The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (2024)

Want a list of the pros and cons of influencer marketing to help decide if it’s right for you?

Expanding your brand’s reach is a constant challenge and millions of businesses are looking to influencers to solve it. The question is, do the pros and cons of influencer marketing make it worth the effort?

We’re going to look at the major pros:

  • It’s easy to set up
  • Building trust and credibility
  • Immediately expanding your reach
  • Reaching relevant audiences
  • Quick results
  • It’s inexpensive
  • A great way to grow sales

And balance them against some of the cons:

  • Choosing the wrong influencers
  • Losing control over your brand image
  • Difficulty measuring results

Here’s what we’ve learned from our experience with influencer marketing.

The Pros of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is everywhere today, so there must be some serious benefits, right? Let’s take a look at some of the pros of using influencers to market your products.

1. It’s Easy to Set Up

People think influencer marketing is difficult to set up and especially difficult to track results. This isn’t the case though, as you can set up influencer (affiliate) tracking for your website in minutes.

If your store runs on WordPress, then AffiliateWP allows you to track who referred each sale without the need for any technical skills or knowledge of coding. You simply follow a setup wizard, get your influencers to sign up for a profile, and let them promote your products.

You’ll get real-time analytics that show you who is sending customers to your website, and your influencers will receive a commission when they make a sale. It’s all completely customizable, allowing you to track influencer performance and effortlessly pay out commissions.

Check out the pricing plans and see how easy it is to set up your influencer marketing.

2. Build Trust and Credibility

Influencer marketing relies on trust that is created through an established, ongoing relationship between the customer and the influencer.

By contrast, direct sales tactics may seek to convince customers to act on emotional impulses, such as the fear of missing out, or the desire to acquire more resources for their money.

Influencers may still create similar emotional connections and utilize direct sales language, but they often favor the kind of presentation that promotes long-term, sustainable, influential marketing power. They want their followers to come to them first for advice and recommendations within their niche: it’s their business model.

And trust is paramount!

When you work with the right influencers, this trust transfers to your business. The customer trusts your influencer and it’s clear that they trust you, creating an instant relationship.

It’s like meeting the friend of a friend: you’ve got a head start, and that’s a great thing when a customer lands on your product page.

3. Immediately Expand Reach

When we think about influencer marketing, two key benefits come to mind:

  • Reaching new customers
  • Harnessing social proof

Influencers are great at creating social proof because they can immediately harness the relationships they’ve built with their followers.

What’s the next part of the equation?

Getting that social proof that your products are amazing in front of the right people.

The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (2)

Look at the figures for average influencer followers:

  • Nano-influencers: 1,000 – 10,000 followers
  • Micro-influencers: 10,000 – 50,000 followers
  • Mid-tier influencers: 50,000 – 500,000 followers
  • Macro-influencers: 500,000 – 1 million followers
  • Mega-influencers: 1 million+ followers

How many visitors does your website get each month, and how many pages are those visits split between? An influencer can get a single message in front of a staggering number of people, all in one post.

4. Reach Relevant Audiences

Let’s say you run a company that sells high-quality coffee beans.

What’s more beneficial?

  • Reach 1 million drink-lovers
  • Reach 250,000 hot-drink-lovers
  • Reach 25,000 coffee-lovers

Obviously, this is for you to weigh up, but a key benefit of influencer marketing is that you have the option. You can work with macro-influencers, and you can work with micro-influencers, it’s up to you.

Statistics show that influencers with fewer followers tend to have better engagement rates, but it’s a question of balancing scale with targeting the right audience.

5. You Can See Results Quickly

One of the pros of influencer marketing is that influencers tend to come ready-made with many of the skills marketers are looking for.

Influencer marketing isn’t some new trend anyone can get into; it’s a highly competitive industry. To get to the top people have to showcase the same skills you’re looking for to grow your sales:

  • Industry authority
  • Access to your target audience
  • Technological savvy
  • Marketing experience
  • Initiative and ambition

Influencers tend to have a lot of these qualities precisely because they need them to be successful in their ventures. The learning curve is often lower for influencers when it comes to creating successful marketing partnerships, requiring less support on your end.

The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (3)

This means influencers are ready to hit the ground running. Bringing your message to your target audience almost immediately and creating a buzz around your products.

6. It Can Be Inexpensive

As with anything, there are scales here.

If you’re going to work with an influencer who has millions of followers, then you’re going to have to be prepared to pay up! However, there are lots of smaller influencers out there who you can start working with without having to invest too much.

