The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (2024)


For years, we’ve watched them waddle in front of us like tipsy penguins, hitching their flopping pants up as they shuffled along.

Some saggers dropped their pants down just below their waist, giving us just a glimpse of their butt cheeks. Others went full-on sag, tying their pants mid-thigh, a sartorial maneuver that made them “look like they were pooping themselves while they walked,” one critic observed.

There was, of course, a backlash. City councils passed “droopy drawers” laws, punishing men for wearing their pants too low. Saggers were booted off airline flights and buses. Community leaders launched “Stop the Sag!” billboard campaigns. Yet no one could stop this fashion blight.

But America recently reached a cultural turning point that few seem to have noticed: The days of staring at the droopy drawers of young men in public are coming to a close, fashion experts, historians and even holdout saggers say.

The era of sagging pants is ending.

“It’s been played out for a long time,” said Stephanie Smith-Strickland, a writer for Highsnobiety, an online fashion and lifestyle magazine. “The people who create fashion, the tastemakers – it’s been played out for them. I live in Brooklyn, and when I walk down the street, I rarely see it.”

Fashion trends have long provoked bewilderment. In 16th century England, wealthy women blackened their teeth to mimic the decaying teeth of Queen Elizabeth I, whose fondness for sugar destroyed her oral health. European men around the same time wore codpieces to advertise their phallic prowess. Ancient Egyptians were the original coneheads: Noblewomen wore scented cones made of wax, fat or oils that released a scented fragrance as they melted.

Still, the sagging pants phenomenon was such a curious development that its passing merits some examination. How did young men wearing their pants closer to their knees than their waists ever become fashionable? Why did it stop being popular? And if sagging is now so passé, why are some people still sagging in public?

What started the sag

One can’t discuss sagging without addressing one of its most common origin myths. The short answer: It didn’t start with hom*osexual sex in prison. According to lore, inmates allegedly sagged their pants to signal sexual availability. But Snopes, the fact-checking website, says this story is false.

Sagging did begin in prison, but for a more banal reason: Prisoners were often issued clothing that was too large for them and they couldn’t wear belts. Explains Snopes: “Belts are not permitted in most correctional facilities because all too often the lifeless bodies of their inmate owners have been found hanging from them.” Sagging was later adopted by rap artists such as Ice-T and Too Short, and by 1995 it had spilled into mainstream teen culture, Snopes said.

For the original saggers – the young African-American men who sparked the trend – sagging became an act of self-expression, a form of art.

The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (1)

A "Stop the Sag!" billboard on the side of a building in New York. The sag has finally stopped, but not because of any public campaign.

“People in the margins are constantly innovating in fashion and style because they often have the least,” said Tanisha C. Ford, an associate professor of black American studies and history at the University of Delaware and author of “Liberated Threads.” “Their challenge is, how can you be creative with very little money and resources.”

Others see sagging as a symptom of contemporary America’s fondness for sloppiness.

“People don’t dress up for retirement parties anymore,” Galanty Miller, a sociologist, said. “People don’t wear ties to weddings. They wear flip-flops to church. We’ve become a more relaxed culture.”

Miller doesn’t even pretend to bring any academic detachment to the subject of sagging. He’s also a playwright and comic who wrote an essay titled, “It’s Time to End the Sagging Pants Trend.” Saggers, he wrote, looked like “idiots” who walked around like they had soiled their pants.

Some critics, including Miller, are so glad to see this fashion trend evaporate that they don’t care why it went. They’re just glad it’s on the way out.

“This has gone on longer than it should have,” he said of sagging. “There are standards everybody in society should aspire to: This is how language works, this is how science works, this is how you wear your pants. What if everyone started wearing a toga?”

What stopped the sag

Indeed, finding examples of the kind of urban art Ford described has become difficult, as we discovered on a recent afternoon.

It was a perfect day for sagging: a balmy, sunny afternoon in downtown Atlanta, lunchtime crowds filling the sidewalks, young men checking out and flirting with women on the city’s bustling streets.

The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (2)

If you think sagging is a strange fashion trend, consider the codpiece in the 16th century.

We set off to interview some saggers, but after an hour, we had found none. All the young people were wearing skinny jeans.

Then, just as we had given up, we came across four young men in various states of sag walking with a young woman near a park.

