The Ideal Weight and Body Fat Percentage for a 5' 4" Female (2024)

By Erin Coleman, R.D., L.D. Updated April 26, 2018

The ideal body weight for a woman who is 5 feet 4 inches tall is based on her frame size – while her ideal body fat percentage depends on her fitness and personal goals. Although ideal body weight formulas do account for frame size, they may not be entirely accurate for people with lots of lean muscle mass. That's because muscle weighs more than body fat.

Frame Size

Women who are 5 feet 4 inches can determine their frame size by measuring their wrist circumference with a tape measure. If that number is less than 6 inches, the woman has a small frame. If her wrist size is 6 to 6.25 inches around, she has a medium frame, and if her wrist circumference is over 6.25 inches, she is classified as having large frame size, according to MedlinePlus.

Hamwi Formula

Using the Hamwi formula helps determine your desirable body weight, based on your frame size. According to California State University, the Hamwi formula for women is 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height plus 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet of height. Subtract 10 percent for a small-framed woman, and add 10 percent for women with large frames. Using this Hamwi formula, a 5-feet-4-inch woman has an ideal body weight of 108 pounds if she has a small frame, 120 pounds if she’s medium-framed and 132 pounds if she has a large frame.

BMI Charts

Body mass index, or BMI, tables are also useful for determining acceptable body weights for women. A healthy BMI is considered to be between 18.5 and 24.9. Based on these BMI tables, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute suggests that a healthy weight range for women who are 5 feet 4 inches tall is 110 to 140 pounds. Women who are this height and maintain body weights within this normal BMI range significantly reduce their risk for developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Calculate your BMI using this BMI calculator here.

Body Fat

Although having a high body fat percentage increases a woman’s risk for developing chronic diseases, her body does require a minimum amount of body fat to function properly. According to the American Council on Exercise, women – regardless of their height – should maintain at least 10 percent, but no more than 31 percent, body fat. ACE also reports that women who exercise regularly should aim for 21 percent to 24 percent body fat, and female athletes should maintain body fat percentages of 14 to 20.

The Ideal Weight and Body Fat Percentage for a 5' 4" Female (2024)


The Ideal Weight and Body Fat Percentage for a 5' 4" Female? ›

According to the American Council on Exercise, women – regardless of their height – should maintain at least 10 percent, but no more than 31 percent, body fat.

What is a skinny weight for a 5 4 female? ›

The average woman's height is 5 feet, 4 inches. If you weigh 107 pounds or less at this height, you are considered underweight with a BMI of 18.4. A healthy weight range for that woman would be 108 to 145 pounds. BMI is just one way to measure healthy weight.

What weight should I be at 5 4? ›

What's my ideal body weight and BMI?
HeightIdeal WeightIdeal Weight
5′ 4″117 – 143 lbs.108 – 132 lbs.
5′ 5″122 – 150 lbs.113 – 138 lbs.
5′ 6″128 – 156 lbs.117 – 143 lbs.
28 more rows

What is ideal body fat percentage for female? ›

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, there are healthy body fat percentages based on your age. For people aged 20 to 39, women should aim for 21% to 32% of body fat. Men should have 8% to 19%. For people 40 to 59, women should fall between 23% to 33% and men should fall around 11% to 21%.

Is 30 body fat high for a woman? ›

30% body fat is considered a high average for women. 35% body fat: According to the chart from ACE, this level is considered overweight. The body has more fat accumulations and the face and neck begin to appear fuller and more round. Belly fat is also more pronounced at this level as well.

What is a healthy BMI for a woman 5 4? ›

A BMI of 18.5–24.9 is considered normal or healthy for most women.

How much does the average 5 4 American woman weigh? ›

The average American woman 20 years old and up weighs 170.6 pounds and stands at 63.7 inches (almost 5 feet, 4 inches) tall.

What is considered overweight for 5 4? ›

Charts and online calculators

This table shows us that a woman who is 5 ft. 4 in. tall is considered overweight (BMI is 25 to 29) if she weighs between about 145 and 169 pounds. She is considered obese (BMI is 30 or more) if she is closer to 174 pounds or more. A man who is 5 ft. 10 in.

What is the ideal figure size for a 5 4 woman? ›

If you're a medium-tall woman of 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 6 inches. your ideal measurements should be: Bust, 34 inches to 35 inches: waist, 24 inches to 25 inches; hips, 34 inches to 35 inches.

Is 5 4 150 lbs overweight? ›

For a 5-foot-4 female, a weight over 145 pounds is overweight and 175 or more is obese.In the medical community, BMI is the most widely accepted method of calculating whether someone's weight is healthy or risky.

