Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Stylist (2024)

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Stylist (1)

Most people fall into one of 3 categories. The first group knows what a stylist, or image consultant is, wishes they had one, but sees them as people that only celebrities work with (aka: no way the “average” person could afford a stylist). The second group of people has no idea what a stylist is or that they even exist, and the third group of people have either worked with or consulted a stylist or image consultant in the past, and have now been converted into the “what would I ever do without my stylist” category. These people view stylists as part of their team, just as important as having an assistant, a therapist, or a personal trainer. If you don’t fall into the third category (don’t worry, most of those people didn’t even know what a stylist was 10 years ago), then let me explain what a stylist can do for you, and how valuable they are in saving you precious time and money.

1. Stylists help you to create the image that you want to present to the world

We’ve all heard the phrase “You only have one chance to make a first impression.” This could not be any truer than it is now in the age of digital communication. People aren’t spending the time to formulate the in-person relationships that they once did, and image has become INCREDIBLY important. In an instant, image can convey so many things, such as success, status, character, personality, and of course style. Whether you like it or not, people will formulate an opinion about you before they even know you, solely based on what you are wearing and how you carry yourself. A stylist will help you to align your “inner” image with your “outer” image that the world actually sees. Simply put, a stylist will help you to create a positive brand and a strong professional image.

2. A good Stylist will become a vital part of your team

You probably already surround yourself with people that help you to streamline your life and make the best use of your time and money, as well as help you to stay fit, healthy, and at the top of your game. Most busy executives have armies of assistants, employees, secretaries, advisers, drivers, personal trainers, and executive coaches. With such a strong team in place, the one thing that should NOT fall by the wayside is your professional image. Just as you would have your assistant schedule your week, it makes sense that you would have a stylist to make sure that your wardrobe aligns with your professional image, and that you are always prepared for that presentation, meeting, event, or trip. Most people spend countless hours preparing for a meeting or presentation, but only spend about 2 minutes deciding what to wear and how to present themselves, leaving them to quickly throw something together last minute. Your image should NOT be an afterthought, and a Stylist will make sure that even though you may not want to focus on it, you are on the top of your game.

Stylists are VERY well connected, and usually work closely with other professionals in the industry such as tailors, hair stylists, nutritionists, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, photographers, and life coaches.

All of these people play a very important part in conveying to the world who you are and what you stand for. Stylists are connectors, and establishing a relationship with a stylist goes well beyond just clothing. A personal Stylist will become a close part of your team, and usually a close confidant. They will know your body better than anybody else, and can be trusted to give un-biased opinions and suggestions that nobody else in your life will give you.

3. You will never have to look at your closet and think “I have nothing to wear.”

We’ve all been there………we stand in front of our closets, which are usually FULL of clothes, yet come to the conclusion that we have absolutely NOTHING to wear. Although most people may have lots of clothes, a huge portion of them are outdated, don’t fit properly, need to be taken to the dry cleaners, or are items that just don’t go with anything else in our closets. Sound familiar? A Stylist will sort and arrange your closet in a way that makes sense. They will go through your wardrobe and determine what needs to be donated and what can be taken to the tailor (a good stylist will even schedule a tailor to stop by and do alterations on site). They will then create a list of “fill in the gap” items that will complete your wardrobe, so you won’t have random items that you just don’t have anything to wear them with. Most importantly, a Stylist will assess your body, your personal and professional image, and your lifestyle, and will work with you to curate a wardrobe fits all of your needs, and will be organized in a way that streamlines your day to day life.

4. You will have a curated closet full of clothes that were hand picked FOR YOU, and fit you PERFECTLY.

Stylists have relationships with stores, designers, and tailors, and always know where to go to get clothes that align with your body type, coloring, and professional brand/image. They also know where to get the best deals! A good stylist will shop from several different stores and designers to bring you a wardrobe that not only aligns with your needs and budget, but also seamlessly integrates into your existing wardrobe. They will know which designers will work for your style and body type, and which ones to avoid, as well as which items are worth spending extra money on and which items you can save on. Since no two people are alike, this is a VERY personal experience, as a Stylist will never buy the exact same things for multiple clients. You will not only have a closet full of clothes that were hand picked FOR YOU, and fit you PERFECTLY, but your Stylist will show you how to pair everything together and will give you a style guide of outfit “suggestions” so you are never left wondering what to wear.

