There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (2024)

Table of Contents
Where It All Got Wacky What It Means Going Forward Most Popular It's Game, Set, Match for General Hospital's Laura Wright and Wes Ramsey Yellowstone’s Cole Hauser Announces Devastating News: ‘It’s With a Heavy Heart…’ General Hospital's Jason May Be Saving His Biggest Shock for Carly…and Sam…and Liz <p>Stone Cold really <em>was</em> stone-cold for a hot minute in 2012 after he was shot dead by <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Duke Lavery</span> Cesar Faison. But shortly after everyone had gotten done crying over his passing, he turned up with a new face and the same old black T-shirts. <em>That</em> Jason, however, turned out to be his surprise twin brother, Drew Cain. The real one returned again in 2017, only to be killed in a tunnel collapse. It took him a couple of years to dig his way out of the rubble, but in 2024, he dusted himself off and emerged no worse for wear.</p> <p>In 2015, we were told that we could stop holding out for a hero, because Hope Brady’s one true love had succumbed to an inoperable brain tumor. Heck, we even <em>saw</em> him succumb. But we were once again foolishly underestimating the inventiveness of the DiMeras. Seven years later, <em>Beyond Salem</em> revealed that Stefano’s obsessed daughter Megan had managed to resurrect her high-school boyfriend. Who, even after all that time, hadn’t prepared the promposal to end all promposals!</p> <p>Word to the wise: Don’t ever count out Steffy and Thomas Forrester’s mom. In 1994, she was presumed dead following a plane crash (though the amnesiac was really living <span style="text-decoration: line-through">it up</span> with Prince Omar in Morocco). Taylor gave sometime hubby Ridge a sense of deja vu in 2002 when she died in his arms after being fatally shot by Sheila Carter. Sorry — we mean “fatally.”</p> <p>Words Spencer’s father has never uttered: “at the risk of repeating myself.” He doesn’t give a damn if he does the same thing over and over. So, while it may have scarred his son for life, Nikolas spent 2019 faking his death not once (via a fall from a Wyndemere window) but twice (after being shot by Uncle Valentin).</p> <p>See the skeptical look The Mustache is working in this photo? That’s the kind that you — and anyone who knows him — oughta wear whenever he “passes away” again. Twice, the mogul was presumed dead; once, he was <em>declared</em> dead (but was actually in hiding); and once, he faked his own death.</p> <p>Ordinarily, when a person’s heart is removed and transplanted into someone else, it’s “Game Over” for them. Unless, that is, they live in Salem, the setting of as much science fiction as daytime drama. In <em>that</em> case, as happened to Stefan, they might be kept alive-ish with a fake ticker until their twin brother Jake croaked, at which point — voila! — a new heart became available, and everybody just sorta forgot that the character was ever brain dead.</p> <p>Hope Steffy didn’t cash in on her husband’s life insurance policy, ’cause only a month after he was killed — by his gun-crazy biomom, no less! — it was revealed that his adoptive mother was keeping his heart tick-tocking on the off chance that he might bounce back. And by “on the off chance that he might bounce back,” we mean obviously “with a soapy certainty that he would bounce back.”</p> <p>You know the saying about how you can’t keep a good man down? The same is true for a bad woman. Consider: Back in 2015, Ava was shot by Carlos Rivera and plunged from a bridge. But rumors of her death were exaggerated: She survived, only to succumb to cancer. Or so we briefly thought. She kicked the big C’s butt, too, and returned to Port Charles to pick up right where she’d left off stirring the pot.</p> <p>Victor’s chip off the ol’ block was first believed to have kicked the bucket after a confrontation in a car with Billy Abbott led to a wreck and fiery explosion. After Adam returned with a new face, he was presumed doomed again following a cabin explosion courtesy of Chloe Mitchell. Needless to say, he was no deader than you or we are.