The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (2024)

July 14, 2023·14 min read

Video makes websites more engaging and helps them rank better. Discover how to embed it on your site, what types to use, and how to do it well.

The year is 2005. You click on your friend’s MySpace profile, and—BAM!—there it is a full-on auditory assault in the form of an auto-playing video.

Video on websites has come a long way since those dark days. For one, most of us have moved past auto-play.

These days, creating a website with videos means working to enhance the visitor experience. Not make them close their eyes, cover their ears, and click madly away.

Businesses especially have gotten the hang of thinking about better educating, informing, and entertaining their website visitors.

This has led to the rise of the homepage video (often a nice explainer or promo). Plus, the addition of videos to various pages, including product and service pages, about and career sections, landing pages, resource hubs, support centers, blogs, and more.

Video allows brands to increase dwell time, improve rankings, boost conversions, and increase engagement. It’s a win for visitors and page owners alike.

In this post, we’ll cover why you might want to consider adding video to your website. Learn how to do it, where to use them, best practices for doing it well, and some examples of how to do it effectively.

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  1. Contents
  2. 1. Why Should You Use Video on Websites?
  3. 1.1 Video on Websites has the power to:
  4. 2. How Do I Add Video to My Website?
  5. 2.1 How Do I Embed a Self-Hosted Video on Websites?
  6. 2.2 How Do I Embed Third-Party-Hosted Video on Websites?
  7. 2.2.1 How Do I Embed a Vidyard Video on My Website?
  8. 2.3 What’s the Difference Between Inline and Lightbox Embeds?
  9. 3. Where Can I Use Video on My Website?
  10. 3.1 Homepage Videos
  11. 3.1.1 Recommended Video Type: Explainer
  12. 3.2 Product and/or Service Page Videos
  13. 3.2.1 Recommended Video Type: Demo
  14. 3.3 Landing Page Videos
  15. 3.3.1 Recommended Video Type: Promos
  16. 3.4 About Page Videos
  17. 3.4.1 Recommended Video Type: Culture
  18. 3.5 Blog Videos on Websites
  19. 3.5.1 Recommended Video Type(s): Thought Leadership and How-To
  20. 3.6 Customer Story Videos
  21. 3.6.1 Recommended Video Type: Case Study
  22. 3.7 Support Portal Videos
  23. 3.7.1 Recommended Video Type: How-To
  24. 3.8 Careers Page Videos
  25. 3.8.1 Recommended Video Type: Culture
  26. 4. What Are Some Best Practices for Using Video on Websites?
  27. 4.1 Focus on Quality
  28. 4.2 Pay Attention to Placement
  29. 4.3 Build for Accessibility
  30. 4.4 Go Short
  31. 4.5 Choose an Eye-Catching Thumbnail
  32. 4.6 Be Responsive
  33. 4.7 Keep Load Times Fast
  34. 4.8 Test Everything
  35. 5. Let Video on Websites Drive Results

Why Should You Use Video on Websites?

Your website has milliseconds to make a good impression on your visitor. And as those first impressions really matter, a video might just do the trick to grab and retain that attention.

It’s eye-catching and alluring—the perfect thing to entice your visitors to stay a little longer and see what you’re all about.

Video on Websites has the power to:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Engage visitors
  • Keep people on your site
  • Improve search rankings
  • Bump up conversions

What are you waiting for? Power up your website with video.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (2)

Easily Embed Videos on Your Website Host, manage, and embed video—quickly.

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How Do I Add Video to My Website?

You can add video to your website in several different ways. Here’s what you need to know about each option.

How Do I Embed a Self-Hosted Video on Websites?

While the exact process for this differs somewhat depending on the service you’ve used to design and host your website, the basics remain the same.

To add a self-hosted video to your website, you upload it to your website server like an image file.

The biggest benefit here is that you have full control over your content and do not have to worry about a third-party organization’s terms of service. It also ensures your video is ad-free.

However, quite a few things make this option a bit more complicated than it might seem. For one, video files tend to be large, which can greatly strain your server and storage limits. These limitations can cause your video to load slowly or even freeze.

Additionally, file type has some drawbacks, which are not standardized across browsers (not all browsers will play all video file types). This means that, depending on what file type you use, some of your website’s visitors may be unable to view it.

How Do I Embed Third-Party-Hosted Video on Websites?

The more common solution for embedding video on your website is using a third-party service or CDN (content delivery network).

