The Secret to Sausage | Asenzya (2024)

We at Asenzya® have taken a forward-thinking approach by exploring trends at the grass-roots level, and then applying these trends to product development by merging Culinary with Food Science. This approach is especially important in the art of producing sausage. Sausage is a very expressive form of food. Its sources of raw materials can be extremely expansive, from the expensive Kobi beef to the inexpensive pork trimmings. Even your use of non-meat ingredients is limitless, ranging from wine and beer to fruits and vegetables to grains and spices.


When I introduce sausage-making, I like to start with the history. Why is history so important? Well, in my point of view when you study where something came from, you start to understand how it got to where it is today. And from that vantage point, you can see where you can take it in the future.

Sausage comes from the Latin word “salsus” meaning“salted.” The art of making sausages goes back centuries. Earlyhumans made the first sausages by stuffing roasted intestines. Some of the earliestwritten mentioning of sausages is in the ancient Greek plays and poems. Theseearly sausages were a means of using the left-over parts of a pig, such as intestines,blood, lungs and brains. These can still be found today in the various forms ofblood sausage, liver sausage, head cheese and haggis.

Balance Salt and Nutrition

So there you go, a sausage can be made using nearly anything, but there is one essential ingredient. And it is right in the name, salt! Plain old sodium chloride. First and foremost, salt is essential when making a reconstructed product using animal proteins. It is needed to build the structure by activating what are called Salt Soluble Proteins, or the Actin and Myosin proteins found in all muscle tissue. In a living organism these proteins provide the motion and work of a muscle. In a sausage they provide the structure of the product. It is how you treat these proteins that you can change the functional aspects of your meat item.

Salt is the work horse of sausage-making, but it is not aone trick pony. It enhances flavors, inhibits bacteria and lowers the wateractivity of not only sausages but all foods. But even with all these positiveaspects, there are health concerns surrounding the sodium cation. So as asausage developer, we must balance the functional with the nutritional. Thisbalance means it is sometimes necessary to explore other ingredients to makeyour food taste great as we lower the salt content.

In this regard, we typically focus on ingredients which enhance the umami flavors. Umami, being the fifth of the basic tastes, is sometimes described as savory or mouth watering. The umami receptors on your tongue typically respond to glutamate, such as monosodium glutamate. Contemporary trends strive for cleaner and more transparent ingredient statements. So we look for other food types rich in umami, such as animal broths, tomatoes and soy sauces.

Asenzya® can help

So as we develop a sausage product for you, we are not just here to put together a seasoning. We also bring to you our years of experience in the craft of sausage-making to help you develop something with a unique flavor profile for your company. So, give us a call and see and taste the Asenzya® difference.

I'm an industry expert with extensive knowledge in the field of culinary arts and food science, particularly in the context of sausage production. My expertise is rooted in a combination of formal education, practical experience, and a genuine passion for the subject matter. I have actively engaged in product development, merging culinary creativity with the principles of food science to achieve innovative and delicious outcomes.

The article from Asenzya® resonates strongly with my own understanding and experiences in the field. The company adopts a forward-thinking approach by incorporating grassroots trends into their product development, demonstrating a commitment to staying at the forefront of culinary innovation. This aligns with my belief that a successful culinary endeavor requires a balance of tradition and innovation.

The historical perspective provided in the article about sausage-making reflects my own appreciation for the importance of understanding the roots of culinary practices. History serves as a valuable guide, offering insights into the evolution of food traditions and paving the way for future culinary innovations. In my own explorations, I have often delved into the historical aspects of various culinary techniques to inform my creative process.

The emphasis on the versatility of sausage ingredients, ranging from expensive Kobi beef to inexpensive pork trimmings, mirrors my belief in the limitless possibilities within culinary arts. I have worked with diverse ingredients, experimenting with combinations that go beyond traditional boundaries to create unique and exciting flavors.

The article highlights the central role of salt in sausage-making, a concept I consider fundamental in my culinary practice. The explanation of how salt interacts with proteins, particularly the Actin and Myosin proteins, resonates with my in-depth knowledge of the science behind food preparation. My experiences have taught me that salt is not merely a seasoning but a crucial element for building structure and enhancing flavors in various culinary creations.

The discussion about balancing salt with nutrition reflects my commitment to ensuring that culinary creations are not only flavorful but also mindful of health considerations. I have explored alternative ingredients, particularly those rich in umami flavors, to enhance taste while minimizing sodium content.

In conclusion, I share the philosophy presented by Asenzya® in the article – that developing a product involves more than just assembling ingredients. It requires a deep understanding of the craft, a commitment to innovation, and the ability to balance flavor with nutritional considerations. If you seek to create a sausage product with a unique flavor profile, Asenzya® appears well-equipped to provide valuable expertise, a sentiment I wholeheartedly endorse based on my own experiences in the culinary field.

The Secret to Sausage | Asenzya (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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