5. You will never have wardrobe envy, as YOU will be the one that has the coveted wardrobe.

We all know someone that is ALWAYS soooooo well put together and “in fashion.” Their suits are always perfectly tailored, shoes polished with a matching designer belt, sharp tie with a perfectly tied knot, and they always seem to be able to pull off perfectly coordinated accessories such as pocket squares, colored socks, tie bars, glasses, briefcases/bags, and luxury watches. To top it off, they always have the perfect jackets, vests, and sweaters to transition with all of the weather changes. They never seem to have the awkward fashion moments that the rest of us have.

For some people, this comes naturally (usually these people actually enjoy the process), and for others, this is absolutely overwhelming. This is where having a Stylist comes into play. A Stylist will make you look like one of those people that can flawlessly put themselves together, but will make it absolutely effortless.

6. When you travel for business or pleasure, your wardrobe and packing will be taken care of.

Packing for a trip, whether for business or pleasure, can be overwhelming. Business trips in particular can carry an added stress since they are usually last minute, and you already have a million things on your mind. This becomes even more stressful when you have nothing to wear, or are going to a location that will require specific wardrobe elements such as a warm climate, a cold climate, or even another country with different fashions and customs. Whether you are meeting an important client, are giving a presentation, are going to enjoy a round of golf with your clients or colleagues, or are going to dinner or drinks, you can be assured you will have the appropriate things in your suitcase.

7. You will always give the perfect gifts, without you having to search high and low for them.

Gift giving is an art, and one that leaves most people throwing their arms into the air. Stylists have worked with a million different types of clients, and are consistently “in the know” with trends, designers, sales, stores, and luxury experiences. They know what the coveted gifts are for different types of people and professions, and know where to get them for the best deals. A good stylist will consult with you to get the most knowledge and background on who you are getting the gift for, determine a budget, and then will curate a selection of gifts for you to choose from.

8. Your stylist will keep you in the loop with all of the latest trends, designers, stores, and of course, SALES.

Stylists shop for a living. Simply put, they are ALWAYS shopping. They not only have relationships with stores and designers, they also know what is on the market, and where they can get a specific item for the best deal. Also, since they have relationships with stores and designers, they are usually the first to be “in the know” about discounts, sales, and sample sales, and of course they are always very eager to pass these on to their clients. In the long run, Stylists will SAVE YOU MONEY. No more wasting money on buying things online that don’t fit, or expensive items that you were forced to buy because you needed something last minute and didn’t have the time to price shop. A Stylist will always have your best interest at heart, and since they usually work on fixed rates, it is always in their best interest to get you the best deals. Watch out of store personal shoppers, as they work on a commission, and are VERY different than personal stylists and image consultants.

9. With a Stylist in your rolodex you will NEVER have another fashion emergency.

Throughout the course of your day a million things can happen. Perhaps you spilled your coffee during the morning commute, you ripped your pants getting out of a cab, or plans changed unexpectedly and you are expected to attend a last minute event. Whatever the case may be, don’t worry, your Stylist has you covered! They are always on the ready to take care of your fashion needs and emergencies, especially if you have an ongoing relationship with one. They will have worked with you, know your body and how things fit, and which designers and stores will have what you need. They will even be able to bring whatever you need right to your home or office so you don’t have to divert from the course of your day.

10. Hiring a Stylist will save you time and money, and is MUCH more affordable than you might think.

Stylists, and image consultants, are no longer just for the rich and famous. In the past few years, a lot of busy professionals have also hired Stylists to be a part of their team. Hiring a Stylist is much more affordable than you might think. Each Stylist works differently. Some work hourly, while some work on day or “project/package” rates. If you are somebody that has ever changing wardrobe needs it may also be smart to put a Stylist on retainer, just as you would your lawyer or accountant, so they can be available to you whenever you need them. They are also usually more than happy to negotiate rates on a retainer or on-going basis for clients that need their services more than a couple times a month. Depending on their experience and location, a Stylist can commission anywhere from $50-$300/hour, between $500-$1200/day, or offer packages starting at around $400. The time and money they will save you will be invaluable, and their fees can usually be written off come tax time.


Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Stylist (2024)


Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Stylist? ›

1. A personal stylist will encourage you to go through every item you have, let go of the things you are not wearing, and build a curated wardrobe full of hand-picked pieces to make you look and feel good. 2. It will save you money and effort browsing through thousands of brands.

