Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds To Invest In India (2024)

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In the dynamic world of investing, diversification is key, and what better way to achieve this than through Multi Cap Funds? Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the ‘Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds to Invest in India’. This article aims to provide you with a curated list of diverse investment options that have consistently performed well across market conditions.

Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds To Invest In India (1)

We will look into the specifics of each fund, its past performance, risk factors, and potential returns. This guide is designed to help you make informed decisions and navigate the complex terrain of multi-cap funds.

Consider reading: What are Liquid Funds and How to Invest?

Page Contents

Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds in India

Fund Name1 Yr Ret (%)Expense Ratio (%)Net Assets (Cr)
HSBC Multi Cap Fund – Direct Plan62.190.622,462
Kotak Multicap Fund – Direct Plan61.590.428,932
ITI Multi Cap Fund – Direct Plan56.990.50840.00
Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Fund – Direct Plan54.130.352,936
HDFC Multi Cap Fund – Direct Plan52.010.5511,758
Quant Active Fund – Direct Plan51.050.778,143
Axis Multicap Fund – Direct Plan50.300.374,875
Kotak India Growth Fund Series 4 – Direct Plan50.250.34133.00
Nippon India Multi Cap Fund – Direct Plan48.740.8725,723
ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund – Direct Plan48.440.9410,775

What are Multi Cap Funds?

Multi Cap Mutual Funds offer investors a unique opportunity to diversify their portfolios across companies of various sizes and sectors. These funds aim to strike a balance between stability and growth by investing in Small Cap, Mid Cap, and Large Cap companies.

Diversification is key when it comes to Multi Cap Funds. By spreading investments across different market segments, these funds provide investors with exposure to a wide range of opportunities. This approach not only helps in mitigating risks but also opens up avenues for potential growth.

One of the standout features of Multi Cap Funds is the flexibility they offer to fund managers. With the freedom to adjust the portfolio composition based on market conditions, managers can capitalize on emerging opportunities while also maintaining stability through investments in well-established Large Cap companies.

Investing in Multi Cap Funds can be a prudent choice for investors looking to navigate the complex world of the Indian market. With the potential for steady returns and growth prospects, these funds provide a versatile option for those seeking a balanced investment strategy.

In a nutshell, Multi Cap Funds represent a versatile investment avenue that blends stability with growth, making them a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios across different market segments in India.

Features of a Multi Cap Fund

When exploring Multi Cap mutual funds, understanding their key features is essential for making informed investment decisions. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • Portfolio Diversification: Multi Cap funds stand out for their diversified portfolio. They invest across all market capitalizations, regardless of the industry or sector. This approach helps minimize overall risk and optimize returns for investors.
  • Sector and Market Cap Agnostic: Unlike large cap, mid cap, and small cap funds, Multi Cap funds do not focus on a specific market capitalization. They offer a sector and market-cap agnostic investment strategy, providing opportunities across various market segments.
  • Flexibility: One notable feature of Multi Cap funds is the flexibility they offer to fund managers. This flexibility allows them to adjust the portfolio composition based on market conditions, seizing emerging opportunities while maintaining stability through investments in well-established companies.
  • Balanced Exposure: By investing in a mix of large cap, mid cap, and small cap stocks, Multi Cap funds offer a balanced exposure to different company sizes. This diversification helps spread risk and potentially enhances returns over the long term.
  • Potential for Growth: Due to their exposure to companies of varying sizes and sectors, Multi Cap funds have the growth potential. They capitalize on growth opportunities across different segments of the market, presenting investors with a chance to benefit from a well-rounded investment approach.
  • Adaptability: The adaptability of Multi Cap funds allows them to navigate changing market conditions effectively. Fund managers can pivot the fund’s holdings to capitalize on emerging trends while maintaining a stable core through investments in established companies.

To summarize, the diversified nature and flexibility of Multi Cap funds make them a compelling choice for investors seeking a balanced investment strategy across different market segments in India. Their ability to offer balanced exposure, growth potential, and portfolio adaptability sets them apart as a versatile investment option in the area of mutual funds.

