The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (2024)

Achieving the title of ballerina is awarded to only those who have worked hard and earned it. They must first prove their talents to be recognized as a soloist, then principle, and then a prima. But that is not as far as they can reach. There is a further rank that is called the Prima Ballerina Assoluta, and only very special women have earned that title. Only 11 people have ever been given that title and here they are...

1. Anneli Alhanko

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (1)

2. Alessandra Ferri

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (2)

3. Maya Plisetskaya

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (3)

4. Mathilda Kschessinskaya

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (4)

5. Galina Ulanova

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (5)

6. Alicia Alonso

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (6)

7. Eva Evdokimova

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (7)

8. Pierina Legnani

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (8)

9. Phyllis Spira

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (9)

10. Alicia Markova

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (10)

11. Margot Fonteyn

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (11)

12. Natalia Makarova

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (12)

13. Yvette Chauviré

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (13)

The 13 Best Prima Ballerina Assolutas | Dance Buzz (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.