The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (2024)

- Biomedical Research (2015) Volume 26, Issue 2

Mohammadreza Behnammorshedi*, Habibollah Nazem, Masoud Saleh moghadam

Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, I.R. of Iran

Corresponding Author:
Mohammadreza Behnammorshedi
Department of Biology Payame Noor University I.R. of Iran

Accepted date: February 09, 2015

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Nanoparticles for their special and unique features are widely used in different industries such as medicine and pharmaceutical. In addition to positive aspects of gold nanoparticles, its toxicity in environment is unavoidable. This study was conducted on 40 Wistar rat, divided in 5 groups including a control, a sham and three other experimental groups. The control group was treated daily with 0.5 cc saline solution, the sham group had food and water, and three other groups received intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 cc gold nanoparticles at different doses (100, 50, 25 ppm). After 10 days of treatment, animals were anesthetized; blood samples were collected from the heart and luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle–stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone (T) were measured. Testes were removed and preserved in formaldehyde (10%) solution. For statistical analysis, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Dunnett test were performed by SPSS software, version19. Results showed that gold nanoparticles have significant effect on hormones in concentrations of 100 ppm. LH, FSH and testosterone were significantly increased compared to (P<0.05). Seminiferous tubular degeneration was also observed in the testes. These findings suggest that gold nanoparticles may cause an increase in hormones in female and in male with subsequent increase in sterility.


Zinc oxide nanoparticle, testosterone, LH, FSH


Nanomedicine has wide range of applications. One of themost important difficulties of nano medicine is to understandits effectiveness on environment and also to determinethe possible toxicity of nanoscale materials [1]. Nanoparticles can be beneficial or be damaging at the same time.Materials could be toxic and hazardous when they are convertedinto nano form [2]. Additionally, the small size ofnanoparticles allows them to overcome the defense barriersof the body without facing any obstacles [3]. Nanoparticlescan be hazardous to health for two reasons; firstly, thenanoparticles can easily be absorbed through skin andepithelial cells and secondly, new and unknown nanoparticlesexert toxic effects. Nano particles are so small thatthey can penetrate cell membrane. Larger particles couldcarry a foreign substance between “DNA” strands [4].Nowadays, different kinds of coatings such as albumin,dextran, polyethylene glycol, polyethylene oxide, asparticacid, etc., are being used to exploit the beneficial applicationsof nanoparticles in biological systems. Using of suchcoatings can be resulted in the stability of nanoparticles inbiological solutions, in circulation, and their distribution intissues. Then can also facilitate entering nanoparticles intocells and reduce their toxic effects [5,6]. Gold nanoparticles range from 3 to 100 nanometers. These nanoparticlescan be used as potential detectors in designing of biosensors.The methods, which might be used are optical absorptionspectroscopy, florescence, Raman scattering, magneticforce and electric current methods.

These particles can be used to detect DNA, proteins, microorganisms,etc. Detection of DNA using Au nanoparticlesis 10 times more sensitive and 100000 times morespecific than the conventional genomic detection systems[7]. Goodman showed that cationic gold nanoparticles aremoderately toxic, whereas anionic gold nanoparticles arequite non-toxic [8], while gold nanoparticles of diameter1.4 nm are highly toxic [9], AU15MS compounds arequite non-toxic. Particles of 1-2 nm sizes have high toxicityfor all gold nanoparticles compounds and particleswith the sizes larger than 15 nm are moderately non-toxic.The nanoparticles centrifuged during a 24 hours period atthe temperature of 4°C produced a dark red solution.Nanoparticles of 12, 4, 18 nm diameter are non-toxic totreat leukemia cells [11]. The aim of present study was toinvestigate the effects of gold nanoparticles toxicity onthe changes in concentrations of luteinizing hormone(LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone(TSS) in the blood and testes.

Materials and Methods


The materials used in this study consisted of goldnanoparticles, acetone, and ethanol. Chloroform whichwas used for the preparation of nanoparticles and othermaterials used in this study included saline, ketamine,hematoxylin, eosin (Merck, Germany), entellan glue(Merck, Germany), xylol (Part-Teb and Teb-Al-Sadiq,IR.Iran), methanol (Part-Teb and Teb-Al-Sadiq, IR.Iran),formaldehyde (Part-Teb and Teb-Al-Sadiq, IR.Iran) andexperimental kit (DB52181, Germany).


