Top 10 Reasons Why Fast Fashion Is So Popular (2024)

Do you still buy fast fashion currently? I know it's difficult to resist. It's fun, practical and convenient. Maybe learning about the reasons why it's so popular will help you make better purchasing decisions.

Fast fashion represents the culture of instant gratification is our modern societies. It has been growing exponentially over the last 20 years and remains extremely successful today despite many critics.

Fast fashion is the term used to describe a destructive business model in the clothing industry. It defines the design, production, and consumption of cheaply made clothing inspired by the latest trends.

Fashion is a growing industry and fast fashion is the major contributor to its growth. Using the Internet, social media, and technological innovation, many fast fashion brands such as Forever 21, H&M, Primark, Zara, Fashion Nova grew into large global corporations.

The global apparel industry is expanding at a 6.16% compound annual growth rate, valued at about USD 1.5 trillion in 2020!

The clothing category with the highest growth is sportswear with an 8% yearly rate.

In the United-States, 88% of consumers prefer shopping for fast fashion, followed by consumers in Europe (46%), India (25%) and China (21%).

The most popular fast-fashion retailers in the world are Uniqlo (21%), H&M (18%) and Zara (18%).

But fast fashion has an enormous social and environmental cost. It does no good for the planet, the people, and the animals living on it.

The global apparel and footwear industry is responsible for 8% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Every year the fashion industry accounts for 1.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. This represents more than all air and sea travel combined. The fashion industry's greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise by 50% by 2030 at the current pace.

Climate change has already cost the United States more than USD 350 billion. And that number is expected to rise to USD 35 billion each year by 2050!

Americans alone generated more than 16 million tons of textile waste in 2017. This amount of waste is close to 10 times bigger than in 1960 and doubled over the last 20 years.

All textile production worldwide including cotton farming uses almost 100 billion cubic meters of water annually. Almost 20% of the world's wastewater is produced by the fashion industry.

Cotton farming consumes 4% of worldwide of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers, 16% of all insecticides, and 7% of all herbicides.

Before the industrial revolution and globalization, consumers used to invest in high-quality and durable clothes from reputable fashion brands. Buying new clothing was a rare event.

Today's consumers want affordable and new trendy clothing inspired by runway shows. Many are influenced by celebrities and social media personalities.

Consumers are willing to buy imitations and pieces with very low standards. To answer consumers' demand, fast fashion brands and retailers keep pushing for lower labor and raw material costs.

Despite all of its issues, here are the top 10 reasons why fast fashion is so popular.

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1. Fast fashion drives economic growth

Purchasing new cheaply-made and fashionable clothing in high-street stores every week is what consumers tend to do nowadays. Fast fashion has a tremendous impact on the economy.

Can you imagine a world without any textiles? The apparel and footwear industry plays a massive role in the global economy.

The very large majority of fast fashion production takes place in overseas countries. It employs more than 300 million people in the whole world. Many farmers and garment factory workers live in low-income countries, where labor is shockingly cheap.

By reading my other article, you can learn more about the influence of fast fashion on the economy.

2. Fast fashion brands and retailers make huge profits

Profit increase is part of the recent fast fashion success. The concept has changed the clothing industry fundamentally. Design, manufacturing, and distribution occur at very high speeds.

Consumers buy more clothes now than ever before from fast fashion brands and retailers such as H&M, Zara, Forever 21, and others because they are everywhere.

Fast fashion is a worldwide phenomenon where brands and retailers use all possible means to acquire more customers and make more profits.

There are no more traditional 2 to 4 seasons for new collections. 52 seasons replace them every year.

Top 10 Reasons Why Fast Fashion Is So Popular (1)

3. Fast fashion is very affordable and accessible

Today's fast fashion sensation is highly successful because of its inherent qualities and advantages for modern consumers.

Fast fashion is focusing more and more on simplicity, efficacity, convenience, affordability, and accessibility.

Consumers can now buy the latest fashion trends presented on the catwalk in Paris, Milan, and New York for a fraction of the price.

However, poor quality manufacturing and cheap materials mean that fast fashion garments have a low-lifespan and are disposable. This causes massive amounts of waste to pile up.

Read about the catastrophic impact of fast fashion on the environment in my other article on the importance of slow fashion for the planet.

4. So many styles to choose from

Zara is one of the most well-known and highly popular fast-fashion giants. There are 2259 Zara stores in 96 countries. Zara also sells its designs and styles inspired by the latest trends.

The large variety of choices and product availability is very appealing to consumers. Because design and production time have decreased dramatically, it's now possible for fast-fashion retailers like Zara to deliver new styles every week.

This increases the number of unique customers that frequents high-street stores looking for something new to replace old clothes.

5. The influence of the Internet and social media

Fashion models and celebrities aren't the only ones who can now influence consumers on fashion choices.

