Taxes on Options Trading | Option Alpha (2024)

Special tax treatments for options

An essential component of being a good investor is understanding the taxes involved with buying and selling securities. Sometimes taxes can be as straightforward as paying the tax on capital gains and deducting losses from your taxable income. However, options can be a little more complicated.

Differences between stocks and options

Taxation of stocks is relatively simple. When you sell a stock at a gain, you will pay capital gains tax on it, and if you sell it at a loss then you can deduct it against your taxable income.

Due to the complex nature of options, there are many nuances to the tax rules that traders should familiarize themselves with to implement efficient financial plans and file their taxes correctly.

Short-term vs. long-term

Capital gains/losses are broken into two categories, long-term and short-term. Long-term tax rates are usually substantially lower than short-term capital gains tax rates.

The rule of thumb for long-term capital gains is that a security must be held for 365 days at least before the trader takes a profit or a loss on it.

Holding period

The length of time that a trader owns a security is referred to as the holding period. The holding period is used to determine whether a gain or loss is long or short-term. Under normal circ*mstances, the date that an option contract is purchased is the date used to start the holding period. There are a couple of exceptions that can change or offset the start date, such as trading covered calls and the Wash Sale Rule.

Covered calls

When a trader sells a call contract and simultaneously own shares of the stock that the contract represents, it is called a covered call.

Determining the tax for at-the-money and out-of-the-money covered calls depends on whether the call is unexercised, the call is exercised, or the call is bought back to close the position.

As an example, let’s say that Dave owns 100 shares of XYZ Corp, which is trading at $50, and he sells a $60 call for XYZ that expires in October at a $1.05 premium.

Option is not exercised

October rolls around, and XYZ is trading at $52. The call is not exercised, and Dave will net a short-term gain of $1.05 per share on the call he wrote.

Option is exercised

If the option is exercised, Dave will realize a capital gain on his shares of XYZ that is calculated off his total cost over the time he owned the shares. If he bought the shares last February at $40, his gain would be $21.05/share ($60 strike price – $38.95 price paid minus premium).

The option is bought to close

Dave decides to close his open call position by buying the contract back. The tax calculation is subject to what price he paid to purchase it back. If he spent less than he sold it for, he would record a capital gain, and if he paid more than he sold it for, he would record a loss.

In-the-money covered calls

The tax rules for covered calls that expire in the money are more complicated. They depend on whether the call is qualified or unqualified. Qualified covered calls can be taxed at long-term capital gains rates, while unqualified trades are taxed at short-term capital gains rates – regardless of how long the shares are held.

Determining whether a call is qualified or not is an intricate process, and more specific information can be found at the IRS website linked at the bottom of this page.

As a general rule, the call should not be lower than the previous day’s closing price, and it must have more than 30 days left until it expires.

Wash sale rule

The wash sale rule prevents losses in particular security from being transferred to a “substantially identical” security with a 30-day window.

If we look back at Dave, he could not take a loss on his XYZ stock, and immediately purchase a call option on XYZ within 30 days. The loss would not be allowed; rather, it would be added to the premium he paid for the new call option.

In this example, Dave’s holding period for the call option would start on the day he sold the shares of XYZ, not the day that he purchased the call.

Option expiration

When a trader purchases an option, either a call or a put, there is a stated expiration date unless the trader decides to roll it forward.

If the option expires at a profit, then the rules are similar to selling an option: if the option was held for less than a year, then it will be considered a short-term gain. If the option was held for more than a year, then it would be considered long-term.

It is important to note that if an option seller buys back the option to close out the position before it expires, then the resulting gain or loss is automatically treated as short-term. This rule applies even if the option was sold more than a year ago.

Option exercises and stock assignments

When an option is exercised, the trader does not report the position on Schedule D Form 8949. Instead, the option’s premium is either added or subtracted to the overall cost basis of the stock. The IRS applies different rules depending on whether it is a call or a put to determine how the premium is treated.


When a call is exercised, the holder purchases shares from the writer at the strike price. The holder adds the premium from the cost basis of the shares, and the writer includes the premium and increases the realized amount on the sale of the shares.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example:

Hannah purchased a call for ABC Inc. with a $100 strike price at a $2.00 premium that expires in six months. ABC is currently trading at $83. after Hannah purchases the option, ABC releases earnings and exceeds analyst predictions causing the stock to shoot to $112.

Since the option is now in-the-money, Hannah would like to exercise her option and purchase the shares of ABC. Her cost basis would be $10,200 ($100 strike price x 100 shares + $200 premium).

