These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (2024)

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These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (1)

  • May 18 2022

These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (2)

These are young people’s top 15 hobbies…


  • Sports is Gen Z and Millennials’ top hobby
  • Gen Z is more likely than Millennials to say gaming and dance are top hobbies
  • Art and music are also top hobbies for both gens, who prize creativity

You already know that COVID shifted Gen Z and Millennials’ hobbies, with many of them getting into activities that were comforting and quarantine-approved. But after two years, Gen Z and Millennials are getting more comfortable getting back to some of their pre-pandemic activities. So, will their biggest hobbies shift again?

YPulse’s hobbies and passions behavioral survey dives into how young people are spending their time, the hobbies they have and what benefits they provide, and how brands can appeal to young consumers through these passions. We asked 13-39-year-olds, “What is your biggest hobby?” and today we’re looking at the top responses for Gen Z and Millennials:

These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (3)

Sports is the top hobby among Gen Z and Millennials
While these generations have a reputation for not caring about sports as much as previous gens, our recent sports and athletics report found that 63% of 13-39-year-olds consider themselves a sports fan, and our Scouting Next Gen Sports Fans report explored that interest in depth. Though Gen Z is less likely to be into sports, the reality is that the majority still consider themselves fans, and sports are clearly a part of many of their lives. When we asked this question last year, gaming was the top hobby for Gen Z and Millennials—but it went down one spot for Gen Z and a few more spots for Millennialsto take the top spot for both gens this year. With sporting events back in full swing in 2022, young people’s interest in sports seems to have gone back up.

Gen Z is more likely than Millennials to say gaming is a top hobby
Even though gaming went down a spot for Gen Z, it’s still clearly a passion for them, and one of their biggest hobbies. YPulse’s recent gaming research found that 96% of 13-39-year-olds play video games in some capacity. In the last two years, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Fall Guys, and Among Us became some of the most popular video games, while popular platforms like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox surged even more in popularity especially as they moved beyond gaming and into other livestreamable events. Gaming is more than passive entertainment to this generation. YPulse data shows that video games top the ranking of places that Gen Z finds community outside their family and friends, and our gaming data shows they are hanging out with friends in games that they play and the majority say video games help them to be social . So, while they might not be gaming as much as they were during the peak of the pandemic, gaming is still a huge driver of this generation’s behavior, a way for them to escape, and to connect.

Gen Z is much more likely than Millennials to say dance is a top hobby
Art and Music / Playing an instrument are top hobbies for Gen Z and Millennials that are included in both their top five rankings. Both are obviously creative hobbies, and our New Content Creators trend research found that the majority say creativity is an important equality. But Gen Z is more likely than Millennials to say dance is a top hobby. Of course, dance challenges and trends have been a major part of TikTok, an app which is significantly more popular among Gen Z, so it makes sense that the younger gen would be more into this hobby as well. In fact, 68% of Gen Z say they create content for a broader audience beyond their family and friends, and nearly one in five say that dancing is part of the content that they post.

Watching TV/Netflix as a hobby has dropped in popularity since last year
One notable thing about Gen Z and Millennials’ hobby rankings is that they’re less likely to name watching TV / Netflix as a hobby compared to last year. While gaming and other indoor hobbies like art and music / playing an instrument still break the top five list, active and outdoor hobbies are ranking higher this year than last, while some screen time-focused hobbies moved down. Outdoor activity, for instance, is higher for Gen Z and Millennials this year than watching TV / Netflix. This suggests that as young consumers get more comfortable going out again, the hobbies they’re into are in fact shifting again. Though screen-based activities continue to take up huge amounts of their time, they’re making more room for out-of-home pastimes and passions as they move forward.

YPulse Business users can access the full hobbies and passions behavioral report and data here.

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These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (4)

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These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse (2024)


These Are Gen Z’s 15 Biggest Hobbies - YPulse? ›

According to Morning Consult's survey, YouTube is the most-used platform for Gen Z — with 88% spending their time on the app: Coming in at the number two spot is Instagram at 76% — hinting that the platform isn't “over.”

