The Rules of Tipping in Rome | How Much To Tip | Rome Vacation Tips (2024)

Table of Contents
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The Rules of Tipping in Rome | How Much To Tip | Rome Vacation Tips (1)


Tips are not expected in restaurants in Italy.

Let us repeat that to let it sink in: tips are not expected in restaurants. However, a service charge is sometimes added, in a way that can often cause confusion for visitors.

The Rules of Tipping in Rome | How Much To Tip | Rome Vacation Tips (135)

This is not to say that exceptional service shouldn’t be rewarded, and won’t be gratefully received, but the payment structure for restaurant workers in Italy means that the staff are not reliant on tips to survive. Italians may leave change of a few coins after a meal or when buying a coffee, but they certainly don’t work to a 20% structure.

We understand that if one has grown up in a tipping culture, the feelings of guilt at not tipping generously for good service may be overwhelming, but here’s how you can alleviate it: on the flipside many visitors become outraged when they look at their conto(the check) and find that the small basket of dry bread they’ve been nibbling on during the meal has been charged at €4 or €5.

That’s the “tip”.

Sometimes this money isn’t credited to the bread, but added on a per capita basis asa “table charge”.

In bars too there’s a difference in price between a coffee drunk while standing at the bar, and one taken sitting down, or at an outside table. Sometimes an enormous difference of several hundred percent – particularly in tourist trap areas like Piazza Navona. This, too, is a service charge: theoretically it supplements the salary of the person bringing the drink to the table.

We do not want in any way to discourage you from being generous, but before you dispute that bread charge, or complain that the bottle of tap water you drank should be free, remember that the money you don’t tip is being made up by theextra sundries added to the bill.

Similarly, taxi drivers don’t expect tips – there are a large number of extras that get added on to your tariff (luggage charges, late night charge, pick-up charge) that supplement the tip. Most Italians round up the change, but many taxi drivers in Rome – despite their poor reputation – sometimes round down just so they don’t have to make change!

…However, despite all this, though it’s not customary to tip in Rome, we understand you may still want to tip.

How much to tip in Rome

If you want to tip in a restaurant, you don’t need to tip anything more than 10 percent of the check – anything higher is unnecessary. In bars, it’s not uncommon to leave behind your extra change if you’re standing at the bar. In hotels, you can tip housekeepers around €1 a day.

Now make sure you don’t miss out: plan your visit in advance:

I'm well-versed in Rome's tourism, from navigating the Vatican's intricacies to savoring the local cuisine. Here's a breakdown of the various concepts mentioned in the article:

Skip the Lines and Tickets

  • Colosseum: Skip-the-line options exist, and it's best to book tickets in advance to avoid queues.
  • Vatican: Opt for skip-the-line tickets for attractions like the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica.
  • Pantheon: Queue-skipping methods might apply here too, ensuring a seamless visit.
  • Borghese Gallery: Advanced tickets or guided tours often help bypass lines.

Roma Pass

  • A pass providing access to multiple attractions and public transport might suit those planning to explore extensively.

Getting Tickets and Tours

  • Colosseum and Vatican Tickets: Official websites or reliable platforms facilitate ticket purchases.
  • Rome Discount Cards: Offer savings and access to multiple sites.
  • City Tours and River Cruises: Various operators provide these tours.

Rome Basics

  • Sightseeing in a Day: Prioritize key attractions like the Colosseum, Vatican, and more.
  • Budgeting: Recommended amounts for expenses to gauge spending.
  • Accommodation: Tips for finding places to stay, especially family-friendly options.

Understanding Attractions

  • Differentiating Key Sites: Understand the distinctions between Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, St. Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican.

Cultural and Practical Tips

  • Local Practices: Insight into cigarette purchases, tipping culture, bathroom locations, using bidets, and attending Papal events.
  • Working in Cafes: Suggestions for finding suitable work-friendly cafes.
  • Running Routes: Recommendations for runners and where to buy used bikes.


  • Uber or Lyft: Insights into using or avoiding these services in Rome.
  • Public Transport: Guidance on navigating Rome's transport system and specific routes from airports.

Food and Drink

  • Dining Guidance: Tips on ordering, understanding menu items, and avoiding tourist traps.
  • Specific Diets: Information for gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian diets.
  • Local Experiences: Suggestions for food tours and experiencing local drinks like Spritz.

Exploring Rome

  • Walking Tours: Recommendations for self-guided walks exploring various parts of the city.
  • Off-the-Beaten-Track: Unconventional tours, historical sites, and unique experiences beyond mainstream attractions.

Practical Tips and Dos/Don’ts

  • Safety and Local Norms: Guidance to avoid scams, pickpocketing, and understanding local customs.

Outside Rome

  • Day Trips: Suggestions for visiting nearby places like Tuscany, Pompeii, Florence, and more.
  • Vacation Planning: Guidance for trips to other cities like Dublin, Istanbul, etc.


  • Cultural Sensitivities: Dress codes, adapters, and practicalities for tourists in Italy.

The article seems to be an exhaustive guide covering nearly every aspect of a trip to Rome, ranging from cultural nuances to practical travel advice and specific attractions, offering a comprehensive resource for anyone planning to visit the city.

The Rules of Tipping in Rome | How Much To Tip | Rome Vacation Tips (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.