Think you know gen Z? Here’s what they want from brands in 2023 (2024)

Emily Lowes of agency Raptor looks at what will impact the attitudes, behaviors and priorities of our next generation of leaders: generation Z.

In our latest insights report ‘Introducing Gen Z’, we at Raptor conducted several focus groups with our network of over 5,000 students to find out exactly what they really care about going into the new year. We uncovered findings in five key areas: social media, dating and relationships, alcohol, music, and fashion.

Social media

Gen Zers are addicts when it comes to social media and live much of their lives through their digital devices, spending a shocking 10.6 hours engaging with online content every day. Social media is one of the biggest influences on their lives.

However, they are not susceptible to everything they see online. Despite being dubbed the digital native generation, they can spot when something is ‘off’. They are growing tired of brand marketing campaigns that fail to show the reality of the world they live in and the use of inauthentic influencer ads to push products onto their timeline.

Raptor found that brands are grouping all gen Zers together into a single stereotype, failing to recognize sub-cultural nuances between different groups. In 2023, gen Zers are hoping that brands start to recognize them as individuals. Brands should also make an effort to understand the variations in style, interests, hobbies, political beliefs and principles that exist among them.

Dating & relationships

There is a common misconception that dating for younger generations is easy with the rise of dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble. Our focus group reveals, though, that the apps have only made dating more sporadic, creating new categories like ‘situationships’, unrealized relationships, and lack of meaningful connections.

Most students agreed that they were unable to name any brands that supported them when it came to sexual health and safety.

This year, gen Z are looking for brands that really understand the struggles of dating and the different ways they can support them to make it a positive experience. Over the past year we’ve seen apps like Tinder delve into student relationships on campus, allowing students to match with other students, narrowing the search field to what gen Z want to see: people like them.



British drinking culture has changed. We’ve even seen café culture's growing popularity, as gen Z re-evaluates its priorities around alcohol consumption.

Our study supported the premise that gen Zs are changing their opinions of alcohol. This is happening for a number of reasons: 46% agreed their online image was always at the back of their mind; others said their priorities had shifted to work/university performance. 86% believed there are risks to physical and mental health which are more important. They are now drinking to improve social events, not to get drunk.

2023 will see a decrease in gen Z's presence in clubs and bars, and an increase in experiential alcohol events that they can engage with. There is an obvious association between alcohol and music, but brands can be smart by focusing more on the music (a great successful example of this is Budweiser’s Boiler Room collaboration).

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Gen Z faces several dilemmas when deciding where to shop for new clothes. Among them: whether to shop cheaply or ethically.

Most of those in our focus group agreed that they are more ethically conscious than other generations. But they also agreed that ethically-conscious consumption remains difficult, as sustainable clothes are yet to match the price point of fast fashion. That's a huge sticking point for gen Zs that are on a budget.

Despite secondhand marketplaces like Vinted and Depop becoming a huge hit with those seeking sustainable steals, there remain issues around reliability. For example, influencers continue to promote new collections with fast fashion brands, influencing gen Z into less sustainable shopping habits.

Gen Z wants to see competitive prices for sustainable products, and to be able to purchase them before they become obsolete, without being ripped off and before they're sold for a fraction of the price by a fast fashion brand. This generation craves authentic eco-friendly marketing strategies from brands that want to make a difference. Love Island’s recent partnership with eBay was a good example of this.

Brands, stop generalizing gen Z

There is an opportunity this year for brands to get to the heart of what gen Z really cares about. In doing so, brands will open themselves to a whole new demographic composed of many sub-cultural nuances. Gen Zers don’t want to see brands targeting them with a one-size-fits-all approach. They want to be recognized for their complexities, differences, needs and anxieties, and supported in a meaningful way.

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Think you know gen Z? Here’s what they want from brands in 2023 (1)

Think you know gen Z? Here’s what they want from brands in 2023 (2024)


Think you know gen Z? Here’s what they want from brands in 2023? ›

In 2023, gen Zers are hoping that brands start to recognize them as individuals. Brands should also make an effort to understand the variations in style, interests, hobbies, political beliefs and principles that exist among them.

What does Gen Z want from brands right now? ›

Gen Zers are known for their social responsibility, dedication to social and political issues, and their demand for authenticity when it comes to brands and advertising. 53% of US Gen Zers want brands they shop at to support mental health, more than any other cause, according to a survey from ICSC and Big Village.