We soon discovered that even within this group of holdouts, there was little swag to their sag; they admitted they don’t dare sag like they used to.

Jordan Farmer, 18, wore modestly sagging green jeans that showed just a hint of his undergarment. He’s a wiry young man with a small earring in his left ear, a goatee and a calm, almost professorial, manner.

Farmer said he tries not to be “disrespectful” with his sagging. When asked for an example, he said, “Too low is when you have your butt out and you’re showing your underwear.”

His friend, Durunta Floyd, 18, also said a sagger must be circ*mspect. His jeans were sagging a tad lower than his waist.

“When I’m out in public with some girls or on some business, I won’t sag my pants,” Floyd said.

Like a lot of saggers, Floyd deliberately sags his pants so his underwear is visible. That’s part of the purpose of the sag – to show off one’s colorful underwear.

He said he’s aware of how some perceive him as he walks down the street.

“I’m a thug. I’m a criminal. They think a lot of things. But I don’t let that phase me,” Floyd said. He shrugged before patting his hair to make sure it looked good for the camera.

From sag to high fashion

Both Farmer and Floyd said they started sagging to imitate the way their favorite rappers dressed in videos. But today’s hip-hop stars no longer sag, and that’s the primary reason sagging has gone out of style, fashion experts say.

The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (3)

Rapper Lil Yachty embodies the abandonment of sagging jeans.

Sloppy, baggy streetwear no longer fits the aesthetic of the contemporary hip-hop world, where rappers now team up with high-end fashion brands, said Smith-Strickland, the fashion writer.

She gave some examples:

Rapper Lil Yachty this year was named a creative designer for the Nautica clothing line. Harlem rapper A$AP Rocky was among those featured in the summer 2017 ad campaign for Dior Homme, the French fashion house.

And rapper Pharrell Williams designed a jewelry line for Louis Vuitton, another French fashion house.

Today’s hip-hop stars aren’t going to be caught on the red carpet in jeans sagging around their butt, Smith-Strickland said.

“The entertainers who are considered the fashion icons, the pacesetters, have moved on from that,” she said. “They’re experimenting with more tailored looks and fitted clothes.”

Another group of celebrities also gets credit for stopping the sag: NBA superstars.

Some trace that change to 2005. That’s when NBA Commissioner David Stern instituted a mandatory dress code for players. Critics at the time called the move “racist” and said it was aimed at then-NBA star Allen Iverson, a notorious sagger.

Today’s NBA stars, though, are fashionistas. Elite players like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Russell Westbrook are known almost as much for their moves in the fashion world as they are on the NBA court.

A recent Rolling Stone article described how it’s common for NBA players to wear spectacles, cardigans and pink blazers. In the article, GQ “Style Guy” Mark Anthony Green said NBA superstars “are the most stylish group of athletes of all time.” He, too, traces that to the NBA’s mandatory dress code.

The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (4)

NBA stars such as Dwyane Wade, who now dress in high-end fashion suits, helped end the sagging trend.

“When the dress code came, players had to wear suits, and there wasn’t any way around that,” Green said. “But guys in the NBA are competitive. So, one guy buys a Valentino suit, and the next one does. Now if you’re a top NBA player, you have to look the part off the court. And if you’re not a top player, you still want to look like one. A rookie at some random team wants to dress like LeBron James so that they look the part.”

So why – when the men who live at the pinnacle of modern fame have traded sag for glam – are some people, like the young men in downtown Atlanta, still sagging?

Those holdouts, Smith-Strickland said, are the fashion world’s equivalent of people who didn’t get the memo: They don’t follow fashion trends, and “it really takes a long time for the trickle-down effect to get to them.”

‘The body is your space’

For those hanging onto the waning trend, sagging remains an act of defiance, said Ford.

“When you’re already on the margins, (sagging) is your way of giving the middle finger to the sensitivities of the very system that oppresses you,” she said.

And that defiance can manifest itself in all kinds of ways. Black men on the margins know their bodies are often seen as objects of threat, but they turn them into works of art, adorning themselves with gold teeth, do-rags and colorful tattoos.

“Because you know as soon as you leave home you could be unduly harassed, assaulted, you could be pulled over and frisked for no reason and you might die before you make it home,” Ford said. “You have to be able to find some joy, some kind of pleasure, and styling your body gives you that.

