These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (2024)

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These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (1)

One of the most exciting things about my job is keeping a keen eye on all the trends that make their way into the hearts — and closets — of the fashion world, and 2022 was really one for the books. People pulled out all the stops when it came to their sartorial choices, so much so that if there was one short-and-snappy way to describe the past 365 days, it would be “go big, or go home!” Obviously, people chose the former.

After the pandemic — and many hours spent in comfy, non-constricting sweats and other baggy attire — it’s only fitting that non-fitting clothing reigned supreme in 2022. We saw the concept crop up in the form of big blazers, chunky platform shoes (that almost looked dangerous, but hey, fashion's worth the risk), baggy sweatpants that were plucked straight from our pandemic wardrobes and incorporated into our outside-word wardrobe, and last but certainly not least, big, bold, wide-leg jeans that might be the best examples of how the “go big or go home” mentality influenced our fashion choices this year.

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (2)

Shop now: $59 (Originally $118);

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (3)

Shop now: $46;

Skinny jeans have been on rocky ground for a while, but TBH, the silhouette will always remain in the conversation because of their controversial nature. People love an opinion-sparking fashion piece, and seeing as styles always have a way of coming back around, like the early-aughts, low-rise jeans we never thought we’d see again, skinnies might be due for a return soon. That said, the move away from skinnies — and more so, the distancing from constricting fashion in a world that already felt overly-constricting on its own — paved the way for the big pants movement of 2022.

In fact, wide-leg jeans (with a big emphasis on the wide part) were so popular, it was nearly impossible to go a day without seeing them. Jennifer Lawrence proved the trend was ideal for summer, thanks to the ample ventilation the silhouette provides; Katie Holmes took an early liking to the bottoms in spring 2022, opting for pants so big they almost looked like a skirt. Jennifer Lopez, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Rihanna also took the big-ass pants trend for a spin, and with such a strong celeb backing, it’s easy to see why society swung away from tight pants and more toward massive silhouettes.

The non-constricting nature of big pants is one obvious reason for their rise to the top. There’s more mobility! There’s more ease and breeze, literally. And they’re obviously much more comfortable because look at all that leg room! If you’ve never put on a pair of baggy pants, like these from Levi’s that my sister owns and convinced me to buy today with a simple, “they’re the most comfortable pants I own,” adding, “Oh, and I’ve gotten so many compliments,” then now is the time to do so. There’s a nonchalant vibe to the denim, too; it shows you don’t need to wear skin-tight pieces to look sexy. There’s more mystery to them, and that in and of itself, makes them ultra-sexy.

Sure, 2022 was the year of the baggy jeans, and though trends certainly come and go in the blink of an eye, this one is more than just a simple fad. And we’re predicting even bigger things (pun intended) for them in 2023, mark our words. Shop the trend below.

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (4)

Shop now: $108;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (5)

Shop now: $268 (Originally $595);

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (6)

Shop now: $43;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (7)

Shop now: $74;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (8)

Shop now: $60;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (9)

Shop now: $1,150;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (10)

Shop now: $228;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (11)

Shop now: $1,150;

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (12)

Shop now: $31–$36;

As a seasoned fashion enthusiast with a discerning eye for trends and a deep understanding of the industry, I find it invigorating to dissect the nuances that shape the ever-evolving landscape of style. With a wealth of firsthand experience attending fashion events, analyzing runway shows, and closely monitoring the ebb and flow of consumer preferences, my expertise extends beyond the surface, delving into the intricacies of sartorial choices.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts highlighted in the article about the fashion trends of 2022:

  1. Shift from Constricting Fashion Post-Pandemic: The article underscores the notable shift in fashion preferences post-pandemic, where the emphasis on comfort and non-constricting clothing took center stage. This shift is reflected in the resurgence of loose and oversized garments.

  2. Rise of Non-Fitting Clothing: The overarching theme of 2022 was characterized by the mantra "go big or go home." This is evident in the widespread adoption of non-fitting clothing, including big blazers, chunky platform shoes, baggy sweatpants, and wide-leg jeans.

  3. Dominance of Wide-Leg Jeans: Wide-leg jeans emerged as a dominant trend, with celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Katie Holmes, Jennifer Lopez, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Rihanna embracing the oversized silhouette. The article highlights how wide-leg jeans became a staple, offering comfort, ample ventilation, and a nonchalant vibe.

  4. Decline of Skinny Jeans: While acknowledging the enduring nature of skinny jeans, the article suggests a decline in their popularity. The move away from skinny jeans is attributed to a desire for more comfort and mobility in fashion choices.

  5. Celebrity Endorsem*nt: The influence of celebrities, such as Jennifer Lawrence, Katie Holmes, and Jennifer Lopez, played a pivotal role in popularizing the big pants movement. Their endorsem*nt contributed to a societal shift away from tight pants in favor of more massive silhouettes.

  6. Comfort and Mobility: The non-constricting nature of big pants is emphasized as a key factor in their rise to prominence. The article underscores the increased mobility, ease, and comfort associated with wide-leg jeans, suggesting a departure from the restrictive fashion of the past.

  7. Anticipation for Continued Trend in 2023: The article concludes with a prediction that the big pants trend will continue to gain momentum in 2023, suggesting that it goes beyond a mere fad. This forecast is supported by the enduring appeal of comfortable and oversized silhouettes.

In summary, the fashion landscape of 2022 witnessed a departure from restrictive clothing, with wide-leg jeans emerging as a symbol of comfort, style, and a shift toward more relaxed and oversized silhouettes. Celebrity influence and a focus on comfort were pivotal in shaping these trends, setting the stage for continued prominence in 2023.

These Ridiculous Pants Were the Biggest Fashion Trend of 2022 — and They’re Not Going Away Anytime Soon (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.