The Crowning Glory of Gele | Empire Textiles Blog (2024)

Topping off an African ensemble with an eye-catching head wrapping is essential, particularly for a special ceremonial event like a wedding, naming ceremony or festival.

The Crowning Glory of Gele | Empire Textiles Blog (1)It’s not quite clear where the custom originated, but a head wrap is a cultural must-have accessory across Africa, particularly in Nigeria where it is called a gele. With a resurgence in African pride in recent years, the head wrap has become stylish among African communities across the world.

Experts in the use of the gele are the Yoruba tribe, who perfected the tying of this traditional head dress into elaborate concoctions to enhance the beauty of the face, complement the outfit and act as a regal crown to grace the head of proud, dignified African women.

The fabric of choice for a gele is Aso-Oke – originally a textured, tightly hand-woven, glossy, cotton cloth crafted in a variety of traditional patterns and colours. The threads now used in weaving are mostly cotton, silk, rayon and metallic lurex fibres. The result is a shiny, stiff fabric which resembles great quality wrapping paper! Wearing Aso-Oke was traditionally a sign of wealth for both men and women; little wonder it means literally “top cloth” and was favoured by Nigeria’s kings (Obas).

For a basic wrap, you need between a half and whole yard of fabric. For most Nigerian women, wrapping a gele is as easy as tying a bow, but if you are a novice you may need some practice to achieve the look – and a can of spray starch to keep the fabric smooth and crisp.

It is difficult to explain the gele tying process in words, so it is best to study a video tutorial like this one:

Failing all else, consult an expert to teach you!

The rule of thumb, though, is that the gele should cover all the hair, and the ears down to the lobe (to show off earrings).

When it comes to colour choice, most designers agree that head ties should match the rest of your outfit, or complement the theme of the occasion, at a wedding for instance. Luckily, we’ve got an enormous range at Empire Textiles!

The Crowning Glory of Gele | Empire Textiles Blog (2024)


What does the gele head wrap symbolize? ›

Traditionally, the Gele was used to represent a woman's marital status. If worn to the right, the woman was married, while if worn to the left, she was single. Because larger Geles cost more than smaller ones, they can also serve as status symbols in society.

What is the best fabric for gele? ›

The fabric of choice for a gele is Aso-Oke – originally a textured, tightly hand-woven, glossy, cotton cloth crafted in a variety of traditional patterns and colours. The threads now used in weaving are mostly cotton, silk, rayon and metallic lurex fibres.

What is the importance of gele? ›

Historically, a gele would depict a woman's marital status, if worn on the right she is married, but on the left she is single. Most times, they are status symbols because bigger geles are more expensive. Nowadays, it is the aso-oke gele that is in vogue, it is usually not too extravagant.

What is the cultural significance of hair wraps? ›

The practices dates back to pre-colonial African history in sub-Saharan Africa, and head wraps were considered symbols of status, marriage, and family lineage. During the Transatlantic Slave Trade, they were one of the few cultural pieces enslaved Africans were able to bring to the Americas.

Is it culturally appropriate to wear a head wrap? ›

Traditionally the head wrap belongs to Black, indigenous, people of color, and wearing one can often be an act of cultural appropriation. If you're white, it's likely best not to wear head wraps in public, in the West; to leave it for wear by those people and cultures with a historical attachment to the head wrap.

What is another name for Gele? ›

The name Gele originates from the Yoruba culture, which refers to as a woman's head wrap. In Igbo culture, the name for traditional hair tie is “Akisi or “Ichafu.”

What is the standard length of Gele? ›

Regular-headtie size 72" long × 36" wide.

Why do Nigerians wear head wraps? ›

Traditionally, African ladies would wear headwraps to protect their hair and heads from the strong sun and keep cool in the hot weather.

How much does it cost to tie gele in Nigeria? ›

“I charge N25,000 to train people for two weeks to one month. “I get calls for home service and I charge between N2,000 and N5,000, depending on the distance. “Many of the gele styles invented daily are being acquired and learnt, which makes it a profit-making venture for both the trainer and the trainee.

Who is the first lady of gele? ›

Even in developed countries like the United Kingdom, the queen wears a hat. That is her own crown or gele. Every married woman wears her gele. They are the queen of their husbands.

What is the meaning of gele? ›

: a jellied food : an edible jelly. peach gelée.