“The body is your space where you have some modicum of agency, where you can keep your sense of self intact,” she said.

If what Ford said is true, then don’t be surprised if another form of fashion innovation springs from black urban America and irritates broad swaths of the American public.

Politicians will be outraged. Billboard campaigns will ensue. Adults will turn their heads in dismay. They won’t complain about “sagging” anymore, but it will be something else.

So get ready. The whole cycle of outrage could churn once again.

The fall of the sagging pants era is upon us | CNN (2024)


What is the historical meaning of sagging pants? ›

Origin. The style was popularized by hip-hop musicians in the 1990s. It is often claimed the style originated from the United States prison system where belts are sometimes prohibited and there can be a lack of appropriately sized clothing. As a result, their pants would sag.

Is sagging pants still a trend? ›

Sagging makes a comeback

Well, sagging pants are making a comeback! Hailing straight from American prisons, where belts were banned, sagging was popularised by American rappers in the 1990s, before the rise of slim-cut pants, skinny jeans and other fitted styles.

When did baggy pants become a trend? ›

Wide-leg jeans, colloquially called baggy pants, are a style of clothing that were popular from the early 1980s to the early 2010s.

What is the origin of sagging pants slavery? ›

Some white masters would rape their African male slaves; subsequently, the victims were forced to wear their pants sagging so that their masters could identify them for future attacks.

What does sagging mean slang? ›

(of courage, spirits, etc) weakening; flagging. to bolster one's sagging popularity.

What is the origin of the word sagging? ›

It comes from the verb sag and its Germanic root meaning "to sink."

Are baggy pants in style 2023? ›

But flare jeans aren't the only comeback that will be dominating 2023. “We'll be seeing more baggy jeans, a look that was super cute in the '90s,” Weingarten shares.

When did low-rise pants go out of style? ›

The 2010s saw something of an extreme reaction to the popularity of low-rise jeans. Denim trends went in the complete opposite direction, with waistlines climbing higher and higher – a look still popular now.

What is the current trend in pants? ›

Insider asked professional stylists which pant trends are in and out for 2023. Cargo pants, cropped cuts, and leather are going to be popular styles this year. On the other hand, skinny jeans and high-waisted pants have seen their heyday.

What are 90s baggy pants called? ›

JNCO-style jeans. For those unaware, JNCOs are super-shapeless, super-wide-legged jeans favored two decades ago. They were seen on teens in iconic '90s films like Clueless and Can't Hardly Wait.

Why was 90s fashion so baggy? ›

Having long been a symbol of rebellion since the years of James Dean, denim, and more specifically, baggy denim, would go on to represent the idea of rebellion throughout much of the '90s.

Why are baggy clothes popular again? ›

Effortless Comfortability. One of the most attractive things about oversized fashion trends is effortless comfortability. The clothes generally just hang off your body's frame without any chance of showing skin or constricting you.

What kind of pants did slaves wear? ›

Boys transitioned to breeches, or short pants, and then to long pants, and girls wore adult dresses when they began to menstruate. Plain leather shoes and sometimes hats also were included in allotments, while women, reflecting West African traditions, sometimes wore cloth head wraps.

Who were pants originally made for? ›

Initially, trousers were a military garment. They came in the form of snug shorts or loose fitting trousers that closed at the ankles. In the late 14th century, they developed into tight trousers with attached foot coverings. This garment had the appearance of hose and was worn by knights underneath plate armour.

Where did the idea of pants come from? ›

The oldest known trousers, dating to the period between the thirteenth and the tenth centuries BC, were found at the Yanghai cemetery in Turpan, Sinkiang (Tocharia), in present-day western China. Made of wool, the trousers had straight legs and wide crotches and were likely made for horseback riding.

What word can replace sagging? ›

Synonyms of sagging
  • bowing.
  • nodding.
  • bowed.
  • weeping.
  • drooping.
  • falling.
  • hanging.
  • declining.

What does saggy mean in England? ›

/ˈsæɡ.i/ hanging or dropping down to a lower level: I have a lot of saggy skin on my stomach since I lost weight. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Hanging and suspending.