</p> <p>Third time’s the charm? Not quite. Jack has thrice been presumed dead: once at the hands of the Salem Stalker, once in the jungle and once following an elevator fall. (It could happen!) He’s also disappeared now and again, only to resurface and reunite with true love Jennifer Horton.</p> <p>When queen bee Stephanie says, “You ain’t dying,” face it, ya just ain’t. So although we watched her daughter succumb to cancer, the Forrester matriarch wasn’t having it. She spirited away Felicia, with the faintest of heartbeats, to a private clinic, got her a liver transplant and willed her to live.</p> <p>Like father, like son. Taking after pop Faison, Peter was thought to be so dead that he was stuck in a freezer following a tumble down a flight of stairs. Needless to say, he wasn’t permanently iced, just temporarily chilling. To put him down for good, he had to be whacked by babymama Maxie Jones’ mother, Felicia. Side note: Thanks, Felicia.</p> <p>We saw the body. There was a whole murder mystery built around the vixen’s demise. But it was all much ado about nothing: In 2022, she revealed that, with Deacon Sharpe’s help, she’d faked her own death, then waited years (<em>and</em> years) to buy Jack Abbott’s dead son’s house in hopes of convincing her old flame to help her explain the mess she’d made to their son.</p> <p>After introducing Julian Jerome to his maker in 2020, the Teflon don was sent up the river in a whole new way when a bridge collapsed beneath him. But while his loved ones mourned his passing — and his rivals circled his turf like vultures — Sonny was enjoying a whole new life canoodling with Nina Reeves as Nixon Falls’ sweetheart “Mike.”</p> <p>“It’s the Grim Reaper? Eh, put him on hold.” Salem’s favorite shrink doesn’t answer to him. Sure, back in the late 1980s, she died and stayed dead for a few years (damn you, Orpheus!). But she was no more pushing up daisies then than she was decades later when she was “fatally” shot by the police at the climax of her reign of terror as the Salem Stalker.</p> <p>Though in 2019, the muscle-bound hero was thought to have perished in a plane crash, he was alive and well. Well, except for the whole being-imprisoned-by-Peter-August thing and that one eensie boo-boo.</p> <p>When Sheila Carter stares down at the burning wreckage of an enemy’s car following a life-or-death-but-mostly-death chase, you can generally assume that that character is toast. So, for a while in 2022, we thought that Finn’s adoptive mother had become just the latest in the long line of his biological mother’s victims. “Gotcha!” said the soap. Not only had Li survived, she’d been chilling in the back alley of a restaurant for who knows how long before she was discovered with a “smokin’” new ’do by Bill Spencer.</p> <p>If we had a nickel for every time somebody had tried to off the Cassadine clan’s malevolent matriarch, we’d be as rich as she was. Or should we say <em>is</em>? Sure, she’s supposed to be <em>dead</em>-dead these days, having been poisoned by grandson Nikolas, but we’ll believe it when we… Actually, ya know what? We did see it, and we still don’t believe it!</p> <p>“Lily, whatever you do, avoid bridges!” It was while driving over one in Kenya that it collapsed, sending the ab-fabulous photographer to the kind of death that only lasts a couple of years before you get to come back mad that people didn’t search for you harder or longer.</p> <p>Since only the good die young, the scourge of Port Charles lived to a ripe old age, “dying” twice in boat explosions before treacherous son Peter August ensured that he never recovered from the gunshot wound inflicted by hitman Jason Morgan.</p> <p>It looked grim for the heroine in 1990, when she was suspended over a vat of acid as an explosion rocked the cage in which Ernesto Toscano was holding her prisoner. In fact, it looked so grim for her that true love Bo moved on from his Fancy Face, only to learn years later that she had in common with the proverbial cat more than just one measly life.