The responsibilities of parents is known as  the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children. Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal. Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill ne (2024)

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Responsibilities of Parents

Subject: Enviroment Population and Health



The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children. Parents have to perform vast responsibilities towards children. This note provides information about the responsibilities of parents towards their children and roles of parents on takin

Responsibilities of Parents

The responsibilities of parents are meant by the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children's physical. Mental, social and emotional development as well as the development of other aspects so that children can develop themselves and contribute largely to the development of the society and nation. The life of the children will be in a trouble once the parents fail to understand their responsibilities towards them.

Parents have to perform vast responsibilities towards them. They include adequate nurturing, proper love, affection, guidance, good behavior, etc. The children of today are the future hopes of the family, energetic personalities of the society and capable citizens of the country. Therefore, parents have to internalize their responsibilities towards their children in order to make them able and ideal citizens of the state.

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (2)

Role of parents in family

The parents have the complete responsibility for the development of physical, mental, social and emotional aspects of the children since childhood to adolescence. When the children are grown up, they will discharge their responsibilities properly and hence becomes capable as food parents in future.

The father is the manager or head of the family and his authority is respected. He sets rules for all the members to observe in order to maintain order, discipline and harmony. The education of the child belongs to both parents jointly. The mother not only support but home in the absence of father. She holds the family together by managing the household and directing the lives of its members. The mother, therefore, is not only housekeeper, a treasure but a director and an executive officer as well. The parents have the following roles in the family, they are:

  1. Policy- makers: Parents are the focal point of a family. As the heads of a family, parents makes policy, make a decision, goals and put it into practice them for the betterment of the family. They take the final decision to apply them for the betterment of the family and takes necessary steps to solve problems that occur in family. i. e. making necessary arguments for looking after children, providing education, performing Bratabhanda, marriage, etc. of children.
  2. Leaders- Exemplars: To keep up discipline and to be convincing in the family, the parents play the role of unique leading exemplar For example, the parents can present themselves as leaders- exemplars without using intoxicants.
  3. Education and guide: Parents are the first educators and great moral and spiritual teachers of children. Children learn the first word in their mother's lap and a lot of good things from their father. Children learn social norms, values and important life skills from their parents. Before going to school, children are socialized at home and get good guidance from their parents.
  4. Inspires: Parents make their children disciplined and teach them to be obedient. So, the parents motivate them to be creative and imaginative. When the feelings and will power of the children diminish, than desires and ambition block up. In this situation, the parents motivate and encourage them. Hence, the parents are inspire's, enthusiasm, motivator and inducement.
  5. Pals/friends: Parents are also the real friends of children. Parents show friendly nature with their children in order to make them able to share their feelings and emotions. They take their children away for relax and entertainment and enjoy with them. Good parents always understand the needs, desires and feeling of their children rather than being a dictator to them.

Responsibilities of parents towards their children

We have come to know from the study of the above mentioned points about the role of parents. Now, it is relevant to discuss about responsibility, duty and involvement of parents towards their children.

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (3)

The important responsibilities of parents towards their children are given below:

  • To give nutritious food and proper clothing.
  • To develop a habitat for hardworking.
  • To support moral life.
  • To create healthy environment.
  • To develop the concept of practical thinking.
  • To help them lead an independent life.
  • To take care of the children and provide them proper education.
  • To lift the children according to the social values.
  • To keep the children healthy and strong.
  • To provide equal love and affection to both son and daughter.
Things to remember
  • The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.
  • Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.
  • Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life.
  • It includes every relationship which established among the people.
  • There can be more than one community in a society. Community smaller than society.
  • It is a network of social relationships which cannot see or touched.
  • common interests and common objectives are not necessary for society.

Videos for Responsibilities of Parents

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (4)

Exposure to Violence leads to negative impact on child

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (5)

Parent Involvement Contributes in Proper Education

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (6)

Parent-child relationship

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (7)

Role of Parents in Child Development - Ages Zero to Three

The responsibilities of parents is known as the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill needs of their spouse, create healthy environment and help them lead an independent life. (8)

The role of parents and community

Questions and Answers
What is the family called that consists of parents, grandparents, grandsons and grand daughter?

The family that consists of parents, grandparents, grandson, and granddaughter is called joint family.

What are the roles of parents in family?