There are many video hosting options, ranging from free to enterprise-grade solutions.

Popular free options include sites like YouTube and Vimeo. In part, they tend to have some drawbacks because they’re free to use. Namely, ads appear in your videos, and the sites will suggest other content to viewers, even when they view a video at an embedded location. This means you don’t have control over your viewer’s experience. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be building up your YouTube presence as well, but there’s a better way to manage your video content on your site.

Then there are video hosting solutions designed for businesses that offer a variety of free and paid plans to meet different business needs.

With a hosting platform like Vidyard, you can quickly and easily embed videos of any length, add calls to action to your video content, customize the video player, track viewers, and integrate with other tools to do even more.

How Do I Embed a Vidyard Video on My Website?

The process will look slightly different if you have a free Vidyard account. Get instructions for that in our Knowledge Center.

  1. Find the video you’d like to embed in your Vidyard library
  2. Click the Share button next to the video to pull up the sharing options window
  3. In the window, select the </> button to get the embed code
  4. Toggle the Would you like to embed this video? Option to On
  5. Choose an embed option (inline or lightbox for websites)
  6. Click Copy Code
  7. Paste the embed code into the source HTML of your website

What’s the Difference Between Inline and Lightbox Embeds?

Not quite sure what sets an inline and lightbox embed apart?

Inline embeds display your video directly on the webpage, in line with the rest of your content.

The video below is an example of an inline embed, which also tells you more about this type of embed.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (4)

Lightbox embeds present your video as the focal point of the page by loading your video in the center of the screen and dimming all other page elements.

The video below is an example of a lightbox embed, which also tells you more about this type of embed.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (5)

Where Can I Use Video on My Website?

Video can go pretty much anywhere and everywhere on your website, from your homepage to your blog. These are just a few of the most popular options, along with the types of videos that tend to work best for each.

Homepage Videos

Recommended Video Type: Explainer

You’ve probably heard that your homepage is like your website’s front door: It sets the tone for the rest of your site. It can also be make-or-break. If your homepage isn’t inviting, visitors may leave without checking out the rest of your site.

Because the homepage is the first place many people will land on your website, it’s important to serve as an introduction to your company and your product(s) or service(s).

Explainer videos, which provide a high-level overview, are a great fit for homepages for exactly this reason. They’re not your only choice, though.

For instance, if your brand is already a household name (think Coca-Cola or Toyota), you might want to use your valuable homepage of real estate to highlight a new product or promotion. Or, if you have returning visitors to your site, you might want to serve up a more mid-funnel product video that shows off the product in action.

Product and/or Service Page Videos

Recommended Video Type: Demo

Product and service pages tell visitors more about what your brand offers, including what features you offer, how they can use them, and even pricing.

Because these pages are more nitty-gritty with detail, video is a great way to provide even more information without making the page an overwhelming wall of text.

Demo videos, which show how your product works and answer some key questions about it, are great because they dive deeper into specifics.

Learn From the Pros

Learn from Vidyard’s Chief Video Strategist, Tyler Lessard, how a product tour or demo video can completely transform the web experience for your buyers.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (6)

Landing Page Videos

Recommended Video Type: Promos

Landing pages are all about conversions. Whether you’re trying to get people to buy your product, book a call with sales, or even download a piece of content, driving action is key.

Adding video to your landing pages can increase conversions.

Promo videos, which serve as mini-trailers for whatever you’re pushing, are a great way to build hype and get people to take that next step.

Learn From the Pros

The Vidyard team opted for a hero landing page video for our awareness campaigns around productivity using video messaging.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (7)

About Page Videos

Recommended Video Type: Culture

Your About page tells visitors what your company is, who runs it, and your values.

This page is an opportunity to share your organization’s personality with visitors, and video makes it easier than ever to convey that human element.

Culture videos that highlight the people on your leadership team or show off the company behind the scenes can be a great way to make a connection here.

Blog Videos on Websites

Recommended Video Type(s): Thought Leadership and How-To

Blogs are all about educating people. Video is an excellent teaching tool. (Yes, really: Viewers retain more of a message when they watch it in a video than text.)

It’s a match made in heaven.

Consider using a mix of different video types to keep people entertained while you inform them. Two of the ones that work best are thought leadership and how-tos.

Thought leadership videos, which share a new concept or perspective, challenge viewers to think of something in a new way—a surefire way to hold their attention.

