Theatre design - Ancient, Renaissance, Modern (2024)

Nearly all modern theatre design can be traced back to the theatrical traditions established by the Greek-speaking peoples of the Mediterranean starting in the 6th century bce. Records exist concerning independent traditions in the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas before the arrival of Europeans, but too little is known about these to be able to confidently track their development or possible influence, and ambiguity exists as to the definition of “theatre” in some of these places. It seems to be true, however, that whenever theatre is introduced into a culture, spaces that already exist for the gathering of people are called into service for its display. Any ideas for theatre design that emerge with the introduction of theatre into a culture are therefore transformed as they are blended with the design of these preexisting spaces.

The two oldest existing theatre buildings in India, for example, seem to have been based on Greek models, but by the time of the writing of the section (in chapter two) on theatre architecture in the Sanskrit Natyashastra (c. 100 ce; “Treatise on Dramatic Art”), Indian theatre design had developed along quite different lines. None of the Sanskrit theatres have survived, so it is nearly impossible to judge the extent of their influence on the theatres of other Asian countries, even when the influence of Indian theatre on styles of performance, costume, and makeup as well as on staging conventions in those countries seems quite clear. Many of the unique elements of Asian theatre architecture can be seen in such traditional forms as kathakali in India and Noh in Japan. But since the early 20th century, modern Asian theatre buildings have favoured European models.

The Greek tradition of theatre design passed to the eastern Mediterranean and to as far as northern India in the Hellenistic Age. It was taken into the western Mediterranean and central Europe during the period of the Roman Empire and was at the heart of the revival of theatre design in the Renaissance, at which time it underwent its most radical transformation into the forms that persist today. During the Renaissance, new theatre design spread throughout Europe. In the various colonial periods, it spread worldwide as cultures either adapted Western models outright or favoured those among their own traditional forms that were most like ones in the West.

The first theatres

The oldest existing spaces to be classified as “theatrical areas” are in four Minoan palaces on the island of Crete. The oldest of these, at Phaestus, dates to as early as 2000 bce, while the one at Amnisus may have been built as late as 700 bce. These are L-shaped, open-air spaces built of stone with a rectangular stage. The house is a set of wide, low steps terminating in a blank wall on one side of the stage. A grand staircase (which leads into the palace) provides additional audience space on an adjoining side. The wide steps seem best suited for the kind of stools that are illustrated in a number of Minoan murals, while the grand staircase could easily accommodate dozens and dozens of audience members either sitting or standing. The maximum audience capacity has been estimated to be 500. Nothing is known about what was witnessed in such spaces, however, so identification of them as theatres is speculative. These spaces do share some similarities with the earliest-known theatres on mainland Greece, but there is no evidence that the Greeks knew anything about them.

Classical era

Greece and Rome

The first identification of theatre as a distinctive art form in the city-state of Athens can be dated to 534 bce, when the first prize in a competition for tragedy was awarded. The Roman writer Horace, writing 500 years later, believed that Thespis, who won the competition, had developed theatre while traveling with a cart that he used as a stage in any open area where an audience could gather. Such portable stages were used for centuries in the performance of variety entertainments (called mimes). The 12th-century Byzantine encyclopaedia known as the Suda indicates that the earliest theatre in Athens was built in its market square (agora) and used temporary wooden stands (ikria) for seating and a cleared area of the market for a stage. This arrangement would have resembled, and may even have inspired, the oldest existing Greek theatres, which are at Árgos and Thorikos, both of which were built before 500 bce. These were open-air end stage theatres in which the house (theatron, or “a place of seeing,” in Greek) was a bank of straight-line seats (perhaps originally in wood but eventually in stone) supported by a hillside, while the stage (orchēstra, or “a place of dancing”) was a roughly rectangular space at the bottom of the hill. At these sites there is today little evidence of a skene (from the Greek skēnē, or “scene-building”), which was the third basic component of later Greek theatres, so it is assumed that if such a structure existed, it was temporary. Greek theatres of this form continued to be built into the 3rd century bce.

Sometime before 497 bce, the Athenians moved their theatre from the market square to a precinct dedicated to the god Dionysus on the southeast slope of the Acropolis. It is likely that it at first followed the straight-line form of the theatre in the agora, but gradually the seating benches were laid out in sections in the shape of wedges that formed a polygon around part of the northern half of the stage, giving it a thrust stage configuration. By the middle of the 5th century bce, the stage area had taken on the shape of a U, with a polygonal house of wooden benches around just slightly more than half of the northern loop (the lower part of the U), a straight-line scene building closing off the southern end (the top), and an empty space just below the top of the U into which the entranceways (parodoi) led. The scene building was substantial enough to provide a small playing space on its roof and at least one set of doors facing the stage. The doors may have led onto a porch, raised two or three steps above the orchestra so it could serve as a raised stage or “place of speaking” (logeion). This was certainly a feature of later Greek theatres when small buildings were actually constructed on each end of the skene to enclose the ends of such a raised stage. The performance area of Greek theatres was often divided into two sections, the main stage and a raised stage at the back. The scene building had sufficient space for the operation of complex stage machinery both for flying actors onto or off the stage and for revealing a tableau of an interior scene on a platform rolled out from within. This building also provided up to three entrances along the back of the raised stage.