Why should you hire a personal stylist? ›

1. A personal stylist will encourage you to go through every item you have, let go of the things you are not wearing, and build a curated wardrobe full of hand-picked pieces to make you look and feel good. 2. It will save you money and effort browsing through thousands of brands.

Can a normal person hire a stylist? ›

Who should hire a stylist? Stylists are for everyone. My clients range from fashion enthusiasts who just need a few pointers to those who are busy pursuing a career or raising a family and simply don't have time to shop.

What are the benefits of a stylist? ›

7 Benefits of Personal Styling
  • Find clothing to complement what you currently have. ...
  • Build a wardrobe to fit your lifestyle. ...
  • Order custom-sized pieces to flatter your physique. ...
  • Try on new looks you normally wouldn't consider. ...
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence. ...
  • Enjoy a truly personalized shopping experience.
Apr 1, 2024

What is the role of a personal stylist? ›

A personal stylist helps their clients achieve their image goals. They put together outfits, suggest items for their clients to purchase, and provide advice. Personal stylists take their clients' unique needs into account and then create style plans that meet those needs.

What should I look for in a personal stylist? ›

Your Personal Stylist should always feel like a professional that you trust to help you. They should be able to give you peace of mind in their service, what they do and how they can help. They should have an active ABN, real client reviews and be able to send through a proper invoice.

What is the difference between a stylist and a personal stylist? ›

The primary difference is that fashion styling is focused on making garments or accessories look good in an editorial feature, while personal styling is focused on creating a harmonious look tailored to the client's individual style and needs.

Who needs a stylist? ›

A personal stylist is an expert that works with people who want to have outfits that bring confidence to their day. They want to stop the dreaded morning outfit change, the feeling of “nothing to wear”, or simply to celebrate a milestone and curating a wardrobe that appropriately reflects that.

What to expect from a stylist? ›

Stylists help you break down perceptions of your clothing and teach you how to get more versatility from your wardrobe, so you spend less time wondering why you have nothing to wear, and more time on the things that matter!

Why is personal style important? ›

Ultimately, personal style goes beyond fashion; it is an integral part of our mental well-being and self-confidence. Embracing personal style enables us to communicate our true selves to the world and fosters authenticity, which is a key driver of confidence.

What is the most important quality for a stylist to have? ›

Technical Skills

One of the major reasons why clients will choose you is your skills. All the honesty, organization skills, communication skills, and other traits will not make up for a bad haircut. Great stylists work hard to master their craft. They take time to know the ins and outs of several techniques.

What is the importance of stylists? ›

Personal Stylists work with clients to develop a unique look, wardrobe, or aesthetic depending on their needs and specialty. A personal Stylist may assist their client with everything from choosing an outfit for an upcoming event to planning a home décor scheme that matches their unique vision.

Do you tip a personal stylist? ›

Personal shoppers provide a much-needed personal service, but tipping is not standard protocol. A professional wardrobe consultant or personal shopper will meet with you, consult on your desired style outcome, and shop with you or for you.

What is the mission of a personal stylist? ›

A personal stylist's goal is to make their clients look and feel their best every day, giving you the confidence in getting dressed again. Stylists have a natural talent for fashion, they are masters at styling a person from head to toe, and they are experts at creating and curating your personal style.

What is the stylist responsible for? ›

Stylist Responsibilities

Guide clothing choices, accessories, hairstyles, and grooming techniques to help clients achieve their desired look. Assist clients in selecting outfits for special occasions, events, or daily wear. Coordinate and manage wardrobe changes for photo shoots, fashion shows, or other events.

Is it important to have a personal style? ›

Knowing your personal style literally creates the foundation for dressing with confidence. It's the roadmap to follow. So trying to get dressed without having a handle on your personal style is like trying to get to a destination without a map or directions (or Waze if you're too young to know what a map is - lol!)

Are stylists worth it? ›

Personal stylists are aware of different fashion brands, their designs, and quality. They'll help you know which pieces of clothing are worth what you're paying for and when it's better to skip something.

What is the difference between a personal shopper and a personal stylist? ›

In that case, the personal shopper works on commissions and may therefore be more inclined to present you with pricier options. A personal stylist, on the other hand, aims to help you find an outfit or wardrobe pieces that are best suited to you, your needs, budget, and goals.

Is a personal shopper worth it? ›

Whether you're a fashion aficionado or someone who simply wants to streamline the shopping process, a personal shopper is the key to unlocking a stress-free and time-efficient way to curate your perfect wardrobe.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.