How-to videos, which walk the viewer through how to do something step-by-step, are a no-brainer for people who want to walk away with actionable learnings.

Learn From the Pros

Most articles on the Vidyard blog feature some sort of video example. The blog video below is featured in our related live sales demo article plus on the Sales Feed YouTube channel.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (8)

Customer Story Videos

Recommended Video Type: Case Study

Customer stories are the bread and butter of middle-of-funnel content—basically, every brand has them.

They’re an awesome way to showcase how your product or service has helped real people at a real organization achieve real results.

Case study videos, which tell your clients’ stories, are a great way to add authenticity and trustworthiness to your customer stories. A written quote could be faked. A testimonial from a real person they can see can’t (at least, not easily).

Support Portal Videos

Recommended Video Type: How-To

Support portals, also known as knowledge centers, allow people to get answers to product-based questions themselves.

Knowledge centers let people self-serve rather than contacting a human support agent. They’re particularly critical for organizations with a low price point where one-to-one support solutions aren’t scalable. But really, they’re table stakes for pretty much any kind of organization that offers a product.

How-to videos, which walk viewers through steps to help them achieve a certain outcome, are a perfect fit—whether visitors are trying out a new feature or aiming to solve a recurring issue.

Learn From the Pros

The Vidyard Knowledge Base answers questions about the product. Articles typically include written instructions and a screen recording how-to video that shows users exactly what to do.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (9)

Careers Page Videos

Recommended Video Type: Culture

Careers pages are about attracting and hiring the very best candidates to work at your company.

They show off what’s great about working at a company, share values, and benefits, and even tell the stories of real employees.

Culture videos, which can focus on your existing employees, let you give potential applicants a real feel for your organization. You can showcase a day in the life of a real employee, do a highlight reel of your office, get testimonials from people about why they love working there, or even feature your leadership team talking about the business. The sky’s the limit!

The 9 Essential Types of Video Guide Find out what types of video your business needs, how to make them, where they fit in the funnel, and more. Get the Guide

What Are Some Best Practices for Using Video on Websites?

Now that you know you want video on your website, let’s take a look at how to do it well.

1. Focus on Quality

Your webpage gains nothing from the addition of a poorly thought-out and badly made video. Above all else, make sure that your video adds something to the content around it.

Quality doesn’t mean you need fancy equipment to create your video. In fact, you can produce good videos just about anywhere. It’s about ensuring you do a decent job with the basics, like lighting and sound. That can be as simple as shooting near a window for natural light and reducing background noise.

2. Pay Attention to Placement

While putting a video at the top is one of the most obvious (and popular) approaches for adding video to a website, it’s not your only option.

When deciding where your video belongs, think about its context of it and its relationship to the content on the rest of your page.

Videos that take up valuable real estate at the top of your page should draw the viewer in and tell them what they need to know. When you make your video the focal point of your page, the other content (like copy, images, etc.) supports that video and its message.

Feature videos should be well-produced, attention-grabbing, and speak to the overall message you want users to walk away with.

Another option for a video that appears at the top of your page is a background video, sometimes known as a hero video. These are soundless videos that you use instead of an image background. The movement helps pull visitors into the page and serves as a visual treat highlighting your product.

You might put a video further down a page because it’s a supporting asset to the main event (whatever that may be for your particular page. Likely, your video is informative and helps feed your visitors’ understanding. These videos might also speak specifically to the subsection of the page they sit within.

2. Build for Accessibility

Creating accessible videos means that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy your content. But that’s not the only benefit. It also means better engagement and a higher chance of ranking in search results.

To ensure they’re accessible, make sure your web videos have captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions. It’s also important that they use an accessible video player. This is where it pays to use a third-party hosting solution that’s taken the time to set up their service for accessibility rather than building something from scratch yourself.

3. Go Short

On average, 53% of people will finish watching a video regardless of its length. If it’s less than a minute, 66% will watch it all the way through.

Go shorter, and you up your chances that the majority of your audience will see your entire video.

We recommend you keep your homepage videos at about 30 to 60 seconds. How long you go will really depend on what page the video lives on and what the video’s purpose is there.

Explainers are usually only 60 to 90 seconds, whereas a demo might run from two to five minutes. Determine your video length according to your page’s goals.

Average Engagement for Different Lengths of Video

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (10)

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (11)

Video in Business Benchmark Report The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (12) Know where you stand, so you can stand out. Get the insights you need to craft a video strategy that works. Read the Report

4. Choose an Eye-Catching Thumbnail

If your video was a movie, your thumbnail would be the poster. It’s what attracts someone’s attention and gets them interested in watching.