What is a traditional African head wrap called? ›

The headwrap originated from Africa and is traditionally worn by women in many different countries. They are called 'Duka' in Ghana, 'Gele' in Nigeria and 'Doek' in South Africa. The chosen style of headwrap worn by African women can display information about their marital status, and social and economic background.

What are the religious reasons for covering hair? ›

The commonality in most religions is that head coverings are viewed as a sign of modesty, and/or embody both religious customs and practical purposes.

Who wore head wraps first? ›

Headwraps originated in Sub-Saharan Africa in the early 1700's and soon became prevalent among Nubian queens in Egypt. Headwraps had distinct meanings depending on the color and pattern. In the beginning of the 18th century, these designs communicated a woman's cultures and family practices.

What does wrapping hair at night do? ›

Wearing a hair wrap not only allows you to control the shape of your hair during the night but also prevents the atmosphere from affecting it. Dry air will not cause it to become brittle overnight. On the other hand, moisture in the air will not cause its volume to expand.

Can white girls wear head wraps? ›

The short answer is simple: yes, if you are white, you can wear a head wrap.

Can a white woman wear a turban? ›

Anyone can wear a turban , even white culture. Again, the turban has been worn for many centuries, in many styles, among different ethnicities, with different fabrics, for many reasons.

What ethnicity wears a headscarf? ›

A form of headscarf, known as the hijab, is often seen in Muslim countries and is born out of tradition. It is worn by some Muslim women who consider it to be a religious ordainment, and its style varies by culture.

How do you say gets along well with others? ›

synonyms for get along well
  1. be of one mind.
  2. be on the same wavelength.
  3. click.
  4. cotton to.
  5. fall in with.
  6. make friends.
  7. see eye to eye.
  8. take to.

What is another word for hair bun? ›

/ʃɪˈnjɒn/ A chignon is a sleek, elegant hairdo that's similar to a bun.

What is another word for come together? ›

Some common synonyms of gather are assemble, collect, and congregate. While all these words mean "to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit," gather is the most general term for bringing or coming together from a spread-out or scattered state.

How much is a bundle of Aso Oke in Nigeria? ›

4,500 per bundle Retail price...

What material is used to tie Gele? ›

The material to make the Gele is usually stiff but flexible such as Aso-oke (thickly woven silk), Brocade ( Cotton) and Damask. These materials come in a wide range of colours, patters and textures. Gele tying is an art form and requires patience when doing it.

How much is damask Gele in Nigeria? ›

Price: #18,000/2pcs Last Price!!!! This is the best price you can ever get for this Quality... In and out beauty.

Who invented gele? ›

The origin of gele as emanated from Yoruba culture and virtue is not exactly known. However, many archival photographs of over a century old suggested that gele must have been around much longer than the time those pictures were taken.

Do Igbo people wear gele? ›

Gele is an important accessory in the traditional wardrobe of Nigerian/African women. It is an important part of their dressing. Gele which is called Ichafu in Igbo language is used to complement the iro and buba in Yoruba and goes along with Igbo's blouse and wrapper.

Why do Nigerians wear red hats? ›

The 'red cap' worn by chiefs in Igboland symbolizes authority, tradition, and culture; and it also represents the entire institution of leadership, authority, and power in Igbo culture.

What is Nigerian headpiece called? ›

In Nigeria a head tie is called a gele — that's the word used by the Yoruba, one of the country's many ethnic groups.

What is a Nigerian woman head wrap called? ›

In Nigeria, the head-ties are known as gele (a Yoruba-language word and attire), and can be rather large and elaborate. Although the gele can be worn for day-to-day activities, the elaborate ceremonial ones are worn to weddings, special events, and church activities.

Does the first lady get paid? ›

The first lady is not an elected position; it carries no official duties and receives no salary. Nonetheless, she attends many official ceremonies and functions of state either along with or in place of the president.

What is the male version of First Lady? ›

The male equivalent of the title in countries where the head of state's spouse has been a man, such as the Philippines or Malta, is first gentleman. While there has never been a male spouse of a U.S. president, "first gentleman" is used in the United States for the male spouse of a mayor or governor.

Why is it called First Lady? ›

Both terms worked when the woman filling the role of White House Hostess was the spouse of the President, but came up short in describing bachelor James Buchanan's niece, Harriet Lane. To remedy the problem, Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper used the term “First Lady of the White House” to describe her.

