This is What 'Sponsorship for Employment' Means for Employers and Employees (2024)

In April of 2016, I applied for a new passport. I had to fill out some forms, they took a hideous picture of my face, I paid a fee. But then the woman at the desk crossed out where I had circled "50 pages," and said, "you won't need more than 25." I stopped her and asked her to confirm that 50 pages weren't more expensive than 25, which she did. I then insisted I wanted the 50-page version and three years into my ten-year passport I am now on page 26.

I knew I would need a lot of passport pages back in 2016 because starting that year I was getting sponsored to work in Zimbabwe.

What is employment sponsorship?

“Employment sponsorship” is when an employer “sponsors” or provides some financial or legal backing to enable an individual to do something: most commonly, obtain an employment visa. If you wish to live and work in a country you are not from, and you don’t have a legal right to do so — such as ancestry or a spouse — employment sponsorship is a good way to gain entry and live legally.

What is an employment visa?

An employment visa is a document that allows you to enter and reside in a country and to work for a local company or organization. Employment visas differ, but they are typically in your passport and will communicate to immigration officials that you have legal permission to enter or be in the country and to work.

Different types of employment visas.

The U.S. has five types of employment visas. Zimbabwe, by contrast, has only one. Below are some, but not all, of the employment visa variations you might see throughout the world.

  • Priority Worker Visa (US)
  • Professionals with Advanced Academic Degrees/Persons of Exceptional Ability Visa (US)
  • Skilled Workers, Professionals, and Other Workers Visa (US)
  • Certain Special Immigrant Visa (US) – this includes religious employment in the US, but many countries have separate employment visas for religious personnel
  • Immigrant Investor Visa (US) – sometimes called entrepreneur visas in other countries depending on the investment type
  • Critical skills Employment Visa
  • Self-Employment Visa
  • Jobseeker Visa
  • Working Holiday Visa
  • Intra-Company Transfer Visa
  • Sportsman Visa
  • Temporary Worker Visa
  • Domestic Worker Visa

Sponsorship for employment costs.

Sponsorship for employment can be quite expensive. Employment visas alone often cost over $500. A “Skilled Workers Visa” in the U.S., for example, can cost between $700-$1200, a similar visa in the U.K. costs £575, and in Zimbabwe, the equivalent costs $500. Sponsorship for employment becomes more expensive if you engage an immigration attorney or if there are high relocation costs. There are also many hidden costs. When I was applying in Zimbabwe, for example, I had to obtain police clearances and coordinate other original documentation that was expensive to send and receive by courier.

How to sponsor an employee's work visa.

When an employer sponsors an employee, they are taking responsibility for that employee’s immigration to a new country, which is no small matter. Companies must ensure they take their time and go through the steps carefully, paying attention to detail and good record keeping. First, an employer will have to indicate to their country’s immigration department that they need a specific foreign nation to fulfill a job position and that the company will benefit from the employment of this individual. This often involves making a case for why the job cannot or should not be filled by a local citizen. Depending on whether the foreign national is being offered permanent employment and residence or temporary (some countries only offer the latter) the forms and fees for sponsorship will vary.

Steps for employment sponsorship in the U.S.

For permanent employment/residency, aka a green card:

  1. The first step is an Application for Permanent Labor Certification (Form ETA 9089) from the Department of Labor (DOL), which will acknowledge that hiring a foreign national will be better than hiring a US citizen and doing so will not harm US citizens’ wages, working conditions, or opportunities.
  2. After the DOL has approved the labor certification, then you need an Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, which is Form I-140. This application will involve a lot of supporting documentation and evidence.
  3. You will then have to pay processing fees and wait for results.

For nonimmigrant sponsorship, up to six years:

  1. Contact the DOL and file a Labor Condition Application (LCA).
  2. After your LCA is approved, you need to fill in a H-1B application, which is Form I-129: Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker.
  3. You will then have to pay processing fees and wait for results.

Benefits and challenges of hiring employees who are immigrants.

