The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (2024)

Last update: 29 March 2022

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Clothes | Creating a Sim

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (1)

This page of The Sims 4 guide describes the next step of creating a Sim. The next part is creating the Sim's outfit. Click any part of clothing to see a panel where you can choose clothes. First tab on the top is Body. Sliders on the left let you control their muscles and weight.

  • Clothes | Creating a Sim
  • Body shape
  • Pre-made styles
  • Top
  • Full body
  • Bottom
  • Accessories
  • Shoes

Body shape

On the right you can see some predefined figures. You can also choose skin tone here.

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (2)

In the second tab (Tattoos) you can give your Sim some tattoos. If you want, that is, because the Sim doesn't have to have any. If you choose to tattoo them, remember that you can choose several tattoos, but only one for each body part. So you can have a tattoo on one or both hands and/or on the back.

Pre-made styles

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (3)

The next step is choosing outfits. Your Sim must have at least one of each category: everyday, formal, athletic, sleep, and party. Of course, formal outfit should not consist of t-shirt and shorts, but the game lets you choose so. All outfits are defined by default, so you can skip this step by clicking the button in the upper right corner. Predefined styles are a huge convenience if you want to save time on fitting shoes, shirts and trousers. You can choose a complete outfit in any of the five categories.

See Also
Baby Ariel

The categories of outfits are located at the top of the screen. Click the bar above them and you'll see that you can choose up to five outfits in each category. Later on, when you want to change clothes, you'll choose outfits from the ones you've selected. The colours of clothes and available clothes/outfits are located in the lower part of this panel.


The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (4)

If you decide to choose your own outfit, you have a multitude of possibilities. In case of tops, you can choose from: jackets, t-shirts, sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, polo shirts and vests, in case of women you can also select blouses and bras, while for men - button-ups.

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (5)

When you choose clothes, it's a good idea to use filters - a button located above the list of clothes. You can, for example, want to find blue, cotton, smart clothes. Filters make choosing clothes in a specific colour or style much easier than looking through all available clothes. Remember to click the icon at the bottom after choosing something to open a window with available colours.

Full body

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (6)

You can also choose clothes for whole body. For women, these are tracksuits, long dresses, short dresses, lingerie. For men, you can select suits and formal outfits. You can also choose costumes and robes.


The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (7)

If you don't want an outfit for whole body, you have to fit a bottom to the top you've selected. You have a complete freedom of choice here. You can choose from: trousers, shorts, jeans, underwear and - for women - skirts.


The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (8)

Accessories are a very important element that completes the outfit. You can choose from bracelets, gloves, rings, socks and - for women - leggings. Note that watches and bracelets are shown on a specific hand and they can be worn only there.


The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (9)

The last element are the shoes. They are divided into sandals, slip-ons, sneakers, boots and - only for women - flat heels, high heels and platforms. Remember that even if you choose one of predefined outfits, you can change it with shoes and accessories.

The Sims 4: Clothes - body shape, top, full body, bottom, shoes (2024)
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