 items that don’t go together, are out of fashion within a month and are so cheap they last a few washes.

Throughout my blog and site I introduce you to some niched brands as well as main stream that are my favourites for wardrobe investments and shopping within your style code.

Now don’t get me wrong I am very much partial to the odd ZARA or H&M item, however this is not very often and I will only purchase something from these stores that is within my “Style code”. Meaning I bought it because I think it reflects my style and I will use it with a lot of my current wardrobe OR because it matches my shape and colour. Sometimes you can find an “investment” piece in a cheaper store too if it ticks your style code.

A trend led item can update your current “Classic” wardrobe to keep things current rather than buying bags of more for your money clothes and entire new outfits every single week.

Quality not quantity...

All of the above will save you money in the long run, help our planet and make you feel amazing. You will notice from my site that I feature a lot of mid range brands offering good quality tailored fashion at a reasonable or mid range cost.

Some brands are higher end due to quality and investment. Using brands and items like this will help you buy less and less often BUT when you do spend it is an investment well worth it and a well thought out buying decision.

A long lasting capsule wardrobe with a few bargains thrown in now and again is the perfect combination in my opinion.

Style Code success stories

Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (6)Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (7)

Style Code Stories: Katie

Katie Willocks struggled to find clothes to suit both her style and her age after she turned 40. Read about her Style Code session.


Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (8)Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (9)

Style Code Stories: Hayley

Hayley Fell booked a Style Code session after feeling she was stuck in a rut with her wardrobe. Read her full Style Code Story.


Style Code | Colour Analysis | Body Confidence | Style Code (2024)


What is the style code in fashion? ›

Your Style code consists of your Style City, Colour code, Body Code and learning how to dress it to express and reflect the best version of you. Knowing all 3 elements of your Style Code allows you to truly discover who you are, accept yourself for your natural beauty and focuses only on the positive's about you.

What does wearing red say about you? ›

Positive associations for the color red include passion, love, romance, arousal, boldness, energy, willpower, confidence, persuasion, excitement, stimulation, leadership, and strength. Meanwhile, negative associations include danger, aggression, and riskiness.

What are the 5 levels of fashion? ›

A fashion trend's life cycle can be divided into five stages, generally speaking: introduction, rise, peak, decline, and obsolescence. The life cycles of fashion trends today have changed; technology and social media have rendered them much shorter and less predictable than in the past.

What color is confidence? ›

The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism.

What colors convey confidence? ›

The color red is often used to send messages of confidence to the public. In color psychology, red elicits the greatest feelings of any color.

What does grey Symbolise in clothing? ›

In color psychology, grey represents neutrality and balance. Its color meaning likely comes from being the shade between white and black. However, grey does carry some negative connotations, particularly when it comes to depression and loss.

What are the 4 C's in fashion? ›

The 4Cs to replace the 4Ps of the marketing mix: Consumer wants and needs; Cost to satisfy; Convenience to buy and Communication (Lauterborn, 1990).

What are the 7 Rs of fashion? ›

The 7Rs of Fashion
  • Reduce.
  • Reuse.
  • Repurpose.
  • Repair.

What is the Big 4 in fashion? ›

The Big Four, sometimes referred to as The Big 4, is the name given in fashion to the four most notable Vogue covers; American Vogue, British Vogue, Vogue France and Vogue Italia. The term is commonly used when a model completes all four covers and is considered one of the biggest achievements in the fashion industry.

What are the 3 key influences on fashion? ›

Fashion Designing Basics: Factors Influencing Popular Fashion
  • Fashion Forecast (Colour & Fabric) Deciding the colour, fabric and look for the upcoming season is something that every designer works on. ...
  • Movies & Music. The entertainment world is a major influencer of fashion. ...
  • Fashion Stylist. ...
  • Economy of a Country.
Dec 20, 2017

What are the four 4 basic elements of fashion design? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment.

What is the 3 word method fashion? ›

What is the three-word method? The three-word method is as simple as it sounds: identifying your personal style with three adjectives. Maybe your style is cool, elevated, and comfortable, or maybe it's colorful, classic, and bold.

What symbolizes confidence? ›

Besides beauty, peaco*cks also represent confidence. This is because their spirit is full of self-love and self-confidence. For one who is looking to boost their confidence, this is a great symbol to align with. It is encouraging and offers you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself.