Between immigration departments, fees, relocation costs and personal transitions, employing immigrants can be difficult both on the company and the individual. But, as someone who works abroad, the pros can far outweigh the cons. Even so, both the company and the employee should consider the benefits and challenges before jumping in.


  • Diversity. By hiring immigrants, you are adding diversity to your team in the broadest possible sense. This goes beyond diversity in demographics and touches on diversity in experience, personality, and world outlook. In Zimbabwe, you can't order a piece from Amazon when something breaks so people are always on their toes with innovative ways to build, fix and improve things with whatever they have available. This transcends physical objects and is a national way of life and thinking, something US citizens haven't had to have but something that could make a Zimbabwean employee irreplaceable.
  • A wider pool of talent. There are people doing incredible things all over the world, and by limiting your applicant pool to only those within your own borders you could easily be missing the individuals who would be the most productive, most innovative, or most effective members of your team.
  • Tenacity. Someone who has left home to work has left their support system, their frame of reference, and ultimately their comfort zone behind. This can be incredibly hard on the individual, but it also means they are adaptable, incredibly motivated, and brave. Immigrants often make the strongest and most focused employees, since they have had to work to create a new comfort zone and they want their employment abroad to be a success.


  • Cost.From relocation to international health insurance and visa applications and fees, sponsoring immigrants can be quite expensive both in terms of time and money.
  • Immigration.Even after you have successfully obtained visas, flights, and everything else, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (or your country's equivalent) will always be a factor. From travel to job titles to taxes to running a red light, there are risks associated with immigrant employment.
  • Burnout.Immigrant employees have to deal with a lot of hardship that local employees do not. Homesickness, discrimination based on nationality, legal issues, and lack of community can all make life difficult for immigrant employees and lead to job burnout if they are not addressed.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Jasmine Shirey serves as an Information Officer at the Forum for African Women Educationalists - Zimbabwe Chapter (FAWEZI). She's also a former contributing writer for Fairygodboss.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice on employee sponsorship, whether you’re looking to be sponsored or sponsor an employee? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

This is What 'Sponsorship for Employment' Means for Employers and Employees (2024)


What does sponsorship for employment mean? ›

A US visa or employment sponsorship means that the employer in the US is hiring you. They are guaranteeing to the US visa authorities that you will be a legal working resident. The employer will state that you will work the job position they hired you for.

What does it mean when they ask if you require sponsorship for employment? ›

In order to receive an employment visa to work in the United States, you'll need an employer to petition the US government for a visa on your behalf and “sponsor” your travel to the United States.

How do you answer visa sponsorship questions? ›

Answering "Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g., H-1B visa status)?" If you'll require the company to commence ("sponsor") an immigration or work permit case in order to employ you, either now or at some point in the future, then you should select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

What does this question mean will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status? ›

Will you now or in the future require sponsorship to work within the United States? Answer: Yes, because you will require work authorization once your student immigration status ends. You may also explain your situation during initial outreach by the company if/when they contact you for the position.

How do I tell my employer I need sponsorship? ›

In most situations, there will be a question posed in the application forms for the job. “Will you now or in the future require [company name] to commence (“sponsor”) an immigration case to employ you (for example, H-1B or other employment-based immigration cases)?

Who is eligible for sponsorship for work? ›

You must have a job offer from a US employer. Your job must be in a field that is included on the list of eligible occupations for work visas. You must have the required education and/or work experience for the job. You must be able to prove that you will return to your home country after your work visa expires.

How do you answer if you need sponsorship? ›

“Yes, I will need sponsorship. And after proving myself as an amazing member of your team, I think the hope will be that my sponsorship can work out. That way I can continue to support the firm with great results.”

Should I say I require sponsorship? ›

How (and when) should you disclose your sponsorship status to an employer? If a question is asked about sponsorship as part of an online application for a full-time position or an internship that could potentially lead to full-time employment, we recommend that you answer “Yes” that you will need sponsorship.

