'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (2024)

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Whether you stand by the new Kanye or just miss the old Kanye, it’s important to remember that we’re still lucky to have a Kanye at all. 15 years have now passed since he released his first album on February 10, 2004, but at one point, we almost ended up in a world where Yeezus didn’t record The College Dropout, or any of his other albums for that matter.

The year was 2002. Facebook was still but a glint in the eye of Mark Zuckerberg and no one took Kanye seriously as a rapper. On October 22, the future superstar left the studio after a long night producing songs for other artists, taking a drive that would forever change the music industry. From that moment onward, hip-hop culture would never be the same. In honor of its anniversary, we're taking a look at all of the ways that The College Dropout revolutionized the genre and the music industry at large.

Graduation Day

Speaking on the fateful car accident that nearly took his life that night, West later told Time Magazine that “Death is the best thing that can happen to a rapper.” Fortunately for us, the “best thing that can happen to a rapper” didn’t happen to Kanye, and while he recovered from reconstructive surgery in hospital, he wrote what would become his debut single, “Through the Wire.”

Recorded with his mouth still wired shut, the lead track for The College Dropout not only proved that West had talent behind the mic, but it also positioned him as a triumphant underdog, one who was forced to overcome both physical adversity and a perceived lack of respect from his peers, too. This intriguing contradiction would later come to define Kanye’s debut album and everything else that followed as well, even after The College Dropout went 3x platinum and received ten Grammy nominations.

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (1)

Albums that shift units at this magnitude tend to be game changers by default. Label bosses are keen to replicate the success of these projects and rising stars can’t help but be influenced by platinum-selling records that help shape the zeitgeist. Because of this, it was always a given that Kanye’s debut would make an impact, but in the days that followed its release on February 10, 2004, it was still near impossible to fully comprehend just how influential The College Dropout would become in the years that followed.

Part of this is due to the relative lack of fanfare that surrounded the project. Unlike any of his other releases, The College Dropout will forever remain unique simply because it was the first (and therefore, only) Kanye album to arrive without the ultralight levels of hype that have since become the norm. According to John Monopoly, his business partner at the time, Ye had “been gathering beats for years,” quietly saving his best work for himself “with the intention of being a rapper.” The accident simply gave him the time and freedom he needed to bring this vision to life.

Old School Spirit

Before he released The College Dropout, Kanye was the industry's go-to producer, incorporating classic soul samples into the work of artists like JAY-Z and Alicia Keys that would come to define the sound of Roc-A-Fella Records. But the impact of his style wouldn’t fully make its mark though until Ye’s own material hit the radio.

Across the 21 songs that comprise The College Dropout, 12 of them incorporated a total of 14 samples, channeling the likes of Luther Vandross and Chaka Khan. Aside from two co-production credits, Kanye single-handedly produced each of these tracks, shifting hip-hop towards a more organic sound that reignited interest in the power of the sample.

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (2)

West wasn’t the only producer to follow this blueprint, but the self-proclaimed God played a huge role in changing what people expected of mainstream rap music. By paying homage to iconic soul legends on tracks like “Slow Jamz,” The College Dropout represented a bold new counterpoint to the digital production style that Timbaland had popularized in the early 2000s, and this in turn helped hip-hop evolve beyond the “Bling Era” lifestyle championed by artists like 50 Cent.

Never Let Us Down

In a world still dominated by these kind of materialistic rappers, it felt like there was no place for the exploration of issues like religion and family in mainstream hip-hop. Case in point: A number of labels reportedly rejected Kanye after he played them “Jesus Walks,” something which they most likely lived to regret after the song went on to win the Grammy for Best Rap Song in 2005.

Kanye directly challenged this notion in the second verse of the song when he claimed: "They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus/ But if I talk about God my record won't get played, huh?" To see an artist simultaneously embrace and question their faith in such a public manner was practically unheard of back in 2004. Whether Christian beliefs hold value for you or not, the song still resonates because of how Kanye tapped into something more universal here, laying his soul bare in ways that cut through the bravado so commonly spouted by rappers at the time.