What is the opposite of sagging? ›

What is the opposite of sagging?
7 more rows

What does sagging pants mean in jail? ›

According to lore, inmates allegedly sagged their pants to signal sexual availability. But Snopes, the fact-checking website, says this story is false. Sagging did begin in prison, but for a more banal reason: Prisoners were often issued clothing that was too large for them and they couldn't wear belts.

What is the sagging moment? ›

noun. a bending moment that produces concave bending at the middle of a simple supported beamAlso called: positive bending moment.

Should pants go over belly? ›

Now, before you start copping grandpa pants that sit above your belly button, don't. But, as a general rule, jeans should sit on the hips, while chinos and suit pants should land just above the hip, which will allow you to tuck in your shirt without worrying about it popping out mid-meeting.

Where should pants fall when sitting? ›

WAIST. The waist of the trouser should sit comfortably on your natural waist, not your hips. Jeans are often cut to sit lower on the hips with a natural “sag” effect, but not trousers. This is why men who don't often wear trousers feel that they are sitting uncomfortably high.

Should you fold the bottom of your pants? ›

Pants. While jeans don't necessarily need a place in your closet, you should definitely plan to hang all your other pants (like dressier slacks). "Dress and casual pants should always be hung," says Reynolds. "You can hang them the long way or fold over the hanger."

Can I still wear skinny jeans in 2023? ›

Balance Out the Look with Oversized Tops

The easiest way to wear skinny jeans in 2023 is to style them with oversized, voluminous tops (and no, I don't mean tunics). What is this? Today, it's all about balancing the top to the bottom. Like this voluminous sweatshirt that has a half-tuck at the waist.

Are skinny jeans coming back 2023? ›

But three-quarters of the way through Fashion Month Fall/Winter 2023, it seems the pendulum is swinging back. Skinny jeans, skinny pants, and — gasp — leggings have taken over the runway, most recently making their presence known at Saint Laurent.

What color jeans are in style 2023? ›

Style Notes: If you invested in a pair of trending wide-leg jeans in 2022, rest assured this is no flash-in-the-pan buy; wide-leg denim is here to stay for 2023. The clue is in the name. Look for classic shades of blue to make this silhouette feel its most refined.

Why don't they make low-rise jeans anymore? ›

Simply put— because the fashion industry got tired of them. Including consumers. Fashion is cyclical, when we tire of one style we usually do something considered daring. Pretty soon that daring style becomes widely accepted.

Are low-rise jeans a fad? ›

Rise of the Low: Chronicling the Resurgence of Low-Rise Denim. In the words of the prophet T-Pain: “Next thing you know, shawty got low.” Somehow, the most polarizing trend of the late '90s and early 2000s has come back with a vengeance, and now, low-rise jeans are more popular than ever.

What type of pants are in style 2023? ›

Cargo pants are the look of choice for 2023 with baggy legs, long hems, and maximum pocket space. While the trend has definite early '00s roots, the waists are higher than their super low-rise counterparts at the turn of millennium—which comes as welcome news to most.

Are capris in style for 2023? ›

The capri pants trend 2023 is quite strong for the next seasons. Pants match numerous looks, from the neatest, to the most casual and sporty.

Are ankle pants still in style 2023? ›

Ankle cropped jeans are on trend in 2023. Crop-style jeans have been a popular style for years, but they've reached new heights this year. The ankle crop is one of the most popular styles right now. It's cropped at the ankle, but not too short—just enough to show off your legs and make them look longer.

Why do girls wear baggy pants? ›

It doesn't feel as stiff or humdrum as a traditional slim-suit and tie–and sizing up gives the two-piece way more attitude. It's perfect for those work days or meetings that aren't so serious. Plus, they are more comfortable (a not-so-surprising theme with baggy clothing).

What are 70s pants called? ›


The iconic 70s fashion trend gained popularity thanks to The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour, where they were frequently worn by husband-and-wife singing duo Sonny and Cher. Bell-bottoms were a popular pant style for 70s disco-goers.

What pants were trendy in the 90s? ›

Scrunchies, acid-wash jeans, tube tops, and capri pants reigned supreme among '90s style trends, along with crimped hair, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and punk rock.