The rise of new technologies, communication innovations, and social media has pushed fast fashion in front of many indecisive customers.

Brands and retailers will often partner with social media personalities to promote their products in front of new audiences.

And only very few people like to appear on the Internet in the same outfit twice.

Read my article on the number of times the average piece of clothing is worn to find out how disposable clothing has become in the world today.

6. Fast fashion wants to appear sustainable

With such a negative social and environmental cost, conscious consumers are moving away from fast fashion. Some key players of the clothing industry are now making real efforts to meet consumers' demand for more ethical and sustainable products.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of greenwashing going on in the fast fashion industry. Many brands and retailers now adopt new marketing strategies to appear more green, fair, eco-friendly than they are in reality.

Designers and brands come up with eco-friendly lines. They design and produce clothing made from sustainable materials and ethical production methods. But the large majority of the business remains highly polluting.

Do you want to find out which brands have been using greenwashing as a solution to sell new items to you? Read up my article on the fast fashion brands accused of greenwashing.

7. Fast fashion started with a simple model of supply and demand

The excessive production of trendy and cheap garments at lightning speed is only the result of consumers' need for affordable and fashionable clothing.

It's fun to hunt for stylish discoveries and acquire new stuff. Some people even go out shopping for new clothes daily.

Some fashion garments cost even less than a cup of coffee for the end consumer. How is this even possible?

The overconsumption of low-cost clothing has pushed the fast fashion industry to innovate to become faster and cheaper. The production model wouldn't be so extreme if the demand wasn't there.

Luckily, this means that consumers have the power to drive change. We choose which clothes we buy and who we support with our money.

Check out my article on fashion contribution to climate change to learn why it's now important to change our behavior.

Top 10 Reasons Why Fast Fashion Is So Popular (2)

8. Sustainability isn't the determining factor to buy fashion

The green movement is booming. People are starting to care more about how their clothes are being made. Consumers are ready to pay more for environmentally friendly products.

Nearly half of consumers (48%) in the United States say they would change their consumption habits to reduce their impact on the environment.

Unfortunately, sustainability is still a secondary concern when buying new fashion. First and foremost, customers care about the ease-of-purchase, price, and style of their clothes.

9. Ethical fashion isn't appealing enough

Sustainable and ethical fashion isn't popular and produced enough to stay in front of customers constantly.

Materials and manufacturing costs are still very high. It's a lot more expensive to pay workers in the supply chain a living wage and offer them decent working conditions.

Ethical fashion also encourages people to invest in classic timeless pieces and wear them for a long time. The variety of styles is more limited and doesn't inspire every consumer to buy.

Check out my selection of affordable and sustainable clothing brands that offers timeless and stylish pieces.

10. Lack of awareness and unseen problems in fashion

Not enough people are aware of the issues occurring in the fashion industry daily.

Unpaid factory workers, physical abuse, destruction of ecosystems, greenhouse gas emissions, textile waste, energy consumption, water, land, and air pollution.

There is also a lack of transparency in the clothing industry. And even when fast fashion brands claim to monitor their suppliers and partners, external audits often miss out on many issues.

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About the Author: Alex Assoune

Top 10 Reasons Why Fast Fashion Is So Popular (3) Alex Assoune (MS) is a global health and environmental advocate. He founded Panaprium to inspire others with conscious living, ethical, and sustainable fashion. Alex has worked in many countries to address social and environmental issues. He speaks three languages and holds two Master of Science degrees in Engineering from SIGMA and IFPEN schools.

Top 10 Reasons Why Fast Fashion Is So Popular (2024)


Why is fast fashion so popular? ›

Fast fashion's benefits are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers, more profits for companies, and the democratization of stylish clothing. On the downside, fast fashion is also associated with pollution, waste, the promulgation of a "disposable" mentality, low wages, and unsafe workplaces.

What 3 things led to fast fashion? ›

The rising consumers' demand for trendy and affordable clothing, the availability of low-cost labor overseas, quick manufacturing and communication innovations cause fast fashion.

Why are fast fashion brands so successful? ›

Fast Fashion retailers, with their vast array of products - and often their ability to pay for high search rankings - make them highly visible in the eCommerce space.

What are 2 effects of fast fashion? ›

The environmental impact of fast fashion comprises the depletion of non-renewable sources, emission of greenhouse gases and the use of massive amounts of water and energy.

When did fast fashion become popular? ›

There was still a clear distinction between high-end and high street fashion. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast fashion became a booming industry in America with people enthusiastically partaking in consumerism. Fast fashion retailers such as Zara, H&M, Topshop, and Primark took over high street fashion.

Where is fast fashion most popular? ›

India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Turkey, among others, have become popular locations for the sourcing of fast fashion garments and accessories.

