This is the most attractive type of facial hair, according to science | The Gentleman's Journal | Gentleman's Journal (2024)

Words: Jonathan Wells

From moustaches to mutton chops, the different forms of facial hair are numerous. And it is this choice that makes picking a style so difficult.

But worry not, gents, for science is on hand to help. A recent study asked women to rate which facial hair fashion they found most attractive and the results show a resounding winner: heavy stubble.

The study, helmed by Dr Barnaby Dixson of the University of Queensland, Brisbane, polled over 8,500 women to get the results, and researchers believe stubble scored the highest results as although it acts as a signal of a man’s age and social dominance, it doesn’t overlygetin the way.

Participants in the study were presented with photosets of 16 different men, with facial hair ranging from clean-shaven to fully-bearded, and then asked to assign a score to each.

They were also asked whether or not they’d consider a relationship with the man based on his beard and, if so, whether that relationship would be long- or short-term.

Whilst stubble won out, beards still beat the baby-faced, and were deemed the most likely to succeed in long-term relationships. Heavy stubble was preferred for short-term flings.

So what can we learn from these results?

If you’re looking to settle down, let it grow. If you’re looking for something short-term, stubble up. And if you struggle to sprout a beard, maybe hit the gym – because, according to this research, nothing says formidable like some fulsome facial hair.

This is the most attractive type of facial hair, according to science | The Gentleman's Journal | Gentleman's Journal (1)

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This is the most attractive type of facial hair, according to science | The Gentleman's Journal | Gentleman's Journal (2024)


This is the most attractive type of facial hair, according to science | The Gentleman's Journal | Gentleman's Journal? ›

Stubble was deemed most attractive overall and received higher ratings for flings and short-term relationships than full beards.

What is the most attractive facial hair scientifically? ›

Indeed, augmented attraction to facial hair is sometimes the case, with a study on the female perception of men with beards revealing that women rated heavy stubble as the most attractive, ahead of full beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces.

What makes facial hair attractive? ›

From an evolutionary perspective, beards can indicate good health and strong genetics, as they are directly tied to hormonal health in men. This could trigger subconscious biological cues related to mate selection, leading to a perceived increase in attractiveness.

What is the most common facial hair style? ›

The full beard style is hugely popular right now, featuring a full moustache joining into a medium-to-long length beard. Of course, keeping it well-groomed is a must in order to avoid a ragged, unkempt look.

What length beard is most attractive? ›

According to a 2013 Australian study, the most attractive beard length is "heavy stubble," which comes after about 10 days of growth. Fascinatingly, heavy beards, light stubble, and clean shaven were all equally less attractive than heavy stubble. The science says that each length of beard sends a different signal.

What is the most attractive hair according to science? ›

Long hair was considered most attractive, and medium-length hair styles that may have appeared unkempt to observers were considered least healthy.

What is the most attractive facial type? ›

Oval: Your face is often longer than wide, with the forehead standing out as the largest area of your face. According to Papanikolas, this form is typically regarded as the most attractive facial shape.

What is the most attractive amount of facial hair? ›

Stubble was deemed most attractive overall and received higher ratings for flings and short-term relationships than full beards. Full beards were attractive to women searching for long-term relationships.

What does science say about beards? ›

Science of Beards

Beards are an active sign of testosterone in the body, which the brain of others then associates with the potential for increased aggression. The study that came up with this hypothesis used photographs of bearded and non-bearded men for their experiment.

Why do men prefer beards? ›

The researchers also went on to explain that “men may prefer having facial hair to deter their enemies and display greater masculinity or a higher social position.” In fact, several findings have suggested that men care more about their facial hair than women do.

What is the hottest beard style? ›

What are the most attractive beard styles? According to statistics, the stubble beard style is considered by women to be the most attractive of them all. On the contrary, the mustache and the goatee beard style are considered to be the less attractive beard styles.

What is the rule 5 for beards? ›

Rule #5: Make it work (appropriate).

A good rule of thumb is to make sure neck hair ends above the Adam's apple and with the cheek line, it doesn't go any higher than the bottom of the nose.

Are beards in style in 2024? ›

It's a time of rediscovery for forlorn beard and mustache styles. But maybe, more importantly, men are rediscovering the freedom to look and dress in ways that make them feel more confident. Suffice to say—beards aren't going anywhere in 2024.

What type of beard do girls like? ›

Women prefer facial hair to be thick, which is why they tend to find this style most attractive. The study also found that although women saw men with heavy stubble to be less ready to settle down than their full bearded counterparts, they also rated them as the most attractive overall.

Do girls like long beards? ›

After judging a number of pictures featuring men with varying degrees of facial hair, the vast majority of women found full-bearded men to be the top dogs in the mix. Women saw men with full beards to be the most healthy, and the best suited to parenting.

At what age is beard thickest? ›

Your mid-20s to 30s are often considered the golden years for beard growth. As a matter of fact, most men don't hit peak beard growth until their early to mid thirties. This is when testosterone, the hormone primarily responsible for facial hair growth, peaks.

How to get a 5 o'clock shadow beard? ›

The easiest way to get a 5 o'clock shadow-style beard is to simply let your hair grow for a few hours – or a couple of days if your facial hair doesn't grow quite that quickly. Use our All Purpose Styler as your 5 o'clock shadow trimmer to keep it neatly shaped for a smart look.

Are men with facial hair sexier? ›

To break things down even further, the same study showed men with full beards to be the most masculine, aggressive, and socially mature, while light stubble was preferred for both short and long-term partners. In other words, anyone who wore some type of facial hair was found to be more attractive in general.

Do beards attract females? ›

As you can see from this graph, levels of perceived attractiveness are significantly higher with facial hair than without facial hair. In addition to just physical attraction, women perceived men with longer facial hair as having a higher ability to maintain longer relationships and be more masculine overall.

Do girls prefer facial hair or shaved? ›

The majority of women preferred clean-shaven male faces (43.84%), followed by heavy stubble (26.03%) and light stubble (16.44%).

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