Types of Multi Cap Mutual Funds

When exploring Multi Cap mutual funds, it’s essential to understand the various types available in the market. Below, I investigate into the different categories to help you navigate this versatile investment option effectively:

  • Focused Multi Cap Funds: These funds concentrate their investments on a limited number of stocks, typically between 20 to 30. This focused approach aims to achieve higher returns by carefully selecting a compact portfolio.
  • Value-Oriented Multi Cap Funds: Investors looking for undervalued stocks with the potential for long-term growth often opt for these funds. The fund managers focus on securities that are trading below their intrinsic value, aiming to benefit from their eventual price correction.
  • Dividend-Paying Multi Cap Funds: For individuals seeking regular income along with capital appreciation, dividend-paying multi cap funds are an excellent choice. These funds invest in stable companies with a track record of distributing dividends to shareholders.
  • Sector-Specific Multi Cap Funds: Some funds concentrate on specific sectors, such as technology, healthcare, or financial services. By focusing on a particular industry, these funds aim to capitalize on sector-specific opportunities and trends.
  • Dynamic Asset Allocation Multi Cap Funds: These funds offer flexibility in adjusting their asset allocation based on market conditions. Fund managers have the discretion to switch between large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks to optimize returns in different market scenarios.

Understanding the nuances of each type of Multi Cap mutual fund can empower investors to make informed decisions aligned with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

How Does a Multi Cap Mutual Fund Work?

When investing in Multi Cap mutual funds in India, it’s essential to understand how they operate to make informed decisions aligned with your financial goals. Here’s a breakdown of how a Multi Cap mutual fund works:

  • Diversified Portfolio: A Multi Cap mutual fund invests in a diverse range of stocks across various market capitalizations, including large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies. This diversification helps spread risk and potentially maximize returns.
  • Fund Manager Expertise: The fund manager plays a crucial role in selecting the right mix of stocks based on research, market trends, and the fund’s investment objectives. Their expertise influences the fund’s performance.
  • Asset Allocation: Multi Cap funds have the flexibility to adjust their asset allocation based on market conditions. This means they can shift investments between different market caps to capitalize on opportunities and manage risks effectively.
  • Risk and Return: Multi Cap funds offer a balance between growth potential and risk. Large-cap stocks provide stability, mid-cap stocks offer growth opportunities, and small-cap stocks add a higher growth potential with increased risk.
  • Expense Ratio and Taxation: Investors should be aware of the expense ratio they’ll pay as a commission to the Asset Management Company. Also, understanding the taxation policies for Multi Cap funds is crucial to calculate post-tax returns accurately.
  • Investor’s Perspective: When considering Multi Cap mutual funds, it’s essential to assess your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. Regular monitoring and review of the fund’s performance can help in making informed decisions.

By comprehending how Multi Cap mutual funds function, investors can navigate the Multicap funds world effectively and make well-informed investment choices suited to their financial aspirations.

How Should You Invest in a Multi Cap Mutual Fund?

When considering multi cap funds in India, it’s crucial to evaluate your investment goals and risk tolerance to make informed decisions. Here are some essential steps to help you navigate investing in Multi Cap mutual funds:

  • Assess Your Financial Goals: Determine if you are looking for stable returns, balanced risk, or long-term growth to align your investment objectives with the fund’s strategy.
  • Understand the Fund’s Diversification: With Multicap funds, you benefit from investing across Small Cap, Mid Cap, and Large Cap companies, offering a diversified portfolio. This diversification helps in balancing the risk and return potential.
  • Research Fund Managers: Look into the expertise and track record of the fund managers managing the Multi Cap mutual funds. A skilled fund manager can play a crucial role in maximizing returns and managing risks effectively.
  • Evaluate Performance & Returns: Consider the historical performance and average annual returns of the Multicap funds you are interested in. Compare different fund options to select the one that aligns with your financial objectives.
  • Review Expense Ratios: Keep an eye on the expense ratios associated with Multi Cap mutual funds as lower expenses can enhance your overall returns over time.
  • Stay Informed about Tax Implications: Understand the tax implications of investing in Multicap funds to optimize your tax efficiency and maximize your after-tax returns.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can make well-informed investment decisions when venturing into the world of multi cap funds in India.

Consider reading: Types of Mutual Funds in India

Why Should You Invest in Multi Cap Funds?