What color catches the eye first? ›

Red and orange seem to be the clear winner when it comes to eye-catching colors. These colors tend to stand out and are therefore used on many warning signs or safety equipment. Yellow is another color that comes in a close second to red and orange in popularity.

Which color is most attractive? ›

According to the study, the most attractive color in terms of fashion is black. The second most attractive color is pink, followed by the color yellow.

What colors are trust and confidence? ›

Blue is known for its trust and dependability.

What color encourages action and confidence? ›

Exciting and Motivating: Red excites our emotions and inspires us to act. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power. Attention-getting: Red is known to be eye-catching.

What color represents self growth? ›

Green is a very down–to–earth color. It can represent new beginnings and growth. It also signifies renewal and abundance.

What color represents strength? ›

(Red symbolizes action, strength, energy, and passion)

What does wearing green mean? ›

Green suggests security, abundance, love, growth, luck and balance. It's also associated with envy. Forest green projects conservatism, wealth, but olive green may represent illness. Wear green when you want to see things from a different perspective, need to feel grounded, calm, generous.

What color means negative? ›

Black is a primary color across all models of color space. In Western culture, it is considered a negative color and usually symbolizes death, grief, or evil but also depression.

How do you find the style number? ›

Where do I find the style number of a product? The style number of a product is located on a small, white, paper-like label located under the wash and care labels. The model number (or SKU) of a shoe can be found on a label located on the inside of the shoe tongue.

What is the difference between SKU and style number? ›

The style item behaves as a model item while the SKUs behave as standard items. All business transactions occur at the SKU item level. The SKUs can either inherit or default certain item characteristics from the style item.

What is a style code sneakers? ›

The style number (or model number) is a naming system for many of our shoes. While most of our "higher-numbered" styles feature more technology than our "lower-numbered" shoes, that is not always the case.

What are the main types of dress codes? ›

What are the different kinds of dress codes? There are four dress codes for the workplace: business formal, business professional, business casual and casual.

How do you determine style? ›

How to Find Your Personal Style in 5 Steps
  1. Look to your own closet. Think about the clothes you have that make you happy. ...
  2. Find fashion inspiration. ...
  3. Create a fashion mood board. ...
  4. Create a capsule wardrobe. ...
  5. Experiment with unique style choices.
Jun 7, 2021

What is a style formula? ›

Updated: Mar 21. If you're not aware, a style formula is simply when you follow a way of dressing and putting outfits together. Think Hillary Clinton who wears a variety of pant suits in different colours or Sheryl Sandberg who typically pairs a pencil skirt or dress with a jacket.

How do you read clothing label codes? ›

One dot: use low-temperature settings (synthetics) Two dots: use medium-temperature settings (wool or silk) Three dots: high-temperature setting (cotton or linen) X through the center: do not iron.

What does style number mean? ›

The style numbers help you identify the specific garment. When you are a small company it is easy for you to keep track of every style and its specifics.

What is SKU style code? ›

An SKU, short for "stock keeping unit", is a unique number combination used by retailers to identify and track products. It's usually 8 characters long and made up of letters and numbers.

What is the difference between style SKU and UPC? ›

The main difference between SKUs and UPCs is that SKUs (stock-keeping units) are for internal use and UPCs (universal product codes) are for external use. Both are useful for tracking and managing inventory, monitoring supply chains and analyzing sales trends.

How do you authenticate designer sneakers? ›

6 Ways to Spot Fake Designer Shoes
  1. Extremely Low Price. ...
  2. Small Changes in Style or Colour. ...
  3. The Authenticity of the Website. ...
  4. Check the box and the Dust Bags. ...
  5. Check the Stickers/Tags/Labels. ...
  6. Quality of the Shoes.

Where do I find my Nike style code? ›

Locate the tag inside your shoe.

All authentic Nike shoes have a tag sewn into them with their size, barcode and model number on it. You will recognize it most easily by the barcode.

What does SP stand for in shoes? ›

Nike Sneaker Terminology

SP: SP stands for “Special Project.” If SP graces the name of a Nike sneaker, the shoe is traditionally constructed from premium materials, created by the NikeLab team or is the result of a collaboration.

What are the four dress codes? ›

Regardless of whether you are dressing for professional photos, a zoom call, or an actual meeting, it's important to understand the four main classifications of professional workplace attire: business formal, business professional, business casual, and casual.

What are the three levels of dress code? ›

Classifications are divided into formal wear (full dress), semi-formal wear (half dress), and informal wear (undress).

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.