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (3)

Issues of belief and faith weren’t just exclusive to “Jesus Walks” either. Among all of the humorous skits and celebrations of weed, songs like “Never Let Me Down” also took time out to ponder some of the bigger questions too.

While JAY-Z brags on this deep cut about how he "snatched the charts," Kanye snatched our hearts, channeling the strength of his ancestors who fought during the Civil Rights Movement. Together with J.Ivy, his spoken word collaborator, Kanye found power in being emotionally honest here, something which would go on to inspire a whole new wave of hip-hop artists who sought to find common ground with their listeners rather than brag about the size of their stacks.

We Do Care

Guns, knives, crime... Kanye pushed these issues aside on his debut in favor of middle class themes like education, family, and religion, changing the rules of hip-hop by encouraging listeners to identify with him, rather than simply observe his life from afar. Even when he’s incorporating Afrofuturist ideas into a song called “Spaceship,” he still ended up talking mostly about the struggles he faced with his old manager at the Gap. The irony of this is that by relating to a wider audience in this way, Yeezy also became an outsider of sorts within the industry.

Plenty of collaborators lined up to work with West following the success of The College Dropout, but he still never really fit in, at least not during the ‘Bling Era’ of hip-hop, and that was down largely to his middle class background. Even the artwork for The College Dropout defied convention by drawing inspiration from a 16th century illustrations book, imbuing the project with a refined elegance rarely seen in the industry pre-Kanye.

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (4)

Kanye’s swag didn’t come from the streets. It came instead from an enduring, almost fanatical belief in himself, something which empowered him to craft a personal brand of storytelling that bridged the gap between what radio was playing and the socially conscious artists that began to rise in his wake. Whether he was rapping about the failings of America’s education system on “School Spirit” or the perils of materialism in “All Falls Down,” it was important to Kanye that the album reflected "whatever you've been through in the last week," and that’s why it resonated with so many people, even beyond the usual hip-hop crowd.

Get Em All High

Following the release of The College Dropout, fellow Chicago rapper Common found a new audience for his socially conscious brand of rap, climbing the charts like never before, and it wasn’t long before a number of spiritual successors joined him there too. Lupe Fiasco was an early example of those who drew inspiration from Kanye and other acolytes, such as Childish Gambino and Kendrick Lamar, also broke boundaries in the shadow of Mr. West.

Each of these stars have since become hugely successful in their own right, and each have also lauded Kanye for the benchmark he set early on, but few have attributed their success to him quite so directly as Chance the Rapper. Soon after he purchased The College Dropout for himself back in 2004, Chance immediately decided he wanted to become a rapper: “Kanye took me from a kid who listened to music to a kid who lived music.”

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (5)

However, it wasn’t always clear whether Kanye’s unique brand of rap would have staying power beyond The College Dropout, particularly when compared to the gangster rap artists who still rode high on the charts. The true test of this came three years later when Kanye released his third album, Graduation, on the same day as a new and highly anticipated record by 50 Cent. Both artists bragged that they’d come out on top and, at first, it wasn’t easy to figure out who might win. But in the end, Graduation outsold Curtis by 266K copies in the first week, proving that the old guard were gradually being replaced by a new kind of hip-hop championed first and foremost by West.

While celebrating the tenth anniversary of his debut album, Kanye claimed that he’s “still the same kid from Chicago, still dreaming out loud, still banging on the door.” If we’re being honest, The College Dropout isn’t a perfect record, even if it does come close at times, but that’s not even important anymore. What is important is that even now, Kanye is still breaking down doors as an artist, no matter how heavy they might seem, and it’s all thanks to the album that he started recording fifteen years ago through the wire.

'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album (2024)


'The College Dropout': How Kanye West Changed Hip-Hop Forever With His Debut Album? ›

By paying homage to iconic soul legends on tracks like “Slow Jamz,” The College Dropout represented a bold new counterpoint to the digital production style that Timbaland had popularized in the early 2000s, and this in turn helped hip-hop evolve beyond the “Bling Era” lifestyle championed by artists like 50 Cent.

How did college dropout changed hip-hop? ›

By paying homage to iconic soul legends on tracks like “Slow Jamz,” The College Dropout represented a bold new counterpoint to the digital production style that Timbaland had popularized in the early 2000s, and this in turn helped hip-hop evolve beyond the “Bling Era” lifestyle championed by artists like 50 Cent.