What is the best answer for US visa interview? ›

It is very important to answer honestly. Tell about the reasons you have visited the US before, i.e. tourism, training, medical reasons, etc. Even if you have stayed beyond your visa validity, been deported or detained during your previous stay in the US, you must tell.

What is the best answer for immigration interview? ›

Answer all questions fully, succinctly, and truthfully, but do not volunteer information unless asked. If you're unsure of the answer or do not understand a question, you should always say so rather than guess.

What is the best question for sponsor? ›

Questions to get to know your sponsor:
  • What are your short and long-term career goals?
  • How can I help you reach those goals?
  • What are your interests outside of work?
  • Tell me about your past sponsees. Any success stories you'd like to share?
  • What can I do to best support you as your sponsee?

What does work without sponsorship mean? ›

When an immigrant wishes to gain an employment-based visa without a sponsor, they need to self-petition and file specific forms with the USCIS. Under this path, immigrants will not require a job offer from an employer. However, this type of employment path does not apply to all employment-based visas.

Do you now or will you ever require sponsorship for employment? ›

What questions may an employer ask? “Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?” “Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for an employment visa?” As long as you have OPT, YES, you are legally authorized to work and should be indicating this, especially when completing applications online.

What does future sponsorship for employment mean? ›

An employment sponsorship is also known as a green card sponsorship. If you want to permanently hire a foreign worker who has been working for you with a temporary visa, you need to apply for an employment sponsorship.

How do I convince my employer to sponsor my visa? ›

If you fail to make it easy to understand, your potential employer might be confused and scared to move forward.
  1. Show loyalty. One important thing that companies are concerned about is whether you will leave them soon after they sponsored you the visa. ...
  2. Present Your Uniqueness.

How do you convince your company to sponsor you? ›

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key Tactics
  1. Research potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ...
  2. Tell your organization's story. ...
  3. Provide sponsor incentives. ...
  4. Reach out to established companies. ...
  5. Use data to legitimize your pitch. ...
  6. Find the right contact. ...
  7. Build a connection over time. ...
  8. Follow up.
Apr 10, 2023

Why should we consider you for a full sponsorship answer? ›

My leadership skills, tireless work ethic and excellent communication abilities make me an ideal candidate for full sponsorship. I have consistently worked above and beyond expectations to go the extra mile in all I do. I have a passion for learning and growing within the field of my interest.

Who can work in US without sponsorship? ›

EB-2 Visa: Individuals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability may apply for an EB-2 visa without employer sponsorship if they can meet the requirements for a national interest waiver.

Can anyone be my sponsor? ›

Financially sponsor him

You don't have to be a relative to be someone's financial sponsor. So, a friend can become a financial sponsor. However, the person must still have someone else who acts as the sponsor or their visa or green card application. That sponsor must be an employee, relative, or fiancé(e).

Who is your sponsor at work? ›

A sponsor is someone senior to you in the workplace that sees your work ethic, believes in you and helps you climb the ranks. While a mentor can give employees guidance and coaching, a sponsor will advocate for you behind closed doors.

How do you write a sponsor statement? ›

How to write a sponsorship letter for an event
  1. Understand the need. ...
  2. Research potential sponsors. ...
  3. Include an introduction. ...
  4. Explain the reason for the letter. ...
  5. Provide information about your audience. ...
  6. Explain the purpose of the event. ...
  7. Add a signature. ...
  8. Follow up with the recipients.
Jun 24, 2022

How do you write a convincing sponsorship proposal? ›

Fill the template
  1. Start with the cover page. The cover page should provide general details. ...
  2. Introduce yourself and your event. ...
  3. Boast your event's demographics. ...
  4. Lay bare any cold, hard data. ...
  5. Outline your “why” ...
  6. Tell them where their money goes. ...
  7. Show you're at it with a timeline. ...
  8. List sponsorship packages.
Sep 14, 2022

What does it mean if someone asks you to sponsor them? ›

A sponsor is a person who has helped an immigrant become a lawful permanent resident (a person with a green card) by signing an “affidavit of support.”