Put thought into your thumbnail. If your page has a lot of branded elements, consider a custom thumbnail that complements them.

Whatever you choose, make sure that it’s not cluttered, focus on faces (if your video has them), and use a high resolution.

Above all, make sure your thumbnail makes it clear it’s a video—that is, make sure it has a play button.

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5. Be Responsive

Having a responsive page means that all of its elements (including your video) can easily be viewed no matter what device the visitor uses. Responsive designs work well and provide a good user experience on both desktop and mobile.

If you’re self-hosting your video, you’ll need to convert it in order to include versions in different sizes (appropriate for different devices). If you use a video hosting platform, it should do this for you automatically.

6. Keep Load Times Fast

Page load speeds may not be the most fun part of video marketing, but they are one of the most important.

Be sure to optimize your videos not to slow down your load time (using a third-party video hosting tool helps with this).
Not sure about your load times? Use this free Google tool to check your page speed.

7. Test Everything

You test everything else on your website (right?), and your video should be no different. Testing can help you determine what works best for your audience. This can be from the placement of your video to the look of your thumbnail and beyond.

Let Video on Websites Drive Results

You now know that adding video to your site is a great way to get your visitors more engaged and interested in your brand. Placing videos strategically across your site can help spotlight your brand, easily convey your message, and increase the likelihood of conversions—give it a go and see what impact you can achieve.

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Easily Embed Videos on Your Website Host, manage, and embed video—quickly.

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This post was originally published on October 8, 2020. It was updated on July 14, 2023.

I am an expert in digital content creation and web development, specializing in the integration of videos to enhance user engagement and improve website rankings. My knowledge spans various aspects of online media, including video hosting, embedding techniques, and best practices for optimizing video content on websites.

Concepts Covered in the Article:

1. Why Should You Use Video on Websites?

1.1 Video on Websites has the power to:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Engage visitors
  • Keep people on your site
  • Improve search rankings
  • Bump up conversions

2. How Do I Add Video to My Website?

  • 2.1 How Do I Embed a Self-Hosted Video on Websites?
    • Upload the video to your website server.
    • Provides full control over content but may have limitations.
  • 2.2 How Do I Embed Third-Party-Hosted Video on Websites?
    • Use third-party services or CDNs for hosting.
    • Platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or business-focused solutions like Vidyard.
  • 2.2.1 How Do I Embed a Vidyard Video on My Website?
    • Instructions for embedding Vidyard videos.

3. Where Can I Use Video on My Website?

  • 3.1 Homepage Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Explainer
  • 3.2 Product and/or Service Page Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Demo
  • 3.3 Landing Page Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Promos
  • 3.4 About Page Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Culture
  • 3.5 Blog Videos on Websites
    • Recommended Video Type(s): Thought Leadership and How-To
  • 3.6 Customer Story Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Case Study
  • 3.7 Support Portal Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: How-To
  • 3.8 Careers Page Videos
    • Recommended Video Type: Culture

4. What Are Some Best Practices for Using Video on Websites?

  • 4.1 Focus on Quality
    • Ensure the video adds value to the content.
  • 4.2 Pay Attention to Placement
    • Consider context and relationship to other content.
  • 4.3 Build for Accessibility
    • Use captions, transcripts, and an accessible video player.
  • 4.4 Go Short
    • Short videos (30-60 seconds) have higher completion rates.
  • 4.5 Choose an Eye-Catching Thumbnail
    • Custom thumbnails that complement branded elements.
  • 4.6 Be Responsive
    • Ensure videos are viewable on both desktop and mobile.
  • 4.7 Keep Load Times Fast
    • Optimize videos to avoid slowing down page load times.
  • 4.8 Test Everything
    • Test placement, thumbnail, and other elements for audience preference.

5. Let Video on Websites Drive Results

  • Conclusion emphasizing the impact of strategically placed videos on website engagement and conversions.

This comprehensive guide covers the entire process of incorporating videos into websites, from the reasons behind it to the technical aspects and best practices to ensure success.

The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard (2024)


The Best Ways to Use Video on Websites | Vidyard? ›

Videos can help you make your website more engaging by breaking up the text and providing a more visually appealing experience. This can help keep your visitors' attention and encourage them to spend more time on your website.

