The Guide on Analyzing a Fix and Flip Investment - Under 30 Wealth (2024)

In this step by step lesson I will give you the basic formula for estimating a fix and flip so that you understand clearly all of the different costs involved when purchasing real estate and renovating it to resell for a profit.

One cost people forget is capital gains tax on the profits of your investment! But don’t worry we’ll cover it all in this chapter.

If you’d like to learn how to estimate rehab costs, check out this resource.

Let’s get started!

The Formula:

  • After Repair Value of the Home You Can Sell For $135,000
  • Profit You Expect to Earn on the Flip ($25,000)
  • Closing Costs during the Purchase ($5,000)
  • Closing Costs during the Sale ($5,000)
  • Commissions to Real Estate Agent on the Sale (6%) ($8,100)
  • Holding Costs (Utilities, Loan Payments, Etc.) ($10,000)
  • Renovation Budget aka Rehab Cost ($25,000)
  • Max Purchase Price You Should Offer $57,000

Step 1: Determine the After Repair Value

You want to start with a bottom up approach and determine the end selling price of the home first. You need to know what the house can sell for in order to know if there will be any room for profits once you’ve factored in all your expenses.

The after repair value is what the home will be worth once it is all fixed up and in nice condition again. You judge the value based on comparable sales of other similar homes nearby.

You’ll want to have your realtor run sales comps for you using the MLS that they have access to as licensed agents.

They can quickly type in the features of your home such as the number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, the square footage, whether it is one story or two story, and then find homes that have recently sold in the last 6 months or less with similar features.

Then you’ll need to tour these homes if possible to see the level of finish so that you don’t over-do or under-do the rehab like putting in way too nice of kitchen counters and cabinets that cost a fortune.

If you can’t tour a nearby home that recently sold, no worries.

You know the market price you can expect to get for your property so you’ll be able to judge the level of finish needed to stay within budget and make a profit.

And if the rehab needs exceed this budget, then the property isn’t going to work out and you’ll have to move on to look for another investment property. Let the math guide you in your decision making.

Don’t try to force something that isn’t there thinking you’ll make the flip work.

Resource: How to Buy Your First Investment Property + Bonuses

Step 2: Factor in Your Profit Expectation

The next most important cost to factor in is your expected profit. If a deal won’t yield the profit you determine necessary for the risk involved with the investment, then why bother investing in it when there are better deals out there?

I wouldn’t tie up my time and resources for a deal that’s going to pay me $10,000 when I could be getting $30,000 instead elsewhere.

Opportunity cost or as some call it “cost of equity” is important when analyzing investments so stick in your required profit early into the formula to make sure whether the deal will work or not for you.

It’s likely that this profit will differ as you may over estimate your expenses and end up with more profit or under estimate and end up with less profit.

This is why I recommend giving yourself a cushion when determining the profit you’d be happy with so that if things go wrong and unexpected expenses come up, you’ll still make a $5,000 or $10,000 profit instead of breaking even.

Learn –> How to Increase Your Income and Master Your Money (Saving, Investing, Taxes)

Step 3: Closing Costs at Purchase

You’ll be required to bring in money to closing usually to cover any expenses that your loan isn’t covering if you’re using leverage.

Otherwise you’ll be bringing in all cash anyway if you’re not using a loan. Closing costs vary but typically might include:

  • A loan origination fee – which lenders charge for processing the loan paperwork for you.
  • Attorney’s fees.
  • A fee for running your credit report.
  • Charges for any inspection required or requested by the lender or you.
  • Discount points – which are fees you pay in exchange for a lower interest rate.
  • Appraisal fee.
  • Survey fee – which covers the cost of verifying property lines.
  • Title insurance – which protects the lender in case the title isn’t clean.
  • Title search fees – which pay for a background check on the title to make sure there aren’t things such as unpaid mortgages or tax liens on the property.
  • Escrow deposit – which may pay for a couple months’ property taxes and private mortgage insurance.
  • Pest inspection fee
  • Recording fee – which is paid to a city or county in exchange for recording the new land records.
  • Underwriting fee – which covers the cost of evaluating a mortgage loan application.

A good rule of thumb to use is $3,000 to $5,000 in closing costs but again, it will vary so don’t count on this as a hard number. Once you’ve done a deal or two you’ll be able to see your HUD statement and get a rough estimate of all the closing costs and how much they total up to.


