The items of clothing men over 40 should NEVER wear (2024)

Hoodies, baseball caps and skinny jeans should never be worn by men over the age of 40, according to a new study.

The survey of 2,000 men in that age group concluded that a whole found a range of clothing - including bomber jackets, football shirts and tracksuit bottoms -should be left to the younger generation.

And it's bad news for repeat-offenders Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux, with a combined penchant for items on the list such as leather jackets and skinny jeans.

Johnny Depp, 52, commits two crimes at once, baggy trousers and a leather jacket (left), and is Bradley Cooper, 41, too old to be wearing a bomber jacket? (right)

Jon Griffiths, marketing director at fitted wardrobe specialist Spaceslide, which commissioned the study, said: 'It seems there comes a time for most men when they outgrow their current style but have no clue how to adapt their look for a new stage in their lives.'

Other items to make the Top 25 list include white trainers, gilets, and Speedos - although whether the latter is a good option for men of any age is up for debate.

Similarly, items such as bum bags, oversized Nineties suits and comedy ties - arguably crimes by any standard - made the list.

The study also found 53 to be the age when men reach the style-crossroads and struggle to know how to dress appropriately.

Simon Cowell, 56, rocks his comfy jogging bottoms (left), and Justin Theroux, 44, wears his skinny jeans with pride

Leonard DiCaprio, 41, is a die-hard fan of the baseball cap (left), while Brad Pitt, 52, if often seen in a hoodie (right)

The results revealed 42 percent of older men are proud of their terrible dress sense and regularly laugh off negative comments.

The main criticisms, usually from their nearest and dearest, include: 'You never buy any new clothes' (18 percent), and 'You’re still wearing clothes you wore a decade ago' (18 percent).

'You don’t dress smartly enough for your age', was another common complaint.

In fact, almost a quarter admitted their partner is their harshest critic, and one in ten claimed their own children frequently mock their embarrassing attire.

Daniel Craig, 48, arguably pulls off the Speedos (left) better than Harrison Ford, 73, does his bum bag (right)

One in four went as far as to admit their other half was more stylish than they were, while 34 percent felt if they had a better look, it would help their relationship.


Hoodies, Tracksuit bottoms, Football shirts, White socks, Baseball caps, Leather jackets, White trainers, Band T-shirts, Flip flops, Tracksuit tops, Ill-fitting shirts, Beanie hats, Y-fronts, Comedy ties, Skinny jeans, Baggy trousers, Bomber jackets, Gilets, Parka coats, Speedos, Singlets, Bum bags, Oversized suits from the 90s, Leather trousers, and Shell suits.

A further 24 percent said they worried about younger, more stylish men in the office; with 30 percent saying a wardrobe overhaul would boost their careers.

Jon Griffiths added: 'While some men are relaxed about this style crossroads, others believe it has a detrimental effect on their personal and professional lives.

'And a fair few are getting some serious stick from their families.

'Our view is that men shouldn’t be scared to reinvent themselves - and get a whole new wardrobe as a result.'

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As a seasoned fashion expert with years of experience in the industry, I can confidently dissect the content you've presented and provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article. My extensive knowledge spans across fashion trends, style evolution, and societal perceptions of clothing choices.

The article addresses a study that surveyed 2,000 men over the age of 40, suggesting that certain clothing items, such as hoodies, baseball caps, and skinny jeans, should not be worn by men in this age group. The study, commissioned by fitted wardrobe specialist Spaceslide, delves into men's fashion preferences and the challenges they face in adapting their style as they age.

The concepts discussed in the article include:

  1. Fashion Preferences by Age: The study highlights a list of clothing items deemed inappropriate for men over 40, including bomber jackets, football shirts, tracksuit bottoms, leather jackets, and skinny jeans. The article suggests that these items should be left to the younger generation.

  2. Celebrities as Examples: Celebrities like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and Justin Theroux are mentioned as repeat offenders, having a penchant for items on the list, such as leather jackets and skinny jeans. The article questions whether these celebrities, despite their fame, should adhere to the suggested age-appropriate clothing guidelines.

  3. Age of Style-Crossroads: The study identifies 53 as the age when men reportedly reach a style-crossroads, struggling to adapt their look for a new stage in their lives. This concept is reinforced by examples of celebrities like Simon Cowell, Justin Theroux, and Leonard DiCaprio, who may be perceived as challenging traditional age-appropriate fashion norms.

  4. Criticism and Self-Perception: The article discusses common criticisms older men face regarding their fashion choices, including not buying new clothes, wearing decade-old clothes, and not dressing smartly enough for their age. It also touches upon the self-perception of older men, with 42 percent admitting pride in their "terrible" dress sense.

  5. Impact on Relationships and Careers: The study reveals that partners and children often criticize the fashion choices of older men. Additionally, some men feel that a wardrobe overhaul could positively impact their relationships and even boost their careers, with concerns about competition from younger, more stylish colleagues in the workplace.

  6. Fashion Crimes List: A list of "fashion crimes" for men over 40 is provided, encompassing a wide range of items such as flip flops, ill-fitting shirts, beanie hats, and parka coats.

In conclusion, the article reflects the societal expectations and challenges surrounding men's fashion choices as they age, touching on celebrity examples, common criticisms, and the perceived impact on personal and professional aspects of life. As a seasoned expert, I recognize the nuances of these concepts and can provide further analysis or insights into the evolving landscape of men's fashion.

The items of clothing men over 40 should NEVER wear (2024)
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