It was not until 330–325 bce, at the beginning of the Hellenistic Age, that the house in the Theatre of Dionysus was built in stone and took on a shape, slightly more than semicircular, that has so often been identified (mistakenly) with the theatre buildings of a century earlier. The semicircular house ran in tiers up the hillside, where it ended in a walkway. Beyond the walkway was a rise in elevation of several feet and another section of seating, which had been added to extend the house farther up the hill. In the largest of its many renovations, the theatre may have held an audience of over 17,000 people.

It is not clear whether the Theatre of Dionysus established this form of theatre architecture or was merely following a trend established elsewhere, but this was to become the basic model for theatres for the next 500 years. The most complete existing example of this kind of stone structure is the theatre at Epidaurus, across the Saronikós (Saronic) Gulf from Athens. Epidaurus was a healing sanctuary in the countryside. The theatre, which could hold 12,000 to 14,000 people, is noted to this day for its almost perfect acoustics and for the circle outline that occupies the lower two-thirds of its U-shaped orchestra. But there is no evidence that plays were performed at Epidaurus, and this theatre may well have been designed for the presentation of some form of healing ceremony.

About 440 bce, Athens became the site of the first documented indoor theatre, the Odeum of Pericles. This was a square building with seating along all four walls and a performance area in the centre. It had a seating capacity of perhaps 4,000 people, though the view of the stage of more than half the audience members would have been obstructed by columns. This was a theatre used more often for poetry recitals, music recitals, political ceremonies, and religious events than for drama. It may, however, have been used for the rehearsal of performances scheduled for the Theatre of Dionysus, which was nearby. Later odea, especially in Roman times, were laid out much like the open-air stone theatres but scaled down to fit inside a much smaller square or rectangular building that was as free as possible of column supports for the roof. These were of the end stage, rather than of the thrust stage, form. The semicircular house and the lower stage were foreshortened to a shallow shape rather than the longer U shape of the outdoor theatres, and most of the performance occurred on the raised stage (pulpitum) along the rear wall.

The first great theatrical construction boom came in the Hellenistic period, when the building of theatres in stone became one way in which cities competed with one another. During this time the house became increasingly ornate, but its basic design, and that of the main stage (orchestra), changed very little. It was the raised stage (logion) and scene building (skene) that underwent radical change. The skene was now typically two stories high. Projecting out from its first story, at about 10 feet (3 metres) above the orchestra, was the raised stage, supported by a row of columns along its front edge (proscenia, from which the English word proscenium is derived). Decorative panels could be fixed between these columns to create a variety of backgrounds for the orchestra. Backgrounds for the raised stage were provided by the second story of the skene, which seems to have had a number of large openings that could be used as entrances, as spaces in which to reveal scenes, and perhaps even as spaces for small sets.

The Romans encountered Greek theatre design as they conquered the Greek colonies of southern Italy between 343 and 341 bce and added Sicily in 241 bce. The start of Roman theatre is usually dated to 240 bce. It was in all ways based on Greek models, though it did not slavishly copy them. For reasons that are not fully understood, the Romans did not immediately build theatres in stone, as the Greeks were doing at a remarkable pace. The Romans built their theatres of wood for a specific festival; when the festival was over, the entire structure was taken down. Gradually these structures became fantastically elaborate. Pliny the Elder reports that, by about 50 bce, wooden theatres with audience capacities of up to 80,000 were being built three stories high, with decorations made of glass, marble, and gilded lumber. Even allowing for considerable exaggeration, these theatres were extraordinary feats of engineering. Stone theatres were gradually built in cities outside Rome in the early part of the 1st century bce, but it was not until 55 bce that a stone theatre was finally erected in the city itself. This was the theatre of Pompey the Great, and it became the model for Roman-built open-air theatres thereafter.

The theatre of Pompey was built on flat ground, using arched substructures (something the Hellenistic Greeks used only on a small scale). These substructures allowed the audience to access several levels of corridors that ran beneath the seating and led to entranceways (vomitoria) that opened out into the seating area itself. The house was much like a traditional Greek theatre except that there was now a covered colonnade running around the uppermost level. This colonnade was broken at the centre by the entrance to a large temple of Venus that projected out behind the theatre. The builders of nearly all subsequent Roman theatres incorporated this upper shaded walkway into their designs, though few found it desirable to include the temple.

Designers of later Roman theatres made use of hillsides so as to reduce the cost of building substructures. But while Greek theatres laid out most of the seating directly onto a hillside, Romans terraced the hillsides and built seating on single-level substructures at each terrace level so that passageways under the seating would still be available. By far the most distinguishing characteristic of the Roman theatres, however, was the redesigned scene building that closed them off from the outside world. In Roman theatres the raised stage (pulpitum) was low, generally only about three feet (one metre) high. It came out almost to the centreline of the orchestra, which was commonly used for additional seating and occasionally used for everything from small-scale gladiatorial combats to water ballets. The raised stage was backed by a scaenae frons that was as tall as the seating area and was divided into at least three stories with a roof extending over the raised stage area from the top level. The parodoi that had separated the house from the scene building in Greek theatres were now covered entranceways, and the entire theatre became an unbroken D shape, much like a traditional odeum. The uniform height created by the scaenae frons and the covered walkway made it possible to stretch large pieces of fabric over whatever part of the audience needed to be shaded from intense sunlight. Roman theatres were sometimes also cooled with sprays of water.