The other reason influencer marketing can be very cost-effective is that you can link it to your affiliate marketing program. There’s really not a lot of difference between influencer marketing and affiliate marketing, and you can find plenty of influencers who are willing to be paid based on the sales they create.

By finding influencers who are willing to be paid in free products, or through a commission on sales, you can get started with influencer marketing with almost no start-up costs.

7. It Brings in Sales

Influencer marketing is a format for the modern world.

Think about it: an influencer’s social media post or YouTube video is the combination of a testimonial, call-to-action, and demonstration. All of this in something that grabs people’s attention and maximizes the short time available.

Throw in the incredible power of social proof and you’ve got a powerful recipe for sales.

Brands can earn as much as $18 per dollar spent on influencer marketing when it’s done right. Be aware that the average is nearer $5 though!

Cons of Influencer Marketing

The pros of influencer marketing sound pretty good, but there are some challenges you’ve got to overcome. As you’ll see, none of these drawbacks are insurmountable, but they show that running a successful influencer marketing campaign takes a clear focus.

1. Working with the Wrong Influencers

Influencer marketing allows you to piggyback on the trust people have in your influencer, but it is possible to appear like you’re exploiting like this.

We’re seeing large-scale examples of this with things like greenwashing. When companies with questionable green credentials try and align themselves with green initiatives and influencers, it’s often seen as a cynical move to exploit the consumer.

The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (4)

On a smaller scale, you have to make sure that your brand is aligned with the ideals of your influencer and their target audience. If it’s clear there’s no alignment, then the authenticity of your connection with the influencer will be immediately questioned.

Choosing the right influencers is extremely important!

2. You Lose Control Over Your Brand Image

When you work with an influencer, you’re giving up some control over your brand. There’s no way around this unless you make everything extremely scripted, and then you lose some of the authenticity.

Branding is one of the most powerful tools businesses have, and it’s something they work extremely hard on.

One slip up from a prominent influencer can have a big impact on that brand image.

3. It Can Be High-Risk

People are unpredictable. You can spend a large amount of money to align your brand with someone with a squeaky clean image, but you don’t know what they’re going to do tomorrow.

One of the reasons influencer marketing works is because people transfer some of the feelings they have for the influencer onto the product they’re promoting. What happens, for example, if that influencer commits a high-profile crime?

The chances are probably low, but brands have suffered from these things.

The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (5)

Think about Johnny Depp’s high-profile court case, and the difficult position this put brands he promoted in.

4. It’s Hard to Measure Results

One of the differences between influencer marketing and affiliate marketing is that influencers often get paid up-front whereas affiliates take a commission on each sale they help make.

One of the drawbacks of this is that it can be difficult to measure results.

This doesn’t have to be the case though as link tracking is extremely easy to set up.

Yes, we hear you say, “affiliate links are ugly, influencers don’t want to use them.” Again though, it doesn’t have to be this way as you can allow your influencers to customize their links with Custom Affiliate Slugs.

Once someone clicks on the link, AffiliateWP takes care of all the tracking for you. You’ll know:

  • How many clicks each influencer is bringing in
  • How many sales those clicks result in
  • How much commission each influencer has earned (if you’re paying commission)

The same is possible with Vanity Coupon Codes which allow your influencers to showcase their own exclusive discounts.

Out of all the cons of influencer marketing, this one’s by far the easiest to overcome!

Get Your Processes Right to Unlock the Pros of Influencer Marketing

Life happens! Everything you do with your business has an element of risk, it’s about putting processes in place to limit that risk.

Sure, there are cons associated with influencer marketing, but you can limit them with the right processes. A key part of this is seeing your influencer marketing as a program and approaching it with a methodical strategy.

AffiliateWP allows you to do this, creating a perfect environment for you to carry out due diligence and track your results. When you work with the right influencers and can demonstrate results, influencer marketing is a powerful tool, so it’s time to get started.

Want more great resources?

We’ve got you covered:

  • How to Set Up Affiliate Marketing for Online Courses (WordPress Guide)
  • How to Pay Affiliates in Store Credit (Step by Step)
  • 9 Best PayPal Affiliate Software
  • How to Find Affiliates on Instagram (Step-by-Step Guide)

Get started with AffiliateWP!

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

The Pros And Cons Of Influencer Marketing (An Informative Deep Dive) (2024)


What are the pros and cons of using influencer marketing? ›

  • Pro: Growth hacking potential for established brands.
  • Con: Growing too fast can be detrimental if you don't have management and systems to support that growth.
  • Pro: Generating visibility and brand awareness for new brands.
  • Con: Influencer fees may be out of budget.
  • Pro: Building trust with aligned audiences.