</p> <p>Don’t bother asking Monica Quartermaine if she can keep a secret: She can. For nearly a decade, she spoke not a word about the fact that, after son A.J. was smothered to death by Dr. Asher Thomas in 2005, she helped revive him and hide him away to avoid prosecution for…Well, let’s be real. A.J. was <em>always</em> guilty of this or that. Ironically, less than two years after he was revealed to be alive, he was killed again, this time by Sonny Corinthos, the mobster who’d so forcefully adopted his son, Michael.</p> <p>Talk about a splashy “exit”! Sick of being hit on by her sometime stepbrother, Hope Logan “helped” him into a vat of acid in 2019. But a relative rookie at playing dead, he didn’t make her freak out for too long before revealing that he had not only survived his dive, he’d done so without the chemicals leaving him scarred for minutes, much less life.</p> <p>More than two decades after the mobster was said to have blown his last “shot” in a struggle over a gun, he turned up alive and, well, handsomer than ever. Which is why, regardless of the fact that we saw the body — in its bad, no less! — we remain suspicious that his subsequent death in 2020 was only a “death.”</p> <p>Keeping up a long-held family tradition of “dying” in air quotes, Nick was thought to have shuffled off this mortal coil back in 2007 when his plane went down. Though no body was recovered, his nearest and dearest still leapt to the conclusion that he was toast.</p> <p>From 1985-2022, Hope Brady slept a little easier thinking that Stefano DiMera’s psycho daughter — well, his <em>other</em> psycho daughter — was dead and buried. But all that time, Bo Brady’s Fancy Face should’ve been sleeping with one eye open. Daddy Dearest, resourceful as ever, hadn’t let Megan’s body grow cold, he’d simply kept it on ice until medicine became modern enough to save her from the injuries that she’d sustained in the exploding hot tub that she’d rigged to kill her romantic rival.</p> <p>Ah, ya never forgot your first “death,” right, kid? The year was 2011, and the son of Elizabeth Webber and <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Jason Morgan</span> Lucky Spencer was accidentally “killed” by his drunk-driving grandpa, Luke. Afterwards, there were tears. There were accusations. And, eventually, there was the reveal that Jake had actually been kidnapped by Helena Cassadine, which at some point should have become all of Port Charles’ go-to guess whenever anybody croaked.</p> <p>The soap-hopping villainess was presumed dead not once but twice on <em>Young and Restless</em> and both times turned up back on <em>Bold & Beautiful</em> to wreak more havoc. Along the way, she’s also disappeared and had extensive plastic surgery — anything to keep her enemies looking over their shoulders! Now we’re supposed to believe that she’s been fatally stabbed by daughter-in-law Steffy Forrester. Thing is, we don’t, and <a href="" target="_blank">as this character would tell ya, neither should you</a>.</p> <p>In 1989, the sharp-dressed made man testified against his “associates,”then played dead to keep them from, let’s say, making his performance <em>extra</em> believable. Soon, he resurfaced with a new face and was killed for real. Or so we thought for more than 20 years. Turned out, the Duke who’d kicked the bucket was a fake. Anna Devane’s <em>true</em> love wouldn’t take the highway to heaven until 2015, when he was fatally shot by hitman Carlos Rivera.</p> <p>So notorious is Salem’s foremost baddie for dying and coming back to life that his nickname is the Phoenix. Heck, once, viewers even saw Stefano’s decayed corpse, yet he <em>still</em> rose from the grave, only to be shot dead by Hope Brady in 2016. And even that didn’t mean that he was <em>gone</em>-gone: He wound up being resurrected again when his “essence” was transplanted into an unwitting Steve Johnson, transforming him into the nefarious “Stevano.”</p> FAQs
  • The Bold and the Beautiful
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Charlie Mason