Parents are fully responsible for physical, mental, social and emotional development of children from birth to growth. Parents should perform the following roles:

  • Parents as policy makers: Parents should make well policy mobilizing the sources and facilities available in the family which can make the family members satisfied. Well plan and policy saves the family from financial accidents, dissatisfaction, conflicts etc. and helps to keep the family prosperous, happy and cooperative.
  • Exemplary personalities:Parents should perform the highest level of honesty, punctuality, hard work, cooperation, self-discipline, dedication and loyalty to the family, so that children learn from their parents. If parents are drunkard, druggist etc. they cannot encourage family members to follow the norms and values of the family.
  • Inspires: Inspiration is a psychological treatment which is vital for all the family members. Parents should inspire the family members to make them creative, constructive and imaginative.
  • Teachers and guides: Parents are regarded as the first teachers and guides because children and family members get moral and spiritual knowledge from the parents at first. If the children don't have any knowledge of social norms and values, they will have problems to adjust in the society.
What roles can the parents play to bring happiness in the family?

The process can play following roles in the family to bring happiness in the family.

  • Planning of a family sizes.
  • Friendly environment should be created so that they can exchange their ideas, knowledge of various things to their children.
  • Parents should give knowledge of various things to their children.
  • Parents should make rules and regulation for welfare of their family.
  • Parents should motivate the family. So that they can be extracted.
What are the responsibilities of a parent towards the children?

The responsibilities of a parent toward the children are given below:

  • Parents should take care of children.
  • Parents should bear the child at an interval of four of five years.
  • Parents should impart proper education to their children.
  • Parents should get their children married at proper age.
  • Parents should make plan for family size.
  • Parents should provide basic needs to their children
Write any four implication of responsible parenthood.

The four implication of responsible parenthood are given below:

  • If the parents like to be free from the problem of children in an old age they should guide them well right from the beginning.
  • If the parents like to be free from the problem of hunger and security, they should plan to bear a limited number of children whose needs can be easily fulfilled.
  • If the parents like to be free from the chaotic society, they must teach their children about their rights and duties.
  • If the parents like to be free from the confrontation between son and daughter in law, choose it at the initial itself.
What are the responsibilities of children towards their parents?

The responsibilities of children towards their parents are mentioned below:

  • Children should follow the guidelines given by their parents.
  • Children should respect the feeling of their parents.
  • Children play very crucial role to establish warm relationship between father and mother and keep harmony in the family.
  • Children should obey, love, and respect their parents.
  • Children should help their parents in household works.
  • Children should look after physically handicapped parents or old parents by providing them timely food, medical care, and recreational activities.
"Parents are the real friends of their children". Justify this statement.

Parents are the true and real friends of their children. They are always near and dear of the children. Friendly environment is most crucial and it should be created between parents and children. They can exchange their ideas, knowledge, wisdom and experiences. Parents are concerned with their children in happiness and sorrow. They can share the happiness with their children by playing outer or indoor games. Parents should share their experiences with children as a friend. So they choose the right path. Parents do not let children go ashtray, on the contrary, bring them to right track. Good parents co-operate with children on cultural and entertainment program.

Justify "Parents are the first educators of children".

Parents are the first educators of children. Children learn the first word in mother's lap and speaking skills from their parents. Most of the discipline is taught at home itself. Children learn to do basic things like walk, talk, eat etc. at home itself. Children learn about their culture, courtesy, politeness through his parents itself. So, parents are the first moral teachers. Before going to school, children learn a great number of things at home itself. Parents teach their children those things that are most important to survive. It is also said that "children reflects, parent's courtesy" which means children learns what their parents teach them and shows the very behavior. Parents are indeed the first educator of children.

How parents play the role of inspirer? Explain.

Parents are the great inspirer of their children. Parents motivate their children to be disciplined and teach them to be obedient. They inspire the children to be disciplined and teach them to face the problem. For example, when a child fails an examination and becomes sad, his parents cheer him up and encourage him to continue his studies. If children go on wrong track, then parents inspire their children and bring them in right track. Indeed, parents help their children to extricate from their notorious work and inspire them to be good in all respect.

Describe any three responsibilities of parents.

Three responsibilities of parents are described below:

  • Income management: Parents responsibility is necessary to balance between family size and family income. If such balance is maintained, each family members can equally utilize available resources and facilities. As a result of family is improved. In this way parents have responsibility to rear their children in adequate living standard.
  • Determine birth spacing: It is the responsibility of parents to give birth to children in proper time gap. Birth spacing is the period between the birth of first and second baby. There should be a gap at least four or five years between the deliveries of two babies. Birth spacing provides an opportunity to educate the child in a congenial atmosphere.
  • Number of children to have: Family size affects the quality of life since the income and expenditure should be integrated. Parents have to decide how many children to have. They must minimize the family size for the sake of their satisfaction.
What are the roles of father and mother in the family?

The roles of father and mother in the family are given below:

  • Policy maker
  • Leaders
  • Education
  • Inspires
  • Pals/friends
Write short note on proper parenting.