Is 20% body fat high for a woman? ›

Body fat percentages for women fall under a few different categories. Some charts will divide the percentages by categories, such as athletes and acceptable ranges, while others divide the ranges by age.
Ideal body fat percentage for women.
1 more row
Aug 16, 2019

Is 15% body fat a lot for a woman? ›

What's a good body fat percentage for women? According to The Royal College of Nursing, a healthy body fat percentage for women aged 20 to 40 is between 15% and 31%. As you get past 40, your ideal body fat percentage might get higher.

How do I calculate my ideal body fat percentage? ›

(1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - 5.4 = Body Fat Percentage.

How to lose 10% body fat? ›

12 Ways to Promote Long-Term Fat Loss
  1. Start strength training. ...
  2. Follow a high protein diet. ...
  3. Get more sleep. ...
  4. Eat more healthy fats. ...
  5. Drink unsweetened beverages. ...
  6. Fill up on fiber. ...
  7. Choose whole grains instead of refined carbs. ...
  8. Increase your cardio.
Nov 29, 2021

How to lose 5 body fat in 10 days? ›

Lose that paunch in just 10 days
  1. Follow these easy-to-do tips and get rid of your tummy in 10 days… ...
  2. Cut down on carbs. ...
  3. Increase protein intake. ...
  4. Stay away from fad diets. ...
  5. Walk, and then walk some more. ...
  6. Stay away from temptation. ...
  7. Sleep on time. ...
  8. Add fiber to your diet.
Apr 15, 2021

What does 35 body fat look like on a woman? ›

Body Fat Percentage Women 35%

The hips become even wider at this level of body fat and the face and neck will appear rounder and more full. Hip circumference can start approaching 40+ inches and waist circumference of 32+ inches. Some belly fat may start protruding over the waist as well.

How much does a size 14 woman weigh? ›

The healthy weight range for your height is between 121 pounds to 153 pounds. So yes, if you are female you need to gain around 15 pounds to be within the healthy weight range at your current height, and if you are male you would need to gain more like 25 pounds to be in the healthy range.

Does BMI change with age? ›

BMI changes substantially with age. After about 1 year of age, BMI-for-age begins to decline and it continues falling during the preschool years until it reaches a minimum around 4 to 6 years of age. After 4 to 6 years of age, BMI-for-age begins a gradual increase through adolescence and most of adulthood.

What BMI is considered slim for a woman? ›

If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, it falls within the Healthy Weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range.

How much does a size 10 woman weigh? ›

If majority rules, a size 10 has a 36″ bust, 28″ waist and a 40″ hip. She's five foot five or six inches tall and weighs 140 pounds.

What is a healthy weight for a 50 year old woman? ›

The ideal weight for a 50-year-old woman who is 5 feet high and medium-framed is 115 pounds. And the weight increases by 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet. For example, a 5-foot-3, medium-framed woman should weigh 130 wounds.

How much should you weigh for your age? ›

Battle of the sexes: Weight based on your age and gender
Age (years)Lower percentile weight (lbs)“Average” percentile weight (lbs)
14–1585–95 or less90–141
15–1695–104 or less100–152
16–17104–112 or less110–160
17–18112–117 or less117–166
14 more rows
Mar 2, 2021

Is 5 4 and 100 pounds fat? ›

At 5′4″, regardless of your age or sex, I'd say you're reasonably thin at a hundred pounds. If you weighed less you'd likely be somewhat unhealthy statistically, and you could probably weigh twenty+ pounds more before approaching the “You'd be better off if you lost some weight!” area.

Is 5 4 and 140 pounds fat? ›

If you are a male, the accepted weight for your height is 117–143 lbs. If you are a female, it is 108–132 lbs. In terms of body fat: If you are a male, 25% is considered borderline between “average” and “obese.”

How long does it take to lose 20 pounds? ›

Losing weight safely typically involves losing 1-2 pounds per week ( 1 ). This would allow you to lose 20 pounds within about 5 months at 1 pound per week or 2 1/2 months at about 2 pounds per week.

How heavy should a 5 4 girl be? ›

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute indicates that a healthy weight for a woman who is 5 feet, 4 inches tall ranges from 110 to 140 pounds with a BMI of 19 to 24.

What is the average dress size for a 5 4 woman? ›

Today, the average American woman is 5'4″, has a waist size of 34-35 inches and weighs between 140-150 lbs, with a dress size of 12-14.