What do Gen Z like the most? ›

Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy sustainable, high-quality, products. 73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, according to a report from First Insight. They value personalised products and are often drawn to brands that share their point of view on political issues.

What are Gen Y hobbies? ›

Among other popular hobbies there are: crafting, dancing, sewing or knitting, travelling, movies, photography, shopping and different outdoor activities, such as hiking and running.

What do Gen Z's do for fun? ›

And it looks like Gen Z is indeed shaping up to be a homebody generation as well: Looking at their favorite activities by age, 13-18-year-olds are the most likely to say they “go out with friends” for fun in an average night, but playing video or mobile tops their list, followed by watching TV or movies.

What is Gen Z popular for? ›

Gen Zers are known for working, shopping, dating, and making friends online; in Asia, Gen Zers spend six or more hours per day on their phones. Digital natives often turn to the internet when looking for any kind of information, including news and reviews prior to making a purchase.

What is the lifestyle of Gen Z? ›

You'll find that they are quite different from the previous generations. Gen Z prioritises positive relationships, work-life balance, schedule flexibility, and job stability. 90% of them want human interaction at work and direct communication from their co-workers.

What does Gen Z struggle with the most? ›

'Devastating – economically, socially and much more'

In the short term, Gen Z's stress is leading to ambivalence and withdrawal in their professional lives. According to 2022 data from Gallup, they are the most disengaged group at work. They also report more overall stress and work-related burnout than other cohorts.

What sport does Gen Z like? ›

Most popular sports among Generation Z in the United States as of November 2022
CharacteristicShare of respondents who identified as either “avid” or “casual” fans
College football41%
College basketball34%
6 more rows
Mar 9, 2023

What are Gen Z excited about? ›

Gen-Z is driven by their passionate desire for a better world. While they pursue happiness through new, tech-mediated experiences and social networks, the things that reflect their present state of happiness have little to do with technology.

What hobbies are popular? ›

"Cooking & baking" and "Reading" are the top 2 answers among U.S. consumers in our survey on the subject of "Most popular hobbies & activities". The survey was conducted online among 59,934 respondents in the United States, in 2022.

What does Gen Z spend their money on? ›

What do Gen Z spend money on?
Type of spendingPercentage
Household bills and expenses52.34%
Clothes and accessories44.07%
Going out/entertainment37.49%
Food delivery/eating out36.99%
10 more rows

Where do Gen Z like to hang out? ›

Social media platforms, video games, and social media groups are the top places that young people are finding community overall—but Gen Z and Millennials' top responses are not the same.

What benefits do Gen Z want? ›

What does Generation Z want in the workplace?
  • Flexibility and work-life balance. Gen Zers value flexibility and a work-life balance above all else. ...
  • Opportunities for professional development. ...
  • Diversity and inclusion. ...
  • Modern hiring processes. ...
  • Health reimbursem*nt arrangements (HRAs) ...
  • Health stipend.
Mar 30, 2022

What are 3 things about Gen Z? ›

Characteristics of Generation Z
  • They're money-driven and ambitious.
  • They love to travel.
  • They're prone to anxiety.
  • They're known to set boundaries.
  • They're avid gamers.
  • They're nostalgic.
  • They use social media in a unique way.
Feb 15, 2023

What are Gen Z savings habits? ›

Gen Z Is Saving Money

Of those surveyed, 69.1% are currently saving some amount of money. And within that group, 56.4% are putting money away for their first home. It makes sense that this demographic has prioritized saving for a house.

What is the common behavior of Gen Z? ›

They are pragmatic and value direct communication, authenticity and relevance. They also value self-care. They may be more likely than older people were when they were the age of the Gen Zers to question rules and authority because they are so used to finding what they need on their own.

What mental issue does Gen Z have? ›

According to a February 2022 Ogilvy study, 70% of Gen-Zers say their mental health needs the most attention or improvement. And an American Psychological Association report found that Gen-Z is more likely to report mental health concerns than any other demographic group.