How did Kanye influence hip-hop? ›

Yeezus polarized the music industry. The explosive, speaker-breaking sounds turned a generation of rappers into rockstars. It was borderline blasphemous, but it set the stage for burgeoning artists rising from the depths of SoundCloud to rap without fear and not bending to the rigid borders of old-school hip-hop.

What is the message behind The College Dropout? ›

A college dropout himself, West uses the cover art and a serious of skits to frame the album as a commentary on the educational system, a criticism of what people expect to gain from school and of the tenuous connection which that often has to what is taught and learned.

How did Kanye impact the world? ›

It is clear that West has had a profound impact on the hip-hop industry and the popular culture as a whole. Through collaborations with a diverse array of musicians and creatively crafted music videos, Kanye West has created music that surpasses the boundaries of hip-hop and delves into the realm of art.

How has hip-hop changed culture? ›

The global influence of hip hop culture has shaped music styles, fashion, technology, art, entertainment, language, dance, education, politics, media, and more. To this day, hip hop continues to be a global phenomenon, developing new art forms that impact the lives of new and old generations.

How has hip-hop changed history? ›

Hip-hop of the early years helped in decreasing violence, as it began to be portrayed through dance. Hip hop dance as we know it today evolved from three underground dance styles: b-boying, locking, and popping. It then fused with the ideas and choreographic elements of jazz dance to create a hybrid dance form.

Is Kanye the most influential rapper of all time? ›

Controversial antics aside, best-selling rapper and record producer Kanye West has made a resounding mark on the hip hop community and often makes the list of greatest rappers of all time. His debut studio album, The College Dropout, received immediate critical and commercial success when released in 2004.

Who was Kanye's biggest influence? ›

West started recording his 2004 debut album, College Dropout, in 1999, crafting countless beats and beginning the writing process between sessions at Roc-a-Fella. A student of the game, recruiting some of his biggest influences for his first album, from Common, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, and Jay-Z.

Why Kanye is the most influential rapper of all time? ›

He is considered one of the greatest and most influential hip-hop artists of all time. Kanye has sold over 160 million records worldwide, making him one of the generation's most successful artists. Throughout his career, he has received several prestigious awards.

What is the impact of college dropout? ›

Economic Impacts of College Dropouts

College dropouts borrow more money on average to pay for school than their counterparts who complete their degrees. They are also left with less ability to pay back their student loan debt, as dropouts earn less and have higher rates of unemployment than those with degrees.

Why The College Dropout album is so good? ›

This album was Ye's most experimental record that worked the best, it brought new sounds into music and was Ye's first album collab with Kid Cudi. The record's tracks feel like an experience of Ye's mind with Kid Cudi and Ye himself alongside you to help guide you through the darkness and the light.

What are the benefits of college dropouts? ›

Pros and Cons of Dropping Out of College
  • You can earn money instead of accumulating debt. Higher education can be expensive, depending on where you go to school and how much financial aid you receive in the form of grants or scholarships. ...
  • You can explore your interests. ...
  • You can take advantage of other learning options.
Dec 6, 2022

Why is Donda so important to Kanye? ›

Donda also helped him forge two crucial connections: to the producer No I.D., whose mother worked alongside Donda at Chicago State University; and to the producer Doug Infinite, who was one of Donda's former students. Both served as Kanye's mentors to develop his production chops and sound.

What rappers influenced Kanye? ›

Kanye's productions—warm, soulful, a bit nostalgic, often irresistibly catchy—strongly echo the work of mid-1990s hip-hop legends like A Tribe Called Quest, the Pharcyde, and the Fugees. (West has named Tribe as his favorite rap group ever, and Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde as his all-time favorite rap album.)

What artists did Kanye inspire list? ›

Other artists that seem to be highly influenced by Kanye's sound are Chance The Rapper, Childish Gambino Lupe Fiasco, and Kid Cudi. Whenever listening to one of their songs or albums you can hear that influence and the similarity in sound.

