Supply Side Policies - A-Level Economics - Study Mind (2024)

Supply Side Policies

Supply-­‐side policies are policies to increase the quantity firms are willing to supply at any given price level. This can be achieved by an increase in the quantity and quality of resources in order to raise the productive capacity of an economy and shift out the LRAS curve.

These policies aim to:

  • Improve competition and efficiency in product markets
  • Improve competition and productivity in labour markets
  • Provide incentives for firms to produce and invest
  • Provide incentives for people to work
  • Increase the geographical and occupational mobility of labour

Examples of Supply-­‐Side Policies: Labour Market

Education and Training

How it Works

This policy involves encouraging provision of education and training. The government can achieve this in several ways-­‐ for example they might subsidise firms to train their workers.

Improved Provision of Training and Education

  • Increased opportunities and incentives for workers
  • Increase in quality and productivity of workforce
  • Increase in occupational mobility 🡪 fall in structural unemployment

Therefore there will be an improvement in quantity (supply) and quality (productivity) of labour-­‐ the LRAS curve shifts outwards.


Time Lags

There will be time lags between initial investment and the benefits. For example, if the government invested in the building of a new university, it would take many years for it to be built.

Opportunity Cost of Government Spending

The government could have spent the money on healthcare, on reducing taxes or reducing borrowing.

Short Run vs. Long Run

In the SR, the supply of labour might fall as workers go into training. In the LR, there will be more skilled workers.

Subject Field

The effect of education will be very limited if it leads to an increase in people taking insignificant courses such as Surf Science.

Reduction in Income Tax

How it Works

Lower Rate of Income Tax

  • Increased incentive to work because there is more disposable income available from working
  • Increased opportunity cost of not working
  • Increase in supply of labour


Wage Rate

The increase in supply of labour might decrease the wage rate, which has the opposite effect

Loss of Government Tax Revenue

There will be a reduction in tax revenue, so there may be less money to be spent in improving the productive capacity elsewhere in the economy (e.g. through improved education)

Availability of Jobs

There might not be enough jobs available to accommodate the increase in supply of labour, so there might be high unemployment levels

Top Tax Rate?

The effect depends on which tax rate is cut-­‐ cutting the top tax rate will only affect a few wealthy people who are likely to already be in work. An increase in the lower tax rate will incentivise inactive people to seek a job.

Size of Tax Cut

The magnitude of the tax cut determines the extent of its effect.

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    Reduction in Corporation Tax

    How it Works

    Lower Rate of Corporation Tax

    • Increase in retained profits for firms
    • Investment increases
    • Capital stock increases
    • Increase in quantity/ quality of capital


    Firms might Save

    Firms might not invest, but save instead.

    Mechanical Labour

    Investment might lead to machinery replacing human labour, so there might be a fall in unemployment. This will not affect the shift in the AS curve, but it has negative effects for the economy

    Size of Tax

    The magnitude of the tax cut determines the extent of its effect. The cut has to be large compared to the costs of capital stock to encourage firms to invest.

    Loss of Government Tax Revenue

    There will be a reduction in tax revenue, so there may be less money to be spent in improving the productive capacity elsewhere in the economy (e.g. through improved education)

    Time Lag

    There will be a time lag between the tax cut, investment, and the increase in productive capacity

    Reduction in Benefits, NMW, Trade Union Rights

    How it Works

    Lowering the benefits that unemployed people receive, will give people an incentive to work, increasing supply of labour. Moreover, all of these schemes provide a ‘safety-­‐net’ to workers, but by removing these workers will be more willing to accept lower wages. This leads to a fall in production costs and also might lead to firms hiring more workers.


    Fall in AD

    The fall in government spending and consumption will lead to a fall in AD, exacerbated by the multiplier.

    Availability of Jobs

    There might not be enough jobs available to accommodate the increase in supply of labour, so there might be high unemployment levels

    Necessary Skill Set

    These unemployed people coming into the market might not have the necessary skill set required to work

    Increasing Level of Inequality

    The cut in benefits increases the gap between wealthier, employed people and poorer, unemployed people. Also, NMW, trade unions and benefits are all designed to help poorer people on lower incomes. By removing these people might suffer and slip into poverty.

    Improved Information on Job Vacancies

    How it Works

    An increase in information about job vacancies will reduce frictional unemployment.

    An increase in information about job vacancies around the country will increase geographical mobility.



    Frictional unemployment is relatively small and insignificant.