The device used in this study included XRTEM (JEM-200CX) and optical microscope (OLYMPUS CX 21 FS1,Turkey and Japan), centrifuge (Hettich,ununiversal), microtome(LIETZ 1512, Germany), tissue bath (BI, Germany),four1 (BEHZAD NOVIN, IR.Iran), and opticalmicroscope (OLYMPUS CX 21, Turkey and Japan).

Synthesis of gold nanoparticles

Trisodium citrate, a reducing agent was used as a nucleationfactor (Turkevich method). Usually a mixture ofHAuCl3 is heated to boil, stirred and then the aqueoussolution of sodium citrate is added to it. The solution iskept at boiling temperature. Following the addition ofsodium citrate the purple color appeared, which is becomingred. A step called delay or induction phase is occurredbefore the change of color, which resulted in the formationof precursors such as actone decarboxylic acid that isa product of the oxidation of citrate.


Suspension of purchased gold nanoparticles was administeredto rats with different doses via oral gavage. Fourtyadult Wistar rats weighing 250-200 grams at the age of 8weeks were used to perform the test. The animals werepurchased from Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, IR Iranand divided into 5 groups including controls and threeexperimental groups. Eight rats were included in eachgroup and all groups were kept in polypropylene cageswith sawdust-covered floors and water bottles. Animalswere kept under controlled conditions of temperature (22± 10 °C), humidity (60 ± 10%), and light (12 hoursbrightness, 12 hours darkness), with free access to waterand food (Figure 1-2). All the rats were kept in the nestwith similar conditions for 2 weeks prior to start of theexperiments for adaptiation to their environment and diet.All procedures followed were in accordance with theethical committee. Treated animals were marked by signsand were fed by oral gavage for10 days at the doses of100, 50, 25 ppm and grouped accordingly. To test thehormones by tumor markers, blood sampling was done after 10 days of treatment. Blood samples were takenfrom the heart. The samples taken from the animals wereplaced in the special centrifuge tubes. Testes were removedand placed in a formaldehyde (10%) solution andsent to the laboratory for hematoxylin-eosin staining.

The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle StimulatingHormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (1)

Figure 1: Electron microscope image of gold nanoparticles

The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle StimulatingHormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (2)

Figure 2: Comparison of mean LH level among the experimentalanimals

Data analyses

Data obtained from Electrochemiluminesence device wassaved and analyzed using SPSS software, version19.Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed bySPSS, and then the outputs were transferred to the Excelprogram. The results were presented as mean and standarddeviation (SD). The data were normally distributed,therefore, repeated measures ANOVA was used to comparethe enzymatic results among the groups before andafter the experiment. ANOVA and Dunnett tests wereapplied to compare the groups together in each periods oftime. The Level of significance was considered less than0.05.


Electron microscope study of gold nanoparticles

Transmission electron microscope (TEM) is much largerthan the light microscope. In this microscope, unlike thelight microscope, the beam shines from top-to-bottom,however the principles of its operation are similar to thelight microscope. The TEM has a long column and electronbeam source is located at the top of this piston. Electronbeams after passing through the sample, hit a film ora screen (which is made of fluorescent material) and causingimage formation. Images of electron microscope areblack and white, because some beams do not pass throughthe sample and create black dots. Transmission eelectronmicroscope (TEM) image of synthesized gold nanoparticlesis shown in Figure 1. An increased surface to volumeratio of nanoparticles by reducing the size of the smallernanoparticles could play a good role in the immobilizationprocesses. According to the results of the TEM studies,the diameter range of 10 nm had been found for goldnanoparticles[12].

Analysis of LH

Table 1-3 show P > 0.05. However, no significant differencebetween sham and controls was evident. To comparethe LH levels, animals all groups were compared with thecontrol. The mean level of LH was increased in the animalsreceiving nanoparticles compared to the control.According to Dunnett's test for comparison, the level ofLH in animals receiving 100 ppm was significant comparedto the control (P = 0.004) (Fig. 2).

