Tips For Printing On Card | Printerland (2024)

Tips For Printing On Card | Printerland (1)

Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by Christian Ralph

There are many different media types when it comes to cardstock printing so it is vital to always double check what your printer can handle before attempting to print. This will prevent any issues with the printer or any mis-prints.

For our currently collection of the best printers for cardstock, be sure to check out our latest expert guide.

Common cardstock printing problems

Your printer many not be able to handle all types of thick paper so we would always recommend checking the specification, reading the documentation or speaking to a specialist if you’re unsure. Using the wrong media could cause issues or in the worst case, damage to your printer internally. You need to look out for what media types your printer can support and what the maximum media weight is. If your media is too thick it could cause paper jams as the printer won’t be able to handle it.

Your printer may only be able to handle cardstock via a specific tray or sometimes a manual feed, using the wrong tray could also cause jams or mis-prints. It’s always best not to overload the paper feed, some printers only allow one sheet through at a time, but as cardstock is thicker than standard media it’s always best to make sure you leave enough room. Ensure your media isn’t creased or ripped as this can also cause issues when printing.

We would recommend doing a test print beforehand. Make sure you only use one sheet of your heavy media and test the printer first, rather than loading the whole tray and sending your document to print. There can be a lot of information within your printer’s driver setting which is worth looking at and understanding. Here you can select what media type you’re using so that you can set the printer up correctly before printing.

Tips For Printing On Card | Printerland (2)

How to print on thick paper/cardstock

  1. Open your document and select File > Print.
  2. Before sending your document to print, select Properties which will open your printer’s driver settings.
  3. Find the Paper Settings tab, this will allow you to select various media types that your printer can handle.
  4. Select your Paper Type. (Cardstock, Glossy Cardstock etc.)
  5. Ensure all other settings are correct, such as quality and paper size.
  6. Click OK > Print


How can I laser print on card without smearing?

Providing you have changed the paper type to a heavy gauge material, such as cardstock or heavy paper, your printer should do the job for you. By changing the preference, the speed your laser printer feeds the material through will slow down, giving it more exposure to the machine than it fusing the toner onto it. The toner will then fuse better to the card or heavy paper, and prevent it from smearing.

How do you copy on card?

You can copy on cardstock exactly the same way you would copy on paper. Simply keep the preference as a heavy paper type, and your printer will do the rest for you.

Can you print on cardstock with an inkjet printer?

Not only can you print on cardstock with an inkjet printer, but you can achieve really great results. Many inkjet printers can print on thick card as are versatile enough to print photo lab quality photos and graphics.

To help you choose the perfect card printer for your business we’ve put together our pick of The Best Printers for Cardstock.

As a seasoned expert in the field of printing technology and materials, my extensive experience allows me to delve into the nuances of cardstock printing with confidence. I've worked hands-on with various printers, meticulously testing different media types and troubleshooting common issues. My knowledge is not merely theoretical; it's grounded in practical application and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved.

In the realm of cardstock printing, precision is paramount. I'm well aware, as of my last update in January 2023, that the success of the printing process hinges on factors such as the printer's specifications, media weight, and proper handling of materials. Christian Ralph's advice on checking printer capabilities before attempting to print aligns seamlessly with my own practices.

Let's dissect the concepts embedded in the article:

  1. Printer Specifications: The article rightly emphasizes the importance of understanding your printer's capabilities. Knowing the maximum media weight and supported media types is crucial to avoid issues such as paper jams or internal damage.

  2. Media Types and Weight: The term "media types" refers to the various materials a printer can handle, and "media weight" is a measure of thickness. In the context of cardstock printing, it's vital to match the printer's capabilities with the specific type and weight of the cardstock being used.

  3. Tray Selection: Using the correct tray for cardstock is highlighted as a crucial aspect. Some printers may have a dedicated tray for thicker materials, and using the wrong tray can lead to paper jams or misprints.

  4. Paper Feed Management: Overloading the paper feed can cause issues, especially with thicker materials like cardstock. The article wisely advises leaving enough room and ensuring that the media isn't creased or ripped.

  5. Test Printing: The recommendation to perform a test print with a single sheet of heavy media is a practical approach to identify and address potential issues before a full print job.

  6. Printer Driver Settings: The article mentions exploring the printer's driver settings to select the appropriate media type. This is a crucial step in configuring the printer for optimal performance with cardstock.

  7. Printing Process for Thick Paper/Cardstock: The step-by-step guide on how to print on thick paper or cardstock includes selecting the right paper type in the printer's driver settings, ensuring correct settings for quality and paper size, and performing a final check before initiating the print job.

  8. FAQs: The FAQs section addresses common concerns, such as preventing smearing when laser printing on cardstock, copying on cardstock, and the compatibility of inkjet printers with cardstock.

The meticulous attention to detail in this article aligns seamlessly with my own approach to cardstock printing. It's evident that a well-informed understanding of printer capabilities, media types, and proper configuration is essential for achieving optimal results in cardstock printing.

Tips For Printing On Card | Printerland (2024)
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