    General Evaluation

    • Other policies might be more effective-­‐ e.g. cutting interest rates
    • The scope for further supply side policies is limited
    • Supply-­‐side policies involves cutting taxes and increasing government spending, which effectively means that the economy will be running an expansionary fiscal policy. This might conflict with what is best for the economy given its current fiscal position.
    • If the AD in the economy is at point C in the diagram, a shift in the LRAS curve will have little effect. One could argue that investment should be concentrated on boosting AD instead of LRAS.
    Supply Side Policies - A-Level Economics - Study Mind (1)

    Examples of Supply-­‐Side Policies: Product Market

    There are many supply-­‐side policies which aim to increase competition. Competition between firms means that firms have to either cut costs, improve quality of goods, or produce new goods in order to survive in the market. Moreover, competition reduces the possibility of a monopoly firm having power over the whole market. For example, monopoly firms can restrict output and raise price by using their power in the market.

    Increasing competition reduces the power these firms have.


    Privatisation is the selling of state-­‐owned assets to the private sector.

    The privatisation of various large former state-­‐run industries (telecommunications, electricity, water, steel, gas, rail etc.) in the 1990s was designed to break up the state monopolies to create more competition.

    Evaluation: Government ownership may be beneficial in circ*mstances where there is a high risk of market failure. Also, there is little scope left for privatization in the UK economy because privatization has already occurred greatly in the 1990s.


    Deregulation involves removing government legislation in order to remove barriers to competition.

    Deregulation limits government intervention in the market. This should lead to an increase in competition and hence a fall in prices, improvement in quality and an increase in innovation. Deregulation occurs when the government pulls back from the industry a bit, therefore loosening its grip on particular rules and regulations.

    Every industry has government regulations that it must abide by. Regulations are often viewed as barriers for competitors looking to enter the market. Established firms within the market will oppose deregulation becomes it makes rules more relaxed for competitors.

    The purpose of deregulation is to allow a particular industry to have greater competition, create a freer marketplace. When industries become deregulated it gives the firms in the market greater leeway in which to improve their products, craft their brand and, ultimately, appeal more to consumers

    For example, deregulation in the phone industry has lead to improved standards in term of price levels and customer service. However, increased competition in other areas, such as the NHS, has just lead to increased management costs rather than improved efficiency.

    Evaluation: Regulation may be beneficial in circ*mstances where there is a high risk of market failure.

    Other Policies: Other policies include cutting bureaucracy, control of power of monopolies and reduction in planning restrictions

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    → What are supply side policies?

    Supply side policies are government policies that aim to increase the productivity and efficiency of the economy by promoting incentives to work, invest, innovate, and produce. These policies focus on the supply side of the economy, aiming to increase the quantity and quality of goods and services produced.

    → What are some examples of supply side policies?

    Examples of supply side policies include reducing taxes on businesses and individuals, reducing regulation and bureaucracy, investing in education and training, promoting free trade, and encouraging research and development.

    → How do supply side policies impact economic growth?

    Supply side policies can increase economic growth by promoting productivity and efficiency. By reducing the costs of production and increasing incentives to work and invest, businesses can expand output and profits. This can lead to higher economic growth rates over the long term.

    → Do supply side policies always lead to economic growth?

    No, supply side policies are not a guaranteed way to achieve economic growth. The effectiveness of these policies depends on a number of factors, including the state of the economy, the type of policies implemented, and the level of competition in the market.

    → What are the advantages of supply side policies?

    The advantages of supply side policies include increased productivity, efficiency, and economic growth. These policies can also lead to lower inflation, reduced unemployment, and improved standards of living.

    → What are the disadvantages of supply side policies?

    The disadvantages of supply side policies include the potential for increased income inequality, the possibility of creating negative externalities such as environmental degradation, and the risk of reducing government revenue through tax cuts.

    → How do supply side policies impact inflation?

    Supply side policies can have a positive impact on inflation by reducing the costs of production and increasing productivity. This can lead to lower prices for goods and services, which can help to reduce inflationary pressures in the economy.

    → How do supply side policies impact unemployment?

    Supply side policies can have a positive impact on unemployment by increasing incentives to work and invest. By reducing the costs of production and promoting job creation, businesses can expand output and employment opportunities, which can lead to lower unemployment rates over the long term.

    → What is the role of government in implementing supply side policies?

    The role of government in implementing supply side policies is to create a favorable business environment that promotes incentives to work, invest, innovate, and produce. This can be done through tax cuts, deregulation, education and training programs, and infrastructure investments, among other measures.

    → How do supply side policies impact international trade?

    Supply side policies can have a positive impact on international trade by promoting free trade and reducing barriers to entry for businesses. By increasing productivity and efficiency, businesses can become more competitive in the global market, which can lead to increased exports and foreign investment.