Analysis of FSH

No significant difference was evident between sham andcontrols (P > 0.05). Therefore, to compare the FSH levels inthe serum, all the animals were compared with controls. Themean level of FSH was increased in animals receivingnanoparticles in comparison with the controls. Table 4-3ahow comparison among groups (Dunnett’s test). The levelof FSH in the animals receiving 100 ppm was found to besignificant compared to the controls (P = 0.036) (Fig. 3).

The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle StimulatingHormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (3)

Figure 3: Comparison of mean FSH concentrations in theexperimental animals.


In the control animals, no detectable changes were seen inthe interstitial cells of Leydig, seminiferous tubules, andtesticular cell lineages. In the animals, which receivednanoparticles at a dose of 100 ppm, degeneration ofseminiferous tubules was visible (Figure 3b).

The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle StimulatingHormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (4)

Figure 3: Showing sections of testis: A - control animals (× 10), B - treated animals with a dose of 100 ppm (× 10), C -Cell irregularity of germinal cell lineages in the seminiferous tubules (dose of 100 ppm).

Analysis of testosterone (T)

No significant difference was evident in animals betweenthe sham and controls (P > 0.05). T levels in the serum,animals of all the groups were compared with the controls.The mean level of T was found to be decreased withan increased dose of nanoparticles. The mean levels of Twere decreased in the animals those received nanoparticlesin comparison to the controls. According to Dunnett'stest for comparison among groups, the level of T in theanimals receiving 100 ppm was found to be significantcompared to the control. (P = 0.001) (Fig. 4).

The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle StimulatingHormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (5)

Figure 4: Showing mean T concentrations among the experimentalanimals


The science of nanotechnology is based on the fact thatmaterials reduced to the nanoscale possess special andextraordinary properties [24]. When the bulk materials areconverted into smaller structures or dimensions (such aslength, width or thickness) in the range of nanometers orless, unique particles with unpredictable properties couldbe significantly different compared to the bulk materialcharacteristics [13]. In a study conducted by Rezaei et al.,(2012), the effects of silver nanoparticles on LH, FSH andtestosterone in the male rats was investigated. The dosesused were 200, 100, 50, 25 mg per kg body weight perday orally for 28 days. In our study, significant changeswere not found in hormone concentrations up to 100 mg;however, a significant decrease in testosterone concentrationwas evident at higher doses (i.e. 200 mg) in comparisonwith controls, which could be caused by inhibitoryeffect of silver nanoparticles on the function of cells thatproduce testosterone. Results of out study also showedthat silver nanoparticles decreased the levels of LH, FSHand testosterone in male rats [14], Silver nanoparticlesalso reduced Leydig cell mitochondrial secretory activity.Furthermore, silver nanoparticles caused an increase inoxygen free radicals, such as superoxidase and increasedoxidation of molecules such as proteins [15].

Another study investigated the effect of silver nanoparticlesconsumption at concentrations of 95, 65, 35, 20, and5 ppm instead of drinking water. After 3 and 6 months, 3animals from each group were selected and the levels ofsex hormones were evaluated. It was found that the levelof testosterone increased with “testicl* hyperactivity”. Itwas also found that nanoparticles could cause alterationsin endocrine glands function [16] with decrease in thelevel of testosterone. Our study also determined the effectsof iron oxide nanoparticles on the number and motility of sperm cells. Seventy-five (75) male mice were dividedinto 5 groups with 15 mice each in control and 4expremental groups. Iron oxide nanoparticles dissolved indistilled water at doses of 40, 20, 10 and 5 mg / kg andinjected intraperitoneally. At the end of the experimentalperiod; spermatogenesis, sperm samples from the tail ofthe epididymedes were studies. Percentages of motile andimmotile spermatozoa, as well as sperm cells count weremade for each group of mice. Based on the results of thisstudy it could be suggested that the iron oxide nanoparticleshave a negative effect on sperm count and motilityand this negative effect is directly linked with higherdoses of iron oxide nanoparticles [17]. Carlson et al.,(2008) found that the nanoparticles can affect the leydigcell mitochondrial activity and thus reduce its secretionactivity. In addition, nanoparticles also caused an increasein oxygen free radicals, such as superoxidase and oxidationof molecules such as proteins [18], eventually reducethe leydig cell counts and decrease in the production oftestosterone, which is consistent with our findings. Anotherassumption is that the nanoparticles could affect thegene expression of the protein that is involved in thetransport of cholesterol into the inner membrane of mitochondriaand increased the synthesis of steroids. It is alsopossible that nanoparticles by reducing the gene expressionof the mitochondrial membrane protein Star, inhibitthe cholesterol transportation into the inner membrane ofmitochondria, and eventually inhibit the conversion ofcholesterol to pregnenolone and reduced the level of testosterone.Karpenko (2013) studied toxic effects of ceriumoxide nanoparticles on sex hormones and concludedthat nanoparticle reduced glandular and testosterone secretion,which was increased after 70 days of treatment[19]. Our study also showed that gold nanoparticles reducedthe level of testosterone.