I believe that Multi Cap funds offer a unique investment opportunity that combines the benefits of various market segments. Here are some compelling reasons why considering Multi Cap mutual funds in India could be advantageous:

  • Diversification: With Multi Cap funds, I can benefit from exposure to a wide range of companies across different market capitalizations, providing a balanced portfolio that includes Large Cap, Mid Cap, and Small Cap stocks.
  • Flexibility: Investing in Multi Cap funds gives me the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions. Fund managers can adjust the portfolio allocation based on market trends and opportunities, maximizing the potential for returns.
  • Risk Management: By spreading investments across companies of different sizes and sectors, Multi Cap funds help mitigate risk. This diversification strategy can provide stability through Large Cap holdings while offering growth potential through exposure to Mid Cap and Small Cap companies.
  • Profit Potential: The ability of Multi Cap funds to tap into the growth opportunities of smaller companies while benefiting from the stability of larger ones makes them an attractive option for investors looking to capitalize on different market scenarios.
  • Performance: Historical data shows that top-performing Multi Cap funds in India have delivered competitive returns, showcasing the potential for capital appreciation over the long term.
  • Adaptability: Multi Cap funds are well-suited for investors with varying risk appetites. Whether you prefer conservative, moderate, or aggressive growth strategies, there is likely a Multi Cap fund that aligns with your investment goals.

To conclude, Multi Cap funds present a dynamic investment avenue that combines diversification, flexibility, and the potential for strong returns. Considering these factors, exploring Multi Cap mutual funds in India could be a prudent choice for investors seeking a well-rounded and growth-oriented portfolio.

Taxation Rules of Multi Cap Mutual Funds

Investing in Multi Cap mutual funds comes with certain taxation rules that are essential to understand for effective financial planning and maximizing returns. Here are the key points to note:

  • Taxation on Gains: Long-term capital gains on investments held for over one year are taxed at 10% if the gains exceed ₹1 lakh in a financial year.
  • Tax on Dividends: Dividends received from Multi Cap funds are tax-free in the hands of the investor but are subject to a Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) imposed by the fund house.
  • Capital Gains Tax: Short-term capital gains on investments held for less than one year are taxed at 15%.
  • Indexation Benefit: Investors have the option to adjust the purchase price of their investments for inflation using the indexation benefit, reducing the tax burden on long-term gains.
  • Switching between Schemes: Switching between Multi Cap funds within the same fund house is considered a transfer and is taxable.

Understanding these taxation rules is crucial for making informed decisions and optimizing the tax efficiency of your investment portfolio in multi cap funds.

Advantages of Investing in Multi Cap Funds

Investing in Multi Cap funds presents several advantages that make them an attractive choice for investors in India. Here are key benefits of considering Multi Cap funds for your investment portfolio:

  • Diversification: With Multi Cap funds, I can benefit from diversification across different market capitalizations, ranging from Large Caps to Mid Caps and Small Caps. This diversification helps in spreading risk and capturing opportunities across various segments of the market.
  • Flexibility: The flexibility of Multi Cap funds allows me to adapt to changing market conditions. Fund managers have the freedom to adjust the portfolio composition based on prevailing market trends, ensuring that my investments remain well-positioned for varying market cycles.
  • Adaptability: By having the ability to allocate investments across different market caps, Multi Cap funds can adapt to market fluctuations effectively. This dynamic allocation strategy ensures that my investments are agile and responsive to changing market dynamics.
  • Potential for Growth: Multi Cap funds offer the potential for significant growth opportunities by investing in companies of various sizes. This exposure to a diverse range of stocks can lead to capital appreciation and long-term wealth creation.
  • Risk Management: The blend of Large, Mid, and Small Cap stocks in Multi Cap funds helps in managing risk effectively. During market volatility, having a mix of stocks with varying market capitalizations can provide a balanced approach to risk management.
  • Tax Efficiency: Understanding the tax implications associated with Multi Cap funds is crucial for optimizing tax efficiency. While long-term capital gains exceeding ₹1 lakh are taxed at 10%, dividends from Multi Cap funds are tax-free for investors, making them an attractive option from a tax perspective.

Investing in Multi Cap funds offers a combination of diversification, flexibility, adaptability, growth potential, and risk management, making them a compelling choice for investors seeking a well-rounded investment option in the dynamic Indian market.

