The Real Reason People with Glasses Look Smart (2024)

If you've ever dressed up like a "nerd" for Halloween, glasses were likely a mandatory part of the costume. But have you ever considered why people with glasses look smart?

Have you ever noticed that the smartest characters in movies usually wear glasses? Take Doc, the brainy dwarf from Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, for example. Or Spider-Man’s alter-ego, the science whiz Peter Parker. Even Dumbledore, the wise Hogwarts Headmaster who led Harry Potter in his fight to save the wizarding world, wore a pair of glasses. In real life, children often worry that wearing glasses will make them seem like “nerds” in the eyes of their peers. See a pattern? As you might have guessed, the correlation between glasses and knowledge is not just a coincidence. While we may not even realize it, humans tend to associate glasses with intelligence. Wondering where this stereotype came from and how it has managed to persist? Here’s the real reason people with glasses look smart.

Why do people with glasses look smart?

According to a study from the University of Cologne in Köln, Germany and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the stereotype that people with glasses look smart “dates back to the Middle Ages, when monks used glasses to study despite declining vision. Glasses have since been commonly worn by people who perform intellectual or other highly skilled work. As a result, people associate glasses with a variety of competence-related characteristics, such as success, dependability, and industriousness, and most strongly intelligence.” Sliding on a pair of glasses to seem competent is certainly easier than adopting these habits of naturally charming people.While this explanation may explain why society usedto believe that people with glasses look smart, it does not explain how this stereotype is still around today.

Why do children across every generation worry that wearing glasses will make them stand out as nerds in school? Why do movies always convey intelligence with spectacles? Why are we more likely to trust a doctor or politician’s competence when they wear glasses? To understand why we automatically perceive people with glasses as smart, it’s important to consider why we form stereotypes at all.

Why do we form stereotypes?

Surprisingly, stereotyping dates back to the days of natural selection. According to Elizabeth G. Loran PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, “Human brains tend to favor making quick decisions for the purposes of survival and efficiency.” When we’re presented with large quantities of information, one way that humans can quickly process information and make decisions is by taking “mental shortcuts,” known as biases, Dr. Loran explains. In the past, humans relied on these biases to quickly adapt to dangerous or competitive situations. Although natural selection is less of a threat in today’s society, we still use the “old survival part of our brains” to process information and speed up our reaction times, says Dr. Loran. Essentially, we use biases to think quickly on our feet.

Wondering whether all biases are formed the same way? Actually, they are not. As we have seen, some stereotypes are “survival-based, like humans being primed for fear of bugs and snakes.” Other biases “may be a combination of survival and learned responses, such as preferences for women with larger hips as more attractive and thus fertile,” says Dr. Loran. However, many biases have nothing to do with survival at all. These stereotypes are “learned socially and culturally, like racism, gender stereotypes, and political viewpoints,” Dr. Loran asserts. Using this last category of biases, we can understand how the stereotype that people with glasses look smart has managed to transcend generations.

Why does everyone accept this stereotype?

Although there are differing theories about why people with glasses are perceived as smart, “many scientists believe that this is a mental shortcut that is learned,” says Dr. Loran. “Social psychology has consistently demonstrated that when people are shown images of people with glasses, they find them to be more intelligent, hardworking, and successful, but less active, outgoing, or attractive than people with similar characteristics who do not wear glasses.” Since this stereotype is likely “learned,” Dr. Loran says that the link between glasses and intelligence “may be a product of cultural stereotypes and messages that are present for humans throughout their development.” It’s probably not surprising that we accept the association between glasses and intelligence because we have been taught that it is true.However, if your parents never explicitlygaveyouthis lesson, you may be wondering how this cultural learning actually happens.Let’s break it down.

As impressionable children, we absorb the values, beliefs, and stigmas that are present in the world around us. We listen to our parents speak, we engage with others in classrooms, and we untangle how the world works from our surroundings. When movies and other cultural products consistently give their intelligent characters glasses, as they do in Snow White, Spider-Man, and Harry Potter, we register and store this correlation in our brains. Then, when it comes time to respond to a professor, political candidate, or any new person with glasses, we recall what we have learned about people with glasses and use a bias (mental shortcut) to process the information and make quick decisions about the person. Bottom line? Society conditions us to believe that people who wear glasses are smart, and this bias helps us to quickly evaluate new people with glasses that we meet.

So, while your best friend with glasses mayhave an outrageously high IQ, the two characteristics are mutually exclusive. In reality, glasses are not actually an indicator of intelligence—unlike these habits that reveal a lot about your personality—society has just conditioned us to believe that they are! Even if you’re getting your eye exams at Costco,glasses add the appearance of chic style and intellect.

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The Real Reason People with Glasses Look Smart (2024)


Why do people with glasses look smart? ›

Why do people with glasses look smart? According to a study from the University of Cologne in Köln, Germany and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the stereotype that people with glasses look smart “dates back to the Middle Ages, when monks used glasses to study despite declining vision.

Is it scientifically proven that people with glasses are smarter? ›

Forget genetics though – there's plenty of empirical evidence that wearing glasses, whether you need them or not, makes people think you are more intelligent. A number of studies have found people who wear glasses are perceived as smarter, more dependable, industrious and honest.