If she sells the shares three months later at $120, she will have realized a $20 gain per share ($120 market price – $100 strike price)

Since this trade was completed under a year, it would be considered a short-term capital gain, and Hannah would have to pay taxes accordingly.


Puts are treated similarly to calls, but if the option is exercised without the trader owning the shares, then the trade could be taxed under short-sale rules. These would calculate the total time starting at the exercise date to the closing date.

If a put is exercised, the holder reduces the amount realized from the sale of the shares by the price of the premium, and the writer reduces the cost basis of the stock received.

Benefits of exchange-traded/broad-based Indexed options

The IRS treats the sale of exchange-traded index options and other non-equity securities such as bonds or commodities, differently than other types of options transactions.

The 60/40 rule

In this case, the IRS rules can be quite favorable to traders due to the 60/40 rule. Under the 60/40 rule, 60% of gains are treated as long-term, and 40% are treated as short-term, regardless of the holding period.

Among the benefits of this rule are lower capital gains taxes. Since the holding period on the security does not influence the tax rate, the majority of capital gains from exchange-traded indexed options will be taxed at long-term rates, which have a maximum of 23.8%. Under the 60/40 rule, the short-term capital gains rate can reach as high as 43.4%, which enhances the benefit of the rule.

Other securities that fall under the 60/40 rule when held for less than a year include regulated futures and foreign currency contracts as well as non-equity, debt, commodity futures, and currency options.

At the end of the year, the IRS considers these contracts as marked to market (MTM) at their fair value. This MTM valuation treats them as if they were closed. Holding the securities longer will incur higher capital gains taxes.


As you can see, there is quite a bit of nuance when it comes to the tax treatment of options. While taxes are not fun, misfiling or misunderstanding, the tax implications of trades is much worse.

Fortunately, there is plenty of information on why options are taxed, and what rules are in place to assist traders.

By taking the time to research and understand the difference between short and long-term capital gains, how expiration can affect your taxes, and more, you will be in a much better position to plan out your trades.

For more information on special tax rules that apply when selling options, see IRS Publication 550, page 60.


How are options taxed when exercised?

When an options contract is exercised, the IRS has specific rules about handling the cost basis of the new position. These rules differ depending on if a put or call option is exercised. The direction in which the cost basis is adjusted depends on whether the account holder is the buyer or seller and whether the contract is a call option or put option.

If the account holder is a buyer of a call option and chooses to exercise the option, add the cost of the call option to the cost basis of the stock purchased. For example, Sally buys a call option for $2 for ABC stock with a $50 strike price. If she exercises the option to buy ABC stock at $50, the cost basis in ABC is $50 + $2 = $52. The holding period for stock acquired when exercising an option begins the day after the option is exercised.

If the account owner is a buyer of a put option and chooses to exercise the option, subtract the put option’s cost from the amount realized on the exercise. For example, Bob buys a put option for $2 for ABC stock with a $50 strike price. If he exercises the option to sell ABC stock at $50, the amount realized on ABC’s sale is $50 - $2 = $48.

The IRS treats buying a put option as a short sale. The exercise, sale, or expiration of the put is a closing of the short sale. If the account holder has a long stock position and buys a put option, the holding period for capital gains or losses is dependent on how long the long stock position was held. For example, if Sue has held 100 shares of ABC stock for 6-months and buys and exercises a put option with a $50 strike, any gain on the exercise, sale, or expiration of the put is a short-term capital gain.

If the account owner sells a call or put, the premium received is a short-term capital gain. The account owner does not realize the gain until either the trade is closed or the option expires. If the put option sold is exercised and the owner is assigned stock, subtract the cost basis of the exercised stock by the amount of premium received. For example, Bob sells a put option on ABC stock for $2 with a $50 strike price. Bob is assigned ABC stock at $50. Bob’s cost basis in ABC stock is $50 - $2 = $48. His holding period in ABC stock begins on the date he was assigned and bought the stock, not the date he originally sold the put.

If a call option sold is exercised and the account owner is assigned stock, the amount realized on the sale of the stock is increased by the amount received in call option premium. For example, Sue sells a call option on ABC stock for $2 with a $50 strike price. The amount Sue realizes on the sale of the ABC stock position is $50 + $2 = $52. Her capital gain or loss is based on the $52 realized amount. The gain or loss on the ABC position is based on how long she holds ABC stock. If the holding period is longer than one year, the gain is considered long-term.

Unlike option sales and expirations, the option position is not reported on Schedule D Form 8949 when exercise or assignment happens. Instead, the proceeds from the sale of the option are included in the stock position from the assignment.

When calculating the tax liability, properly adjust the cost basis of stock to make sure the option premium is incorporated in the stock position’s cost basis.

How do I report options trading on my tax return?