Things to Consider Before Investing in Multi Cap Funds

When looking to invest in Multi Cap mutual funds, there are crucial factors to consider ensuring an well-informed choice tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Expense Ratio: It’s essential to understand the expense ratio of a multi cap fund before making any investment. The charges can vary between different Asset Management Companies (AMCs) and cover operational expenses. Opting for a fund with a higher expense ratio can impact your overall returns.
  • Risk Tolerance: Multi cap funds tend to be more volatile than large-cap funds. Hence, assessing your risk tolerance is crucial to avoid potential stress due to market fluctuations. Understanding the fund’s risk profile can help align your investments with your comfort level.
  • Tax Implications: Like other mutual funds, multi cap funds are subject to taxation. Being aware of the tax implications on capital gains is vital for evaluating your post-tax returns. Short-term capital gains taxes apply if you sell your investments within a year, impacting your overall profitability.
  • Investment Goals: Define your investment goals clearly before choosing a multi cap fund. Whether you aim for long-term wealth accumulation or short-term gains, aligning your objectives with the fund’s investment strategy is essential for optimizing your portfolio.

By considering these factors proactively, you can make well-informed decisions when selecting multi cap funds that align with your financial objectives and risk appetite.

Final Thoughts on Best Multi Cap Funds to Invest in India

As we conclude our journey through the ‘Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds to Invest in India’, we hope this article has shed light on the diverse investment opportunities that these funds offer. Remember, investing is not just about immediate returns, but about creating a robust financial future.

Each fund we discussed offers a unique blend of risk and reward, and the choice ultimately depends on your financial goals and risk appetite. We encourage you to use this guide as a starting point in your investment journey and to continue exploring and learning.

After all, the world of investing is as vast as it is exciting. Here’s to your financial growth and success in your investment endeavors. Happy investing!

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FAQs on Best Multi Cap Funds to Invest in India

What are multi cap funds?

Multi Cap Funds are diversified mutual fund investments that spread their assets across companies of various sizes. These funds allocate money to large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks, aiming to balance risk and capitalize on the growth potential of different market segments. This mix offers investors a broad exposure to the equity market.

What is the difference between multi cap and Flexicap?

The difference between multicap and flexicap funds lies in their allocation strategy. Multicap funds are mandated to invest across large, mid, and small-cap stocks with a minimum exposure in each category, leading to higher volatility. Flexicap funds offer more flexibility, with a stronger large-cap focus, which generally results in lower volatility during market downturns.

What is a multi cap fund in Sebi?

A multi cap fund, as defined by SEBI, is a type of mutual fund that invests in stocks across large, mid, and small-cap companies. SEBI mandates these funds to invest a minimum of 25% each in large, mid, and small-cap stocks, ensuring a diversified portfolio and adherence to a balanced investment approach.

What are the disadvantages of multi cap funds?

Multicap funds may incur disadvantages such as difficulty in stock selection across market caps, potentially resulting in lower liquidity for mid- and small-cap investments. These funds also expose investors to higher volatility and risk due to the diverse nature of the assets within their portfolio, requiring careful fund management.

Top 10 Best Multi Cap Funds To Invest In India (2024)


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  • Nippon India Multi Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth. ...
  • Quant Active Fund Growth Option Direct Plan. ...
  • Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Fund Direct Plan Growth. ...
  • Baroda BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund Direct Growth Option. ...
  • ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund Direct Plan Growth. ...
  • Sundaram Multi Cap Fund-Direct Plan - Option.

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Fund House Fund Category Fund Rank and Ratios Fund Parameters Investment Parameters Filter
Scheme NamePlanYTD
Invesco India Contra Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan14.36%
SBI Contra Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan11.23%
ITI ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan17.12%
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Top Mutual Fund Houses in India
S.No.Mutual Fund House
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Multi-cap funds typically maintain a long-term investment horizon. Investors with an objective of wealth creation over the long term and a moderate risk tolerance may find multi-cap mutual funds suitable for their investment goals.

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Your risk appetite: If you are willing to take higher risk for higher returns, and you trust the fund manager's expertise and judgment, you may opt for flexicap funds. If you prefer lower risk and stable returns, and you want to follow the market performance, you may opt for multicap funds.

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Beating the benchmark
Value Fund10-year-returnBenchmark (%)
HSBC Value Fund19.2015.02
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Nippon India Value Fund17.5415.02
ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund17.1415.02
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Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-year return (%)
GQEPXGQG Partners US Select Quality Eq Inv19.33
FGRTXFidelity Mega Cap Stock17.23
SSAQXState Street US Core Equity Fund16.89
FGLGXFidelity Series Large Cap Stock16.88
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