Saturday, May 28th, 2022

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (1)

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (3)

Sometimes a back-from-the-dead twist means more than just that a character is coming back from the dead.

There was a time when, if The Bold and the Beautiful killed off a character, it was devastating. Impactful. Real. Take, for instance, the death of the soap’s original heroine, Caroline Spencer. Three years after the show debuted, it along with grieving husband Ridge Forrester was rocked to its core by her passing. And though portrayer Joanna Johnson was eventually brought back as surprise twin Karen, Caroline was never raised from the grave.

Well, unless you count as an occasional vision. (We don’t.)

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (2)

Take it from Ridge (then Ronn Moss) and Taylor (then Hunter Tylo): Death’s a hoot!

Credit: Aaron Montgomery/JPI

Where It All Got Wacky

In subsequent years, Bold & Beautiful began to get a bit loosey-goosey with matters of life and death. Taylor Hayes croaked. Twice. Felicia Forrester was said to have kicked the bucket, only for the bucket to turn out to be undented. And we can’t even imagine tallying the number of times that, between this show and The Young and the Restless, Sheila Carter has made a round trip to the hereafter.

More: Sheila’s Get Out of Jail Free card

But now, with the resurrection of Tanner Novlan’s beloved Finn Finnegan, the soap feels like it’s turned a corner. Like it’s saying, “Don’t worry, if a character is popular enough, they’ll only ever die in air quotes.” Which, on the one hand, is lovely. Fans were mighty displeased that Steffy’s husband had traded a stethoscope for a toe tag. On the other, it makes it tough to care what happens.

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (3)

“Best. Nap. Ever.”

Credit: CBS screenshot

What It Means Going Forward

Think about it. Suppose Brooke was killed in a terrible car crash next week. Every character on the show would have a reaction, and we’d be supposed to have one, too. But how could we? Why would we, when we’ve been sent the message that the soap only puts down rugs to pull them out from under us? We’d just sit there twiddling our thumbs waiting for the “shocking reveal” that she’s alive and well and rocking an exceptionally fashionable Band-Aid on a beach somewhere.

More: Fave’s troubling update on her newborn

What are your thoughts? Will Finn’s resurrection make it harder to worry when another character meets their maker? Or are you just glad to have him back? On your way to the comments…

Peruse photos of Finn and more characters who have cheated death in the below photo gallery.

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There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (9)

Image: ABC


<p>Stone Cold really <em>was</em> stone-cold for a hot minute in 2012 after he was shot dead by <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Duke Lavery</span> Cesar Faison. But shortly after everyone had gotten done crying over his passing, he turned up with a new face and the same old black T-shirts. <em>That</em> Jason, however, turned out to be his surprise twin brother, Drew Cain. The real one returned again in 2017, only to be killed in a tunnel collapse. It took him a couple of years to dig his way out of the rubble, but in 2024, he dusted himself off and emerged no worse for wear.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (10)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>In 2015, we were told that we could stop holding out for a hero, because Hope Brady’s one true love had succumbed to an inoperable brain tumor. Heck, we even <em>saw</em> him succumb. But we were once again foolishly underestimating the inventiveness of the DiMeras. Seven years later, <em>Beyond Salem</em> revealed that Stefano’s obsessed daughter Megan had managed to resurrect her high-school boyfriend. Who, even after all that time, hadn’t prepared the promposal to end all promposals!</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (11)

Image: Gilles Toucas/CBS


<p>Word to the wise: Don’t ever count out Steffy and Thomas Forrester’s mom. In 1994, she was presumed dead following a plane crash (though the amnesiac was really living <span style="text-decoration: line-through">it up</span> with Prince Omar in Morocco). Taylor gave sometime hubby Ridge a sense of deja vu in 2002 when she died in his arms after being fatally shot by Sheila Carter. Sorry — we mean “fatally.”</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (12)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p>Words Spencer’s father has never uttered: “at the risk of repeating myself.” He doesn’t give a damn if he does the same thing over and over. So, while it may have scarred his son for life, Nikolas spent 2019 faking his death not once (via a fall from a Wyndemere window) but twice (after being shot by Uncle Valentin).</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (13)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>See the skeptical look The Mustache is working in this photo? That’s the kind that you — and anyone who knows him — oughta wear whenever he “passes away” again. Twice, the mogul was presumed dead; once, he was <em>declared</em> dead (but was actually in hiding); and once, he faked his own death.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (14)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p>Ordinarily, when a person’s heart is removed and transplanted into someone else, it’s “Game Over” for them. Unless, that is, they live in Salem, the setting of as much science fiction as daytime drama. In <em>that</em> case, as happened to Stefan, they might be kept alive-ish with a fake ticker until their twin brother Jake croaked, at which point — voila! — a new heart became available, and everybody just sorta forgot that the character was ever brain dead.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (15)

