The Trick To Keeping Donuts Fresh - Mashed (2024)

The Trick To Keeping Donuts Fresh - Mashed (1)

Eva Hambach/Getty Images

ByJoel Stice/

There's nothing better than snagging a hot donut out of a box that was freshly prepared just minutes earlier. Revisit that boxto get your sugary fix hours or a day later and those donuts just don't have the same delicious taste. Sure, they're still sweet, but they're probably also a little stale, and that smooth, silky glaze now just feels a bit wet. Ugh. So what's the trick to keeping donuts fresh?It really depends on the type of donut.

If you're working with any type of cream-filled donut, you're definitely going to want to store it in the refrigerator. Remember, there's dairy in the filling, and if left out at room temperature it will spoil. Trust us, you really don't want that lemon cream donut coming back to haunt you in the middle of the night with a bout of indigestion. Shipley Donutsrecommendscovering the donuts in foil or plastic wrap, or even better, sealing them in a plastic bag or container. If stored properly, they should keep three to four days in the fridge, and up to three months in the freezer.

As for your cake and glazed donuts, keeping them in an air-tight container at room temperature is still your best bet, but you'll want to avoid storing them somewhere where the sun hits them. Sunlight is the enemy of donuts and will only dry them out and melt the glaze (via Cooking Is Passio). If you don't plan to eat them the next day, store them in the fridge or freezer instead.

Of course, storing donuts properly is only half the battle. There's also the issue of how to best revive those pastries for eating. If you're working with frozen donuts, first pull them from the freezer and allow them to thaw at room temperature (via Can You Freeze This). After that, throw those donuts into the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds for a quick zap of heat. If you've got a couple leftoverglazed donutsfromKrispy Kreme, though, theysuggest reheating them for just eight seconds straight out of the freezer.

While storing and reheating donuts may not bring them perfectly back to their original hot-off-the-line freshness, it'll get you pretty close.


The Trick To Keeping Donuts Fresh - Mashed (2024)


What trick keeps donuts fresh? ›

Place your donuts in storage bags or airtight containers.

Definitely put them in airtight bags or containers though so they stay fresh! The only time this isn't a good idea is when your donuts are cream-filled. In that case, you'll want to store them in the fridge so they don't spoil.

How do you make donuts feel fresh again? ›

Put donuts into the oven to heat for 10 minutes, or until very warm.

How do you keep homemade donuts soft? ›

Add oil: Oil helps to keep the donuts moist. Don't overmix: Overmixing the dough will make the donuts tough. Let the dough rise: Letting the dough rise will help it to develop flavor and become light and airy.

How do you keep donuts fresh for 2 days? ›

Generally, unglazed donuts can last for 1-2 days at room temperature in an airtight container. If you want to extend the shelf life of unglazed donuts, you can refrigerate them in an airtight container for up to one week.

How do Krispy Kreme donuts stay fresh? ›

To maintain your Krispy Kreme doughnuts in optimum condition, we recommend that you store them in a temperature under 18 degrees and out of direct sunlight. To keep Krispy Kreme doughnuts at their freshest after their first day at home, you can freeze the doughnuts and reheat in the microwave.

Can you freeze donuts with filling? ›

A donut can be positively delightful out of the freezer. Bare donuts show up best here, but you can freeze glazed, frosted, or even jam filled ditties (just be prepared for the additions to have altered themselves a bit. The glaze or frosting might be broken or the jam a little runny.)

How to keep donuts fresh for a week? ›

If you want to keep the donuts fresh for a couple of days, a plastic box at room temperature should do just fine. For a week of storage, you should use a fridge. If you have more extended plans, you can use a freezer to freeze the donuts for 2-3 months.

What is the best oil for donuts? ›

Vegetable oil is the go-to choice for many good reasons. Besides being cheap and easy to find, it has no problem handling high temperatures with a smoke point of around 400 degrees Fahrenheit — well above temperatures needed to brown donuts.

What causes donuts to go stale? ›

Tips and tricks for avoiding stale donuts

Any container that you would normally use for leftover foods should work just fine, so long as it limits air flow, as air exposure is what makes donuts stale.

How to keep donuts soft the next day? ›

For overnight storage, simply keeping the closed boxes of donuts in a cool spot (on your counter or in a cupboard) will work just fine. And remember, even if you know they are not straight from the bakery, no one else needs to be in on it.

How do you make day old donuts soft again? ›

According to Southern Living, the fastest way to make a stale doughnut more edible is to pop it into the microwave– that appliance no dorm room or office can do without — for 15 seconds until it softens up some. It won't be as perfect as a fresh doughnut, but it will still be delicious.

What is the best flour for donuts? ›

Use real cake flour – not DIY cake flour!

DIY substitutions don't really cut it, and AP flour will not create doughnuts with that same soft texture. Also, bleached cake flour will work best. Unbleached (like King Arthur Baking) won't absorb as much moisture, and you may end up with doughnuts that crumble while frying.

How to keep donuts fresh for a wedding? ›

Airtight container keep your donuts from getting too stale to take a bite into, but do this and you'll be thanking us later. You must finish them within 1 or days though.

Can you eat 3 day old donuts? ›

Preservation of donuts can also be aided by ensuring they are wrapped properly. With the right conditions, they can stay fresh for up to three days at room temperature and up to five days in the refrigerator.

Can you make donuts the day before? ›

MAKE AHEAD: The dough needs to rise twice; the first time, for 6 to 15 hours (preferably overnight), then for 1 to 2 hours after it has been rolled and cut. The glazed doughnuts are best eaten the same day they are made, but they do hold up for a day stored, uncovered, at room temperature.

Can you proof doughnuts overnight? ›

Set the dough bowl in the fridge to rest and slowly ferment overnight, or for a few hours at least.

How to keep donuts from sweating? ›

Shipley Donuts recommends covering the donuts in foil or plastic wrap, or even better, sealing them in a plastic bag or container. If stored properly, they should keep three to four days in the fridge, and up to three months in the freezer.

How long do donuts last unrefrigerated? ›

Glazed and plain donuts are known to last longer than other varieties, typically remaining fresh for about 1-2 days at room temperature. On the other hand, filled donuts—including cream-filled and jelly-filled—often have a shorter shelf life due to their moist fillings, lasting about 1-2 days before beginning to spoil.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.