The Return of the Jockstrap for Men: Why More Dudes Are Wearing Them in 2019 (2024)

The history of the jockstrap for men is an interesting one. A lot of men are only familiar with a jockstrap from their days in the locker room. Maybe you have never once considered to don a jockstrap in your day-to-day life since jockstraps are only used for contact sports, right?

The Return of the Jockstrap for Men: Why More Dudes Are Wearing Them in 2019 (1)

Wrong! Jockstraps lost momentum for a while, but in 2019 more and more men are turning to this style of underwear as their daily undergarment choice. The jockstrap is officially here to stay, and not just for male athletes. Here’s why more guys are tossing aside their boxers and briefs and strapping on a jockstrap instead.

They’re sexy!

A woman might tell you that there is nothing more attractive than confidence in a man. We’re talking about confidence, not co*ckiness, so be sure not to cross that fine line! One of the best ways to show that you’re confident in your skin is to wear something revealing under your gym shorts or dress pants: a jockstrap.

Jockstraps are more comfy than you would imagine

If you’re unfamiliar with this unique underwears style, here’s how a jockstrap works. There is a hard shell that protects your genitals and then straps that wrap around your thighs to hold it into place. There is essentially no fabric at all, making it extremely breathable.

You might be wondering about the support provided, and jockstraps provide tons of it. The feeling of wearing one might not come naturally at first, but you’ll quickly get used to it and learn to love the “open” feeling around your rear, but also the protection it offers to your junk.

They can boost fertility in men

A huge reason for decreased sperm counts in men is too much heat radiating through the genital area. Bunch boxers have way too much fabric, and this can cause you to overheat. Constricting briefs can do the same thing, but with jockstraps you’re not likely to experience overheating.

Since there isn’t much fabric at all, you’ll get a constant breeze through your nether regions. This can actually help to boost sperm counts in men. Overall, wearing jockstraps are a health-conscious underwear option for men.

You can go from the office to the gym

In the past, jockstraps were only associated with the football or lacrosse field. But now, more men are even wearing them to the office or to make a stop at the grocery store. They are the most versatile style of men’s underwear that can easily be worn from one environment to the next.

They are way more stylish than they used to

Since the days of only wearing jockstraps for sports are long gone, underwear designers around the world are focusing on improving the style of the jockstrap. They are starting to design them to be bright, colorful, and funky. You won’t just see the classic white jockstrap when you browse for your new pair of underwear online.

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The Return of the Jockstrap for Men: Why More Dudes Are Wearing Them in 2019 (2024)


Why do boys have to wear jockstraps? ›

Jocks are specially designed to keep the boys in place and minimize shifting when you're running, jumping, stretching, and bending. They maximize leg movement, and their lift and flexibility also reduce groin strains and keep genital slip-outs from turning into painful injuries.

Are jockstraps coming back in style? ›

As sports and gym are great deals now, jockstraps are back and people are more familiar with them.

Do boys wear jockstraps anymore? ›

Mens jockstraps are a requirement in every high-impact sport league, including football, baseball, hockey, and soccer. Many athletes, however, are moving away from traditional jockstrap designs. To meet the requirements of different sports, jockstraps are available in a variety of cuts and materials.

Can a 14 year old boy wear a jockstrap? ›

You can, for sure. A lot of guys are wearing jockstraps instead of regular underwear these days. And, if wearing a jockstrap is a little sexy and fun for you, go for it.

Are jockstraps good for your balls? ›

As a matter of fact, wearing a tight jockstrap can actually harm your testicl*s. Some people wear it to prevent hernias, but the irony is, wearing a tight jockstrap can lead to hernia. The excessive compression on the genital nerves further puts pressure on the abdomen area that might lead to the herniated testicl*s.

Do runners still wear jockstraps? ›

If you feel pain in your crotch whenever you run, then yes, wearing a jockstrap may already be necessary. The same is true if you've already sustained penile or testicular injury. Your doctor may also tell you to wear a jockstrap if you have male reproductive conditions.

Are jockstraps comfortable for everyday wear? ›

Get the fit just right and a jockstrap is a far more comfortable option for day-long wear than any tight- or looser-fitting underwear, amplified further by the fabric of your bottoms.

What can I wear instead of a jockstrap? ›

Modern boxer briefs pretty much solves the problem,” he says. “You don't need to wear this weird contraption that has these straps that wrap around your butt. You can wear tight-fitting underwear, because it does everything a jockstrap did, which is keep things high and tight.

Is it normal to wear a jockstrap? ›

Nowadays, they are used for support and comfort during a variety of sports, often with the addition of a cup for added protection. Increasingly, fashion jockstraps are also worn as an everyday replacement for more traditional underwear.