What do you say to sponsorship? ›

Dear [sponsor's name], Thank you so much for your recent sponsorship of our organization! We were thrilled to work with you for the recent [event]. As a sponsor, your contribution is vital to continue our important work. We cannot succeed without the generosity of supporters like you.

Why is sponsorship needed? ›

Sponsorships allows businesses to be perceived as supporting the community and contributing to its development, creating vast goodwill.

Why would a company want to sponsor? ›

Boost brand visibility

Sponsorships can increase brand recognition before, during and after the actual event by giving your company exposure to new audiences. This often happens through mentions in the press or social media and event advertising, like radio spots, signs and featured ads.

How can I impress in visa interview? ›

Here are some of the valuable points that you should keep in mind while attending your visa interview.
  1. Understand What the Interviewer Wants from You. ...
  2. Dress Nicely. ...
  3. Arrive at The Embassy Early. ...
  4. Speak Confidently. ...
  5. Explain Well but Concisely. ...
  6. Show Ties to Your Country. ...
  7. Arrange Documents Properly. ...
  8. Employment.

How do you introduce yourself in a US visa interview? ›

Start by stating your full name, where you live, and your professional aspirations. Next, you can mention your immediate family, where they live, your permanent residence, your current residence, as well as your place of birth.

What happens if you fail US visa interview? ›

To reapply, you must complete a new application form, pay the application fee, and schedule an appointment for a new interview. Review the website of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to reapply to learn about any reapplication procedures.

What can cause you to fail at the immigration interview? ›

Citizenship Denial Reasons
  • Having a Criminal Record. ...
  • Failing to Provide Child Care and Support. ...
  • Failing to Pay Taxes. ...
  • Committing Fraud on Your Citizenship Application. ...
  • Not Meeting Physical Presence Requirements. ...
  • Failing Your English or Civics Test During the Interview Process. ...
  • Forgetting Selective Service Registration.

What are 4 questions the immigration officer might have asked in the legal interview? ›

Immigration Status-Related Interview Questions

Which country's citizenship do you have? What is your legal status in the United States? When did you come to the United States? How do you come to the United States?

What are the most common questions asked in immigration interview? ›

Immigrant visa interview frequently asked questions
  • #1. Have you ever been to the country? ...
  • #2. Are you traveling with someone else? ...
  • #3. Tell us about the company you are working for. ...
  • #4. Where else have you worked before? ...
  • #5. How, where, and when did you meet your spouse? ...
  • #6. ...
  • #7. ...
  • #8.
Mar 16, 2023

Who is the biggest sponsor? ›

Nike's sponsorship value in 2021 was estimated at more than 600 million U.S. dollars, making it the world's most valuable sports sponsor. The second brand on the list was Nike's main competitor, Adidas, with a value for sponsorships of nearly 343 million U.S. dollars.

Who can sponsor me in USA? ›

All sponsors must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, be at least 18 years old, and be living in the United States (including territories and possessions) when they file the affidavit of support.

Can an employer refuse to sponsor a visa? ›

What is the Company Policy on Sponsorship? U.S. employers are not required to sponsor employees for immigration. You can freely specify “no sponsorship” in a job ad and refuse to consider people who are not already authorized to work in the US.

What does it mean to be legally authorized to work in the US without sponsorship? ›

If you are a U.S. citizen, whether you were born or naturalized in the United States, this means that you can work in the United States without any problems. However, foreigners are only allowed to work if their immigration status allows it.

Can you not hire someone because they need sponsorship? ›

Answer: The anti-discrimination provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) do not bar employers from limiting employment to individuals with the legal right to work in the United States and stating in recruitment materials that immigration or work visa sponsorship will not be provided as long as the no- ...

What does future employer mean? ›

A prospective employer is a company or individual with whom you're seeking employment. You can also call this a potential employer. The organization is typically still a potential employer regardless of if you're filling out the online job application form or about to sign the final contract.