What figure size is a chubby girl? ›

There are no specific measurements that define a curvy body type, as all female bodies are unique. However, some examples include 42-38-46, 36-34-42 or 34-24-38, where the numbers represent “breast-waist-hip” measurements.

Why am I skinny but weigh 150 pounds? ›

Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if you've been doing a lot of strength training lately, it's likely this is the reason that you're looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.

Is 150 lbs fat for a woman? ›

Your weight (150 pounds) is in the Healthy Weight category for adults of your height (5 feet, 9 inches). BMI is a screening measure and is not intended to diagnose disease or illness. For more information, visit About Adult BMI.

Is 155 lbs fat for a girl? ›

Weighing 155 pounds is a healthy weight for someone who is between 5′ 7″ tall and 6′ 3″ tall. If you are between 5′1″ tall and 5′7″ tall, then you are overweight at 155 pounds. If you are 5′0″ or shorter then you are obese at 155 pounds. If you are over 6′3″ tall, then you are underweight at 155 pounds.

Can I look fit at 20% body fat? ›

20-25% body fat: Normal/healthy level within the average. Slight muscle definition (shoulders and upper arms) is visible. The abdominals are not yet clearly visible. 17-19% body fat: Fit.

Is 20 body fat skinny fat? ›

The recommended ranges for healthy men are between 10-20% body fat, and for women, the ranges are 18-28%. If your body fat exceeds these ranges, but you have a normal weight when you stand on the scale, you may be skinny fat.

How to lose 5 percent body fat? ›

5 of the best ways to lose body fat
  1. Eat lots of fiber. Fiber is beneficial for a healthy body, and may also help you lose body fat. ...
  2. Exercise. ...
  3. Cut down on sugar. ...
  4. Get more sleep. ...
  5. Drink plenty of water.

Is size 14 fat for a woman? ›

Generally, yes, most people I know around a 14 I'd consider overweight but that doesn't mean I don't also think they're beautiful. Of course it's overweight. But then most people are these days, so it's normal. Under/healthy/overweight are factual categories based on weight and height, not dress size.

Is 15 body fat skinny fat? ›

That said, a good rule of thumb is if you're a guy somewhere between 10% and 20% body fat or a woman between 20% and 30% body fat, you're not naturally muscular, and you haven't done any strength training in the past year or so (or ever), you're probably skinny fat.

How long does it take to lose 10 percent body fat? ›

Unless you're an endurance athlete who needs to drop body fat for speed, shooting for 10% is probably for physique more than any other reason—you want to turn your hard stomach into a fully defined six pack or you want more vascularity. The good news? That next level can be yours within three to five months.

How many pounds is 10 percent body fat? ›

For example: If you weigh 220 pounds and the calculator reads you have 10% fat, then your body consists of approx. 22 pounds of fat and 198 pounds of body mass.

Is 27 body fat bad for a woman? ›

Accurately measuring body fat is essential for assessing health risks. In this article, learn about ideal body fat percentages for males and females by age, as well as how to calculate BMI.
Age 20–29.
dangerously highover 27.2%
2 more rows

What is a realistic body fat percentage? ›

A good body fat percentage for a female, might be around 20-30%, and for a male, 10-20%, however for athletes, this is likely to be lower, potentially 15-20% and 6-10% for females and males respectively.

How to lose 30 percent body fat from 10? ›

Smooth Stage
  1. Train aerobically with one moderate-intensity session and four HIIT sessions per week.
  2. Weight train all muscle groups using 8-12 repetitions.
  3. Gradually cut out all bad fats while strategically cutting back on carbohydrates.
  4. Stagger calories (three lower-calorie days followed by two higher-calorie days).

Can you lose 10 percent body fat in 2 months? ›

“Generally speaking, it's safe to lose 0.5% total body fat per week, or 2% body fat per month.” An easier way to measure it at home is approximately 1 to 2 pounds a week, depending on your starting weight.

How long does it take to lose 10 pounds of body fat? ›

We recommend losing no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week for sustainable weight loss, which means you could potentially lose 10 pounds in five weeks. However, a more realistic timeline is 10 to 24 weeks, since most people don't have hours to devote to walking every day.

