The Origins of Red Lipstick in The History of Makeup (2024)

Sometimes it feels like red lipstick is timeless, with no beginning or ending. You might be surprised to find out that is almost true. Red lipstick dates back farther than most people can even imagine.

The story begins over 5,000 years ago

The first known red lipsticks were made by crushing gemstones and wearing them on the lips in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago. Later, lipsticks would be made from red algae and fish scales. The first molded lipsticks resembling what we use today were invented by Abu Al-QasimAl-Zahrawi during the Islamic Golden Age.

It is truly amazing and almost impossible to believe that the makeup we wear today is based on traditions from thousands of years ago. Over these millennia, the available shades of lipstick to choose from have expanded to a seemingly infinite number -- and there are just as many shades of red alone to choose from.

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The legacy of the color red

Red has many cultural connotations that have made it a popular (and sometimes controversial) color over the years. But, no matter the decade, red lipstick has stood the test of time, becoming truly iconic.

And from the beginning of red lipstick, the one common thread among every shade of red is that red makes a bold statement for whoever chooses to wear it -- for people of all ages, all classes, and all cultures across the globe.

While stained lips were signs of aristocracy in places like Egypt, other countries around the world saw it as the sign of the prostitute. In Greece, prostitutes were expected to use lip colors and obvious makeup in public or else they would be punished because it implied that they were deceitfully posing as ladies.

This association would continue into England in the 1700s, where in 1770 a law ruled a marriage could be annulled if a woman wore lipstick before her wedding day. Lipstick continued to be associated with prostitutes and even actors, regardless of the fact that Queen Elizabeth I was known for wearing bright red lips with a powdered white complexion.

By the 1920s it was finally accepted and fashionable for a Londoner to wear her lipstick, almost 40 years after its commercial debut by Guerlain.

Dark Red was the color of choice in the 1920s. Women wore red as a symbol of their newfound independence. Actress Clara Bow inspired the "cupid's bow" worn at the time. Women had the freedom to now apply their lipstick in public.

Red lipstick today

Today, red lipstick is synonymous with fashion, glamour, beauty, sexuality, rebellion, winter, luxury, wealth… and so much more. The list is nearly as endless as the shades.

The legacy of red lipstick continues to influence fashion and cosmetics today, with limitless possibilities and potential for color combinations and bold statements.

From classic reds inspired by the courageous women we think of when we think of the beginning of modern makeup trends to the dark and sultry tones of later decades, there are limitless options to choose from.

But, beyond the power of choice is the power of expression. Every era of red lipstick -- whether it was lauded or shunned by society at the time -- brought us closer to the freedom of expression we enjoy today and built a historic legacy for something as simple as adding color to your lips.

Over the years, red lipstick has given icons like Marilyn Monroe her distinctive look or added beauty and elegance to beloved characters such as the extensive ensemble of Disney princesses. Everywhere we look, shades of red lipstick have added color, courage, and charisma to the global stage -- from fashion magazines to the silver screen.

The Origins of Red Lipstick in The History of Makeup (4)

So, next time you carefully apply your favorite shade of red to your lips as you head out for a glamorous night on the town, feel empowered by the fact that you are participating in a powerful story that began thousands of years ago... and will continue for thousands of years to come.

And if you are not sure what's the perfect red lipstick shade for you,try Gabriela's shadefinderand you might be surprised at how something as simple as lipstick can change the way you feel.

The Origins of Red Lipstick in The History of Makeup (2024)


The Origins of Red Lipstick in The History of Makeup? ›

The ancient origins of red lipstick

What is the feminist history of red lipstick? ›

Red lip color gained popularity internationally as women's rights movements spread worldwide. As red lipstick symbolized American suffrage, its sway traveled across the pond and then some. British suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst donned a red lip, which helped spread the symbolic action among her fellow activists.

Why was red lipstick illegal? ›

After she died, red lipstick was made illegal once again.. England, and many American states, both before and after the revolution, condemned wearing lipstick. This was done on the basis that it tricked men into marrying women, and women could even be tried for witchcraft for such an offense.

Where does the red color in lipstick come from? ›

Carmine is an FDA approved ingredient in many red foods and products. This natural red dye (also known as 'cochineal extract' or 'natural red 4') is extracted from the female cochineal bug. Carmine has made a recent resurgence in popular culture as a natural substitution for carcinogenic synthetic dyes.