What is the best way to embed a video in a website? ›

The good news is, it's really simple.
  1. Step 1: Edit your HTML. Go into edit mode for the page, post, or section of your website where you'd like to embed the video. ...
  2. Step 2: Copy your embed code. Next, copy your embed code. ...
  3. Step 3: Paste the embed code into your HTML.
Feb 19, 2022

How can video be used to enhance websites? ›

Videos can help you make your website more engaging by breaking up the text and providing a more visually appealing experience. This can help keep your visitors' attention and encourage them to spend more time on your website.

How effective are videos on websites? ›

Placing a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%! This is because a professionally-done video allows your company to communicate to your customer base in a simple but effective way.

What is the best video setting for website? ›

Recommended Video Settings
Resolution1920×1080 (1080p)
Bit Rate8mbps for 1080p30, 12mbps for 1080p60, recommended, but other values are OK
AudioAAC minimum 160kbps
Other SettingsFast Start / Web Optimized / progressive download (so the whole file doesn't need to be downloaded before playback can begin)
1 more row

What is the best format for embedded video in website? ›

The best video file formats for your website
  1. MP4. MP4 is one of the most popular video file formats because of its universal compatibility. ...
  2. MOV. MOV, also known as QuickTime, is a video file format developed by Apple. ...
  3. WMV. ...
  4. WebM. ...
  5. AVI. ...
  6. FLV. ...
  7. MKV. ...
  8. MTS.
Dec 7, 2022

What's the best way to present videos on your website? ›

Now that you know you want video on your website, let's take a look at how to do it well.
  1. Focus on Quality. ...
  2. Pay Attention to Placement. ...
  3. Build for Accessibility. ...
  4. Go Short. ...
  5. Choose an Eye-Catching Thumbnail. ...
  6. Be Responsive. ...
  7. Keep Load Times Fast. ...
  8. Test Everything.
Mar 15, 2024

How do I optimize a video for my website? ›

5 Critical Video Optimization Best Practices
  1. Compress Videos. ...
  2. Convert Videos to an HTML5-Supported Format. ...
  3. Avoid Endless Loops. ...
  4. Optimize Videos for Mobile. ...
  5. Let Users Control the Viewing Experience.
Mar 7, 2024

How do you use videos effectively? ›

Effective videos can be designed with great informative animations, using engaging presenters, keeping the whole class engaged while delivering the learning aim. Just avoid the ones with added bells and whistles, as they tend to distract from the main point, learning.

What do you think is the best video format for a website? ›

2. What is the best video file format for the web? MP4 and WMV are the best video file formats for the web, as they don't take up too much space and are compatible with most browsers.

Why video is most effective? ›

2. You Process Video Faster. While the ease of understanding that videos provide is remarkable, it's also the speed at which the content is processed that makes videos so effective. In fact, research indicates that video and visual content is processed 60,000 times faster than text!

How do you make a video effective? ›

How to Add Effects to Video
  1. Upload Video. Upload the video you would like to add effects to. ...
  2. Add Effects. Click 'Filters', and select the filters, effects & color grading options you want to apply to your video.
  3. Hit Download. Once you are happy with the style of your video, just click the 'Export' button and you're done!

What are the benefits of including video in a website? ›

Videos keep people on your website longer and engage them with your content. People work with people, and video helps people get to know, like and trust you. Videos keep your audience interested, no matter your product or service. Videos are fast and convenient.

What settings should I use for video? ›

Quick Cheat Sheet
  • Frames Per Second (fps) 24 fps – for capturing audio/cinematic look OR. 60 fps – for slow motion.
  • Shutter Speed. Double Your Frame Rate. ...
  • Aperture. Decide what is best for your look/video. ...
  • ISO. Use to balance exposure triangle (aperture, shutter, ISO) ...
  • White Balance. Shoot Kelvin for consistency.
Aug 1, 2023

Where should a video be placed on a website? ›

Place Videos Above the Fold: Placing online videos in a spot that minimizes scrolling helps search engines understand their value. Take a bold approach and place your videos high on a page instead of burying them at the bottom.

Is it better to embed videos or link to them? ›

An embedded video lets you borrow the video from another platform. Visitors can watch the video on your website without leaving the current page. In contrast, linking a video shares the URL of the video. When readers click the link, they are redirected to the page where the video is hosted.

What is the best way to put a video in HTML? ›

To embed a video in an HTML document, use the <video> tag inside the body of the document.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 6694

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.