Why do people look so good with glasses? ›

They Give Your Face a Balance

Some face shapes are viewed as more beautiful than others. Wearing glasses will often balance out your face giving it an asymmetrical illusion.

Do people with glasses look more trustworthy? ›

According to SUNY Oneonta's Michael J. Brown's (2011) review of the literature, eyeglass wearers also appear more honest, sophisticated, dependable, and industrious.

What is the psychology behind glasses? ›

Honesty: Glasses can make you look more honest. Trustworthiness: You may look more trustworthy if you're wearing glasses with rims. Intelligence: People with glasses look like they read more; hence, they are more intelligent. Social class: Higher social class is associated with wearing glasses.

Is poor eyesight associated with higher IQ? ›

Research suggests a link between myopia (nearsightedness) and higher than average IQs. However, not everyone who wears glasses has myopia. There are several different vision problems that wearing glasses can correct.

Are glasses a symbol of intelligence? ›

Glasses are seen as a symbol of intelligence, insight, and enlightenment, and many characters with glasses are portrayed as having advanced intellect or mental faculties.

Do glasses make you look smarter in an interview? ›

One recent study has found that job seekers are more likely to be hired if they wear glasses to their interview. According to the study by the College of Optometrists, about 33% of adults think people who wear glasses look more professional, while 43% believe that they look smarter.

Are glasses attractive on guys? ›

According to a street survey, women found men wearing glasses to be up to 75% sexier than those without them. This is a rock solid proof that many women find men with glasses to be hot & irresistible. Go ahead and try on your favourite pair, wearing eyeglasses will only add to your attractiveness quotient.

What do we call people who wear glasses? ›

bespectacled (comparative more bespectacled, superlative most bespectacled) Wearing spectacles (glasses).

How can I look less nerdy with glasses? ›

Choose frames and lenses.

Frame color is important as it should highlight your skin, hair, and eye color. Choose bold colors for an edgy look or dark tortoise shell frames for a more elegant style. Consider the pros and cons of plastic vs. metal when choosing your frames.

Does Albert Einstein wear glasses? ›

From Bill Gates to Albert Einstein , many of the most intelligent people throughout history have worn glasses. Now, a new study suggests that that might not be a coincidence.

Do glasses add confidence? ›

However, despite being beneficial for people's eyesight, many choose to wear their glasses because they make them feel more confident — especially when they are in work-based environments or more formal situations.

What does psychology say about eyes? ›

A study from Current Psychology found that the majority of participants with darker eyes tended to be more agreeable and sympathetic. Paired with their agreeable traits, dark-eyed people are most likely to be natural-born leaders and are often seen that way by other people due to their sympathetic nature.

Does wearing someone's glasses show what they see? ›

Someone else's glasses correct their vision to be perfect. So if you are wearing their prescribed glasses — and you have perfect vision — you actually see the “focusing opposite” of what they see. Light is bent into your eyes in a way that would make you see correctly, if your eyes were the way that their eyes are.

Do glasses make your eyes focus? ›

If you wear corrective lenses, you might wonder whether wearing glasses does improve your eyesight after all. The answer? Yes, it does. However, there's no evidence that prescription lenses can affect your physical eye or the cause of your vision loss symptoms.

What are physical signs of high IQ? ›

Signs of a Genius Brain
  • Larger regional brain volume. Contrary to popular myth, intellect does not result from brain size. ...
  • Increased brain region connectivity. Highly gifted or genius individuals typically have more active white matter in their brains. ...
  • Increased sensory sensitivity and emotional processing.
Jun 7, 2022

What illnesses have high IQ? ›

Studies have also found that higher IQ is associated with more mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Do people with good eyesight live longer? ›

The health of your eyes may have a direct correlation on how long you will live, a new study has found. A team from the US-based Buck Institute for Research on Aging has found a link between diet, circadian rhythms, eye health, and lifespan.

Is it genetic to wear glasses? ›

She says, “Nearsightedness and farsightedness have a strong genetic component, especially if a parent is very nearsighted or farsighted. If both parents are nearsighted or farsighted, there's a good chance their child will be the same.”

Do glasses make you look younger? ›

Generally, warm-colored frames can make you appear younger. Warm tones suit most faces, especially browns, burgundies, berry tones, and jewel tones. Of course, you should choose a color that suits your skin tone. It can also be helpful to choose shinier materials to give your eyes an extra sparkle.

Is wearing glasses a trait? ›

Poor eyesight is neither a dominant nor recessive trait, but it does tend to run in families. However, poor vision is more complex than being able to outright blame your parents.

Why do all gamers wear glasses? ›

Gaming glasses are primarily designed to reduce blue light exposure, stop UV light, reduce glare with their anti-glare lenses thus reducing digital eye strain.

Why do so many gamers wear glasses? ›

Gaming glasses can help reduce eye strain and other effects of blue light caused by excessive screen time. Blue light-blocking eyewear can also help encourage a normal circadian rhythm and melatonin levels.