What was the main fashion trend in the 90s? ›

Oversized shirts, high-waisted jeans, and Sperry boat shoes were common pieces associated with '90s preppy culture. Plaid mini skirts paired with a tank top and matching blazer were also a classic '90s preppy look featured in films and MTV music videos, such as Britney Spears's “Baby One More Time” video.

What was everyone wearing in the 90s? ›

Slip dresses, bomber jackets, scrunchies and plaid flannel shirts were all the rage during the '90s — and many of these fashion trends are working their way back into vogue (although some of these pieces may have never left your closet).

What was horrible fashion in the 90s? ›

The biggest 'ugly' '90s fashion trends were all about grunge. Footwear and accessories were chunkier, denim was slouchier, flannels were oversized, and hair was pulled back with a scrunchie. And while you may have thought those trends were nestled comfortably in the past, you couldn't be more wrong.

Why do baggy clothes not look good on me? ›

Oversized clothes really don't make you look slimmer. Because they stand away from the body, your body appears to be as large as the clothes and when you have a large bust, the clothes hang from that point, rather than coming back in and contouring your body.

Are oversized clothes in style 2023? ›

For 2023, expect oversized pants and jackets to continue to be the norm and pant suits and blazers to take on bolder prints. For shirts, crop tops and sheer fabrics will continue to offset those bigger wardrobe pieces, creating looks that are both powerful and playful simultaneously.

What year did people stop wearing baggy clothes? ›

In the US, baggy clothes were very popular leading up to World Wars, when excess clothing was a sign of wealth and prosperity. The wars led to fabric rationing and baggy clothes fell out of style in traditional menswear until the 1980's, when the Armani "power suit" came into fashion.

What does potato hole mean in slavery? ›

"The term comes from slavery days, when slaves had to dig holes in the earthen floors of their cabins," Jones says. "It was the only place they had to keep food cool — and, in some cases, to hide it and store it." Jones says Potato Hole is where he keeps his "cool, funky stuff."

Why were slaves not allowed to wear shoes? ›

Slaves were forbidden to wear shoes. This was a prime mark of distinction between the free and the bonded and no exceptions were permitted." Shoes have been regarded as signs of empowerment and badges of freedom since early human history.

How often did slaves eat? ›

Weekly food rations -- usually corn meal, lard, some meat, molasses, peas, greens, and flour -- were distributed every Saturday. Vegetable patches or gardens, if permitted by the owner, supplied fresh produce to add to the rations. Morning meals were prepared and consumed at daybreak in the slaves' cabins.

What gender wore pants first? ›

The oldest pair of preserved trousers ever discovered were dated from about 1200 to 900 BC and were thought to have been worn by both male and female horse riders. In the 1700s women like Hannah Snell donned pants and took on secret identities so they could fight alongside men in battles.

What is the oldest pants design? ›

World's Oldest Pants - Archaeology Magazine. Radiocarbon dating of two pairs of trousers discovered in a cemetery in western China has revealed they were made between the thirteenth and tenth centuries B.C., making them the oldest known surviving pants by almost 1,000 years.

When did men stop wearing dresses? ›

The Great Male Renunciation (French: Grande Renonciation masculine) is the historical phenomenon at the end of the 18th century in which Western men stopped using brilliant or refined forms in their dress, which were left to women's clothing.

What gender were pants made for? ›

Archaeological evidence suggests that men and women alike wore trousers in that cultural context. However, for much of modern history, the use of trousers has been restricted to men. This norm was enforced in many regions due to social customs and laws.

What do they call pants in England? ›

British EnglishAmerican English
Pants / Underwear / KnickersUnderwear / panties
briefs/underpantsshorts/jockey shorts
Jumper / Pullover / Sweater / JerseySweater
19 more rows

Who were the first people to wear pants? ›

Thus defined, trousers can be traced to ancient times and were especially common among equestrian peoples such as the Scythians and Mongols. Until the end of the 18th century, bifurcated European garments took forms such as breeches, knickerbockers, and pantaloons.

What is slang for sagging pants? ›

A person wearing sagging trousers is sometimes called a "sagger", and in some countries this practice is known as "low-riding".

Is sagging still a thing? ›

Sagging makes a comeback

Well, sagging pants are making a comeback! Hailing straight from American prisons, where belts were banned, sagging was popularised by American rappers in the 1990s, before the rise of slim-cut pants, skinny jeans and other fitted styles.