What gender was lipstick originally made for? ›

Ancient Sumerian and Indus Valley men and women were possibly the first to invent and wear lipstick, about 5,000 years ago. Sumerians crushed gemstones and used them to decorate their faces, mainly on the lips and around the eyes.

What is the myth behind red lipstick? ›

From royalty to witchcraft

In England, red lipstick was thought to possess the power to repel malevolent spirits. Queen Elizabeth I, a fervent believer, famously adorned her lips with a custom crimson hue made from cochineal, gum arabic, egg whites, and fig milk.

What does red lipstick symbolize? ›

Women wore red as a symbol of their newfound independence. Actress Clara Bow inspired the "cupid's bow" worn at the time. Women had the freedom to now apply their lipstick in public. Today, red lipstick is synonymous with fashion, glamour, beauty, sexuality, rebellion, winter, luxury, wealth… and so much more.

Why don't brides wear red lipstick? ›

There's a reason why brides traditionally opt for a soft shade of lipstick like a nude or natural pink for their day: less maintenance means less risk (and, ergo, stress). So if you're torn between convenience and committing to your look, an easy way around it is to only wear red for the day or night.

Why is red lipstick seen as bad? ›

By law, prostitutes had to wear red lipstick in public, or else they would be punished for pretending to be ladies. Red lipstick was introduced to England in the 16th Century and this harmful association continued to have the same narrative. Lipstick had a 'bad girl' stigma.

Is it appropriate to wear red lipstick? ›

The point being, when it comes to red lipstick, as when it comes to anything that is an interface between your self and the world, it shouldn't make you feel self-conscious. It should make you feel more gloriously, totally, who you are. No matter where you are.

Why is red lipstick a turn on? ›

"It has to do with deep associations in our brains that make that color more attractive in a mate," she explained. "Red also livens up the face, calls attention to itself and will always have a deep connection to sex since arousal is usually associated with blushing."

Why put red lipstick on face? ›

Using red lipstick as color corrector makeup is possible thanks to how our eyes perceive color. When you have blue and green-tinted discoloration, like dark undereye circles, you can use something with a red tint to cancel out the perception of blue and green before you add your concealer.

What bug is used in red lipstick? ›

The cochineal bug is native to Central and South Americas and has been used to create a red dye since the time of the Aztecs. It quickly became a source of wealth – royalty wanted the bright colours for themselves, and the British hired pirates to steal gold, cochineal bugs and other valuables from ships.

What does black lipstick symbolize? ›

So, what does black lipstick represent? Though there is a myth that black lipstick portrays the negative or evil traits of a person, it actually represents the obscure nature of a human being to the world. It also indicates the person has a dark sense of humour and can not be easily amused.

What is the oldest lipstick in the world? ›

The world's oldest known lipstick was worn up to 5,000 years ago in what is now southern Iran, says a new study. The deep red lip-paint, contained in a stone vial, was found at an ancient graveyard site in 2001, but it took researchers until now to identify it.

When did men stop wearing lipstick? ›

In eighteenth century America, both men and women of the upper classes wore make-up. But, shortly after the American Revolution the use of visible “paint” cosmetics (colored cosmetic for lips, skin, eyes, and nails) by either gender gradually became socially unacceptable.

What is the lipstick feminist theory? ›

Lipstick feminism embraces the ideals of womanhood and the sensualities of a woman. Scholars of lipstick feminism believe that women have a right to act in accordance with passion and sexuality.

Why did the suffragettes wear red lipstick? ›

“For the suffragettes, red lipstick was a symbol of power, female power”, according to Rachel. “The suffragettes in the UK, US and other places too, wore red lipstick literally every day as part of their virtual uniform to, without saying a word, communicate that power and that feminine power.”

What does red represent in feminism? ›

Especially with PANTONE naming the Color of the Year 2023 as Viva Magenta, describing it as a “powerful and empowering… new animated red,” the color now symbolizes liberation from male oppression, confidence and resilient womanhood.

What does it say about a woman who wears red lipstick? ›

Red lips can also be viewed as sensual and devious. Pin-up models in the early 1900s often wore red lipstick, and this look became synonymous with femininity and sexiness, allowing women to feel comfortable in their sexuality.

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