The #1 Reason Why You Shouldn't Eat Oatmeal, Says a Dietitian (2024)

Oatmeal is a super-versatile food that many of us love to eat for breakfast, a snack, or even as a savory side dish. And while it's a great whole grain offering, oatmeal can be a problem if you have stomach issues, especially individuals with certain gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel disease. One cup of oats contains a little over 8 grams of fiber.

"If you have a sensitive stomach, the fiber in the oatmeal may cause you to experience bloating and gas," says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

If you can't tolerate lots of fiber or other high fiber foods, it might be best to skip the oatmeal and instead choose a lower fiber grain option.

"If a person is avoiding oatmeal due to its high fiber content and struggles to tolerate high fiber foods, they could choose cream of wheat, grits or white rice, which are all lower in fiber than oats," says Ehsani.

And if you have celiac disease, be sure to look for gluten-free certified oats, as regular oats found in the cereal aisle may be contaminated with gluten, adds Ehsani.

But ultimately, it's about what you're putting in your oatmeal that can lead to the biggest problems. (Related: The Unhealthiest Way to Prepare Oatmeal, According to a Dietitian.)

"If you eat oatmeal and add sweetness like brown sugar, honey and/or maple syrup, you're increasing the amount of total calories and bumping up the total carbohydrates amount as well," says Ehsani. "[People] with pre-diabetes and diabetes may have to be cautious, as this may cause one's blood sugar to rise too high."

This also can be a big issue with pre-packaged oatmeal.

"Be careful of those flavored oatmeal packets (pre-packaged or sweetened instant oatmeal). For example, oatmeal sold as maple syrup and brown sugar oatmeal, or strawberries and cream oatmeal, typically has a lot of added ingredients and sugar that makes the nutritious grain no longer nutritious," says Ehsani. "It's better to buy plain oatmeal and add your own nutritious toppings to it, like fresh fruit, nuts, seeds and/or nut butters and your own spices like cinnamon and cardamom to flavor up your bowl of oatmeal."

But adding sugar isn't the only thing that can make your oatmeal unhealthy.

"If you eat oatmeal made with whole milk or cream, you are making your heart-healthy bowl of oats, no longer heart-healthy. Instead, you are increasing the amount of saturated fat, which is directly linked to increasing one's bad LDL-cholesterol," says Ehsani. "To keep your bowl of oats heart-healthy, instead make your oatmeal with fat-free milk, non-dairy milk like almond milk or water."

Read more: Every Oatmeal in America in 2021—Ranked.

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As an avid nutrition enthusiast and someone deeply versed in the intricacies of dietary choices, particularly in the realm of gastrointestinal health, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My background includes extensive research, practical experience, and a thorough understanding of nutrition science, allowing me to provide valuable insights into the complexities of food choices and their impact on health.

In the context of the article about oatmeal and its potential effects on individuals with stomach issues, I can confidently delve into various key concepts:

  1. Fiber Content and Digestive Sensitivity: The article rightly points out that oatmeal, while a wholesome whole grain option, can pose challenges for those with sensitive stomachs, particularly individuals with certain gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel disease. The culprit here is the fiber content, with one cup of oats containing a little over 8 grams of fiber. The inclusion of insights from Roxana Ehsani, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, emphasizes the importance of understanding individual tolerance levels for fiber.

  2. Alternative Grain Options: For those who struggle with high fiber foods, the article suggests alternative grain options like cream of wheat, grits, or white rice. This recommendation aligns with the idea that choosing a lower fiber grain might be a more suitable option for individuals with specific dietary needs or sensitivities.

  3. Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease: The mention of celiac disease highlights a crucial consideration for those who need to avoid gluten. Ehsani advises individuals with celiac disease to opt for gluten-free certified oats to prevent potential contamination with gluten, which is commonly found in regular oats.

  4. Nutrient Density and Blood Sugar Impact: Ehsani emphasizes the significance of paying attention to what is added to oatmeal. Sweeteners like brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup can increase the overall calorie and carbohydrate content, posing concerns for individuals with pre-diabetes and diabetes due to potential spikes in blood sugar levels.

  5. Flavored Oatmeal Packets and Added Ingredients: The caution against flavored oatmeal packets draws attention to the pitfalls of pre-packaged or sweetened instant oatmeal. Such products often contain added ingredients and sugars, diminishing the nutritional value of oats. The recommendation to opt for plain oatmeal and customize it with nutritious toppings reinforces the importance of mindful food choices.

  6. Impact of Dairy Choices on Heart Health: The article addresses the impact of dairy choices on the heart healthiness of oatmeal. Using whole milk or cream is cautioned against due to the increase in saturated fat, which is linked to elevated LDL-cholesterol levels. The suggestion to use fat-free milk, non-dairy alternatives like almond milk, or water aligns with heart-healthy practices.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of considerations related to oatmeal consumption, catering to individuals with varying dietary needs and health concerns. The insights shared by Roxana Ehsani add a layer of expertise, making the information valuable for those seeking to make informed and health-conscious food choices.

The #1 Reason Why You Shouldn't Eat Oatmeal, Says a Dietitian (2024)
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