Why US companies don't sponsor visa? ›

Because there will always be an overhead, and a cost, and the company needs to be familiar with the relevant work or immigration laws. And of course they will have to wait for it to be approved. Some big companies or well funded startups may sponsor visas, but this is not really widespread.

What does it mean to be eligible to work without sponsorship? ›

When an immigrant wishes to gain an employment-based visa without a sponsor, they need to self-petition and file specific forms with the USCIS. Under this path, immigrants will not require a job offer from an employer. However, this type of employment path does not apply to all employment-based visas.

How do you get sponsored by an employer? ›

  1. Step 1: Get An Employment Contract. ...
  2. Step 2: Submit A Labor Certificate. ...
  3. Step 3: Submit The Documents To The USCIS. ...
  4. Step 4: Wait For Your Visa Sponsorship Application To Be Processed. ...
  5. Step 1: Gather The Required Documents. ...
  6. Step 2: Complete The Online DS-160 Form. ...
  7. Step 3: Book Your Non-Immigrant Visa Interview.
Oct 23, 2022

What is sponsorship for employment H1B? ›

H1B sponsorship is an important method whereby companies bring foreign-born professionals to the United States to work temporarily. The employer is responsible for filing the H1B visa petition with the U.S. Immigration Department.

Are you eligible to work without sponsorship? ›

Yes, it is possible to obtain a work visa without sponsorship from an employer in the United States. There are three types of visas that allow this, and they are known as EB-1, O-1, and EB-5.

Can I work in America without sponsorship? ›

If you wish to work in the United States for a temporary period you will require a nonimmigrant work visa. You cannot work on a visitor or business visa, or under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Unlike some countries, the United States government does not issue work visas for casual employment.

What does eligible for sponsorship mean? ›

Visa sponsorship available means an employer is willing to obtain a work visa for highly-qualified candidates who live outside the United States. To be eligible for visa sponsorship, employers must show that they were unable to fill their vacancies with qualified American workers.

Can you get a green card without employer sponsorship? ›

There are two typical self-sponsored green card (Lawful Permanent Residency card) categories in which a foreign national does not need sponsorship by their employer or a relative - victims of crime and individuals of extraordinary ability.

What documents are needed for sponsorship? ›

Necessary Documents for a Visa Sponsorship
  • A signed letter by the sponsor.
  • A scanned copy of the sponsor's ID or passport.
  • Documents stating the sponsor's finances.
  • Proof of address.

Can an employer ask if I require sponsorship? ›

It is best practice for American employers to ask job applicants about their ability to work in the United States in the application process. Most employers want to know if they will need to sponsor a worker in the early stages of the hiring process to prevent surprises when choosing the ideal candidate.

What is the difference between work visa and sponsorship? ›

Visa sponsorship means an employer is willing to obtain a work visa for highly-qualified candidates who live outside the United States. It's not a simple process for employers. They must prove that they were unable to fill their vacancies with qualified American workers before sponsoring a visa.

How do I find employer sponsorship in USA? ›

The simplest way to find an H1B sponsor is to look at the website, which has H1B Visa Sponsors Database. They have taken data from USCIS H1B Data Hub and H1B LCA data published by the US Department of Labor for public disclosure and nicely put up search options to find sponsors using the below options.

Does H 1B visa require sponsorship? ›

One of the questions we receive the most during this time of year is, “Can I apply for an H-1B visa without a sponsor?” The short answer is no. The reason is that an H-1B visa petition always requires an American company, called a Petitioner, to file the visa.

How do I know if I'm eligible to work in the US? ›

Having an Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766/EAD) is one way to prove that you are authorized to work in the United States for a specific time period. Are required to apply for permission to work; in other words, you need to request employment authorization itself.

Why don t companies want to sponsor H1B? ›

Since costs can be hefty for some of them, many have routinely given up hiring H-1B workers because there is a high risk that USCIS will reject their petition. Sponsoring foreign employees for U.S. work visas can be costly and time-consuming – luxuries that small businesses may not have.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.