Who changed hip-hop the most? ›

Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five are widely regarded as one of the most influential groups in hip-hop history. They were the first hip-hop group to win the distinction and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.

What are 2 things that make hip-hop unique? ›

They include: DJing—the artistic handling of beats and music. MCing, aka rapping—putting spoken-word poetry to a beat. Breaking—Hip Hop's dance form.

Who is the father of hip-hop? ›

The location of that birthplace was 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, and the man who presided over that historic party was the birthday girl's brother, Clive Campbell—better known to history as DJ Kool Herc, founding father of hip hop.

What is the cultural importance of hip-hop? ›

It has also been argued that rap music formed as a "cultural response to historic oppression and racism, a system for communication among black communities throughout the United States". This is due to the fact that hip hop culture reflected the social, economic, and political realities of the disenfranchised youth.

What influenced hip-hop to start? ›

While Kool Herc was influenced by funk and jazz records, other pioneers such as Grandmaster Flash were influenced by outside sources ranging from reggae to German electronic music. As the new art form emerged many individual artists began rapping over the break dancing songs that DJs played.

How did hip-hop rise? ›

Hip hop as both a musical genre and a culture was formed during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City, particularly among African American youth residing in the Bronx.

Who is Kanye's favorite rapper? ›

However, in the song 'Bonnie & Clyde Freestyle', West rhymed, “My favourite rapper is Makaveli, Nas and Jay-Z/Eminem, Mase, Biggie Smalls and me.” So although West never pinpointed one rapper as his true favourite per se, we roughly know his top ten. You can listen to Kanye's 'Bonnie & Clyde Freestyle' below.

Who is the No 1 rapper in the world? ›

Jay-Z. Jay-Z is a rapper who can be highly sophisticated but prefers to keep things simple. This genuine skill allows him to focus on honing and communicating his message. No other rapper has had the same level of consistency as Jay-Z.

Who is the greatest rapper ever? ›

Billboard Names Greatest Rappers Of All Time: See List
  • JAY-Z. With a career spanning over three decades, JAY-Z's hustle and bustle is evergreen. ...
  • Kendrick Lamar. ...
  • Nas. ...
  • Tupac Shakur. ...
  • Eminem. ...
  • The Notorious B.I.G. ...
  • Lil Wayne.
Feb 10, 2023

Who was Kanye's best man? ›

As for Kanye, his initial choice of Jay Z as his Best Man fell through when Beyoncé nixed their attendance, so his longtime manager Don C stepped in instead. The Multiple Dresses: Kim made four total dress changes to celebrate getting married to Kanye.

What is Kanye West's favorite band? ›

“My music is rock,” he added, “I listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers and I listen to one of my songs, and if I don't give you the same emotion, then I go back and re-split.”

Who are Kanye's idols? ›

Kanye West adores himself, but he also looks up to Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and Taylor Swift.

Who is more influential Lil Wayne or Kanye? ›

Kanye undoubtedly has changed the sounds and aesthetics of Hip Hop, but strictly in terms of rap skill, flows, lyricism, release frequency, and collaborative versatility, Wayne reigns supreme.

Who has more influence Drake or Kanye? ›

Drake Says Kanye West Is 'The Most Influential Person' On His Sound.

Who is more popular Kanye West or Eminem? ›

Eminem: 36 million albums sold in the United States (approximately 66 million albums sold worldwide). Plus another 16 million or so (in the US) for the Lose Yourself soundtrack and his greatest hits album, “Curtain Call.” Kanye: 10 million albums sold in the United States (no data for worldwide).

How many people become successful after dropping out of college? ›

Based on these numbers, the college dropout success rate is only at around 6%. There is no guarantee of financial success if one chooses to leave school and pursue an interest that could possibly be translated into a scalable business.

Why is the college dropout rate so high? ›

Reasons for College Dropouts

13% of the students find it hard to fit into the social life at college correctly. The lack of adequate support from the family contributes to 9% of college dropouts. 28% of the students drop out of college due to academic disqualification – failure to meet the set academic requirements.

What is the biggest reason students drop out of college? ›

Other Common Reasons

While financial issues are probably the most common reason for dropping out of college, every student has their own reasons. Some unfortunately have family issues, a lack of support, or unexpected medical problems that are beyond their control.