Nonoparticles can penetrate the blood-testis barrier andadversely affect the sperm cells [20]. Researchers showedthat titanium oxide nanoparticles might produce infertilesperms and abnormal Leydig cells [21]. Nanoparticlescould also accumulate in the Leydig, sertoli, and spermatogeniccells [22].


According to the findings, it could be concluded that thenegative effects of nanoparticles are greater than the positiveeffects, but in general, regardless of the dual effects,the mechanism of their action is to some extent similar.Nanoparticles also showed significant negative effects onthe body. At the cellular level, the free radicals is increasedand caused significant tissue damage. Our studyshowed that different doses of gold nanoparticles exertnegative impact on testicular hormone secretion . By generatingfree radicals and reactive oxygen species,nanoparticles caused a considerable damage to the testis.


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The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating
Hormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat. (2024)


The Effect of Gold Nanoparticle on Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Testosterone and Testis In Male Rat.? ›

LH, FSH and testosterone were significantly increased compared to (P<0.05). Seminiferous tubular degeneration was also observed in the testes. These findings suggest that gold nanoparticles may cause an increase in hormones in female and in male with subsequent increase in sterility.

What are the effects of gold on males? ›

We also noted that gold particles can penetrate sperm cells, which could result in fragmentation. The possible spermatotoxicity of gold in industrial use has been reported elsewhere as a cause of male sterility and, possibly, of epididymitis (7).

What effect do testosterone follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone have in the male reproductive system? ›

LH controls the production of testosterone (T) by Leydig cells, the endocrine cells located in the interstitium of the testis (Figure 1A). T is essential for male virilization and, in combination with FSH, it triggers and maintains spermatogenesis.

How can men increase LH levels? ›

In men, the treatment often means taking testosterone. Testosterone can be taken by young men who have a delayed onset of puberty because of low LH. It can also be taken by men who have a low sex drive or who have lost some of the defining male characteristics, such as facial hair.

What causes high LH and FSH levels in males? ›

In some patients with primary hypogonadism, testosterone levels may be within the normal range, but the increased LH and FSH indicate that the pituitary gland is trying to compensate for a deficiency and treatment may still be needed.

Does gold affect men's testosterone? ›

Our study also showed that gold nanoparticles reduced the level of testosterone. Nonoparticles can penetrate the blood-testis barrier and adversely affect the sperm cells [20].

Is it good for men to wear gold? ›

Gold is a good color for men because it makes men look handsome, but of course, there's no need to overdo an 'old baron' look by wearing gold all over your body. In men's fashion, wearing gold in the right places will make men look excellent.

How does the luteinizing hormone affect the male reproductive system? ›

In men, LH causes the testicl*s to make testosterone, which is important for producing sperm. Normally, LH levels in men do not change very much. In children, LH levels are usually low in early childhood, and begin to rise a couple of years before the start of puberty.

What is the relationship between LH and testosterone in the male reproductive system? ›

LH makes testosterone

The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is responsible for releasing LH. Once released, the LH causes the cells of the testes to produce testosterone. A low LH level means low sex drive and fertility issues, while a high LH means testicl* damage.