Who benefits from fast fashion? ›

The fast fashion industry plays a huge role in the global economy. It employs 300 million people around the world. It offers jobs to farmers and workers in the poorest countries. But fast fashion has a disastrous social and environmental impact.

Who is most affected by fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion also exploits local and underserved communities in sweatshops to produce cheap garments. It employs more than 300 million people in the whole world. Most of them are young women who frequently face terrible conditions and abuse.

Why do Gen Z buy fast fashion? ›

It's a trend that analysts say is fueled by a social media culture that pressures youth and young adults to never wear the same outfit twice, as well as an industry that has made impulse buying and returning items far easier.

What is interesting about fast fashion? ›

60% of Clothes Are Made With Plastic-based Materials

It is estimated that approximately 60% of fast fashion items are produced with plastic-based (which is made from fossil fuels) fabrics. Throughout their life cycles, these fabrics are significantly contributing to the worldwide plastic pollution crisis.

Why fast fashion is good for the economy? ›

It answers consumers' rising demand for trendy and affordable clothes. Fast fashion has a huge economic impact. It's responsible for the recent growth (on average 4.78%) and future growth (5.91% in the next three years) of the apparel industry. A world without any textiles is very difficult to imagine nowadays.

How does fast fashion impact culture? ›

It's a throwaway culture." Because fast fashion is cheap, it's also led to various social impacts for those in the labor force in countries where regulations aren't as strict. Workers often live in areas that don't have places to recycle, or near waterways polluted by the chemicals from textile dyeing.

Where did fast fashion start? ›

When Zara landed in New York at the beginning of the 1990s, people first heard the term 'fast fashion'. It was coined by the New York Times to describe Zara's mission to take only 15 days for a garment to go from the design stage to being sold in stores.

How is fast fashion an issue? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

What age consumes the most fast fashion? ›

The biggest fast fashion consumers by age

Just over a quarter (28%) of 24-30-year-olds (millennials) are shopping more than once a week, by comparison, a big difference!

What age group buys fast fashion? ›

In 2021, 31 percent of U.S. users who visited fashion retailers' sites were aged 25 to 30. Additionally, 17.8 percent of online fashion website visitors were between 18 and 24 years old.

Who invented fast fashion and why? ›

The concept of 'fast fashion' began with the mass production of cheap quality clothing, with the term officially being coined in the 1990s by the New York Times, with Zara's new accelerated production model being their inspiration – where clothes were taken rapidly from the design stage, inspired by Fashion Week, to ...

Is fast fashion successful? ›

Despite the proliferation of the sector, the fast fashion model isn't guaranteed to succeed, and some e-commerce players have fared better than others in 2019.

Who is responsible for fast fashion? ›

The issue of fast fashion can be traced back to the unethical business practices of corporations and companies. The preceding reason as to why companies are primarily responsible for fast fashion is because not every consumer can avoid it. Many consumers cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion.

Who is the audience of fast fashion? ›

The target audience for fast fashion is consumers aged between 18 and 24, while women and young girls consume fast fashion more than any other demographic group. Fast fashion brands did not aim to democratise fashion, nor to make it affordable in comparison to its counterparts.

Does fast fashion help poor people? ›

The suffering of garment workers usually boils down to one thing: money. Fast fashion retailers are motivated by how much profit they can turn, and by paying so little in wages, not only is the profit margin increased, the workers are also trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Why fast fashion is good for college students? ›

Social cohesion for college students

Fast fashion allows young shoppers to mix socially. Social classes still separate our modern society today. Especially in college, lower classes mix with upper classes because they want to move up. Social inclusivity is important for many students in schools.

How can we stop fast fashion? ›

Why and How to Stop Fast Fashion, and the Environmental Cost
  1. Support More Sustainable Brands.
  2. Simplify Your Wardrobe.
  3. Take Better Care of Your Clothes.
  4. Donate or Upcycle.
  5. Choose More Eco-Friendly Materials.
  6. Go Thrift Shopping.
  7. Be Mindful of Washing.
9 Sept 2022

What would happen if we stopped fast fashion? ›

If the consumers lower their demand, it might lead to job cuts. It will lead to the downfall of entire ecosystem mentioned above. It subsequently creates a domino effect to other industries. At this point, the industry is too big to fail.

What percent of fast fashion is wasted? ›

Due to the number of cut outs for the clothing, a large number of materials get wasted as they cannot be used any further, with one study estimating that 15% of fabric used in garment manufacturing is wasted.

What are the 3 basic reasons that people wear clothes? ›

Protection: Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing harm from climate and environment. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Modesty: Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society.

What are 3 problems with fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion has had a significant impact on the environment because problems like greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution (i.e., dumping untreated dyes and chemicals into water), problems with waste management (i.e., burying or burning of large amounts of discarded clothing) have all increased as a result of the ...