What is Nigerian clothing called? ›

Agbada is seen as a formal attire which is commonly paired as a 3-piece set; an open-stitched full gown, a long-sleeved shirt, and Sokoto (trousers that are slim along the ankle). Gele is traditionally a garment worn/wrapped around the head.

Why do Africans wear headdress? ›

The African headdress is an elaborate piece of art worn on the head to denote one's high position in society. People in leadership positions, administrators or spiritual leaders, and sometimes the wealthy in society, often wore headdresses on special occasions.

Why do Nigerians wear hats? ›

Though the oval red cap and woolen cap are worn today by most men to complete their Igbo outfit, it is a symbol that is intended for high-ranking Igbo men from Eastern Nigeria. The Igbo red cap is a symbol of authority, tradition, and culture, and indicates the conferment of a chieftaincy title.

What is the spiritual meaning of head scarf? ›

Covering the head focuses the energy at the third eye.

Yogi Bhajan, the father of Kundalini Yoga in the West, emphasized the importance of head coverings during practice as a means to focus and contain your energy and clarify your thoughts, creating a meditative focus at your third eye or Ajna Chakra.

What is the origin of the gele? ›

Gele is essentially a type of head tie worn by women in the Western Africa country of Nigeria. In contrast to the head ties worn in some other African countries, like Ghana, Gele is usually rather large and ornate, and as a result, are associated with ceremonial wear rather than day to day usage.

Why do Mennonites wear head coverings? ›

The Mennonites found what they were looking for in the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16, which states, among other things, that “… every woman praying or prophesying with her head unveiled dishonoreth her head”. The caps also symbolized a woman's submission to her husband, as head of the household.

What is the meaning of Gele? ›

: a jellied food : an edible jelly. peach gelée.

Why do Jamaicans wear head wraps? ›

// In Jamaica, the Nyabinghi Rastafarian women wear modest wraps to protect the power in their locs and to show respect for God. In some cultures, head wraps are worn as a sign of maturity.

What is the meaning of the African headwear? ›

The African headdress is an elaborate piece of art worn on the head to denote one's high position in society. People in leadership positions, administrators or spiritual leaders, and sometimes the wealthy in society, often wore headdresses on special occasions.

What is an African woman headwrap called? ›

The headwrap originated from Africa and is traditionally worn by women in many different countries. They are called 'Duka' in Ghana, 'Gele' in Nigeria and 'Doek' in South Africa. The chosen style of headwrap worn by African women can display information about their marital status, and social and economic background.

What is the other name for gele? ›

The name Gele originates from the Yoruba culture, which refers to as a woman's head wrap. In Igbo culture, the name for traditional hair tie is “Akisi or “Ichafu.”

Are headwraps African culture? ›

Headwraps originated in Sub-Saharan Africa in the early 1700's and soon became prevalent among Nubian queens in Egypt. Headwraps had distinct meanings depending on the color and pattern. In the beginning of the 18th century, these designs communicated a woman's cultures and family practices.

What is the purpose of a headscarf? ›

Certainly, the headscarf is tied to religion. Many women who cover talk about it as a way demonstrating their submission to God and a constant reminder to hold fast to Islamic beliefs such as being honest and generous to those in need.

Can white woman wear turbans? ›

Anyone can wear a turban , even white culture. Again, the turban has been worn for many centuries, in many styles, among different ethnicities, with different fabrics, for many reasons.

What do Jamaicans call dreadlocks? ›

Dreadlocks in Jamaica

The hairstyle was originally referred to as a “dreadful” hairstyle by the Euro centric Jamaican society. It later evolved to the term now used: Dreadlocks. Jamaicans also use the term Natty Dreadlock. Read more: Jamaica's high court rules school can ban dreadlocks.

Why do Africans wear kufi? ›

Traditionally, when worn by men, the kufi is a sign of peace, mourning, renewal or protection of the mind.

Why do North Africans wear turbans? ›

Role and significance

The litham has served as protection from the dust and extremes of temperature characterizing the desert environment. In cases of blood feuds, it also served as protection against violence by making the wearer difficult to recognize.

What is a Zulu headdress? ›

A Zulu headress from the Shembe clan It is made from grass fiber, fat, ochre, metal and pigment. Isicholo is worn by married women as a sign of respect to one's husband and family, in addition to serving as a public symbol of marital status. Title: Isicholo / Zulu headdress.

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