Image: Sonja Flemming/CBS


<p>Hope Steffy didn’t cash in on her husband’s life insurance policy, ’cause only a month after he was killed — by his gun-crazy biomom, no less! — it was revealed that his adoptive mother was keeping his heart tick-tocking on the off chance that he might bounce back. And by “on the off chance that he might bounce back,” we mean obviously “with a soapy certainty that he would bounce back.”</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (16)

Image: ABC


<p>You know the saying about how you can’t keep a good man down? The same is true for a bad woman. Consider: Back in 2015, Ava was shot by Carlos Rivera and plunged from a bridge. But rumors of her death were exaggerated: She survived, only to succumb to cancer. Or so we briefly thought. She kicked the big C’s butt, too, and returned to Port Charles to pick up right where she’d left off stirring the pot.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (17)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Victor’s chip off the ol’ block was first believed to have kicked the bucket after a confrontation in a car with Billy Abbott led to a wreck and fiery explosion. After Adam returned with a new face, he was presumed doomed again following a cabin explosion courtesy of Chloe Mitchell. Needless to say, he was no deader than you or we are.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (18)

Image: Chris Haston/NBC


<p>Third time’s the charm? Not quite. Jack has thrice been presumed dead: once at the hands of the Salem Stalker, once in the jungle and once following an elevator fall. (It could happen!) He’s also disappeared now and again, only to resurface and reunite with true love Jennifer Horton.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (19)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>When queen bee Stephanie says, “You ain’t dying,” face it, ya just ain’t. So although we watched her daughter succumb to cancer, the Forrester matriarch wasn’t having it. She spirited away Felicia, with the faintest of heartbeats, to a private clinic, got her a liver transplant and willed her to live.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (20)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p>Like father, like son. Taking after pop Faison, Peter was thought to be so dead that he was stuck in a freezer following a tumble down a flight of stairs. Needless to say, he wasn’t permanently iced, just temporarily chilling. To put him down for good, he had to be whacked by babymama Maxie Jones’ mother, Felicia. Side note: Thanks, Felicia.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (21)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>We saw the body. There was a whole murder mystery built around the vixen’s demise. But it was all much ado about nothing: In 2022, she revealed that, with Deacon Sharpe’s help, she’d faked her own death, then waited years (<em>and</em> years) to buy Jack Abbott’s dead son’s house in hopes of convincing her old flame to help her explain the mess she’d made to their son.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (22)

Image: ABC


<p>After introducing Julian Jerome to his maker in 2020, the Teflon don was sent up the river in a whole new way when a bridge collapsed beneath him. But while his loved ones mourned his passing — and his rivals circled his turf like vultures — Sonny was enjoying a whole new life canoodling with Nina Reeves as Nixon Falls’ sweetheart “Mike.”</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (23)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p>“It’s the Grim Reaper? Eh, put him on hold.” Salem’s favorite shrink doesn’t answer to him. Sure, back in the late 1980s, she died and stayed dead for a few years (damn you, Orpheus!). But she was no more pushing up daisies then than she was decades later when she was “fatally” shot by the police at the climax of her reign of terror as the Salem Stalker.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (24)

Image: ABC


<p>Though in 2019, the muscle-bound hero was thought to have perished in a plane crash, he was alive and well. Well, except for the whole being-imprisoned-by-Peter-August thing and that one eensie boo-boo.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (25)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>When Sheila Carter stares down at the burning wreckage of an enemy’s car following a life-or-death-but-mostly-death chase, you can generally assume that that character is toast. So, for a while in 2022, we thought that Finn’s adoptive mother had become just the latest in the long line of his biological mother’s victims. “Gotcha!” said the soap. Not only had Li survived, she’d been chilling in the back alley of a restaurant for who knows how long before she was discovered with a “smokin’” new ’do by Bill Spencer.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (26)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>If we had a nickel for every time somebody had tried to off the Cassadine clan’s malevolent matriarch, we’d be as rich as she was. Or should we say <em>is</em>? Sure, she’s supposed to be <em>dead</em>-dead these days, having been poisoned by grandson Nikolas, but we’ll believe it when we… Actually, ya know what? We did see it, and we still don’t believe it!</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (27)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>“Lily, whatever you do, avoid bridges!” It was while driving over one in Kenya that it collapsed, sending the ab-fabulous photographer to the kind of death that only lasts a couple of years before you get to come back mad that people didn’t search for you harder or longer.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (28)