What are the negative effects of influencer marketing? ›

Oversaturation and Follower Fatigue:

As the influencer market grows, audiences may experience oversaturation. Seeing the same influencers promoting various products across different platforms can lead to follower fatigue.

What is a weakness of influencer marketing? ›

1) Working with the Wrong Influencers Can Do More Harm than Good. It requires some investment and exertion for brands to track down the right force to be reckoned with for their missions. In the event that you don't work together with the right influencers, it can do extraordinary harm to the standing of your image.

What is a downside of being an influencer? ›

Pressure to Perform: With millions of influencers vying for attention on social media, the competition can be fierce. There's a constant pressure to produce engaging content, gain followers, and stay relevant, which can lead to stress, burnout, and even feelings of inadequacy.

Is influencer marketing risky? ›

Risk: Influencers are human. Therefore, tragedy, death or unexpected circ*mstances can always derail a campaign—even with the most reliable influencers.

Why is influencer marketing problematic? ›

Beyond regulatory issues, working with influencers who fail to disclose their relationships puts brand equity at risk. Plenty of brands have earned a reputation for being all marketing and no substance when it became clear that they prioritized a quick sale over integrity of the product or the message.

When not to use influencer marketing? ›

Partnering with an influencer who doesn't love your brand

If you're partnering with a creator who doesn't truly love your product or service, their audience will be able to tell, and they'll lose trust in the creator and your brand.

What are the potential ethical problems with using influencer marketing? ›

Ethical Considerations for Influencer Marketing
  • Transparency. The first thing to do is make sure that you're being transparent. ...
  • Authenticity. ...
  • Responsible Marketing. ...
  • Hidden Fees & Inconsistent Disclosures. ...
  • Maintaining Transparency & Upholding Ethics. ...
  • Ethics Matter When Marketing With Influencers.
May 14, 2024

What is the biggest challenge in influencer marketing? ›

Overcoming the Top 10 Challenges in Influencer Marketing.
  • Measuring ROI:
  • Authenticity and Credibility:
  • Cost Management:
  • Compliance and Disclosure:
  • Content Control:
  • Identifying Fake Influencers:
  • Long-Term Partnerships:
  • Reputation Management:
Jun 8, 2023

What's the #1 problem you're facing as influencer brand? ›

Problem 1: Finding the right influencer

Finding the perfect influencer match is the first and most common influencer marketing issue.

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The Oversaturation

Many influencers have resulted in the era of creating content purely for likes and engagement sacrificing authenticity in the process of sponsored posts and partnerships.

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The Dark Side: Negative Impacts of Influencer Marketing

When followers detect insincerity, trust erodes and the influencer's reputation suffers. Excessive marketing can lead to the over-commercialization of an influencer's material. Followers may grow unhappy and bored if every post feels like an advertising.

Does influencer marketing actually work? ›

Now, let's talk actual money. Data shows that businesses are making $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing, on average. And, 3% pull in $20 or more. For the majority of businesses, influencer marketing proves effective, with only the lowest 18% failing to produce any revenue.

What is the primary goal of influencer marketing? ›

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that enables businesses to collaborate with individuals who have a following for increased brand exposure. Companies may ask a person with a large following to publish social media content that promotes their products or services.

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Advantages and disadvantages of content marketing
  • Build brand awareness, trust and loyalty. ...
  • Reach an audience who may avoid ads. ...
  • Keep costs down. ...
  • Increase traffic and conversions. ...
  • Data-driven insights. ...
  • Support your other marketing tactics. ...
  • The benefits aren't immediate. ...
  • Skills and resource.

What is a downside of using influencer marketplaces? ›

Concerns regarding authenticity and brand fit.

However, the range of choices in an influencer marketplace can make it challenging to vet influencers thoroughly, raising concerns about brand fit and the authenticity of the influencer's engagement with their audience.

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Pros of Instagram Advertising
  • Instagram Ads Drive Traffic to Your Website. ...
  • Instagram Ads Increase Visibility. ...
  • Instagram Ads Increase Brand Awareness. ...
  • Instagram Offers Options in Advertising. ...
  • Instagram Links Are Less Effective Than Facebook Links. ...
  • Instagram Has a Limited Audience. ...
  • Instagram Ad Features Are Less Advanced.
Aug 29, 2018

What are the positive effects of influencers? ›

Influencers can use their platforms to educate and raise awareness about important issues such as health, education, and environmental sustainability. An increasing number of influencers are acknowledging the impact of education and leveraging their platforms to endorse learning.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.