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Step 4: Closing Costs at Sale

Once you’ve decided to sell your investment property or your home, you’ll have several expenses to pay.

The obvious and most well-known expense you pay is the real estate agent commission which will run you about 6% of the sales price.

If you sell the house yourself you can save this expense but hiring a realtor to sell your home has many benefits including speeding up the sales time, marketing, access to their network of potential buyers, legal work and paper work knowledge, and more.

You’ll also have to pay for title work to make sure the property title is clear and ready to be transferred to the next owner without any defects.

This way there are no disputes down the road about who owns the property legally. It can get messy when heirs leave property to several of their family members in their wills.

Or maybe the county made a recording error during one of the previous sales of the property that wasn’t caught. Here are several of the expenses to expect:

Potential Seller Costs:

  • Real estate brokerage commission (3% to 7%)
  • Attorney or closing agent fees for preparing the deed and other documents
  • Documentary stamp taxes, where required
  • Recording fees for the certificate of satisfaction of the seller’s mortgage

Potential Shared Costs:

  • Proration of Property Expenses
    • Taxes
    • Rental Income already collected ahead of time by seller
    • Costs of other contracts that exist and can’t be cancelled yet
    • Mortgage assumption costs beings transferred to the buyer from seller

Step 5: Commissions to Real Estate Agent

We touched on this already above, but to reiterate, you will likely use a realtor to sell your home for all the benefits they provide.

You may also decide to get a license yourself if you’re going to be doing several investment deals over your investment career.

For example, someone buying 4 properties per year may consider getting his or her license so that they can earn a commission each time they purchase the house and save themselves the expense each time they sell the house.

If you become a realtor, you’ll have several fees to pay though which is why it only makes sense to those who will be doing enough deals to cover the costs of being an agent and leave profit thereafter.

If you won’t being doing many deals, you might want to save yourself the hassle and just stick to hiring a sales agent.

Step 6: Holding Costs

This is an expense category people often forget to factor in. When you are doing a flip, you have to pay for utilities such as electric, gas, water, sewer, and waste removal.

These expenses will add up if you’re flip is taking several months to complete, for example, you may have the renovations done in 60 days (2 months) but then the property sits on the market for sale for another 60 days, bringing the total flip time to 120 days (4 months).

During this time you’ll also have to pay mortgage interest if you took out a loan.

You’ll also have property taxes and insurance which may or may not have been pre-paid for and prorated at closing.

Overall, don’t forget about taxes, insurance, utilities, and debt interest as well as any other holding costs you may incur when budgeting for your max purchase price to offer on a flip.

Learn –> How to Increase Your Income and Master Your Money (Saving, Investing, Taxes)

Step 7: The Rehab Budget

When estimating repairs it’s always wise to make sure you are conservative in your estimates.

By giving yourself a cushion when estimating, you’ll make sure the deal works out still because unexpected expenses do arise and can be devastating to your bottom line profits if you didn’t give yourself a conservative cushion.

On the bright side, your profits will be larger if everything goes as planned or you save more money than you thought on the flip.

Learn how to estimate rehab costs

Step 8: Max Purchase Price

Once you’ve determined your ARV and subtracted out all of the expenses discussed above, you should be left with a number that represents the max amount that you should offer to buy the property.

In other words, in order for the deal to work in your favor and come close to producing the profits you are estimating, you have to purchase the property at no more than this price.

If the max purchase price seems ridiculous and there is no way you see the seller accepting such a low offer, then the property is likely not going to work out and you’ll have to pass.

I recommend submitting your low offer still and seeing what happens because you never know. The seller may be pretty motivated to sell and accept your offer.

Typically, you’ll have to find properties that look old and outdated as well as distressed in order to get off to a good start with the low offer process.

You can use this as leverage when negotiating with the seller, letting them know how much the property needs to be updated to be worth market value and therefore why you are proposing an offer lower than their asking price.

They may say no but the important takeaway is at least you took action and didn’t pass up an opportunity because of a false assumption.

Maybe they would have said yes but you didn’t offer because you assumed you’re price was too low. Don’t assume, go talk to them.

Action Tip: Get out there and start making offers!