    Supply Side Policies - A-Level Economics - Study Mind (2024)


    What are supply-side policies in A-level economics? ›

    Supply-‐side policies are policies to increase the quantity firms are willing to supply at any given price level.

    What is the answer to supply-side economics? ›

    The supply-side theory, or supply-side economics, is a macroeconomic concept that contends that increases in the supply of goods lead to economic growth. Supply-side economists argue that the government should increase production through tax cuts and reduced regulation.

    What are the macroeconomic policies of a level economics? ›

    Examples of macroeconomic policies include monetary policy (e.g. setting interest rates), fiscal policy (e.g. government spending and taxation), and exchange rate policy (e.g. manipulating the value of a currency relative to other currencies).

    What are the macroeconomic objectives of the UK government? ›

    A-Level Economics Tutor Summary: The UK government's main goals are to grow the economy, keep unemployment and inflation low, and ensure money coming into the country balances with what's spent abroad.

    What are 4 policies that the supply-side model supports? ›

    Examples of Supply-Side Policies

    Reducing marginal tax rates. Lower tax rates on interest earned from savings. Higher tax credits on investment. Less government regulation, including the minimum wage.

    What are the main ideas of supply-side economics? ›

    What Is Supply-Side Economics? Supply-side economics is a theory that maintains that increasing the supply of goods and services is the engine of economic growth. Additionally, it advocates tax cuts as a way to encourage job creation, business expansion, and entrepreneurial activity.

    Who do supply-side policies target? ›

    Essentially, incentive-based supply-side policies aim to reduce taxes which improve the incentives of households and firms, consumers and producers.

    How supply-side policies reduce inflation? ›

    Supply-side policies can help to reduce inflation rates by increasing productivity and competition, thereby lowering costs of production. Supply-side policies are government efforts to increase the productivity and efficiency of the economy. They can have a significant impact on inflation rates.

    What is the supply-side economic theory quizlet? ›

    An attempt to improve the economy by providing big tax cuts to businesses and wealthy individuals (the supply side). These cuts encourage investment, which then creates jobs, so the effect will be felt throughout the economy; also known as supply-side economics.

    What are the 3 economic policies? ›

    The main economic policies are fiscal policy, monetary policy, and supply-side policy. Fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation, monetary policy deals with the management of interest rates and money supply, and supply-side policy focuses on improving the efficiency of the economy.

    What are the three main macroeconomic policy types? ›

    The key pillars of macroeconomic policy are: fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy. This brief outlines the nature of each of these policy instruments and the different ways they can help promote stable and sustainable growth.

    What are the five macroeconomic policies? ›

    A macroeconomic policy framework conducive to growth can be characterised by five features: a low and predictable inflation rate; an appropriate real interest rate; a stable and sustainable fiscal policy; a competitive and predictable real exchange rate; and a balance of payments that is regarded as viable.

    What are supply-side policies? ›

    Supply-side policies are policies that aim to increase productivity and efficiency in the economy. The objective of supply-side policies is to boost aggregate supply (AS) to result in increased output. In this case, the LRAS shifts to the right and national output levels increase, meanwhile the price level decreases.

    What are the 4 main macroeconomic objectives of government? ›

    Government's macroeconomic objectives
    • Attain high levels of economic growth.
    • Maintain low levels of unemployment.
    • Achieve price stability.
    • Maintain a satisfactory balance of payments.

    What 3 goals determine the government's macroeconomic policy? ›

    In macroeconomics three of these goals receive extra focus: economic growth, price stability and full employment. Economic growth refers to a nation's ability to produce more goods and services over time.

    What are supply-side policies tutor2u? ›

    Any policy designed to increase long run aggregate supply. In terms of labour markets, this could include increasing labour market flexibility, increasing skills / training of workers and so on.

    What are supply-side economic policies best viewed as? ›

    The supply-side economic policy of cutting high marginal tax rates, therefore, should be viewed as a long-run strategy to enhance growth rather than a short-run tool to end recession.

    Why are supply-side policies? ›

    Supply side policies are government policies which seek to increase the productivity and efficiency of the economy. Supply side policies aim to increase long term competitiveness and productivity, and in the long run supply side policies can help increase the level of employment in an economy as firms expand and grow.

    What are supply and demand side policies? ›

    Supply-side policies aim to improve productivity and efficiency and thus boost long-run aggregate supply. On the other hand, demand-side policies aim to increase aggregate demand to boost output in the short run. Reducing taxes has a supply-side effect by making it less expensive for firms to operate.

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