How did Kanye impact music? ›

With the release of his fourth studio album “808's and Heartbreak” West achieved a revolutionary moment in pop culture. This project redefined the rap genre and bent the music toward the heartfelt, “heavy” themes and production many rap artists favor today.

What was the biggest song from The College Dropout? ›

  1. 1. “ Last Call” One of the most important aspects of crafting a debut album is closing it out effectively and West exceeded all expectations with this monumental exit stage left.
  2. 2. “ Two Words” ...
  3. 3. “ All Falls Down” ...
  4. 4. “ Through The Wire” ...
  5. 5. “ Jesus Walks” ...
  6. 6. “ Family Business” ...
  7. 7. “ Never Let Me Down” ...
  8. 8. “ Get Em High” ...
Feb 10, 2019

Who was number 1 over College Dropout? ›

Kanye's first number one record on the Hot 100, and ultimately the track that put “The College Dropout” over the top.

What are some fun facts about the college dropout? ›

Altogether, 'The College Dropout' contains 14 samples.

Of the 21 tracks on his very first album, 14 samples were used on 12 songs. Most notably you'll recognise Luther Vandross' 'House Is Not A Home' on 'Slow Jamz,' Chaka Khan's 'Through The Fire' on 'Through The Wire' and Marvin Gaye's 'Distant Lover' on 'Spaceship.

How much money is wasted from college dropouts? ›

Economic Impact

51.04% of students drop out because they cannot pay for college (What to Become, 2021). Moreover, 55% of students struggle to financially support their education, which results in 79% of them delaying their graduation (ThinkImpact, 2021). $3.8 billion is consequently lost each year (ThinkImpact, 2021).

What is dropout why it is important? ›

Dropouts can be used with most types of neural networks. It is a great tool to reduce overfitting in a model. It is far better than the available regularisation methods and can also be combined with max-norm normalisation which provides a significant boost over just using dropout.

What religion is Kanye? ›

His Christian faith, high-profile marriage to Kim Kardashian, and mental health have also been topics of media attention. In 2020, West launched an unsuccessful independent presidential campaign that primarily advocated for a consistent life ethic.

What is Kanye West's belief? ›

In October 2019, West (a devout Evangelical Christian) spoke out against abortion, citing his belief in the Sixth Commandment; "thou shalt not kill".

Why is the Donda album all black? ›

This is the album cover for Kanye West's “Donda.” The black cover represents letting go of grief and recovering and in West's case, it is in reference to his mother's death.

Did Tupac influence Kanye? ›

Tupac Shakur has remained an influence on Kanye West. During a 2013 appearance on Hot 97's The Angie Martinez Show while confirming his partnership with adidas, the Chicago rap icon declared he is “going to be the 2Pac of product.”

How did Kanye West changed hip-hop? ›

Guns, knives, crime... Kanye pushed these issues aside on his debut in favor of middle class themes like education, family, and religion, changing the rules of hip-hop by encouraging listeners to identify with him, rather than simply observe his life from afar.

How was Drake influenced by Kanye? ›

In an interview with MTV News at the time, Drake described West as "the most influential person" on his sound. "Before I ever got the chance to meet him, Kanye West shaped a lot of what I do, as far as music goes," he said. "We always, always, always took the time to listen to Kanye's music and appreciate it beyond.

Who did Kanye lose best new artist? ›

He walked out of the 2004 American Music Awards after losing the Best New Artist title to country singer Gretchen Wilson.

Who is the most featured artist on Donda? ›

Vory. Vory is the most featured artist on Donda.

What celebrities are in Kanye's Famous? ›

In June 2016, West released a music video for "Famous" depicting wax figures of Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby all sleeping naked in a shared bed. It was released to a polarized response.

How did Kendrick Lamar changed hip-hop? ›

He has influenced hip-hop and Black culture indefinitely by encapsulating the Black experience in the United States. Like Jay-Z, Nas, Tupac, and other pioneers of rap, Kendrick grew up in a high-crime and poverty-stricken environment.