What influences fashion the most? ›

A trend can thus emerge from street style, across cultures, and from influencers and other celebrities. Fashion trends are influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological.

Why is fast fashion addictive? ›

The clothes are easy and quick to purchase, and delivery times are also reasonably short. This shopping experience makes it seem like the clothes “come out of nowhere,” and consumers don't have to think about who made their clothes and where they will go after they are no longer wanted.

What is Gen Z age? ›

Gallup and Ipsos MORI start Generation Z at 1997; the Associated Press also use 1997 as the starting point for Gen Z. USA Today cites 1997 to 2012 as Generation Z. A US Census publication in 2020 described Generation Z as the “young and mobile” population with oldest members of the cohort born after 1996.

What generation shops the most? ›

Boomers Prefer Retail Shopping More Than Any Other Generation. 44% of Boomers have discovered new products in retail stores in the past three months, and 38% of them say that's where they find new items most often.

How does fast fashion affect consumers? ›

Fast fashion comprises cheaply and rapidly mass-produced clothes that aim to keep up with ever-changing fashion trends on the high street. Its business model enables consumers to buy a higher volume of clothes due to their low-cost and for demand to be fed through rapidly changing fashion lines and ranges.

Is fast fashion sustainable? ›

Fast fashion still has a long way to go when it comes to sustainability. In fact, the nature of fast fashion - the intense turnaround times for new ranges and products - almost makes it impossible for fast fashion to ever truly be sustainable.

How fast are fashion trends changing? ›

In the fashion world, a trend is described as a broad direction in which something is evolving or changing and thus indicates the popularity of a particular sort of style or item of clothing. A micro-fashion trend's cycle typically lasts 3-5 years, but macro-trends often last 5-10 years.

How social media affect fashion? ›

Social media has led consumers to adopt and move on from fashion trends quicker than before, and to appease their customers, brands must keep up with the forecasts. Trend forecasting using social media analysis allows fashion brands to unlock their potential for commercial and creative success.

What social impacts does fast fashion have? ›

We should keep in mind that fast fashion does not only have negative environmental impacts; after water pollution, land usage, textile waste and using toxic chemicals, fashion industry has been criticised for its negative social impacts against many sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda; including decent ...

Is social media the cause of fast fashion? ›

The fast fashion industry encourages hypertrends, but social media is the reason that these trends are rising into and out of style more rapidly than ever. While fashion trends used to be defined by the decade, trends now change by the year or even the month.

Is fast fashion made by child labor? ›

Fast fashion is notorious for using sweatshops—which subject workers to horrible conditions and long hours for meager pay—as well as child labor.

How long does fast fashion last? ›

A separate study found that fast fashions are constructed so that they typically last no more than 10 wearings. On average, each American produces about 75 pounds of textile waste per year.

How does fast fashion affect human rights? ›

The Problem of Fast Fashion

Unfortunately companies are often not socially responsible, and will exhaust garment factory workers in order to gain more profit at a fast pace. By outsourcing supply chain factories, numerous labour rights violations in developing countries are occurring.

Why is fast fashion a feminist issue? ›

Fast fashion clothing is made in garment factories across South Asia and India, where millions of women work in hostile and oftentimes dangerous working conditions. According to the non-profit, Remake 80% of the people making our clothing are young women, aged 18-24, most of whom earn less than $3 a day.

Why is fast fashion such a widespread problem? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

What is the biggest problem with fast fashion? ›

A byproduct from textile factories in countries that produce fast fashion items en masse is untreated toxic wastewater. What's wrong with it? This textile waste contains substances like lead, mercury and arsenic that are extremely harmful to aquatic and human life.

What are the social benefits of fast fashion? ›

Shopping for new trendy clothes at affordable prices is now accessible to many disadvantaged consumers because of fast fashion. They have access to a large variety of styles some inspired by high-end designer creations. Fast fashion also allows people to mix socially.

Who are the biggest consumers of fast fashion? ›

The target audience for fast fashion retailers are largely consumers aged 18 and 24 who are often students with low incomes (Lam etal., 2016). Females of this age group are found to shop in fast fashion retailers more often than any other demographic group.

What is fast fashion and why is it killing our planet? ›

Fast fashion offers cheap and trendy clothes but means collections change at lightning speed. H&M, Zara, Topshop and other fast-fashion brands renew their collections once a week! Such volume-based business can't be sustainable. 92 million tons of textile waste is created annually by the fashion industry.

How does fast fashion affect poverty? ›

Loose environmental regulations in these countries allow retailers to mass-produce clothing without legal pushback. Fast fashion causes environmental poverty through a volatile combination of water, chemicals and waste.

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