Why do most gamers wear glasses? ›

By providing an increased view size and reduced blue light, gaming glasses help reduce the strain on your eyes from looking at your screens. Your gaming glasses can actually improve your gaming experience by allowing you to stay on top of your vision.

Do people look better with glasses or without? ›

A total of 517 participants were included in this study. We found significantly higher ratings for all domains of pictures without glasses compared to the same pictures with glasses. Moreover, participants not wearing glasses provided significantly higher attractiveness scores for most pictures not wearing glasses.

Do glasses make you look honest? ›

One experiment found that people who wore full-rim glasses gave off less attractive, but more intelligent vibes compared to rimless glasses or those who don't wear spectacles at all. Glasses reinforced the notion that the person wearing them was more honest, trustworthy and even innocent.

Do more people wear glasses or contacts? ›

About 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction, according to The Vision Council. About 64% of them wear eyeglasses, and about 11% wear contact lenses, either exclusively, or with glasses. How many people wear glasses? A projected 164 million American adults wear glasses, according to The Vision Council.

Which country wears the most glasses? ›

This was followed by Switzerland at 67.7 percent and Norway at 66 percent.
Share of individuals who wear spectacles in selected European countries in 2020.
CharacteristicIndividuals who wear spectacles
9 more rows
Feb 2, 2021

What percentage of girls like guys with glasses? ›

80% of women find men who wear glasses attractive.

He might appear too serious, nerdy or geeky, but there are more to men who wear glasses! Below are some reasons why ladies like you should not hesitate to date a man who has more eyes to adore you.

Do guys think glasses are hot? ›

Men often find women wearing glasses sexy and sultry. Time and time again, they have professed their admiration and respect for women who wear glasses. The young and good looking woman who sits behind the library counter exudes an erudite look that is unmistakably serious coupled with sexy.

What does 👓 mean? ›

👓 Glasses emoji

Varying slightly from platform to platform, the glasses emoji portrays a pair of eyeglasses with a gray or black frame. Most are square or slightly rounded. The glasses emoji is used in posts about eyewear fashion, and about being nerdy, or just in reference to brain power.

What do you call cheater glasses? ›

Origin: The word “Cheaters” originated in the 1920's as a slang term for eyeglasses. Today the term generally refers to reading glasses.

What does 4 eyes mean in slang? ›

noun, plural four-eyes. Slang: Usually Disparaging. a person who wears eyeglasses (sometimes used facetiously). four-eyed fish.

Should eyebrows show above glasses? ›

However, for everyday frames, your eyebrows should typically show slightly from above your glasses. As a rule, at least the top half of your eyebrows should be visible. Your glasses shouldn't cover them completely, nor should they show them so much that your eyebrows look like they're floating on top of your frame.

What glasses are considered nerdy? ›

Geek glasses, otherwise known as nerd glasses, are usually characterised by thicker angular frames in dark or neutral shades. Think Clark Kent, or Buddy Holly. They can lend the wearer an intellectual look and are a popular style accessory even for those who don't need vision correction.

Do billionaires wear glasses? ›

Related: The 7 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Currently, 41 percent of the 100 richest billionaires wear glasses.

Does Bill Gates have glasses? ›

Bill Gates: The co-founder of Microsoft may be one of the world's most wealthy philanthropists, but he shows an astoundingly limited imagination when it comes to his spec appeal. While he has tantalized us with a pair of rimless eyeglasses (so missed), he hews to acrylic rectangular frames of black or tortoiseshell.

Did Leonardo da Vinci have glasses? ›

Via Wikimedia Commons. You don't need glasses to see that Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist, and, in fact, a lack of opticals may have aided the Renaissance painter in the creation of his timeless masterworks.

How much of the population wears glasses? ›

According to The Vision Council, nearly 70 percent of Americans aged 18 and over need some form of vision correction. Approximately 64 percent of adults use some form of vision correction, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and/or vision correction surgery.

What does wearing glasses symbolize? ›

Glasses are seen as a symbol of intelligence, insight, and enlightenment, and many characters with glasses are portrayed as having advanced intellect or mental faculties. Many fairy tales portray glass as having otherworldly intellectual and omniscient capacities.

Why do things look weird with glasses? ›

This is a fairly common occurrence that can be a result of the adjustment period as your eyes get used to the new prescription. This type of peripheral vision distortion can often occur if the new glasses are of a higher prescription or the frames are larger than what you are used to.

Do you look better with or without glasses? ›

A total of 517 participants were included in this study. We found significantly higher ratings for all domains of pictures without glasses compared to the same pictures with glasses. Moreover, participants not wearing glasses provided significantly higher attractiveness scores for most pictures not wearing glasses.

Is it rare to wear glasses? ›

Having less-than-perfect vision isn't as uncommon as you may think. About 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction, according to The Vision Council. About 64% of them wear eyeglasses, and about 11% wear contact lenses, either exclusively, or with glasses.

Why wear black glasses? ›

A blind person highly sensitive to bright lights (photophobic) may feel pain in their eyes and temple region due to bright light. This condition may also result in a burning sensation in the eyes or vibrating sound in the ears. Dark glasses obstruct bright light and thus are helpful in avoiding pain.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.