Profits or losses from trading equity options are considered capital gains or losses (these get reported on IRS Schedule D, Form 8949).

Taxes on Options Trading | Option Alpha (2024)


Taxes on Options Trading | Option Alpha? ›

The 60/40 rule. In this case, the IRS rules can be quite favorable to traders due to the 60/40 rule. Under the 60/40 rule, 60% of gains are treated as long-term, and 40% are treated as short-term, regardless of the holding period. Among the benefits of this rule are lower capital gains taxes.

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The IRS applies what is known as the 60/40 rule to all non-equity options, meaning that all gains and losses are treated as: Long-Term: 60% of the trade is taxed as a long-term capital gain or loss. Short-Term: 40% of the trade is taxed as a short-term capital gain or loss.

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Option Alpha Review: Is Option Alpha Legit? The Bottom Line: Option Alpha is a legit service, and it can provide a ton of value to options traders. The platform offers plenty of well-produced educational materials, as well as powerful automation features. But there is a catch.

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So the tax on the date of purchase is zero. Vesting is not a taxable event and so you owe no tax on vesting. You only have to pay tax on the gain when you sell the shares.

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Stock options are typically taxed at two points in time: first when they are exercised (purchased) and again when they're sold. You can unlock certain tax advantages by learning the differences between ISOs and NSOs.

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One approach to trading and potentially avoiding significant tax bills is to go for long-term investments, which are taxed at a lower rate than short-term security trading. In general, if a position is held for more than 365 days, it is considered a long-term investment.

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Futures and Options

The STT rate applicable for Equity and Index trades is set at 0.01% on Futures sell side turnover. STT= 0.01% (STT rate) X 8700 (selling price) X 10 (lots) X 25 (lot size of NIFTY) = Rs. 217.50 would be levied on the transaction.

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Most users of Seeking Alpha find that this platform is worth the investment price. However, be sure to do your own research to find the best investment platform that fits your needs and budget.

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Alpha, often considered the active return on an investment, gauges the performance of an investment against a market index or benchmark that is considered to represent the market's movement as a whole. The excess return of an investment relative to the return of a benchmark index is the investment's alpha.

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The Writer will potentially face high loss if the options that they write are uncovered. This means that they do not own shares they write calls on or do not hold short shares in the option they write puts on. Large losses could result from an adverse move in the underlying price.

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You don't need to exercise your options as soon as they vest. There are some legitimate reasons for waiting a bit longer to exercise. For example, you may have a ton of faith that the market price of the company stock will continue to increase over time.

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However, when you sell an option—or the stock you acquired by exercising the option—you must report the profit or loss on Schedule D of your Form 1040. If you've held the stock or option for one year or less, your sale will result in a short-term gain or loss, which will either add to or reduce your ordinary income.

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Unvested Options – Depending on the structure of the deal, there are three possibilities for unvested options. The holdings could be canceled, they might be converted to cash and paid out over time, or they could be converted to the acquiring company stock and subject to a new vesting schedule.

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Non-equity options taxation

No matter how long you've held the position, Internal Revenue Code section 1256 requires options in this category to be taxed as follows: 60% of the gain or loss is taxed at the long-term capital tax rates. 40% of the gain or loss is taxed at the short-term capital tax rates.

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Futures, forex, and options

Section 1256 contracts get special tax treatment of 60/40. This means that positions held for any amount of time will receive 60% long-term capital gains treatment and 40% short-term capital gains treatment.

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Set Off Profits Against Previous Losses

Unfortunately, if you suffer a net loss from your F&O trading by the year end, you can carry forward your losses for up to 8 years, which can be adjusted against your future profits, which reduces your tax liability in the year of adjustment.

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3. Listed or unlisted shares
ParticularsHolding PeriodLong-term tax rate
Indian Listed Company1 year10% (upto 1 lakh exempt)
Indian Unlisted Company2 year20% with indexation
Foreign Listed Company2 Year20% with indexation
Foreign Unlisted Company2 Year20% with indexation
Jun 5, 2024

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Any loss arising from trading of Futures and Options can be offset against any income arising from the taxpayer's residential property, any other business as well as any other source barring the taxpayer's regular salary.

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How do capital gains taxes work? Capital gains can be subject to either short-term tax rates or long-term tax rates. Short-term capital gains are taxed according to ordinary income tax brackets, which range from 10% to 37%. Long-term capital gains are taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20%.

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Exceptions to Taxable benefits on Stock Options

If you receive options as a shareholder rather than an employee, they are not considered as taxable employment benefits. Because of that, they are not reported on box 14 of your T4, but you may have to declare any earnings from these options as capital gains.

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