Proper parenting refers to take care of the children and take the responsibilities at its full. Parents should be capable for supporting and rearing to children till their full maturity. Parents should provide all the basic needs to their children. It is must necessary to fulfill the basic needs. Parents should also cultivate their children with religious and social value. Parents should teach their children about their culture and should encourage being generous.



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The responsibilities of parents is known as  the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children.
Parents plays the roles of policy-maker, leader, guide, inspire and pal.
Responsibilities of parents towards their children are to fulfill ne (2024)


What are the roles and responsibilities of parents to the child? ›

These include:
  • to protect your child from harm.
  • to provide your child with food, clothing and a place to live.
  • to financially support your child.
  • to provide safety, supervision and control.
  • to provide medical care.
  • to provide an education.
Sep 22, 2020

Which of the following is a basic responsibility of parents? ›

Fulfilling the children's basic needs (food, water, shelter) Disciplining the children. Investing in the children's education. Knowing the children's interests.

What is the parents' role in play with children? ›

Parents are considered to have a "gatekeeper" role in determining which activities children do and therefore their awareness towards the importance of play in child development can have an impact on children's play opportunities.

What is the role of parents in the all round upbringing of children? ›

Being a role model for children to follow

It is the role of a parent to teach children discipline, responsibility, and accountability by setting limits, establishing consequences and also teaching values.

What is the role of parents in child's development? ›

Parents and other caregivers are essential resources for children in managing emotional arousal, coping, and managing behavior. They serve in this role by providing positive affirmations, conveying love and respect and engendering a sense of security.

What are 4 basic responsibilities of being a parent? ›

A parent in the United States must meet their child's basic needs. This means that they give their child medical care, housing, education, and food. In addition, parents are expected to meet a child's emotional and physical needs. They are responsible for protecting their child from harm and abuse.

What are the three main roles of parents? ›

Teach, coach, and mentor … the role of parents involves all three titles so that our children can become happy, caring, and capable adults.

What are the 5 responsibilities of a mother? ›

To care as a mother is to cook good food, create a clean home, provide clean clothing, read to your children, teach them, include them in family life, encourage, teach and play. It is fulfilling for a mother to care for a child.

What are the three roles of your parents in the family system? ›

Answer. Through almost every studied culture, fathers have assumed three primary roles: the protector, the provider, and the disciplinarian. Before we discuss each of these roles, it is important to note that in many two-parent families today, mothers are fulfilling these three roles as much as fathers.

How do parents play a very important role? ›

One of the main roles of parents is providing encouragement, support and access to activities that enable a child to master key developmental tasks. A child's learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is the child's primary social group.

Who plays the most important role in parenting? ›

Conclusion. The father's role in parenting is a vital pillar in nurturing happy families. From being caregivers and role models to providing emotional support, fathers significantly impact their children's growth and development. Their presence builds strong family bonds, leading to a brighter and more loving future.

What is the role of a parent family in their child's life? ›

They offer love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, and guidance, and provide the most intimate context for the nurturing and protection of children as they develop their personalities and identities and also as they mature physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

What is the biggest responsibility of parents towards their children? ›

For a parent with responsibility, your primary responsibilities include:
  • Providing a home for the child.
  • Protecting and maintaining the child's welfare.
  • Making important decisions on behalf of the child, for example, the child's religion, the child's education, amongst others.
May 11, 2022

What are the contributions of parents in our life? ›

Parents contribute to developing focus, concentration, and self-control in their children. They also improve critical thinking, empathy, perspective, making connections, and communicating. With a supportive parent, a child never regrets taking risks and this prepares a self-directed child.

What are parents supposed to do? ›

Parental Authority: Rights and Responsibilities
  • custody.
  • supervision.
  • physical and psychological protection.
  • health and safety.
  • education.
  • providing food.
  • caring for them.

What are the parent child roles? ›

The parental role is often one of giving. Parents care for their children's physical and emotional needs and provide love, nurturing, food, shelter, and structure. In cases of parent-child role-reversal, however, the child is the one who gives to the parent.

What are the roles of each parent? ›

Some parental roles in child development that must be met for good parenting, whether it's by mom, dad, or both, include: Providing shelter, food, clothing, and other basic physical needs. Nurturing through love, attention and dedicated time, and support in all that they do and who they are.

What do parents roles and responsibilities mainly involve? ›

The roles and responsibilities of parents mainly involve providing for the basic needs of their children, such as food, shelter, and clothing. They are also responsible for nurturing their children's emotional, social, and cognitive development, which includes providing love, support, and guidance.

What are the duties of children of their parents? ›

You Ought to Obey Your Parents.

Perhaps there is no duty more generally acknowledged than this. Your obedience should begin early—the younger you are, the more you need a guide and a ruler.

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