Practically every city of any size either modified its existing Greek theatre or built a new Roman one during the first two centuries of the Roman Empire. So many theatres were built that, by the start of the 3rd century ce, only the colonies of north central Africa and northern Europe lacked new theatres, and that century witnessed construction in those places. As the political stability of the Roman Empire deteriorated, theatres were gradually abandoned. In the four centuries after the collapse of the empire, they were used as stone quarries, and the remains were sometimes used as fortifications.

Theatre design - Ancient, Renaissance, Modern (2024)


What is the difference between ancient theatre and modern theatre? ›

Ancient Greek theatre had minimal props and special effects, whereas modern theatre has extremely advanced and detailed props and special effects. 3. Most Ancient Greek plays had a religious undertone and plot, whereas modern plays have a very wide variety of plots and themes.

What was theatre like in the Renaissance period? ›

There was, of course, no electricity for lighting, so all plays were performed in daylight. Sets and props were bare and basic. A throne, table or bed had to be brought on stage during the action since English Renaissance plays were written to be performed without scene breaks or intermissions.

What is the most significant difference between modern theater and Renaissance theater? ›

Unlike theater today, where theaters perform the same play sometimes for years at a time, the English Renaissance theaters performed different plays each day of the week. So, in a given week an actor could be performing multiple roles in six different plays.

What are the three types of Renaissance theater? ›

The plays were generally of three kinds: contemporary poetic dramas based on ancient texts; Latinized versions of Greek dramas; and the works of Seneca, Terence, and Plautus in the original.

What makes the ancient theater unique? ›

To name a few differences, Greek plays were performed in an outdoor theater, used masks, and were almost always performed by a chorus and three actors (no matter how many speaking characters there were in the play, only three actors were used; the actors would go back stage after playing one character, switch masks and ...

What is the modern theatre style? ›

It refers to theatre that attempts to create a perfect illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies: detailed, three-dimensional settings; everyday speech forms (prose over poetry); a secular world-view (no ghosts, spirits or gods intervening in the human action); an exclusive focus on ...

What were the important architectural changes to the Theatre during the Renaissance? ›

The Italian Renaissance gave birth to many innovations in theater architecture and scene design, including the proscenium arch stage, painted-flat wings and shutters, and Torelli's mechanized pole-and-chariot system.

What are the two features of Renaissance? ›

The Renaissance was a period of major changes in Europe between the 14th and the 17th centuries. Humanism and Scientific temper were its two main features.

What is the difference between medieval and Renaissance theatre? ›

Explanation: Medieval theater was mainly performed in churches and involved mystery plays and miracle plays that depicted biblical stories. Renaissance theater was more on developed more secular themes such as love, humanism, and individuality.

What are some important facts about the Renaissance theatre? ›

Women were banned from performing on stage during the Renaissance. All female roles were played by men, specifically by young boys. Women were only permitted to become actresses during the reign of King Charles II (1630-1685). A costume's key function in Renaissance theatre was to designate a character's class.

What are three differences between the ancient Greek Theatre and modern theaters and plays we see today? ›

Today's theatres share many similarities with the Greek predecessors however they are also very different. There are in fact many differences for example; layout, special effects, seating arrangement, the importance of drama and religion, setting, location and architectural features.

How is ancient Greek theater similar to modern theater? ›

From the early days of storytelling to the first performances honoring Dionysus, we can see how theater grew from its Ancient Greek roots into today's cultural powerhouse. Elements such as masks, costume, and music are, of course, aspects of performance that we widely associate with modern theatrical shows.

What are some examples of Renaissance theaters? ›

The most important theaters which were built in this period were the "Curtain" in 1577, the "Rose" in 1587, the "Swan" in 1595, the "Globe" (Shakespeare's theater) in 1599, the "Fortune" in 1600, and the "Red Bull" in 1605. A few records have survived showing the architecture of the Elizabethan theater.

What are the differences between the theater of the past and present? ›

Other differences consist of seating capacity, in the 1600's the rich sat on balcony's where as the poor had to stand on the floor near the stage. Nowadays everyone is able to sit but you can pay extra for closer seats. In addition back in the 1600's only men were allowed to be actors nowadays anyone one is allowed.

What are some differences between the theatre of Shakespeare's time and the modern theatre? ›

The biggest difference between theatre in Shakespeare's time and theatre today, one that arguably coloured many other aspects of 16th- or 17th-century theatre practice, was that it lacked something modern theatre companies find invaluable: a director.

What are the differences between ancient Elizabethan and modern theatre? ›

The staging of Elizabethan drama was fairly abstract, and did not attempt the realism of the proscenium stage. Although Elizabethan theater had both tragedy and comedy, including short plays called "interludes", there was less diversity of genre and style than is the case with modern drama.

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