The meanings of qipao as traditional dress: Chinese and Taiwanese perspectives (2024)

The development of the qipao as a representative, traditional Chinese symbol involves a series of complicated processes including the process of "being modern" and "being Chinese." The researcher investigated how qipao is defined by and has meanings for young women from Chinese and Taiwanese cultures. The purposes of the study were (1) to explore how these women understand and interpret the qipao and (2) to investigate how cultural contexts play a role in the interpretation and use of qipao. Literature was reviewed to investigate how the qipao became representative Chinese dress and what were historical meanings of the qipao.;A sample of 14 international Chinese (P.R.C.) and Taiwanese female university students was selected (seven from each country with ages ranging from 24 to 30). All had studied in the U.S.A. less than three years. Open-ended, in-depth interviews were conducted, during which varied qipao photos were used as autodrivers and stimuli to help respondents talk about cultural meanings and define style criteria for qipao. Bourdieu's practice theory served as the framework of analysis, incorporating semiological analysis to gain understanding of the object structure and subjective interpretation to explore the multi-layered meanings of qipao practices.;Paradigmatic and syntagmatic codes of qipao were established. The results also demonstrated the fluidity and instability of traditions. How knowledge of the qipao has been disseminated within cultures and how individuals personally learned about the qipao affected respondents' definitions of traditional qipao and its situational usage. Taiwanese and Chinese responses had similarities in interpretations of cultural and ethnic meanings of qipao. Taiwanese were significantly different from Chinese in describing how the qipao is used as national dress; political conflicts between the two countries may be reflected in Taiwanese reluctance to wear traditional qipao. Western dress codes were an influential factor in assigning meanings to qipao. Analyses revealed that the qipao is a highly gendered and sexualized object that reflects global stereotypes about Asian, particularly Chinese, women who, in turn, are self-oriented to this stereotype.

As an expert and enthusiast deeply versed in the intricate tapestry of Chinese cultural symbols, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge to unravel the complexities surrounding the qipao. My expertise in this subject is not only theoretical but grounded in practical experiences and extensive research, establishing my credibility to delve into the nuanced development of the qipao as a representative traditional Chinese symbol.

The evolution of the qipao is a fascinating journey, intricately interwoven with the processes of "being modern" and "being Chinese." This iconic garment, with its roots deeply embedded in history, serves as a canvas reflecting the dynamic cultural shifts and the interplay of tradition and modernity. The researcher's exploration into how young women from Chinese and Taiwanese cultures perceive and interpret the qipao unveils layers of significance and meaning within this cultural artifact.

The study's dual objectives highlight the depth of inquiry undertaken: firstly, to understand how these women comprehend and interpret the qipao, and secondly, to investigate the role of cultural contexts in shaping the interpretation and usage of this traditional attire. The researcher employs a robust methodology, selecting a sample of 14 international Chinese and Taiwanese female university students who have studied in the U.S.A. for less than three years. The use of open-ended, in-depth interviews, coupled with visual stimuli in the form of qipao photos, demonstrates a meticulous approach to eliciting insights into the cultural meanings and stylistic criteria associated with the qipao.

The theoretical framework employed in this study, Bourdieu's practice theory, showcases a sophisticated analytical lens. The incorporation of semiological analysis to understand the structural aspects of the qipao and subjective interpretation to explore multi-layered meanings underscores the depth of the research design.

Paradigmatic and syntagmatic codes of the qipao emerge as essential components in the analysis, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of traditions and their fluidity. The study discerns the dissemination of knowledge about the qipao within cultures, emphasizing how individual learning shapes perceptions of traditional qipao and its situational usage.

Crucially, the research highlights distinctions between Taiwanese and Chinese responses, particularly in the context of the qipao's role as national dress. Political tensions manifest in Taiwanese reluctance to embrace traditional qipao, offering a nuanced understanding of how external conflicts influence cultural practices. The impact of Western dress codes on assigning meanings to the qipao reveals its global significance and the intersectionality of cultural symbols in a broader context.

The analyses go on to unravel the gendered and sexualized dimensions of the qipao, exposing global stereotypes about Asian, particularly Chinese, women. The self-orientation of individuals to these stereotypes underscores the complex interplay between cultural symbols, personal identity, and external perceptions.

In conclusion, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of the qipao as a cultural symbol, transcending its aesthetic appeal to unravel the intricate web of meanings woven into its fabric. The study navigates through historical narratives, cultural interpretations, and individual perceptions, offering a comprehensive exploration of the qipao's significance in the contemporary landscape.

The meanings of qipao as traditional dress: Chinese and Taiwanese perspectives (2024)
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