How do you keep skin tight while losing weight? ›

Best Natural Remedies to Minimize Excess Skin
  1. Strength and Resistance Training. ...
  2. Take Hydrolyzed Collagen. ...
  3. Stay Hydrated and Eat Certain Nutrients. ...
  4. Don't Smoke, Stay out of the Sun, and Use a Rich Moisturizer. ...
  5. The Bottom Line. ...
  6. Body Contouring.
Oct 11, 2019

What burns fat the fastest? ›

Here are the 8 best exercises for weight loss.
  1. Walking. Walking is one of the best exercises for weight loss — and for good reason. ...
  2. Jogging or running. Jogging and running are great exercises to help you lose weight. ...
  3. Cycling. ...
  4. Weight training. ...
  5. Interval training. ...
  6. Swimming. ...
  7. Yoga. ...
  8. Pilates.
Oct 17, 2022

What's the most attractive BMI? ›

These studies have found that a low waist to hip ratio (WHR) of approximately 0.7 [9] and a low Body Mass Index (BMI; weight scaled for height) of approximately 18–19 kg/m2 [10] are perceived as most attractive in female bodies, while a low waist to chest ratio (WCR) of approximately 0.7, and relatively high BMI ( ...

Do large breasts affect body fat percentage? ›

Answer: A woman with small or almost no breasts will have a lower body fat than one with large breasts, if all other things are equal, because breasts are at least 80% fat. Your body fat should fall within a healthy range (less than 32%), and beyond that it is a cosmetic and lifestyle issue.

What body size is considered fat? ›

Adult Body Mass Index

If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.

What weight is considered skinny? ›

From a clinical perspective, an individual is considered “too skinny” if they are deemed underweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an individual is underweight if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is below 18.5 [1].

What weight size is considered skinny? ›

The thresholds for a healthy BMI are as follows: A BMI of lower than 18.5 is considered underweight. A BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a normal weight. A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.

What weight is skinny for a 5 5 girl? ›

A 5' 5" women needs to weigh between 111-156 lbs.

How much does a thick 5 4 woman weigh? ›

This table shows us that a woman who is 5 ft. 4 in. tall is considered overweight (BMI is 25 to 29) if she weighs between about 145 and 169 pounds. She is considered obese (BMI is 30 or more) if she is closer to 174 pounds or more.

What is the most attractive BMI? ›

These studies have found that a low waist to hip ratio (WHR) of approximately 0.7 [9] and a low Body Mass Index (BMI; weight scaled for height) of approximately 18–19 kg/m2 [10] are perceived as most attractive in female bodies, while a low waist to chest ratio (WCR) of approximately 0.7, and relatively high BMI ( ...

Why am I skinny but have a big stomach? ›

Common reasons for someone to have belly fat even when they're skinny is: Being too sedentary (inactive), which builds visceral fat around the organs and abdominal fat. Eating too many processed foods, which stores at the belly.

What BMI is model skinny? ›

This beauty ideal became de rigueur in the industry; the average runway model has a body mass index (BMI) of 16, which the World Health Organization classifies as severely thin.

What waist size is considered skinny? ›

Now that you've measured your waist circumference you need to know what it means. To have your best chance at maintaining good health, you should aim for: Men should have a waist circumference of 40 inches or less. Women should have a waist circumference of 35 inches or less.

What size waist is a skinny model? ›

Fashion (Editorial) Model

Female editorial models are generally at least 5 feet, 9 inches tall and very slim, with measurements that are usually around 33 inches around the bust, 23 inches around the waist, and 33 inches around the hips.

What waist size is considered skinny for a woman? ›

What should your waist measurement be? For men, a waist circumference below 94cm (37in) is 'low risk', 94–102cm (37-40in) is 'high risk' and more than 102cm (40in) is 'very high'. For women, below 80cm (31.5in) is low risk, 80–88cm (31.5-34.6in) is high risk and more than 88cm (34.6in) is very high.

What weight is considered chubby? ›

If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.

Is 5 4 110 lbs skinny? ›

5′4 and 110 lbs gives you a BMI of 18.9 which is a normal BMI and on the lighter side for your height. So, it seems like your boyfriend is calling you fat because he wants to be rude or because he has a twisted view on body image. If I were in your place, I would leave.

Is a BMI of 20 skinny? ›

If your BMI is: under 18.5kg/m2 – you are considered underweight and possibly malnourished. 18.5 to 24.9kg/m2 – you are within a healthy weight range for young and middle-aged adults. 25.0 to 29.9kg/m2 – you are considered overweight.

Is 150 pounds fat for a 5 4 female? ›

For a 5-foot-4 female, a weight over 145 pounds is overweight and 175 or more is obese.In the medical community, BMI is the most widely accepted method of calculating whether someone's weight is healthy or risky.

What is the perfect weight for a 5 ft 4 woman? ›

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute indicates that a healthy weight for a woman who is 5 feet, 4 inches tall ranges from 110 to 140 pounds with a BMI of 19 to 24. A woman whose BMI score is above 25 falls in the overweight category and 30 and above falls in the obesity category.

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