How the miseducation of Lauryn Hill changed hip-hop? ›

In 1998 The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill made history — a debut record that claimed space in hip-hop culture for black feminism and remains significant today. Lauryn Hill's lyrical themes broke the silence of black feminist issues in hip-hop and claimed unprecedented power and space.

How did hip-hop change in the 1980s? ›

Lyrically, though, what set 1980s hip hop apart from its predecessors in the decade before was that the songs' content had somewhat matured and became more “authentic.” 1980s hip hop found inspiration in the political and social issues of the time, and artists in the genre began to speak out against the problems ...

How 808s and Heartbreak changed music? ›

Among West's most influential records, 808s & Heartbreak made an immediate impact on hip hop, pop, and R&B music, as a new wave of rappers, singers, and producers adopted its stylistic and thematic elements. It has been credited for pioneering the emo rap and experimental R&B subgenres in particular.

Who started the new style of rap? ›

NYC DJs like DJ Kool Herc, Grand Wizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Flash, and Afrika Bambaataa began to experiment with different techniques during parties, including longer percussive breaks (called “breakbeats'' or simply “the breaks”), turntable techniques, scratching, freestyle, and improvised vocals based on Jamaican ...

Who is the greatest rapper? ›

Billboard Names Greatest Rappers Of All Time: See List
  • JAY-Z. With a career spanning over three decades, JAY-Z's hustle and bustle is evergreen. ...
  • Kendrick Lamar. ...
  • Nas. ...
  • Tupac Shakur. ...
  • Eminem. ...
  • The Notorious B.I.G. ...
  • Lil Wayne.
Feb 10, 2023

Is Lauryn Hill The Queen of Hip Hop? ›

Queen of Hip Hop. Lauryn Noelle Hill was born in East Orange, New Jersey, and grew up in nearby South Orange. From an early age, Lauryn was fascinated by music. Her father, a computer consultant, and her mother, a teacher, were both musical, and her older brother, Malaney, played a number of instruments.

Why is Lauryn Hill considered greatest rapper? ›

She is often regarded as one of the greatest rappers of all time, as well as one of the most influential musicians of her generation. Hill is credited for breaking barriers for female rappers, popularizing melodic rapping and for bringing hip hop and neo soul to popular music.

Why does Lauryn Hill cancel shows? ›

When… After putting on a well-received performance at the 2018 Pitchfork Music Festival, Lauryn Hill has canceled several shows. Four shows — two in North Carolina and two in Florida — have been canceled because of “unforeseen production issues,” according to WCNC and the Rampa Bay Times.

Who was the first rapper in the world? ›

One of the first rappers at the beginning of the hip hop period, at the end of the 1970s, was also hip hop's first DJ, DJ Kool Herc. Herc, a Jamaican immigrant, started delivering simple raps at his parties, which some claim were inspired by the Jamaican tradition of toasting.

Who was the first rapper? ›

DJ Kool Herc is widely credited with kicking off the genre. His back-to-school parties in the 1970s were the incubator of his burgeoning idea, where he used his two record turntables to create loops, playing the same beat over again, and extending the instrumental portion of a song.

What ended the golden age of hip hop? ›

7 An end date of 1996 roughly coincides with the deaths of Tupac Shakur (2Pac) and the Notorious B.I.G. Regardless of which years or events define the Golden Age, the music produced during this time had a lasting impact on hip-hop's posterity.

Who was the first rapper to use 808s? ›

In 1982, the American R&B artist Marvin Gaye released the first hit single that featured the 808, "Sexual Healing". Gaye was drawn to 808 because he could use it to create music in isolation, without other musicians or producers. 808 samples are common in music software, and it has inspired numerous unlicensed clones.

Did Kanye influence 808s? ›

Juice WRLD, Travis Scott, Drake and so on have all cited Kanye as a major influence for their style of music, Juice in particular, named 808s to be one of his favorite albums.

Who popularized 808s? ›

Although the TR-808 had found its way onto recordings by the likes of Yellow Magic Orchestra the year prior, one of the first big moments for the drum machine came in the unlikely form of soul superstar Marvin Gaye, who used the TR-808 on his 1982 track 'Sexual Healing', with its clave, hi-hat and clap sounds driving ...

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.