The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (2024)

The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (1)

Cooking, Food and Beverage

Written by Selina Teo on

Recently, American Chef Robert Danhi was touring across Asia spreading the word about cooking with Sunkist citrus. We learned some interesting facts about the citrus fruits besides a few recipes on incorporating them into our drinks and food when he was in Singapore last weekend.

The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (6)

Did you know that Sunkist Growers was established in 1893 and the citrus is grown over 100,000 acres of fertile soil in California and Arizona. Sunkist has more than 600 products in over 45 countries on 5 continents and is celebrating its 120th birthday this year. There is no wastage of fruit that does not meet the fresh market standards as they are processed into juice, oil and peel products.

There are two major types of oranges – Navels and Valencias as well as many other varieties including the mandarin oranges that the Chinese use to celebrate Chinese New Year. Oranges have a vivid, natural colour because of the climate they grown in. Oranges are rich in ascorbic acid or Vitamin C and are great for fighting the cold and flu season. Adding orange to lemonade can sweeten it up and you can use dried orange blossoms and leaves as herbal tea.

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The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (7)

Grown in California’s San Joaquin Valley, Sunkist Cara Cara oranges are available seasonally from January through April featuring a distinctive pinkish-red interior with a sweet flavour that comes with a tangy cranberry-like zing. This breed of oranges has few to no seeds and is known as the Power Orange that is rich in Vitamins A and C and a good source of foliate and fibre and a natural source of lycopene.

Here’s another tip. When buying oranges, be sure to pick the firm, smooth and heavy oranges that are full coloured.

The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (8)

Lemons are available all year round and are free of fat, cholesterol, sodium and low in calories. Just 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice contain 20% of your daily recommended value of vitamin C. It helps to absorb antioxidants when added to tea and is also a natural source of potassium.

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Selina Teo

Selina enjoys watching movies as well as dining with a high expectation and a keen eye for only the best.

The Facts About Sunkist Oranges and Lemons (2024)
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