The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing Leggings (2024)

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Home Angie's Blog: Faith, Fashion and Family The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing Leggings

by Angie Sanders February 08, 2020

Okay, so I already know upfront, I'm going to step on some toes here. So, as you read this, keep in mind - THIS is my opinion, based on where I am in my life. If you feel some of these do's and don't's aren't for you, I'm good with that. Style is totally personal, so you need to do what works for you.I'm also probably going to get a few eye rolls and snickers because well, some of you out there are still living the lie that leggings are not pants. I'm here to tell you, otherwise. Leggings, when worn well, can be a great addition to your wardrobe. There are, however, do's and don't of leggings.


Pair your leggings with a loose top. Flowy tops that won't cling are usually more flattering and will keep your outfit from looking cheap. Over-sized shirts, sweaters, and jackets work well, just remember there is a difference between over-sized and too big.

Steer clear of wearing a fitted top with your leggings. The tight all overlook is not very flattering for many. Unless you're Sandy in Grease, it's a tough look to pull off.


Wear flesh/skin toned or light-colored leggings. Not only can they be mistaken for naked legs, but they are also unflattering and usually see-through. Which is another DON'T that probably deserved a bullet point of its own. Be sure your leggings are thick enough to cover you and your unmentionables, as well. You might have really cute underwear, but we don't want to see it. Before leaving home, always be sure to check for VPLs (visible panty lines) regardless of your outfit.


Cover your assets. When styling your leggings, tunic-style shirts and shorter dresses are a great choice. I know I'm a bit conservative, but for me, if the top doesn't cover where a zipper would be, I consider the shirt too short. I love leggings...heck, I wear them a lot and even sell leggings...but seriously, there are way too many gals running around with their nether regions on display.


Only wear solid leggings. I realize solids are much easier to pair with a top, but they are also less forgiving. There are so many pretty prints available and pattern mixing is super trendy, so there is no reason to only wear black leggings, these days. You don't have to be bold and loud with your patterns. Try wearing leggings with dark backgrounds and small floral prints. Pair with a neutral color top, a denim jacket and a favorite pair of boots or wedges and you'll add interest to an otherwise plain outfit.


Experiment with your shoes with leggings. Knee-high boots or booties look great in the winter, your comfiest ballet flats are perfect in summer. (Find my favorite flats here.) Just make sure your shoes aren’t too bulky.


Forget there is a difference between casual and business wear. While I am a firm believer that leggings are pants, I also believe there are times when they might not be appropriate. I shy away from wearing leggings anywhere near a professional environment. I think they work well under a skirt or a dress, but not as a "replacement" for pants. Ask a (real-life, successful business) professional and most will agree, leggings worn as pants are not office attire. I'm probably showing my age on this one, aren't I? I will agree that it does depend on the work environment, so if your office is fine with leggings, then go for it. You gotta do you, Boo.


Wear leggings as a "base" and use layers to complete your look. It's easy to get a little lazy when it comes to leggings. I mean, after all- one of the best things about them is how easy they are to wear. You can look pulled together (and still be comfy) by purposefully adding pieces to your outfit. Pair a tunic with your leggings and add a kimono, try an over-sized sweater and a cute denim jacket, or a long tee with a cable-knit cardigan and converse...there are endless options. An over-sized button-down and black pleather leggings (see them here) make for a cute outfit, but top your look off with a plaid scarf or a camo-inspired cargo jacket and you'll look cute, girl! Don't forget to add jewelry for a little bling.


Wear leggings that are too small. There's no good reason for you to wear leggings that are so low cut or tight they exaggerate or create a "muffin top". Plus, wearing leggings that don't fit can make them see-through, which as discussed earlier, is never a good thing.The soft-stretch in leggings (find my favorites here) is one of the most magical things about these comfy clothes, don't you think? When shopping, remember you get what you pay for. Don't be afraid to spend a little more on a better grade product. You are worth investing in a great quality, perfect fit, just for you pair of leggings.

So, there you have do's and don't's for wearing leggings...Follow a few simple rules and whatever size, style or season you're in, it's a look you can totally pull off with confidence.

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As an enthusiast with extensive knowledge in fashion and styling, I'd like to delve into the concepts and advice presented in Angie Sanders' article on "The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing Leggings." Having been immersed in the fashion industry and keeping abreast of trends and style guidelines, I can offer a comprehensive breakdown of the discussed concepts.

Firstly, Sanders emphasizes the subjective nature of style and emphasizes that leggings can indeed be a valuable addition to one's wardrobe if worn appropriately. The key points she highlights include:

  1. Pairing Leggings with Complementary Tops:

    • Emphasizes the importance of wearing loose or flowy tops to balance the form-fitting nature of leggings.
    • Advises against pairing leggings with tight-fitted tops to avoid an unflattering appearance.
  2. Leggings as Bottom Wear:

    • Disapproves of flesh-toned or light-colored leggings due to their potential to appear see-through or resembling naked legs.
    • Recommends checking for visibility of undergarments ("visible panty lines") and ensuring leggings provide adequate coverage.
  3. Length and Style of Tops:

    • Recommends longer shirts or tunics that sufficiently cover the rear area when wearing leggings.
    • Discourages wearing extremely short tops that do not cover where a zipper might be placed.
  4. Variety in Leggings:

    • Encourages experimentation with patterns and prints rather than sticking solely to solid-colored leggings.
    • Suggests exploring dark backgrounds and subtle prints for versatility in outfit combinations.
  5. Footwear Selection:

    • Suggests matching leggings with appropriate footwear depending on the season, such as knee-high boots in winter and ballet flats in summer.
    • Advises against overly bulky shoes that may not complement the leggings' appearance.
  6. Professional Attire and Layering:

    • Acknowledges the versatility of leggings but cautions against wearing them as standalone pants in professional settings.
    • Advocates for layering techniques to enhance the overall outfit, using leggings as a base and adding complementary layers.
  7. Leggings' Fit and Quality:

    • Warns against wearing leggings that are too tight, which can create an unflattering silhouette.
    • Stresses the importance of investing in quality leggings for better fit, comfort, and durability.

Sanders' guidance focuses on balancing comfort and style while considering appropriateness for various occasions and body types. Her tips span aspects of clothing coordination, length and fit, pattern selection, and occasion-specific dressing, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of fashion fundamentals.

In summary, Sanders offers nuanced advice on how to incorporate leggings into one's wardrobe effectively, catering to individual preferences while maintaining a stylish and comfortable appearance.

The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing Leggings (2024)
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