What are the 3 effects of FSH and LH in males and females? ›

In both males and females, FSH and LH are rhythmically secreted to control reproductive physiology. In males, these hormones drive the synthesis of testosterone and the production and development of sperm. In females, FSH triggers follicle maturation, and a sudden surge in LH drives ovulation.

What happens if LH is too high in males? ›

If you are male, abnormally high LH levels along with low levels of testosterone may mean that your testicl*s aren't responding to LH's signal to make more testosterone. Low levels of LH may mean that your pituitary gland isn't making enough LH. That can lead to too little testosterone production.

Do tall guys have more testosterone? ›

Despite being a sexually dimorphic trait in humans, height does not appear strongly and consistently related to circulating testosterone levels in adult men (Kowal et al., 2021) .

What drugs increase LH in men? ›

Clomiphene citrate is prescribed to men who have infertility due to hormonal imbalances. Clomiphene citrate causes an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This increases the signal to the testes to increase testosterone production and sperm production.

What are the symptoms of high FSH and LH levels in males? ›

In men presenting with high FSH levels due to a gonadotroph adenoma, symptoms result from the mass effect (eg, headaches, visual impairment, hormonal deficiencies). However, erectile dysfunction and infertility may occur secondary to low LH levels caused by compression of the normal gonadotroph cells.

What happens if too much FSH and LH are produced? ›

In children, high FSH levels, along with high levels of luteinizing hormone, may mean puberty is about to start or has already started. If this is happening before age 9 in a girl or before age 10 in a boy (precocious puberty), it may be a sign of: A disorder of the central nervous system. A brain injury.

What would happen to FSH if testosterone levels get too high? ›

Excess testosterone in the body (for example after taking extra testosterone-like drugs in order to stimulate muscle growth) can result in low levels of FSH and LH and thus impair spermatogenesis.

What depletes testosterone in men? ›

Excess weight, hair-loss treatments, and a sedentary lifestyle are among the factors that can lower testosterone levels. If you're concerned about low testosterone levels, take a look at your everyday habits and way of life.

What is the benefit of gold for men? ›

Additional Health Benefits

Gold contact with the skin helps reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in some people. It also promotes blood circulation, oxygen flow to all parts of your body and temperature regulation. It also boosts immunity. Arthritis causes painful and swollen joints.

What is the highest natural male testosterone? ›

As mentioned earlier, the normal range for testosterone is 270 to 1,000 ng/dl. If your assays indicate that your T level is lurking somewhere below 270 ng/dl, you may be silently suffering from hypogonadism. Much less likely is the opposite scenario: a T score that tops 1,000 ng/dl.

How much gold can a man wear? ›

For unmarried women, the maximum amount of physical gold they can keep at home is 250 grams. Men are only allowed to keep up to 100 grams irrespective of their marital status.

Is wearing a gold chain good for men? ›

Do gold chains look good on men? Ans. Gold chains are a classic example of a men's fashion accessory. They never go out of fashion and look great on everyone, adding a touch of understated luxury and edginess to your outfit.

Should guys wear gold or silver? ›

For anyone who has cooler skin tones, silver jewellery is the most natural choice. For those with warmer skin tones, gold jewellery should be the way you go. Not sure about your skin tone?

Can luteinizing hormone cause sterility in males? ›

The failure of the pituitary to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) results in disruption of testicular function and infertility.

How LH luteinizing hormone can cause sterility in males? ›

Abstract. Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the interstitial Leydig cells to produce testosterone, which is essential for spermatogenesis. Abnormalities in the function of LH may affect the process of spermatogenesis and thus result in infertility.

Do LH and FSH affect males? ›

In men, LH primarily stimulates testosterone production, while FSH stimulates the production of sperm. The testes must be capable of response to this hormonal stimulus. In addition, there must be an intact ductal system to transport sperm to the urethra.

What stimulates the testes to produce testosterone? ›

Your hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which triggers your pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH). LH then travels to your gonads and stimulates the production and release of testosterone.

Does LH increase or decrease testosterone? ›

In males, LH stimulates testosterone release by the Leydig cells of the testes. In females, LH stimulates steroid release from the ovaries, ovulation, and the release of progesterone after ovulation by the corpus luteum [8].

