The Best Fabrics for a Comfortable Run (2024)

Using technical fabrics to keep dry and comfortable can make all the difference to your run whether you're running your first 5k or marathon.

So it’s important to invest in technical clothing that is both sweat-wicking and breathable. Instead of trapping the moisture next to your skin, these fabrics move it away, allowing it to sit on the outside of the fabric, to evaporate, minimising chaffing and maximising your comfort.

Synthetic fabrics have taken the lead in recent years in activewear for their superior ability to keep you dry and comfortable, whatever the weather, but there are some natural alternatives too.

Nylon -Nylon is one of the most popular fabrics in running wear as it's sweat-wicking, breathable, and super stretchy so it’ll move with you for a comfortable ride.

Polyester-Polyester is a plastic based fabric making it durable, lightweight, breathable, and non-absorbent. It also repels UV rays and keeps you warm when it's wet making it ideal for running jackets.

Unfortunately it doesn't hold the anti-bacterial qualities of natural fibres.

Polypropylene -Popular in running gear this fabric is water-resistant making it a great running base-layer. Regardless of how sweaty you get this fabric will stay dry to the skin's touch.

Spandex -Also known by the brand name Lycra, spandex is stretchy and flexible. Thissynthetic fabric can expand, offering you unrestricted movement, before snapping back and retaining its shape.

Bamboo -Bamboo is a great eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fibres and is naturally sweat-wicking, anti-bacterial, and incredibly soft.

Wool -Merino wool in particular is ideal for bothhot and cold weather running as it is temperature regulating, extremely breathable, sweat-wicking, and anti-bacterial. It’s often combined with synthetic fibres such as spandex to give it a more fitted shape. It’s also incredibly lightweight.

Cotton -Be aware of cotton; it is not the optimum fabric for running. Not only does it absorb the moisture, it traps it against your skin, making you feel damp and hot as you sweat.

The Best Fabrics for a Comfortable Run (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.