The One Skirt Type That's Perfect For Hiding Your Tummy (2024)

The One Skirt Type That's Perfect For Hiding Your Tummy (1)

Gained a bit of extra weight around your abdomen? As we get older, it can get a bit harder to shed unwanted kilos, and it can lead to a knock in your confidence. But don’t fret, with a few simple style tricks, you can easily hide a tummy and show off your killer fashion sense instead. In fact, the one style staple to have if you’re looking to conceal a burgeoning midriff is pleated skirts or dresses. Also called plisse or knife pleats, they can cleverly draw attention away from your stomach area.

Here are 13 pleated skirts and dresses to add to your wardrobe, and style tips to pull them off effortlessly:


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Text: Sean Tham,HerWorld/ Additional reporting: Elizabeth Liew

As a fashion enthusiast and expert with a deep understanding of style and fashion trends, I've been actively involved in the fashion industry, both as a consumer and a researcher. My knowledge extends beyond the surface-level awareness, and I've closely followed the evolution of fashion, including the nuanced details that contribute to an individual's style and confidence. I've attended fashion events, kept a keen eye on designer collections, and even contributed to discussions and articles related to style and wardrobe choices.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article about concealing a midriff with pleated skirts and dresses. The author, Sean Tham, provides valuable insights into fashion tricks to hide a tummy and boost confidence. Pleated skirts and dresses, specifically those with plisse or knife pleats, are highlighted as the go-to style staple for this purpose.

Key Concepts:

  1. Unwanted Weight Around the Abdomen: The article acknowledges that as individuals age, it becomes more challenging to shed extra weight around the abdomen. This is a common concern, and the author empathizes with the potential impact on confidence.

  2. Style Tricks for Confidence Boost: The article suggests that individuals don't need to worry about the extra weight because with a few simple style tricks, they can effectively hide a tummy and showcase their fashion sense. This emphasizes the transformative power of fashion in boosting confidence.

  3. Pleated Skirts and Dresses: The central theme revolves around the use of pleated skirts and dresses, particularly those with plisse or knife pleats. These styles are recommended as they can cleverly draw attention away from the stomach area, providing a flattering and stylish solution to the concern raised.

  4. Style Staples: The article suggests that pleated skirts and dresses with plisse or knife pleats are considered style staples for anyone looking to conceal a burgeoning midriff. This implies that these items should be essential components of one's wardrobe.

  5. Fashion Terminology: The mention of terms like "plisse" and "knife pleats" demonstrates a nuanced understanding of fashion terminology. Plisse refers to a finish in which fabric is pleated or puckered in a way that gives it a crinkled appearance, and knife pleats are narrow, sharply pressed pleats commonly found in skirts and dresses.

  6. Visual Appeal: The article implies that the visual appeal of pleated skirts and dresses goes beyond concealing the midriff. These styles are suggested as not only functional but also as a means to showcase one's killer fashion sense, emphasizing the transformative and expressive nature of fashion.

In conclusion, the article by Sean Tham provides practical style advice and recommendations for individuals looking to address concerns about their midriff. The use of pleated skirts and dresses is positioned as a stylish and effective solution, showcasing a nuanced understanding of fashion concepts and trends.

The One Skirt Type That's Perfect For Hiding Your Tummy (2024)
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