Image: Paul Skipper/JPI


<p>Since only the good die young, the scourge of Port Charles lived to a ripe old age, “dying” twice in boat explosions before treacherous son Peter August ensured that he never recovered from the gunshot wound inflicted by hitman Jason Morgan.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (29)

Image: John Paschal/JPI


<p>It looked grim for the heroine in 1990, when she was suspended over a vat of acid as an explosion rocked the cage in which Ernesto Toscano was holding her prisoner. In fact, it looked so grim for her that true love Bo moved on from his Fancy Face, only to learn years later that she had in common with the proverbial cat more than just one measly life.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (30)

Image: Paul Skipper/JPI


<p>Don’t bother asking Monica Quartermaine if she can keep a secret: She can. For nearly a decade, she spoke not a word about the fact that, after son A.J. was smothered to death by Dr. Asher Thomas in 2005, she helped revive him and hide him away to avoid prosecution for…Well, let’s be real. A.J. was <em>always</em> guilty of this or that. Ironically, less than two years after he was revealed to be alive, he was killed again, this time by Sonny Corinthos, the mobster who’d so forcefully adopted his son, Michael.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (31)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Talk about a splashy “exit”! Sick of being hit on by her sometime stepbrother, Hope Logan “helped” him into a vat of acid in 2019. But a relative rookie at playing dead, he didn’t make her freak out for too long before revealing that he had not only survived his dive, he’d done so without the chemicals leaving him scarred for minutes, much less life.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (32)

Image: Aaron Montgomery/JPI


<p>More than two decades after the mobster was said to have blown his last “shot” in a struggle over a gun, he turned up alive and, well, handsomer than ever. Which is why, regardless of the fact that we saw the body — in its bad, no less! — we remain suspicious that his subsequent death in 2020 was only a “death.”</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (33)

Image: John Paschal/JPI


<p>Keeping up a long-held family tradition of “dying” in air quotes, Nick was thought to have shuffled off this mortal coil back in 2007 when his plane went down. Though no body was recovered, his nearest and dearest still leapt to the conclusion that he was toast.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (34)

Image: Peaco*ck screenshot


<p>From 1985-2022, Hope Brady slept a little easier thinking that Stefano DiMera’s psycho daughter — well, his <em>other</em> psycho daughter — was dead and buried. But all that time, Bo Brady’s Fancy Face should’ve been sleeping with one eye open. Daddy Dearest, resourceful as ever, hadn’t let Megan’s body grow cold, he’d simply kept it on ice until medicine became modern enough to save her from the injuries that she’d sustained in the exploding hot tub that she’d rigged to kill her romantic rival.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (35)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p>Ah, ya never forgot your first “death,” right, kid? The year was 2011, and the son of Elizabeth Webber and <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Jason Morgan</span> Lucky Spencer was accidentally “killed” by his drunk-driving grandpa, Luke. Afterwards, there were tears. There were accusations. And, eventually, there was the reveal that Jake had actually been kidnapped by Helena Cassadine, which at some point should have become all of Port Charles’ go-to guess whenever anybody croaked.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (36)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>The soap-hopping villainess was presumed dead not once but twice on <em>Young and Restless</em> and both times turned up back on <em>Bold & Beautiful</em> to wreak more havoc. Along the way, she’s also disappeared and had extensive plastic surgery — anything to keep her enemies looking over their shoulders! Now we’re supposed to believe that she’s been fatally stabbed by daughter-in-law Steffy Forrester. Thing is, we don’t, and <a href="" target="_blank">as this character would tell ya, neither should you</a>.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (37)