What is Gen Z's favorite clothing brand in 2023? ›

When it comes to clothing and shoes, one brand stands head and shoulders above the rest—Nike. A staggering 35% of Gen Z teens favor Nike in clothing, making it the top choice. In the shoe department, Nike's dominance is even more pronounced, securing a remarkable 61% popularity among teens.

What is Gen Z's favorite brand? ›

One Company Tops Gen Z's Favorite Brands

The study found that Nike dominated the rankings by a landslide. It was the runaway favorite brand for all teens in both clothing and shoes. In clothing, Nike was the preferred brand for 35% of those polled, followed by Lululemon and American Eagle at 6% and 4% respectively.

What brands are catching Gen Z attention? ›

Hermès tops the latest Ad Age-Harris Poll Gen Z brand tracker, while Cartier came in ninth. The tracker ranks brands that made significant progress in gaining attention from Gen Z in the first quarter of 2024. Other brands cracking the top five are Peppa Pig, Firehouse Subs, Coinbase and StubHub.

Why is Gen Z obsessed with brands? ›

As Gen Z craves comfort, connection and a time free from the pressure to be “better,” brands can deliver unique experiences that authentically capitalize on these desires while securing an engaged audience. If brands offer nostalgic product experiences, Gen Z will be more likely to embrace them with their own twist.

What does Gen Z value most in brands? ›

Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity

One of the defining characteristics of Gen Z is their commitment to diversity, authenticity, and inclusivity. They are passionate advocates for social justice and equality, and they expect the same values from the brands they support.

What products do Gen Z buy the most? ›

According to Klarna, the products that Gen Z shoppers spend on the most are clothing and shoes, groceries, beauty products, electronics, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, home and garden accessories, and automobile parts or accessories, among others.

What do Gen Z want from products? ›

73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, according to a report from First Insight. They value personalised products and are often drawn to brands that share their point of view on political issues.

What clothing does Gen Z like? ›

Gen Z prefers comfortable and expressive clothing like loose-fitting jeans, crop tops, and oversized pieces. Born between 1997 and the early 2010s, Gen Z accounts for 30% of the world's population.

What candy does Gen Z prefer? ›

M&Ms, Skittles, Snickers, and Hershey Company also maintain their positions as beloved classics among Gen Z. Twizzlers, with its distinctive chewy texture, finds its place among the top candies enjoyed by this young generation.

What does Gen Z want from luxury brands? ›

Gen Z-ers are immune to traditional advertising. Authenticity and social impact make a difference. They want to feel a genuine connection when engaging with brands and these outspoken luxury and fashion shoppers are not afraid to voice concerns.

What is the luxury trend in Gen Z? ›

Gen Z consumers are also entering the luxury market earlier, purchasing high-end goods — everything from beauty products to designer shoes and purses — by age 15 on average, three to five years earlier than Millennials did.

What products does Gen Z love? ›

Gen Z teens love Apple, Nike, Chick-fil-A, and Goldfish Crackers. They're also warming up to VR
  • Most popular phone brand: Apple's iPhone. ...
  • Most popular footwear brand: Nike. ...
  • Most popular clothing brand: Again, Nike, at 35%. ...
  • Most popular streaming platform: Netflix at 29.1%. ...
  • Most popular social media app: TikTok at 38%.
Oct 11, 2023

What are Gen Z food brands? ›

Brands like Frito-Lay Minis, Goldfish, and Cheez-It reign supreme for Gen Z snackers. While convenience is a leading factor, through packaging design, brand character, product size, and quantity, these snacks allow us to control our portions, share with friends, and easily enjoy.

What do Gen Z consumers want from brands? ›

Gen Z expects brands to be drivers of social change and looks for fair labor practices, inclusivity, and sustainability. There are several ways in which brands can create socially impactful content that focuses on how the people, environment and product are treated.

What do Gen Z want from fashion? ›

Gen Z prefers comfortable and expressive clothing like loose-fitting jeans, crop tops, and oversized pieces. Born between 1997 and the early 2010s, Gen Z accounts for 30% of the world's population. With the oldest members turning 26 this year, the group has a purchasing power of about $360 billion in the US alone.

What does Gen Z want from retail? ›

Gen-Z want connection, communication, and care from brands regarding ethics, social, and environmental issues. Developing marketing strategies that communicate the values of your brand will help brands connect effectively with younger audiences.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.