What is Gen Z weakness? ›

They're impulsive. Another weakness of Gen Z is that they can be quite impulsive. With instant gratification being so easily accessible, this generation has difficulty waiting for anything. They want what they want and they want it now!

Does Gen Z have a poor mental health? ›

In most surveyed countries, a higher proportion of Gen Z respondents said their mental health was poor or very poor when compared with other dimensions of health (16 percent in Gen Z and 7 percent for baby boomers).

What is Gen Z biggest fear? ›

Students fear a lack of finances and fulfilment

The greatest fears for Generation Z centre on not achieving their hopes and dreams for the future.

What animals do Gen Z like? ›

Gen. Z's favorite aquarium animals are sharks, followed by dolphins, turtles, and jellyfish.

What cities do Gen Z like? ›

Top Cities Where Gen Z Is Moving
CityMoved In1
1Washington, D.C.22,471
2Columbia, SC12,228
3Boston, MA17,237
4Atlanta, GA10,367
6 more rows
Mar 29, 2023

Does Gen Z prefer in person? ›

The study found that about half (49%) of millennials surveyed want to work fully remote, whereas only 27% of Generation Z (Gen Zers) feel the same way; they're much more likely than average “to be seeking in-person” work opportunities.

What are the 4 main hobbies? ›

If those answers are "anxious" and "no," respectively, there's good news: Lucht says there are four types of hobbies to explore: physical, cerebral, creative, and community or service-oriented.

What is the rarest hobby? ›

Here is a list of the most unusual hobbies we found:
  • Newsraiding. ...
  • Extreme Ironing. ...
  • Stone skipping. ...
  • Geocaching. ...
  • Suing. ...
  • Element Collecting. You collect elements from the periodic table. ...
  • Competitive duck herding. Yes competitive duck herding is a hobby. ...
  • Toy Voyaging. Do you have a toy that needs a vacation?
Jul 2, 2020

What are the 5 hobbies you should keep? ›

Walk, swim, rollerblade, dance, hike, trampoline or just wiggle, but get that body moving. Healthy living is part of having a balanced life and with so many options to choose from these days there is something for everyone.

How does Gen Z like to spend their time? ›

They're the only age group to already spend under an hour per day watching, and much of that time is spent browsing the internet at the same time. Instead, Gen Zers' TV time is headed to social media—which includes digital video—where they spend the bulk of their time with media.

What the most popular hobbies among youngsters are? ›

Here are an additional 40 hobbies for teens
  1. Photography. Capturing the world around you can be one of the best hobbies for teenagers. ...
  2. Hiking or camping. ...
  3. Fishing. ...
  4. Model building. ...
  5. Collecting. ...
  6. Watching movies. ...
  7. Skateboarding or rollerblading. ...
  8. Horseback riding.

What issues are Gen Z most passionate about? ›

Animal rights and education are new to their top causes

Our data shows Gen Z is more likely to say this is an issue they're passionate about right now (28%) than Millennials (22%), likely because the majority are currently in the education system, whereas few Millennials are still in school.

What are the top 3 things Gen Z spend their money on? ›

Generation Z spends an outsized portion of their income on eating out, mobile devices, transportation and housing.

What is Gen Z buying the most of? ›

According to a recent survey of Gen Z's shopping habits, the top products consumers in this age group (defined as those aged 18 to 24) purchase online are those in the clothing and shoes category. As many as 65% of Gen Z shoppers—or close to two in three—say they get these items over the internet.

What is Gen Z biggest concern? ›

Mental health is another important issue for Gen Z. Due to the high demands of modern life, this generation is more prone to anxiety and stress than any other before it. In response, members of Gen Z are working to destigmatize mental health issues and break down barriers to seeking help.

What motivates Gen Z generation? ›

Gen Z is often motivated by a sense of purpose and may be drawn to jobs and companies that align with their personal values and beliefs. As a manager, you can help motivate your Gen Z employees by ensuring that their work is meaningful and has a positive impact on others.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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