Does higher LH mean higher testosterone? ›

In men, high level of LH indicates that testicl*s don't produce enough testosterone and it is the message for hypothalamus to produce more LH to compensate it. Basically, high LH level is associated with low level of testosterone and thus impairs the male's fertility.

Does FSH or LH increase testosterone? ›

In men, LH stimulates testosterone production from the interstitial cells of the testes (Leydig cells). FSH stimulates testicular growth and enhances the production of an androgen-binding protein by the Sertoli cells, which are a component of the testicular tubule necessary for sustaining the maturing sperm cell.

Which hormone inhibits the release of FSH and LH? ›

Estradiol is a potent inhibitor of FSH release acting directly at the gonadotrope to inhibit mRNA transcription. In vivo, estradiol alone in physiological concentrations cannot maintain plasma concentrations within the normal levels seen during the estrus or menstrual cycle.

Does FSH or LH increase estrogen? ›

positive feedback triggers the anterior pituitary to release more FSH and LH. more FSH and LH cause the ovary to produce more estrogen.

What happens when LH hormone is high? ›

Ovulation: A surge in LH causes your ovary to release a mature egg around the second week of each menstrual cycle. A high LH level around this time means that you're at that moment in your cycle when you're most likely to get pregnant.

Does high LH mean high estrogen? ›

Estrogen levels throughout your cycle

These high estrogen levels signal to the brain to ramp up LH production, which triggers ovulation and can often be picked up by ovulation tests 24-48 hours before the egg's release.

Is high luteinizing hormone bad? ›

High luteinizing hormone (LH) levels may cause fertility problems. Some women with high LH have lower rates of fertilization and pregnancy [1]. In men, high levels may indicate testicular failure and infertility [32]. High LH levels are seen in genetic conditions such as Klinefelter's syndrome.

Is it harder for tall guys to get big? ›

Height plays no significant factor in a person's ability to grow muscle. Whilst shorter people may appear to have gained more muscle in less time, it's simply because they need less muscle to fill out proportionally.

Does testosterone make you harder? ›

Results: Animal and preliminary human studies suggest that testosterone may facilitate erection by acting as vasodilator of the penile arterioles and cavernous sinusoids. Following castration, most, but not all, men had partial or complete loss of erection.

Are tall guys more masculine? ›

According to a new study, men who are taller and appear heavier are perceived as being more masculine, regardless of how much their face shape differs from a woman's. And masculinity has powerful effects on attractiveness, says Iris Holzleitner who led the study.

Does high LH cause erectile dysfunction? ›

These results indicate that testosterone levels alone do not tell the whole story about androgen status in older men with erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone levels predicted erectile dysfunction only among men with high LH levels, a combination of hormone levels suggesting primary testicular failure.

How much zinc to increase sperm volume? ›

After three months, there was significant improvement in sperm quality, sperm count, sperm motility, and fertilizing capacity of the sperm. The ideal amount of supplemental zinc remains unknown, but some doctors recommend 30 mg two times per day.

Is high FSH in males bad? ›

Male fertility testing: FSH stimulates the growth of sperm cells. If a person's FSH levels are high, it can mean their testicl*s are not functioning properly.

What does high FSH in males mean? ›

High FSH levels in men may mean the testicl*s are not functioning correctly due to: Advancing age (male menopause) Damage to testicl*s caused by alcohol abuse, chemotherapy, or radiation. Problems with genes, such as Klinefelter syndrome. Treatment with hormones.

What does too much testosterone do? ›

Excess testosterone can lead to more aggressive and irritable behavior, more acne and oily skin, even worse sleep apnea (if you already have it), and an increase in muscle mass.

What allows FSH and LH levels to increase? ›

The hypothalamus secretes GnRH in a pulsatile fashion, which triggers FSH and LH release from the anterior pituitary. These, in turn, act on the granulosa and theca cells in the ovary to stimulate follicle maturation and trigger ovulation.

Is high FSH in males treatable? ›

Treatment for Abnormal FSH Levels in Men

Often, testosterone therapy is given to men with high FSH levels, since high FSH can lead to low testosterone; this can help increase fertility in these men. In other cases, treating the underlying cause of the abnormal FSH levels will correct the problem.