Image: Sean Smith/JPI


<p>In 1989, the sharp-dressed made man testified against his “associates,”then played dead to keep them from, let’s say, making his performance <em>extra</em> believable. Soon, he resurfaced with a new face and was killed for real. Or so we thought for more than 20 years. Turned out, the Duke who’d kicked the bucket was a fake. Anna Devane’s <em>true</em> love wouldn’t take the highway to heaven until 2015, when he was fatally shot by hitman Carlos Rivera.</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (38)

Image: Paul Skipper/JPI


<p>So notorious is Salem’s foremost baddie for dying and coming back to life that his nickname is the Phoenix. Heck, once, viewers even saw Stefano’s decayed corpse, yet he <em>still</em> rose from the grave, only to be shot dead by Hope Brady in 2016. And even that didn’t mean that he was <em>gone</em>-gone: He wound up being resurrected again when his “essence” was transplanted into an unwitting Steve Johnson, transforming him into the nefarious “Stevano.”</p>

There’s a Hidden Message Inside Bold & Beautiful’s Resurrection of Finn — and It’s a Real Game-Changer (2024)


How did Finn come back in bold and beautiful? ›

Novlan re-appeared on the series in the episode dated May 23, when Finn was revealed to be alive, in a coma, to the viewers. On that same day, Novlan revealed during a segment of The Talk, that he had never actually left the series and had to keep Finn's resurrection a secret.

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In the design office, Katie muses that she doesn't know Poppy very well, but with Li administering the test, at least they know the truth will come out. At Bill's place, he gushes over his beautiful daughter. A tearful Poppy tells Luna she finally got her answer. “Bill is your father.”

Is Finn Still Alive in Bold and Beautiful? ›

Audiences were shocked by Finn's fake death on The Bold and the Beautiful, sparking petitions for his return. Tanner Novlan's portrayal of Finn earned critical acclaim, showcasing his range and emotional depth. Despite a dramatic death scene, Finn returned to the show, with Novlan keeping the resurrection a secret.

Who is Poppy in Bold and Beautiful? ›

Poppy Nozawa, played by Romy Park, made her first appearance on October 6, 2023.

Is Finn still alive in The 100? ›

It seems like forever ago that Finn Collins was part of The 100. He died during season 2; by that point, the loss of the character wasn't exactly heartbreaking. After all, in his desire to find Clarke, he massacred over a dozen unarmed Grounders.

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In An Old Friend Calls, Finn is resurrected as an Original vampire, though Freya believes his return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix their family's broken relationship.

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Rj is the son of Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye).

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In December (1989) the writers finally cleared up Ridge's conscience and finally made a decision in favor of Caroline, the unhappy wife of his brother Thorne," not knowing that after years of turmoil Brooke would emerge as his true love (even after another woman, Taylor Hayes, had a life with Ridge).

Who is Ridge's brother? ›

Thorne Forrester is the younger and only biological son of Eric and Stephanie Forrester. Thorne is raised in Beverly Hills with his siblings, Ridge (Ronn Moss), Kristen, and Felicia Forrester.

How old is Steffy on Bold and Beautiful? ›

Steffy Forrester Spencer
BornSeptember 21, 1989 (SORAS birthdate) September 21, 1999 (on-screen birthdate)
Age(29) 2-12-19
OccupationBusinesswoman President of Forrester Creation
13 more rows

Who is the new Finn on Bold and Beautiful? ›

Poor Finn (Tanner Novlan). He's the king of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Is Luna Bill's daughter? ›

It's A Girl! Surprise children are nothing new to Bill Spencer — he learned that both Wyatt (Darin Brooks) and Liam (Scott Clifton) were his sons — but this time, Bill's gotten a daughter in Lisa Yamada's Luna. “I was thrilled,” Diamont tells Soap Hub about discovering that Luna is Bill's daughter.

What is Poppy's secret on Bold and Beautiful? ›

We've already figured out that Poppy may have been sleeping with multiple men — including Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) and Li's husband — around the time that Luna was conceived.

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Lisa Yamada - The Bold and the Beautiful Cast Member.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.