SuperBreak® Backpack, A Classic Pack | JanSport (2024)

Key Features

Water Bottle Pocket

Padded Shoulder Straps

Front Utility Pocket with Organizer

JanSport Pack Review: SuperBreak Backpack

JanSport Pack Review: SuperBreak Backpack

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SuperBreak® Backpack, A Classic Pack | JanSport (2024)


SuperBreak® Backpack, A Classic Pack | JanSport? ›

Just how big is a free Spirit Airlines personal item? To put the allowed free personal item dimensions into practical terms, a traditional JanSport Right Pack backpack that's been used by countless high school students measures in at 18 x 13 x 8.5 inches, according to the company's website.

Is a JanSport backpack considered a personal item spirit? ›

Just how big is a free Spirit Airlines personal item? To put the allowed free personal item dimensions into practical terms, a traditional JanSport Right Pack backpack that's been used by countless high school students measures in at 18 x 13 x 8.5 inches, according to the company's website.

Why are JanSport backpacks so popular? ›

JanSport crafts quality and durable packs to last a lifetime for all your life's adventures. Sometimes things happen. So, whether you ripped it on a zip line in Costa Rica or ran it over on Spring Break. Since 1967, JanSport has been here to bring your favorite pack back to life and ready for the next adventure.

What is the capacity of the SuperBreak backpack? ›

Not Added
Age Range‎Adult
Volume Capacity26 Liters
Included Components‎Hand, kits, power tools and accessories
Batteries Included?‎No
18 more rows

What material is JanSport SuperBreak made of? ›

The JanSport Recycled SuperBreak uses 100 percent recycled polyester fabric, with an updated structure to eliminate waste. Not only that, but it's also fully packable: light, easily stored away, and quickly pulled out when needed.

Can JanSport backpacks fit under an airplane seat? ›

JanSport Driver 8 Core Series Wheeled Backpack

A: No, but it can fit in the carry on luggage compartment.

Are JanSport backpacks personal item size? ›

A Jansport backpack is typically considered a personal item, as it is designed to be carried by one person and typically contains personal belongings. However, it ultimately depends on the specific airline's policies and restrictions.

Are JanSport backpacks still cool? ›

You can never go wrong with a Jansport backpack. Not only are they pretty sturdy but they also come in so many colors. You can choose your favorite or buy a few if you are feeling indecisive since they'll never go out of style!

When did JanSport stop being made in the USA? ›

JanSport started by developing the external frame backpack which used a metal frame with a cloth packsack attached to it. The products made include technical day packs and internal frame backpacks. Up until the early 1990s all JanSport packs were made in the United States.

What made JanSport famous? ›

JanSport Invents the Dome Tent in 1972

After a few trial and errors and extensive product testing, the Dome Tent was invented. Soon it became the product that put JanSport on the map with orders coming in faster than we could deliver.

How long do Jansports last? ›

LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY POLICY AND GUIDELINES. Trust is built over time, so for more than 50 years JanSport has designed packs that last, to go everywhere you go, see what you see, and carry what you need.

How big is JanSport SuperBreak One? ›

The Original Since 1967
JanSport SuperBreak OneJanSport Big Student
Add to CartAdd to Cart
Dimensions16.7" x 13" x 8.5"17.5" x 13" x 10"
Capacity1550 cu in2100 cu in
Available in Multiple Colors
5 more rows

Do JanSport backpacks have a lifetime warranty? ›

Lifetime Warranty

That's what JanSport stands for. So if your pack ever breaks down, simply return it to our warranty center. We'll fix it and if we can't we'll replace it. We stand by our packs for a lifetime and since we've been making packs since 1967, that's a guarantee you can stand by.

Can I bring a JanSport backpack to Disneyland? ›

Please note that all bags/purses are subject to search prior to entering the theme parks as a security measure. As long as it is a pretty standard size, you will have no problem stowing the backpack at your feet or in front of you in the ride vehicles as you visit all the attractions.

Is JanSport a good school bag? ›

I used Jansport throughout college and has, without a doubt, been the best investment for a Strong/Sturdy backpack that you would ever need. I went to undergraduate school and Medical School, and MANY times I carried a lot of books and the Jansport backpack was the Best at carrying heavy loads.

How strict is Spirit with personal item size? ›

They allow each passenger to carry only one personal item, which must be at most 18 x 14 x 8 inches (45 x 35 x 20 cm). Anything beyond this small personal item will cost you extra fees. Carry-on bags are limited to a maximum size of 22 x 18 x 10 inches (56 x 46 x 25 cm), covering both handles and wheels.

Can I bring a backpack and carry-on with Spirit? ›

We allow our Guests to bring 1 + 1, one personal item (free) and one carry-on item (charge applies). Personal items must fit entirely in the smaller sizer box (including handles and wheels). Another personal item, or anything larger will be charged as a carry-on.

Can my school backpack be a personal item? ›

A personal item can be anything from a purse or tote to a backpack, duffel bag, or briefcase. As these items must fit underneath the seat in front of you, they are smaller, measuring no more than 18 x 14 x 8 inches. Sizes vary – so please check the baggage policy on your airline's website.

What backpacks count as personal items? ›

A personal item is any bag that fits under the airplane seat in front of you, though the precise dimensions of these bags vary by carrier. You can use pretty much any bag ranging from duffels and weekenders to backpacks and sling bags, but for the most part, they should be under 18 x 14 x 8 inches.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5577

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.