What age do boys need a cup? ›

But once a boy hits age seven, or engages in more vigorous competition, he should wear one. “There are two types -- one providing support for comfort, and one adding a cup for more protection.

Do they make female jockstraps? ›

Jockstraps for females

The pelvic protector is the female equivalent of the male jockstrap. It is currently unclear who was responsible for the first invention of the female pelvic protector. It is designed to protect the female genitalia from bruising or tearing.

Should boys wear a cup? ›

A: It is very important for boys to wear an athletic cup to protect their groin area from blunt trauma injuries when playing sports. Any fast-moving kick, ball or helmet that hits a boy in the groin area can cause serious damage, including severe bruising, internal bleeding, testicular fracture or rupture.

Do men need to support their balls? ›

Conditions That Require Scrotal Support

Superior testicl* support is also required by patients suffering from various medical conditions. For instance; if a man is suffering from Epididymitis or Hydrocele, doctors recommend them to wear an underwear that will provide the required support to the testicl*s.

Why do my balls hurt after I run? ›

Some runners may feel testicular pain when running caused by a varicocele. This is a type of varicose vein inside your scrotum. Varicoceles are genetic. Muscle clenching during running can cause blood flow to back up and the vein can enlarge causing pain.

How can I support my balls? ›

UFM Underwear is the best mens underwear for testicl* support because it makes use of a drawstring which gently adjusts to support your manhood. Depending on your activity, you can wear your UFMs 'high and tight' for extra support or 'slow and low' for light support.

What is a Jill strap? ›

A jockstrap is an undergarment for protecting genitalia during any contact sports. For women, the undergarment is known as jill string. A jockstrap/ jill string consists of an elastic waistband and a support pouch for the genitalia.

Do MLB players wear jockstraps? ›

While most professional athletes wear some form of protective cup or jockstrap, MLB players are not required to do so. However, many players do choose to wear a jockstrap or cup for added protection, especially when playing in the field.

Why wear a jockstrap every day? ›

Jockstraps for everyday wear enable you to keep a low profile when wearing tighter clothing such as bicycle shorts or leggings, or even fitted jeans. Easy breezy. Don't think of an everyday jockstrap as a sweaty pouch, but as a device that prevents one.

Which is better compression shorts or jockstrap? ›

Compression garments are a step beyond wearing a traditional jockstrap and can be used in conjunction for the ultimate combination of support and comfort. The jockstrap offers stability while the compression garments wick away sweat to prevent irritation.

When should men wear jockstraps? ›

Wear a jockstrap for comfort and protection while playing sports. A jockstrap is recommended for any sport that requires running, such as track and field or basketball. For contact sports or sports involving fast-moving balls, a cup is also recommended. Make sure your jockstrap fits correctly.

Are jockstraps mandatory? ›

Although not mandatory, most baseball players wear jockstraps because they provide support and comfort during the game. They are usually made of elastic material that stretches to fit any body type and help keep your balls in place.

Is it bad to wear a jockstrap all day? ›

Yes, you can wear a supporter all day, but doing so presents as many risks as not wearing one when you're exercising. You wear a supporter to protect your genitals during exercise.

When should boys start wearing cups? ›

No parent wants to see their son injured on the field. But, it is hard to know at what age young boys should start wearing a cup. Most youth baseball leagues recommend that cups be worn at every age group, however, once your son reaches elementary school, the athletic cup often is required equipment.

Do all NFL players wear jockstraps? ›

Jockstraps are a piece of equipment commonly used as protection in the game of football. While this item is not always required, they are worn by many football players. Football jockstraps come in a few different variations depending on personal preference.

Do baseball players still wear jockstraps? ›

While most professional athletes wear some form of protective cup or jockstrap, MLB players are not required to do so. However, many players do choose to wear a jockstrap or cup for added protection, especially when playing in the field.

At what age will her son start to drink from a cup? ›

At 6 months: Most children can take small sips from an open cup that's held by a caregiver. By 12 months: Most children can start to use objects like a cup correctly, and may hold an open cup and take sips (expect some spills!).

Do football players wear nut cups? ›

A cup is not required as an item of equipment in football. It's optional, just like rib guards or knee stockings. Every player is solely responsible for determining whether or not they require a cup; the referee will not check whether or not a player is wearing one before a match.

Should my son wear a cup for baseball? ›

A: It is very important for boys to wear an athletic cup to protect their groin area from blunt trauma injuries when playing sports. Any fast-moving kick, ball or helmet that hits a boy in the groin area can cause serious damage, including severe bruising, internal bleeding, testicular fracture or rupture.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.