What does bra mean in England? ›

British English: bra /brɑː/ NOUN. A bra is a piece of underwear that a woman wears to support her breasts.

What does chubby mean in England? ›

/ˈtʃʌb.i/ uk. /ˈtʃʌb.i/ (especially of children) fat in a pleasant and attractive way: chubby legs. chubby cheeks.

What can you do for saggy breasts? ›

Breast lift surgery is very effective for reversing sagging. Your doctor can remove excess skin to bring the sagging breast up. You may also want to have a breast implant inserted to make the whole breast look fuller.

Is sagging a negative moment? ›

1 Sign Convention. Bending moment is said to be positive (sagging) moment at a section when it is acting in an anticlockwise (ACW) direction to the right and negative (hogging) moment when acting in a clockwise (CW) direction (Figure 4.14).

What is the root word of sagging? ›

It comes from the verb sag and its Germanic root meaning "to sink."

What is opposite than fat? ›

The opposite of fat is thin.

Is sagging your pants disrespectful? ›

because pants aren't meant to hang half off your hips, if you sag you keep having to pull them back up. Needless to say, older (and whiter) people went tut-tut a lot. Sagging was called embracing gang/prison culture. It was called disrespectful.

Are baggy pants making a comeback? ›

The style became popular in the 1990s and has seen a resurgence in recent years.

Is cuffing pants out of style? ›

Cuffs have been in and out of fashion ever since. Pant cuffs were 'in' in the 1920s and 30s. Then they were 'out' with the fabric rationing and austere style of the 40s but back in the 60s. But wait, they were out in the 70s and back again in the 80s…and so it goes on.

Are high-waisted pants trendy? ›

High-waisted jeans rarely fall out of style, offering plenty of coverage and structure to many body types. Learn how to wear high-waisted jeans with this helpful styling guide.

What are the bad effects of sagging pants? ›

Inhibiting normal movement can actually misalign the hips and the torso if the pants are continuously worn very low. Other damage can include problems with bladder, kidneys and prostate due to constricting the flow of blood and oxygen to the lower extremities.”

Should I wear my pants over my belly? ›

Now, before you start copping grandpa pants that sit above your belly button, don't. But, as a general rule, jeans should sit on the hips, while chinos and suit pants should land just above the hip, which will allow you to tuck in your shirt without worrying about it popping out mid-meeting.

What is it called when you don't wear pants? ›

Going commando” is a way of saying that you're not wearing any underwear. The term refers to elite soldiers trained to be ready to fight at a moment's notice.

Are skinny jeans back 2023? ›

Skinny Jeans, Skinny Pants & Leggings Are Back in For Fall 2023.

Why is everyone wearing baggy clothes? ›

Effortless Comfortability. One of the most attractive things about oversized fashion trends is effortless comfortability. The clothes generally just hang off your body's frame without any chance of showing skin or constricting you.

Are pleated pants in style 2023? ›

High-rise, pleat-front trousers in denim are everywhere. With a fitted waistband, these jeans are anything but your dad's favorite pair from the '90s, giving them more leeway to be styled with slim bodysuits and bralettes alike.

Are ripped jeans still in style 2023? ›

Current jeans trends 2023 – ripped jeans are no longer modern. The torn look was popular for a while, but it's coming to an end. Another denim trend to say goodbye to is overly ripped jeans. Try to spice up the outdated trend by pairing denim with unique details, like buttons or fun patterns.

Why do people like cuffed pants? ›

And then there are the reasons we're familiar with from tailoring - cuffs interrupt the line of the trouser; they're a bit more casual; they provide visual interest, but could also shorten the legs. I think these classical factors are mostly relevant with dark denim.

Who should not wear high-waisted jeans? ›

If you have a short torso or you are average height or petite, super high rise may not work. Essentially, we want to be sure that you have a top, a middle and a bottom. If you keep moving your pants up too high, they'll feel like they are going too close to your bra. Think Steve Urkel.

What body type looks best in high-waisted jeans? ›

High-Rise. This fit is often viewed as “retro” but the truth is, it's classic. Athletic body types with smaller waists will love this fit. Hourglass shapes on the slender side look fantastic in high rise jeans with stretch.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.