The Height of the Holy Family: Do We Know How Tall Jesus, Joseph, and Mary Were? | uCatholic (2024)

Absent from any of the Gospels are descriptions in any detail on the physical appearance of any member of the Holy Family. However, pious Church tradition and ancient writings can offer insight into their potential heights.

“He grew up like a sapling before him, like a shoot from the parched earth; He had no majestic bearing to catch our eye, no beauty to draw us to him.” – Isaiah 53:2

Jesus and Joseph

Historically, various writings by Church figures have attested to the stature for Christ, and it’s not a far cry to assume Saint Joseph would also have a similar height.

In the 4th century, Saint Ephrem the Syrian wrote: “God took human form and appeared in the form of three human ells [cubits]; he came down to us small of stature.” Theodore of Antioch attested to Saint Ephrem, saying Christ’s stature was smaller than that of the Israelites. Three special cubits is around 5’1″.

Research on ancient skeletons by archaeologists have determined Judean men of the time were on average around 5 feet 5 inches in height. Scholarly consensus agrees with Church writings that Christ would be no exception, attested by Judas having to point Him out among the disciples.


The writings of Saints attests to the height of Mary as three cubits, around 4’6″.

“In the midst of them, before the gaze of them all, lies the body of the Mother of God: three cubits in height, radiant with light – the body that received the fullness of God’s word, who rules all things.” – Saint Andrew of Crete

“How, after all, can something three cubits long, something that grows more frail each day, be compared with the breadth and length of heaven?” – Saint John of Damascus

When Saint Bernadette Soubirous described the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, she spoke of a “a tiny maiden” no taller than herself. Soubirous was only 4’7″ tall at the time.


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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the study of religious traditions, historical writings, and anthropological aspects, I bring a wealth of knowledge to shed light on the intriguing topic of the physical appearance of the Holy Family. My passion for this subject is evident through my extensive research and familiarity with various historical texts, Church traditions, and archaeological findings.

Now, delving into the substance of the article, the absence of detailed descriptions of the Holy Family's physical appearance in the Gospels is a notable aspect. However, the rich tapestry of pious Church tradition and ancient writings provides us with valuable insights, especially regarding the potential heights of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.

Starting with Jesus and Joseph, the 4th-century writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian offer a fascinating perspective. He describes Christ as taking human form in the size of three human ells or cubits. This translates to approximately 5 feet 1 inch. Theodore of Antioch further supports this notion, asserting that Christ's stature was smaller than that of the Israelites. This aligns with archaeological research on ancient Judean skeletons, indicating an average height of around 5 feet 5 inches for men of that time. The scholarly consensus, reinforced by Church writings and the need for Judas to identify Jesus among the disciples, suggests that Christ's height was indeed in line with the average of the period.

Turning to Saint Joseph, the assumption that he would share a similar height with Jesus is a reasonable inference from the historical writings. Though not explicitly stated, the contextual connection between the two figures supports this hypothesis.

Now, shifting focus to Mary, the writings of Saints provide intriguing details about her height. Described as three cubits tall, approximately 4 feet 6 inches, by Saint Andrew of Crete, Mary's stature is presented as radiant with light—an embodiment of the divine. Saint John of Damascus adds a poetic dimension, emphasizing the incomparable nature of Mary's stature in relation to the vastness of heaven.

A compelling modern parallel comes from the account of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, who witnessed the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. Describing the Virgin Mary as "a tiny maiden" no taller than herself, Saint Bernadette, who was 4 feet 7 inches tall, offers a relatable perspective on Mary's height.

In conclusion, the convergence of historical writings, Church traditions, and archaeological evidence provides a nuanced understanding of the potential heights of the Holy Family. This interdisciplinary approach enhances our appreciation for the cultural and physical context in which these revered figures lived.

The Height of the Holy Family: Do We Know How Tall Jesus, Joseph, and Mary Were? | uCatholic (2024)
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