Thanks for reading my guide on analyzing a fix and flip. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and get your free eBook I’ll throw in as a bonus gift when you join. Click this link here to subscribe.

What to Do Next?

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Free Resources:

  1. Sign up for our FREE 10 day email course on real estate investing
  2. Grab our cheat sheet of 10 marketing strategies to get more property leads
  3. Check out our YouTube channel for more helpful tips and lessons on real estate investing.

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The Guide on Analyzing a Fix and Flip Investment - Under 30 Wealth (2024)


How to analyze a fix and flip deal? ›

  1. Making sure that you calculate an accurate after repair value using good comps and appraisal techniques.
  2. Creating realistic rehab cost estimates.
  3. Accounting for all of your project, purchase, sale, holding, and financing costs.
  4. Accounting for all of the risk of the project such as knowledge, and time.

What is the investor flip formula? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

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Flipping Houses

With the right house, your $50,000 should cover the down payment, closing costs, and possibly even some repair costs. The risk involved in flipping a house is often higher than in other real estate investments.

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The 2% rule is an investing strategy where an investor risks no more than 2% of their available capital on any single trade. To implement the 2% rule, the investor first must calculate what 2% of their available trading capital is: this is referred to as the capital at risk (CaR).

What is the fix and flip formula? ›

To use the 70% Rule, you need to know the After Repair Value (ARV) of the investment property that you are hoping to flip. Once you have the ARV, you will simply multiply it by 70% and then deduct the expected rehab costs. The number that you're left with is the maximum price that you should pay for the house.

How much money do you need for a fix and flip? ›

As mentioned above, investors should expect to spend around 10% of a home's purchase price to flip a property. For example, say you buy a house for $150,000 and want to flip it for $300,000. As a result, it's wise to allocate at least $15,000 for the costs of flipping.

What is the 70% rule in flipping? ›

The 70% rule helps home flippers determine the maximum price they should pay for an investment property. Basically, they should spend no more than 70% of the home's after-repair value minus the costs of renovating the property.

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How the One Percent Rule Works. This simple calculation multiplies the purchase price of the property plus any necessary repairs by 1%. The result is a base level of monthly rent. It's also compared to the potential monthly mortgage payment to give the owner a better understanding of the property's monthly cash flow.

What is a good ROI for a flip? ›

An average ROI, on a real estate fix and flip project has traditionally been between 50 and 100 percent. Of course, flipping a house won't always offer such a high return. Expected ROI from house flipping can fluctuate based on the current economy too.

What is a house hack? ›

House hacking is a real estate term used to describe generating passive income from renting out a piece of your property while living there yourself. This can mean anything from renting a room in your house to purchasing a multifamily home and living in one of the units while other renters occupy the remaining units.

What is a good profit on a house flip? ›

It is common for experienced house flippers to achieve a return on investment that ranges from 10-20%, after factoring in all the expenses involved when flipping a house. If you assume a 15% return, that would mean a net profit margin of: $100,000 House Flip = $15,000. $250,000 House Flip = $37,500.

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One of the biggest challenges is the upfront costs. Building a new home can be more expensive than rehabbing an existing home, especially if you're looking for a custom design.

What are the 4 golden rules investing? ›

They are: (1) Use specialist products; (2) Diversify manager research risk; (3) Diversify investment styles; and, (4) Rebalance to asset mix policy. All boringly straightforward and logical.

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For example, if an investment scheme promises an 8% annual compounded rate of return, it will take approximately nine years (72 / 8 = 9) to double the invested money.

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The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. Dividing 72 by the annual rate of return gives investors a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself.

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70% Rule Formula

Based upon years of experience, flippers developed a quick rule of thumb called the 70% Rule to help them quickly evaluate the value of a potential flip property. The 70% Rule states that you should buy a property at 70% of the After Repair Value minus the repair costs.

What is an example of the 70% rule in house flipping? ›

Let's say you estimate it will take $40,000 to renovate your new home before you resell it. Subtract that $40,000 from the $154,000 figure and you are left with $114,000. That figure is the estimated maximum price you should spend on your new home, according to the 70% rule.

How do you avoid taxes on a fix and flip? ›

Some available options for fix and flip investing include: tax deductions, 1031 exchange exemption, holding the property longer, and offsetting losses with profits. With these options, you maximize your tax benefits and minimize tax liability.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.