Does high FSH mean high estrogen? ›

FSH causes ovarian follicles to enlarge and produce estrogen. Over time, fewer and fewer follicles remain to be stimulated and thus estrogen levels decline as a woman ages. This decline in estrogen leads to an increase in FSH as there is not enough estrogen being produced to "turn off" the brain's production of FSH.

What triggers high level of FSH? ›

But higher-than-normal FSH levels are usually a sign or side effect of hypogonadism when an issue originates in the gonads. This is because a lack of sex hormone production by the gonads (often due to some type of damage) causes your pituitary gland to release excess FSH to try to stimulate more sex hormone production.

Does high FSH cause low estrogen? ›

Conditions Related to High FSH

It could be premature menopause — also known as premature ovarian failure or ovarian insufficiency. If this is the case, you will have other signs of menopause as well, like missing your period and low levels of estrogen.

Why is it unhealthy for men to wear gold? ›

Gold contains rays which pass through body skin and influence blood cells. This is quite true for men (2). But it does not apply to the women because there is a layer of fat between the skin and flesh in women, which does not exist in men.

Why is gold important to man? ›

Gold is perceived as a symbol of wealth, power, and majesty. Gold has had an exalted position throughout the ages as a highly coveted, even worshipped material. Gold has been used over millennia as jewelry and a means of exchange. Gold has an important economic role as a means of exchange should currency collapse.

What are the uses of gold to man? ›

Traditionally gold has been used to make coins, bullion and jewellery, but in recent times it has been used in a variety of less typical ways.
  • JEWELLERY. The use of gold in making jewellery dates back to around 6,000 years ago. ...
  • AEROSPACE. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Recognition.

What are the side effects of gold? ›

For patients receiving gold injections: Immediately following an injection of this medicine, side effects such as dizziness, feeling faint, flushing or redness of the face, nausea or vomiting, increased sweating, or unusual weakness may occur.

Why can't men wear gold in science? ›

There's no such thing as scientific proof, but gold is a largely inert element (that's why it doesn't corrode), and people have been wearing it without harm for thousands of years. That's pretty good evidence that it's OK.

Which people should not wear gold? ›

Adorning gold is believed to be auspicious for Aries, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius zodiacs. While it gives moderate results for Scorpio and Pisces zodiacs. On the other hand, gold may not be good for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius zodiacs. Besides this, Libra and Capricorn women should try to wear minimum gold.

Why did God want gold? ›

Gold & Silver Value

Gold and silver had tremendous value in Biblical times. People valued gold for its beauty, its malleability, and its ability to be refined rather than consumed by fire. They considered it the most valuable earthly possession.

What element is gold attracted to? ›

An attractive and highly valued metal, gold has been known for at least 5500 years. Gold is sometimes found free in nature but it is usually found in conjunction with silver, quartz (SiO2), calcite (CaCO3), lead, tellurium, zinc or copper.

What does the Bible say about gold? ›

Biblical records indicate that gold and silver were the first and oldest form of money. The first mention of gold in the Bible is in Genesis (2:12 KJV), “And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there.” In the KJV Bible, gold is mentioned 417 times, silver 320 times and the word “money” 140 times.

What are 3 interesting facts about gold? ›

Gold is the most non-reactive of all metals and does not rust. Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread. Gold can conduct heat and electricity. Apart from copper and caesium, Gold is the only non-white coloured metal.

Does gold purify the body? ›

Gold has been called "the master healer". It is an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body. Gold helps one to improve one's character via learning, lessening the trauma associated with situations experienced during the gain of knowledge.

What are the long term side effects of gold injections? ›

However, it can still cause side effects. These include raised levels of liver enzymes, which may cause long-term liver problems, oral ulcers, and gut symptoms. However, taking folic acid on a daily basis can help reduce these side effects.

Is gold an inflammatory? ›

While the exact mechanism of gold's anti-inflammatory effect is not fully understood, gold salts appear to stop cells from releasing chemicals that can harm tissues. In the mid-20th century, researchers found injectable gold has clinically significant benefits in the short-term treatment of RA.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.